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Why Asia Wants America

Sorry man, but this is not a tree, it is the photo of two men.
Any man has not squint-eyes will see easily that it isn't "Mr Ho looks down to earth with His innocent laughte". He was looking at 3rd someone.


Perhaps you misinterpret the meaning of 'down to earth'. It doesn't mean looking down at the earth. LOL And neither did you get the metaphor of the tree.

BTW We're off the topic for too long.
Sorry man, but this is not a tree, it is the photo of two men.
Any man has not squint-eyes will see easily that it isn't "Mr Ho looks down to earth with His innocent laughte". He was looking at 3rd someone.


HCM is laugh big, but Zhuo smile with embarrassed.:enjoy:
This foto reminder me to that HCM admitted that he has no good habitat: 1 box cigatret per day.:rofl:
Chinese Support for North Vietnam during the Vietnam War: The Decisive Edge
by Bob Seals

Military History Online - Chinese Support for North Vietnam during the Vietnam War: The Decisive Edge

First Indochina War

It was during these early years of the war that the Chinese military support of the People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) began on a rather minor scale. This military aid started in March of 1946 as the Chinese Communist First Regiment of the Southern Guangdong People’s Force crossed into Vietnam in order to avoid Chiang Kai-Shek’s Nationalist 46th and 64th Armies during the Chinese Civil War. [15] In addition to avoiding destruction this Chinese Regiment would begin to lay the groundwork for training and advising the less mature Vietnamese forces. This one thousand man unit of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, PLA, would provide officers to the Vietnamese Advanced Infantry School and Cadre Training Center in North Vietnam with some 830 personnel trained by the year 1947.

Chinese military support, 1950-54

In 1950 a classified U.S. Central Intelligence Report, CIA, stated that “The French position in Indochina is precarious,” somewhat of an understatement at the time. [22] The war had been going badly for the French and would only get worse. Ho would formally request military aid in the nature of equipment, advisors and training for the PAVN in April of 1950. Interestingly enough he would also request Chinese commanders at the regimental and battalion level to assist the Vietnamese Army, a request wisely denied by China, who would send advisors, not commanders to the North of Vietnam. [23] Such a request for Chinese commanders of PAVN units highlights the leadership problems present at the time in the Vietnamese forces, and the prevailing lack of confidence in Vietnamese commanders.
Chinese Military Advisory Group

After this request by Ho, the PRC in April of 1950 would begin forming the Chinese Military Advisory Group (CMAG) in order to provide military assistance to the Vietnamese forces fighting the French. General Wei Guoqing would lead the CMAG to North Vietnam, along with Senior General Chen Geng, the “scholar general,” and the PRC ambassador. The Second, Third and Fourth PLA field armies were directed to select experienced officers for service in Vietnam. Some 281 officers were selected with many having command experience. [24]

In addition to the training and planning guidance by the CMAG the logistical support from China began to increase steadily. The support provided was only 10-20 tons a month in 1951, increasing to 250 tons a month in 1952, further increasing to 600 tons a month in 1953 and 1,500 to 4,000 tons monthly during the last year of the war in 1954. [31] Additionally the Chinese transportation network to include roads and railways leading from China to Vietnam was improved also with some 1,000 trucks provided to the PAVN. This military aid provided by China enabled the PAVN to expand into a well armed and trained conventional force capable of defeating the French Army in large scale offensive operations. From a force in 1950 of 3 divisions the PAVN would expand two years later into a force of 7 divisions. All in all the Chinese military aid would arm a total of over 7 PAVN divisions. All this military support would not go unnoticed by the west, with the CIA, by March 1952, estimating that some 15,000 Chinese Communists were serving in Vietnam in various “technical, advisory and garrison capacities” with the PAVN against the French. [32] The Vietnamese Army now was a lethal force well equipped with small arms, machine guns, heavy 120mm mortars and 105mm howitzers, in addition to 20 and 40mm anti-aircraft guns. [33]

Decisive battle of Dien Bien Phu

Chinese advisors would be involved at all levels during the battle including digging in the all important Vietnamese artillery into shellproof dugouts, experience learned the hard way in the hills of Korea. [40] In effect the battle of Dien Bien Phu would be planned and assisted by Chinese advisors and fought with Chinese trained, equipped, supplied, transported and fed PAVN troops in a military soup to nuts manner. This support is rarely mentioned as a contributing factor to the Vietnamese victory in 1954 but should be acknowledged in analyzing the battle.

