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Why Asia Wants America

Is that your dad who begged our leaders for assistance to drive the Frenchies and Yanks away?

Nice picture! Two of the greatest men for their respective countries. Look at Mr. Zhou eyes and demeanor, a born diplomat. Mr Ho looks down to earth with his innocent laughter.
I know you don't have your history without learning Chinese. But still fact exist: A Chinese called Zhao Tou who united some Yue tribes and established a country of current Vietnam.

As I posted in other thread, China is a peace-keeping force of ASEAN.

Repost below ------------------------

Thank you for your interesting questions!

Here is how:

In my earlier posts, I have suggest people study the concept and history of “Indochina federation”, which is an important idea for modern Vietnam.

Recent couple of decades, it shows that Vietnam, being suppressed in history and modern times by many foreign powers, much like Korea, has a people of burning desire to conquer the world ( :lol: laughable? But it is true! ) constantly agitated by its irrational jingoism. Hundred times worse than India. :tdown:

In contrast to India which has vast land and massive population, and therefore has certain legitimacy to claim or attempt to claim a next superpower, VN is a humanity sh!thole with disadvantageous geography and puny amount of population, added to its perpetual poverty, disastrous education system, and crippled and distorted history due to abolishment of Chinese language (that carries its history).

From this PDF forum alone, you can see so many history illiterate Vietnamese spewing out ridiculous “evidence” that SCS islands are all Viet’s. Those “evidences” were all written in Chinese and seldom those Viets actually know Chinese and therefore understand what were on the “evidence”. LOL! In fact, those isolated maps or scrolls presented by PDF Viet illiterates may well be an indication that those islands were actually documented by ancient Chinese and indeed belong to China, even though tiny portion of the ancient Chinese became modern Vietnamese later.

Many Vietnamese know that shortcomings. Thus their first attempt is to revive so called Indochina federation by annexing its neighboring countries such as mild Cambodia and same mild but more backward Lao to gain land mass. Some Vietnamese want to also have a piece of Chinese land. Those crazy Viet in PDF and elsewhere claim that Chinese Guangxi autonomous region belongs to Vietnam! :lol: I remember one stupid Viet went so far as to say Chinese land up to Yangtze River are all Vietnam’s. :rofl: Frankly, that Viet dunce’s brain must be squeezed by a gigantic donkey’s @ss at least once, perhaps twice, otherwise it is hard to explain the severity of his mental condition.

Seriously, this is pretty dangerous, not only to the peace of ASAN, but also to the peace of the world in general.

Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia was the first step toward Viet’s realization of “Indochina federation” under the pretext to overthrow Pol Pot. If you have studied Indochina modern history, documents show that Pol Pot and VietCom were initially in the same pants. Only when VeitCom suggested to Pol Pot “Indochina federation” concept, it caused extreme nationalistic Pol Pot to rebuke, ending up in a split of the two parties.

Chinese spanking of Vietnam in 1979 was exactly in such a background: China worried that if Vietnam indeed annexed Cambodia and Lao under Soviet evil support, the whole SE Asia would be in disaster, because Vietnam would not just stop there, it would further encroach/occupy Thailand , threatening Malaysia and Singapore. Don’t you see the “pride” some Viets in this forum show when they present the picture that Viet cannoned Thailand’s building? And so many Vietnamese here are blatantly raving about controlling Malacca Strait in this very PDF forum and many where else? :tdown:

If Vietnam is allowed to follow its satanic ambition, it is well possible that it would invade Burma and thread Bangladesh/India. Vietnam’s diabolical appetite would never be met. Just look at now: such a tiny country, stricken with poverty and inflation, yet filled with warmongers and criminals and claims a large part of China, both mainland and SCS islands.

Thus, it is a benevolent China that effectively suppresses Vietnam’s fiendish ambition and keeps the peace of ASEAN, and the peace of Asia in general.

Your post is full with lies, “Indochina federation” is propaganda of CPC and Khmer Rouge. You could shoot a mouth like $$ithole.

Betrayal policy of CPC is to keep Vietnam in divided, weak countries like China did in Korean peninsula. China stopped help to Vietnam from 1968 and tried her best to have diplomacy relation with USA. China backed Polpot to attack Vietnam from 1976 to 1979. Vietnam couldn't waiting until both of you China and Polpot did offensive attack in same time on us. And chine attacked on Vietnam, as Deng said: to Americans see, how obediently China is to her new boss USA.
Is that your dad who begged our leaders for assistance to drive the Frenchies and Yanks away?
It was Ho who brought the French back into Viet Nam via the Ho-Sainteny Agreement. The deal was to have Viet Nam in the French Union, similar to British colonialism.
Is that your dad who begged our leaders for assistance to drive the Frenchies and Yanks away?