Post-war support, 1955-63

China would continue; however, to provide substantial levels of military aid for North Vietnam to the tune of $106 million from 1955 to 1963, effectively giving the North the resources needed to begin the insurgency in the South. [43] Thus, the North Vietnamese would form the National Liberation Front, NLF, in December of 1960 and the People’s Liberation Armed Forces, PLAF, the following year in 1961. Both the NLF and PLAF would be more commonly referred to as the Viet Cong, or Vietnamese Communists...

A campaign of terror and assassination against the South Vietnamese government would soon begin as thousands of officials would be killed or kidnapped by Viet Cong insurgents. [45] The United States would not sit idly by during this period but began an ambitious program of military aid to the fragile government of South Vietnam. The stage was set, for a second war in Vietnam which would be, once again, fought largely with Chinese military aid.

Second Indochina War, 1964-75

...The PRC President would tell the Vietnamese that the Chinese people and party were obligated to support the North and therefore “…we will do our best to provide you with whatever you need and whatever we have.”

... and the aids from China just went on (continued on the above link), indicating vietnamese are a whole bunch of ungrateful SOBs

Standpoint of a Vietnamese people, not communist nor nationalism, honestly I don't see any difference in the essence between two support:
1. U.S. supported South VN
2. China supported the North VN.

Assuming that the American was successful in helping South VN re-unification, or still South VN, and the US had not been forced to withdraw from VN in 1973. What would happen then?

VN did not lost Paracel Islands to China in 1974 until today.

VN did not endured the attacking by the Khmer Rouge along the border in 1975-1978, and then did not consume powers for the war against the Khmer Rouge in 1979-1988.

VN did not endured a bloody border war with China in 1979. And VN did not endured the devastation entire economic 6 provinces northern by "brother Chinese".

VN did not lost some of coral reefs in the Spratlys in 1988.

VN did operate under a capitalist economy from 1960s-1970s, not to take a long period of economic stagnation by the subsidy under the socialist model until the early 1990s.

So why do Vietnamese people should thank China while keeping the hatred for Americans? Who can help me answer this question?
Standpoint of a Vietnamese people, not communist nor nationalism, honestly I don't see any difference in the essence between two support:
1. U.S. supported South VN
2. China supported the North VN.

Assuming that the American was successful in helping South VN re-unification, or still South VN, and the US had not been forced to withdraw from VN in 1973. What would happen then?

VN did not lost Paracel Islands to China in 1974 until today.

VN did not endured the attacking by the Khmer Rouge along the border in 1975-1978, and then did not consume powers for the war against the Khmer Rouge in 1979-1988.

VN did not endured a bloody border war with China in 1979. And VN did not endured the devastation entire economic 6 provinces northern by "brother Chinese".

VN did not lost some of coral reefs in the Spratlys in 1988.

VN did operate under a capitalist economy from 1960s-1970s, not to take a long period of economic stagnation by the subsidy under the socialist model until the early 1990s.

So why do Vietnamese people should thank China while keeping the hatred for Americans? Who can help me answer this question?

so you guys are from south vietnam and are happy to be slaves under colonial powers!

1. vietnam cannot be in one piece without the assistance of China. Its ruling party owes a great deal to China for our contribution to the victory!
2. Vietnam was left with a devastating legacy of highly poisonous defoliants code named "Agent Orange" by your 'contributing" uncle. He is sam! The chemical has been intoxicating your people, land, water, livestocks and plantation. how many of your people have died or born deformed decades after the war? your uncle has turned down pecuniary or any other form of substanital compensation to you!
3. we had Sino-vietnam war because vietcongs wanted to imperialise indoChina. You started attacking the neighbouring countries. As soon as the war ended after our punishing victory on vietcongs, we withdrew our troops Not one cm of your land was taken!
4. You were intruding into our territorial sovereignty in the SCS. You were beaten hard. You deserved it!
I don't know why Asia wants America, but I'll tell you why America wants Asia.

America want Asia to be Cannon Fodder.

The US will cheer nations like Viet Nam and Philippines on in their battle with China. It costs the Americans nothing but empty promises. Think about it, if war comes on, which country is gonna get spanked? I can tell you one thing, it won't be America (they're 15k miles away), and it won't be China (Americans won't allow their military to be used to defend the territories of southeast asian nations).

The real dumb ones, in this case, are the people of Southeast Asia who will be duped to sacrifice themselves for the national interest of the United States.

Make peace with China, not war. It's in both our interests.
I don't know why Asia wants America, but I'll tell you why America wants Asia.

America want Asia to be Cannon Fodder.

The US will cheer nations like Viet Nam and Philippines on in their battle with China. It costs the Americans nothing but empty promises. Think about it, if war comes on, which country is gonna get spanked? I can tell you one thing, it won't be America (they're 15k miles away), and it won't be China (Americans won't allow their military to be used to defend the territories of southeast asian nations).

The real dumb ones, in this case, are the people of Southeast Asia who will be duped to sacrifice themselves for the national interest of the United States.

Make peace with China, not war. It's in both our interests.
Those stupid and arrogant little countries think they can play chess with the world powers, however the history tells us they are only a chess piece and their only fate is to be the prey of world powers.
so you guys are from south vietnam and are happy to be slaves under colonial powers!

1. vietnam cannot be in one piece without the assistance of China. Its ruling party owes a great deal to China for our contribution to the victory!
2. Vietnam was left with a devastating legacy of highly poisonous defoliants code named "Agent Orange" by your 'contributing" uncle. He is sam! The chemical has been intoxicating your people, land, water, livestocks and plantation. how many of your people have died or born deformed decades after the war? your uncle has turned down pecuniary or any other form of substanital compensation to you!
3. we had Sino-vietnam war because vietcongs wanted to imperialise indoChina. You started attacking the neighbouring countries. As soon as the war ended after our punishing victory on vietcongs, we withdrew our troops Not one cm of your land was taken!
4. You were intruding into our territorial sovereignty in the SCS. You were beaten hard. You deserved it!

1. China did betray policy against Viet when shaked hands with France to divide Vietnam 1954 be Geneva Agreement. China stopped help to Vietnam from 1968 to to begged Nixon drop to Peking 1972 for diplomacy relation with US and joint to UN .
Only socialist pack headed by Soviet Union have been fairly helped Vietnam to reunitify our country, China was traitor hided in back of Vietnam. The traitor is more dangerous than enemy in front, because we can't know when he attack us. Victory of Vietnam 1975 is same the collapsing of betrayal policy of China. and china backed Polpot to invade in Vietnam and killing Vietnamese form 1976-1979.
2. "Agent Orange" disaster in China is propaganda of CPC to brain washing chinese people.
3. China attacked Vietnam 1979 to do revange on Vietnam behalf of new master USA who was loser in Vietnam war, As Deng said: Spanking Vietnam to USA see, how obeydient Chinese is to Uncle Sam.
4. Hoangsa, Truongsa belong to Vietnam from early time, Chiese acepted and called it as JiaoZhi (today Vietnamese) sea in his old book.

China is Aggressor, robbed Islands of Vietnam 1956, 1974, 1988 but very big mouth in lying and bullying.

Those stupid and arrogant little countries think they can play chess with the world powers, however the history tells us they are only a chess piece and their only fate is to be the prey of world powers.

China is bigboy but badboy.
1. China did betray policy against Viet when shaked hands with France to divide Vietnam 1954 be Geneva Agreement. China stopped help to Vietnam from 1968 to to begged Nixon drop to Peking 1972 for diplomacy relation with US and joint to UN .
Only socialist pack headed by Soviet Union have been fairly helped Vietnam to reunitify our country, China was traitor hided in back of Vietnam. The traitor is more dangerous than enemy in front, because we can't know when he attack us. Victory of Vietnam 1975 is same the collapsing of betrayal policy of China. and china backed Polpot to invade in Vietnam and killing Vietnamese form 1976-1979.
2. "Agent Orange" disaster in China is propaganda of CPC to brain washing chinese people.
3. China attacked Vietnam 1979 to do revange on Vietnam behalf of new master USA who was loser in Vietnam war, As Deng said: Spanking Vietnam to USA see, how obeydient Chinese is to Uncle Sam.
4. Hoangsa, Truongsa belong to Vietnam from early time, Chiese acepted and called it as JiaoZhi (today Vietnamese) sea in his old book.