When China used Vietnamese to against Uncle Sam, China said about proletariat, volunteer help. HCM are cheated by Cheater. When China changed his friends and enemies, China attacked Vietnam as "Eastern Cuba".

Same person with two face of traitor. Nixon is very curiously about the face of such person: What kind of person he is ? Yesterday he said US is paper tiger, and now... :undecided:

Chinese doctors provide free eye surgery in Vietnam
Chinese doctors*provide free eye surgery*in Vietnam

Chinese company builds highway in northern Vietnam

September 5, 2011

Chinese company builds highway in northern Vietnam - China.org.cn

China can stop such cheating plot. Vietnam gov have to stop it immediately. Vietnamese can do it by themselves with help of international community.
Vietnamese don't like to hear from traitor chins will calculate on their help and insulting Vietnamese people with such word: ungrateful when they attack on Vietnam.
Chinese Support for North Vietnam during the Vietnam War: The Decisive Edge
by Bob Seals

Military History Online - Chinese Support for North Vietnam during the Vietnam War: The Decisive Edge

First Indochina War

It was during these early years of the war that the Chinese military support of the People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) began on a rather minor scale. This military aid started in March of 1946 as the Chinese Communist First Regiment of the Southern Guangdong People’s Force crossed into Vietnam in order to avoid Chiang Kai-Shek’s Nationalist 46th and 64th Armies during the Chinese Civil War. [15] In addition to avoiding destruction this Chinese Regiment would begin to lay the groundwork for training and advising the less mature Vietnamese forces. This one thousand man unit of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, PLA, would provide officers to the Vietnamese Advanced Infantry School and Cadre Training Center in North Vietnam with some 830 personnel trained by the year 1947.

Chinese military support, 1950-54

In 1950 a classified U.S. Central Intelligence Report, CIA, stated that “The French position in Indochina is precarious,” somewhat of an understatement at the time. [22] The war had been going badly for the French and would only get worse. Ho would formally request military aid in the nature of equipment, advisors and training for the PAVN in April of 1950. Interestingly enough he would also request Chinese commanders at the regimental and battalion level to assist the Vietnamese Army, a request wisely denied by China, who would send advisors, not commanders to the North of Vietnam. [23] Such a request for Chinese commanders of PAVN units highlights the leadership problems present at the time in the Vietnamese forces, and the prevailing lack of confidence in Vietnamese commanders.
Chinese Military Advisory Group

After this request by Ho, the PRC in April of 1950 would begin forming the Chinese Military Advisory Group (CMAG) in order to provide military assistance to the Vietnamese forces fighting the French. General Wei Guoqing would lead the CMAG to North Vietnam, along with Senior General Chen Geng, the “scholar general,” and the PRC ambassador. The Second, Third and Fourth PLA field armies were directed to select experienced officers for service in Vietnam. Some 281 officers were selected with many having command experience. [24]

In addition to the training and planning guidance by the CMAG the logistical support from China began to increase steadily. The support provided was only 10-20 tons a month in 1951, increasing to 250 tons a month in 1952, further increasing to 600 tons a month in 1953 and 1,500 to 4,000 tons monthly during the last year of the war in 1954. [31] Additionally the Chinese transportation network to include roads and railways leading from China to Vietnam was improved also with some 1,000 trucks provided to the PAVN. This military aid provided by China enabled the PAVN to expand into a well armed and trained conventional force capable of defeating the French Army in large scale offensive operations. From a force in 1950 of 3 divisions the PAVN would expand two years later into a force of 7 divisions. All in all the Chinese military aid would arm a total of over 7 PAVN divisions. All this military support would not go unnoticed by the west, with the CIA, by March 1952, estimating that some 15,000 Chinese Communists were serving in Vietnam in various “technical, advisory and garrison capacities” with the PAVN against the French. [32] The Vietnamese Army now was a lethal force well equipped with small arms, machine guns, heavy 120mm mortars and 105mm howitzers, in addition to 20 and 40mm anti-aircraft guns. [33]

Decisive battle of Dien Bien Phu

Chinese advisors would be involved at all levels during the battle including digging in the all important Vietnamese artillery into shellproof dugouts, experience learned the hard way in the hills of Korea. [40] In effect the battle of Dien Bien Phu would be planned and assisted by Chinese advisors and fought with Chinese trained, equipped, supplied, transported and fed PAVN troops in a military soup to nuts manner. This support is rarely mentioned as a contributing factor to the Vietnamese victory in 1954 but should be acknowledged in analyzing the battle.

Post-war support, 1955-63

China would continue; however, to provide substantial levels of military aid for North Vietnam to the tune of $106 million from 1955 to 1963, effectively giving the North the resources needed to begin the insurgency in the South. [43] Thus, the North Vietnamese would form the National Liberation Front, NLF, in December of 1960 and the People’s Liberation Armed Forces, PLAF, the following year in 1961. Both the NLF and PLAF would be more commonly referred to as the Viet Cong, or Vietnamese Communists...

A campaign of terror and assassination against the South Vietnamese government would soon begin as thousands of officials would be killed or kidnapped by Viet Cong insurgents. [45] The United States would not sit idly by during this period but began an ambitious program of military aid to the fragile government of South Vietnam. The stage was set, for a second war in Vietnam which would be, once again, fought largely with Chinese military aid.

Second Indochina War, 1964-75

...The PRC President would tell the Vietnamese that the Chinese people and party were obligated to support the North and therefore “…we will do our best to provide you with whatever you need and whatever we have.”

... and the aids from China just went on (continued on the above link), indicating vietnamese are a whole bunch of ungrateful SOBs
I know you don't have your history without learning Chinese. But still fact exist: A Chinese called Zhao Tou who united some Yue tribes and established a country of current Vietnam.

As I posted in other thread, China is a peace-keeping force of ASEAN.

Repost below ------------------------

Thank you for your interesting questions!

Here is how:

In my earlier posts, I have suggest people study the concept and history of “Indochina federation”, which is an important idea for modern Vietnam.

Recent couple of decades, it shows that Vietnam, being suppressed in history and modern times by many foreign powers, much like Korea, has a people of burning desire to conquer the world ( :lol: laughable? But it is true! ) constantly agitated by its irrational jingoism. Hundred times worse than India. :tdown:

In contrast to India which has vast land and massive population, and therefore has certain legitimacy to claim or attempt to claim a next superpower, VN is a humanity sh!thole with disadvantageous geography and puny amount of population, added to its perpetual poverty, disastrous education system, and crippled and distorted history due to abolishment of Chinese language (that carries its history).

From this PDF forum alone, you can see so many history illiterate Vietnamese spewing out ridiculous “evidence” that SCS islands are all Viet’s. Those “evidences” were all written in Chinese and seldom those Viets actually know Chinese and therefore understand what were on the “evidence”. LOL! In fact, those isolated maps or scrolls presented by PDF Viet illiterates may well be an indication that those islands were actually documented by ancient Chinese and indeed belong to China, even though tiny portion of the ancient Chinese became modern Vietnamese later.

Many Vietnamese know that shortcomings. Thus their first attempt is to revive so called Indochina federation by annexing its neighboring countries such as mild Cambodia and same mild but more backward Lao to gain land mass. Some Vietnamese want to also have a piece of Chinese land. Those crazy Viet in PDF and elsewhere claim that Chinese Guangxi autonomous region belongs to Vietnam! :lol: I remember one stupid Viet went so far as to say Chinese land up to Yangtze River are all Vietnam’s. :rofl: Frankly, that Viet dunce’s brain must be squeezed by a gigantic donkey’s @ss at least once, perhaps twice, otherwise it is hard to explain the severity of his mental condition.

Seriously, this is pretty dangerous, not only to the peace of ASAN, but also to the peace of the world in general.

Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia was the first step toward Viet’s realization of “Indochina federation” under the pretext to overthrow Pol Pot. If you have studied Indochina modern history, documents show that Pol Pot and VietCom were initially in the same pants. Only when VeitCom suggested to Pol Pot “Indochina federation” concept, it caused extreme nationalistic Pol Pot to rebuke, ending up in a split of the two parties.

Chinese spanking of Vietnam in 1979 was exactly in such a background: China worried that if Vietnam indeed annexed Cambodia and Lao under Soviet evil support, the whole SE Asia would be in disaster, because Vietnam would not just stop there, it would further encroach/occupy Thailand , threatening Malaysia and Singapore. Don’t you see the “pride” some Viets in this forum show when they present the picture that Viet cannoned Thailand’s building? And so many Vietnamese here are blatantly raving about controlling Malacca Strait in this very PDF forum and many where else? :tdown:

If Vietnam is allowed to follow its satanic ambition, it is well possible that it would invade Burma and thread Bangladesh/India. Vietnam’s diabolical appetite would never be met. Just look at now: such a tiny country, stricken with poverty and inflation, yet filled with warmongers and criminals and claims a large part of China, both mainland and SCS islands.