China is Aggressor, robbed Islands of Vietnam 1956, 1974, 1988 but very big mouth in lying and bullying.

China is bigboy but badboy.

Comrade save your energy the chincom chinqas are berk people its like talking to a big idiot wall they know nothing but there fantasies of Empire building nothing more Just like there forefathers and cares for no one but themselves.
1. China did betray policy against Viet when shaked hands with France to divide Vietnam 1954 be Geneva Agreement.

where is the Sino-viet policy? where is the independent source of all these?

China stopped help to Vietnam from 1968 to to begged Nixon drop to Peking 1972 for diplomacy relation with US and joint to UN .

why should we after the split, provide assistance to the rogue turncoat vietcongs who threatened to imperialize indoChina after the war.

Our relationship started with USA through Ping-pong diplomacy. There was no begging on either side!

Only socialist pack headed by Soviet Union have been fairly helped Vietnam to reunitify our country, China was traitor hided in back of Vietnam. The traitor is more dangerous than enemy in front, because we can't know when he attack us. Victory of Vietnam 1975 is same the collapsing of betrayal policy of China. and China backed Polpot to invade in Vietnam and killing Vietnamese form 1976-1979.

read this liar:Why Viernam invaded Cambodia. It was vietcongs who invaded Cambodia!

On December 25, 1978, the armed forces of Vietnam launched a full-scale invasion of Cambodia. That event marked a turning point in the first and only extended war fought between two communist regimes. The Vietnamese forced out Pol Pot’s Khmers Rouge regime from its seat of power in Phnom Penh, but the ensuing war was a major source of international tension throughout the last decade of the Cold War.

2. "Agent Orange" disaster in China is propaganda of CPC to brain washing chinese people.
You liar call these a Chinese propaganda:

3. China attacked Vietnam 1979 to do revange on Vietnam behalf of new master USA who was loser in Vietnam war, As Deng said: Spanking Vietnam to USA see, how obeydient Chinese is to Uncle Sam

dont spread rumour unfound fact and history twisting arguments:

On January 1, 1979, Deng Xiaoping visited the USA for the first time and spoke to American president Jimmy Carter: "Children who don't listen have to be spanked." (original Chinese words: 小朋友不听话,该打打屁股了。).[19] On February 15, the first day that China could have officially announced the termination of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance, Deng Xiaoping declared that China planned to conduct a limited attack on Vietnam.


4. Hoangsa, Truongsa belong to Vietnam from early time, Chiese acepted and called it as JiaoZhi (today Vietnamese) sea in his old book.

that's bull sh1t.  

the Sovereignty is recorded in our history:


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that's bull sh1t.  

the Sovereignty is recorded in our history:



Map posted by you is new one, modified by Chinese. Map of Quing dynastry didn't included Island which belong to Vietnam.


Old map printed in China stated clearly that East Sea of Vietnam is Jiaozhi Sea, Jiapzhi was the old name of Vietnamese.


Old map of Vietnam stated clearly HoangSa and TruongSa belong to Vietnam.

Vietnam and the American are trying to work together to solve this thorny problem.

The U.S.-Vietnam Dialogue Group on Agent Orange/Dioxin | The Aspen Institute

Vietnam starts joint Agent Orange cleanup with U.S. - USATODAY.com

SGGP English Edition- U.S. Representative arrives in Vietnam to support victims of Agent Orange

US agency to conduct high-tech dioxin cleanup at Da Nang airport*

VietNamNet - US scientists lend helping hand to AO victims | US scientists lend helping hand to AO victims

If VN "invaded" Cambodia, why did Cambodian people welcome Vietnam People's Army? Even they called VPA as "forces of the Buddha".

Vietnam People's Army, Cambodian Army and Cambodian people in Phnom Penh at the moment farewell after victory.

Look at a map: If you draw a line connecting 2 dashed line on the map to the right, it will override the cape of Malaysia! :lol:
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