Thus, it is a benevolent China that effectively suppresses Vietnam’s fiendish ambition and keeps the peace of ASEAN, and the peace of Asia in general.

LOL What a fool!

Perhaps americans think like you, they want stronger presence in the SCS to curb the hegemonic ambitions of Vietnam?
And so they want to be at Cam Ranh Bay to ensure that the greed of Vietnam is not exceeded?
Singaporean also fear VN will control the Malacca straits so they allow U.S warships presence there?
The Philippines also worried VN's expansionist ideology should allow increased U.S. rotational presence in their country!

Perhaps now, the greedy government is worrying!

It was Ho who brought the French back into Viet Nam via the Ho-Sainteny Agreement. The deal was to have Viet Nam in the French Union, similar to British colonialism.

Regretfully that France is very idiot in this time. If they accepted propose of HCM, Vietnam could be member of France federation as independent member as HCM requested. We could regain our full independence like states in British Commonwealth. Britain is more smart than France. England lost only one war in North America. They learned good from history.
Mistake of France let other intervented in our fair, like China. China had done betrayal policy against Vietnaman but traitor chinese calculate on such help with lies, modified ... like mad man here. In fact the big help is from Socialist pack headed by Soviet Union.

Here is big mouth of traitor.

First Indochina War

It was during these early years of the war that the Chinese military support of the People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) began on a rather minor scale. This military aid started in March of 1946 as the Chinese Communist First Regiment of the Southern Guangdong People’s Force crossed into Vietnam in order to avoid Chiang Kai-Shek’s Nationalist 46th and 64th Armies during the Chinese Civil War. [15] In addition to avoiding destruction this Chinese Regiment would begin to lay the groundwork for training and advising the less mature Vietnamese forces. This one thousand man unit of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, PLA, would provide officers to the Vietnamese Advanced Infantry School and Cadre Training Center in North Vietnam with some 830 personnel trained by the year 1947.

Chinese military support, 1950-54

In 1950 a classified U.S. Central Intelligence Report, CIA, stated that “The French position in Indochina is precarious,” somewhat of an understatement at the time. [22] The war had been going badly for the French and would only get worse. Ho would formally request military aid in the nature of equipment, advisors and training for the PAVN in April of 1950. Interestingly enough he would also request Chinese commanders at the regimental and battalion level to assist the Vietnamese Army, a request wisely denied by China, who would send advisors, not commanders to the North of Vietnam. [23] Such a request for Chinese commanders of PAVN units highlights the leadership problems present at the time in the Vietnamese forces, and the prevailing lack of confidence in Vietnamese commanders.
Chinese Military Advisory Group

After this request by Ho, the PRC in April of 1950 would begin forming the Chinese Military Advisory Group (CMAG) in order to provide military assistance to the Vietnamese forces fighting the French. General Wei Guoqing would lead the CMAG to North Vietnam, along with Senior General Chen Geng, the “scholar general,” and the PRC ambassador. The Second, Third and Fourth PLA field armies were directed to select experienced officers for service in Vietnam. Some 281 officers were selected with many having command experience. [24]

In addition to the training and planning guidance by the CMAG the logistical support from China began to increase steadily. The support provided was only 10-20 tons a month in 1951, increasing to 250 tons a month in 1952, further increasing to 600 tons a month in 1953 and 1,500 to 4,000 tons monthly during the last year of the war in 1954. [31] Additionally the Chinese transportation network to include roads and railways leading from China to Vietnam was improved also with some 1,000 trucks provided to the PAVN. This military aid provided by China enabled the PAVN to expand into a well armed and trained conventional force capable of defeating the French Army in large scale offensive operations. From a force in 1950 of 3 divisions the PAVN would expand two years later into a force of 7 divisions. All in all the Chinese military aid would arm a total of over 7 PAVN divisions. All this military support would not go unnoticed by the west, with the CIA, by March 1952, estimating that some 15,000 Chinese Communists were serving in Vietnam in various “technical, advisory and garrison capacities” with the PAVN against the French. [32] The Vietnamese Army now was a lethal force well equipped with small arms, machine guns, heavy 120mm mortars and 105mm howitzers, in addition to 20 and 40mm anti-aircraft guns. [33]

Decisive battle of Dien Bien Phu

Chinese advisors would be involved at all levels during the battle including digging in the all important Vietnamese artillery into shellproof dugouts, experience learned the hard way in the hills of Korea. [40] In effect the battle of Dien Bien Phu would be planned and assisted by Chinese advisors and fought with Chinese trained, equipped, supplied, transported and fed PAVN troops in a military soup to nuts manner. This support is rarely mentioned as a contributing factor to the Vietnamese victory in 1954 but should be acknowledged in analyzing the battle.

Post-war support, 1955-63

China would continue; however, to provide substantial levels of military aid for North Vietnam to the tune of $106 million from 1955 to 1963, effectively giving the North the resources needed to begin the insurgency in the South. [43] Thus, the North Vietnamese would form the National Liberation Front, NLF, in December of 1960 and the People’s Liberation Armed Forces, PLAF, the following year in 1961. Both the NLF and PLAF would be more commonly referred to as the Viet Cong, or Vietnamese Communists...

A campaign of terror and assassination against the South Vietnamese government would soon begin as thousands of officials would be killed or kidnapped by Viet Cong insurgents. [45] The United States would not sit idly by during this period but began an ambitious program of military aid to the fragile government of South Vietnam. The stage was set, for a second war in Vietnam which would be, once again, fought largely with Chinese military aid.

Second Indochina War, 1964-75

...The PRC President would tell the Vietnamese that the Chinese people and party were obligated to support the North and therefore “…we will do our best to provide you with whatever you need and whatever we have.”

... and the aids from China just went on (continued on the above link), indicating vietnamese are a whole bunch of ungrateful SOBs
Quoted from Shuttler.
This is how Nixon begged China first: please buy a can of Coka from me.


Now Obama begged Hu? Please lend me more money.


Nothing is wrong. VN also begged China for more investment http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/181976-vietnam-pushes-more-chinese-investment.html


These photos totally different if compared with the photos of Deng Xiaoping.
Looking at the two photos above, we don't see any flattery, begged, bashful, pathetic,.. in their actions. It is not like the actions of Deng. :lol:



Mr Deng was a proud man with short status, as many Asians were in those days where food were barely enough to survive. Since he was a leader of a country and a proud man, he would never looks up to any other person hence the posture. The picture with Carter was a little deceiving because he was in the process of sitting down.

Have anyone ever observe a dignify short status man walks. He always walks with his head slightly till up and eyes on the ground. I personally would never degrade a short man. Peace.
Nice picture! Two of the greatest men for their respective countries. Look at Mr. Zhou eyes and demeanor, a born diplomat. Mr Ho looks down to earth with his innocent laughter.

Sorry, do you have squint-eyes?
They were the same looking at the 3rd someone in conversations.
"a born diplomat"? You made ​​me laugh. :lol:
Mr Deng was a proud man with short status, as many Asians were in those days where food were barely enough to survive. Since he was a leader of a country and a proud man, he would never looks up to any other person hence the posture. The picture with Carter was a little deceiving because he was in the process of sitting down.

Have anyone ever observe a dignify short status man walks. He always walks with his head slightly till up and eyes on the ground. I personally would never degrade a short man. Peace.

I don't think so. Maybe It is the "hidden" in his strategy.
But it caused the "not good impression" to others.
He advised descendant leaders about the "hiding in wait" for the China...
Sorry, do you have squint-eyes?
They were the same looking at the 3rd someone in conversations.
"a born diplomat"? You made ​​me laugh. :lol:

So basically you are saying anyone doesn't agree with you makes you laugh? Do you know if there are 3 people, a scientist, an artist, and a carpenter, looking at a same tree, their views are totally different. The scientist ponders the miracles of nature, the artist views the tree's beauty/ugly and the carpenter looks inside the tree for its values. And only the ignorant ones would prepare for duels over the tree.
So basically you are saying anyone doesn't agree with you makes you laugh? Do you know if there are 3 people, a scientist, an artist, and a carpenter, looking at a same tree, their views are totally different. The scientist ponders the miracles of nature, the artist views the tree's beauty/ugly and the carpenter looks inside the tree for its values. And only the ignorant ones would prepare for duels over the tree.

Sorry man, but this is not a tree, it is the photo of two men.
Any man has not squint-eyes will see easily that it isn't "Mr Ho looks down to earth with His innocent laughte". He was looking at 3rd someone.

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