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Who is Mongolia?

i m really confused here, many of my turkish friends also claimed ghenis khan is turkish.

Mongols and Turkic people are closely related, if i remember correctly the Uighur's were one of the tribes Genghis Khan united in his unification of the mongol tribes prior to his conquests. The Turks of Anatolia are however decedents of the western Oghuz Turks, so no i dont think it is right to say Genghis Khan was Turkish, he was mongol but no doubt the Mongol and Turkic people have alot in common.
XiXi you are so ignorant. Everyone does not hold the same definition for development. Some people like the way they live and are proud of it. Everyone needn't copy the west .
2.3 million people, and one of the lowest population densities in the world. 1.5 inhabitants per 1 sq.km. Four million Mongols live outside Mongolia.
Officially Taiwan considers Mongolia to be part of their territory. Taiwan still considers itself by constitution the Republic Of China, claiming the complete territory of the present People's Republic of China, but also the current Republic of Mongolia.
can you stop calling other humans being "savages" for no other reason then them being Mongolian....its sounds racist and you would not like it if it was the other way round.:cheers:

I'm not a racist. They are! Why are we always called racists when we're against racists? I call them savages for no other reason? They once killed over 95% of Chinese and enslaved the rest and are still anti-China now to beg from the west.

Now, in this landlocked poor undeveloped country, all of their household appliances, clothing, commodities, vegetables, fruits and even lots of meat are imported from China. Russia just cannot support them like before after the colapse of USSR, and even if Russia wanted to help them, they have nothing superfluous to give in the above area.

If China suddenly close the border, most of them will starve to death or become cavemen. And they still kill and beat Chinese workers helping them there? Damn, those savages should be vaporized by nukes!
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XiXi you are so ignorant. Everyone does not hold the same definition for development. Some people like the way they live and are proud of it. Everyone needn't copy the west .

They are proud of it?:rofl:Ok, no problem. Close their border with China, let's see how they will be proud. Their resources to China are negligible!
I'm not a racist. They are! Why are we always called racists when we're against racists? I call them savages for no other reason? They once killed over 95% of Chinese and enslaved the rest and are still anti-China now to beg from the west.

Now, in this landlocked poor undeveloped country, all of their household appliances, clothing, commodities, vegetables, fruits and even lots of meat are imported from China. Russia just cannot support them like before after the colapse of USSR, and even if Russia wanted to help them, they have nothing superfluous to give in the above area.

If China suddenly close the border, most of them will starve to death or become cavemen. And they still kill and beat Chinese workers helping them there? Damn, those savages should be vaporized by nukes!
You have no evidence the Mongols killed 95% of Chinese and enslaved the rest,of cource,the Mongols killed many Chinese,but I think they also killed Mongols themselves(see Genghiz Khan's policy toward the tatars and merkits),after they conquered China,they became Chinese and intemarried with them
Don't forget,there are more Mongols live in China than outer Mongolia,when you say savege,you hurt your 5 million countrymen
You have no evidence the Mongols killed 95% of Chinese and enslaved the rest,of cource,the Mongols killed many Chinese,but I think they also killed Mongols themselves(see Genghiz Khan's policy toward the tatars and merkits),after they conquered China,they became Chinese and intemarried with them
Don't forget,there are more Mongols live in China than outer Mongolia,when you say savege,you hurt your 5 million countrymen

No evidence? There are many history books about it. 95% is even less. Tatars and merkits are not mongols. And the intemarried amount is quite small. Mongols living anywhere look quite different to Han.
i m really confused here, many of my turkish friends also claimed ghenis khan is turkish.

'Turk/Turkish' is a very broad ethno-linguistic classification. People right from Turkey to Mongolia and Uzbeks, Kyrghyz, Hazaras, Uighurs would be classified under the group. But to answer your question, based on historical and depictions, Genghis Khan was most probably from Mongolia.
The original Turks were Mongoloid folks just like the Mongols, whereas today's Turks from Turkey were mostly turkified Anatolians/Greeks/MiddleEasterners.
They need no military budget. Only two countries can invade them. They will be crushed by either one easily without help.
Your comment reminds me of our Leftist politicians who keep arguing that why we need to have armed forces at all here :). They would argue this even pre-World War II when everything was seemingly peaceful. But then one incident shut them up for the next fifty or so years.

Armed forces are important for any country even if it be for limited capabilities as you express for Mongolians. Because when geo-politics might change, one never knows. Without military discipline, there is a void of a role model for any country and this causes lack of interest in being considered a part of the country slowly.
very plainly neither china nor russia is gonna go invade and annex mongolia for no reason. even IF mongolia WANTED to be annexed the 2 countries may not want it
Mongolians today are going closer with the West especially the U.S. Damn you can't image how the Yank influence the Mongolians, also there are many Mongolians in Russian army. The Korean and Japanese have sent many spies to Mongolia for stirring up the troubles between China and Mongolia, those fascists above are trained by Korean. One more funny thing is Vietnam has proud of themselves of fighting the Mongolian long time ago but today they Viets seem to have a lots suspicious activities with Mongolians to counter China. The Korean is used to pick Mongolians to reason for their viva race, also Korean blame they are Turkish in blood either!? What is great on this planet will be the Korean root even Jesus!!!

You have no evidence the Mongols killed 95% of Chinese and enslaved the rest,of cource,the Mongols killed many Chinese,but I think they also killed Mongols themselves(see Genghiz Khan's policy toward the tatars and merkits),after they conquered China,they became Chinese and intemarried with them
Don't forget,there are more Mongols live in China than outer Mongolia,when you say savege,you hurt your 5 million countrymen

P.S: Could you stop pretending yourself a Chinese with that false flag?
Mongolians today are going closer with the West especially the U.S. Damn you can't image how the Yank influence the Mongolians, also there are many Mongolians in Russian army. The Korean and Japanese have sent many spies to Mongolia for stirring up the troubles between China and Mongolia, those fascists above are trained by Korean. One more funny thing is Vietnam has proud of themselves of fighting the Mongolian long time ago but today they Viets seem to have a lots suspicious activities with Mongolians to counter China. The Korean is used to pick Mongolians to reason for their viva race, also Korean blame they are Turkish in blood either!? What is great on this planet will be the Korean root even Jesus!!!

P.S: Could you stop pretending yourself a Chinese with that false flag?

Yep, especially the modern South Korean ultranationalists are using the Pan-Altaic rhetoric to keep their influence in Outer Mongolia.

BTW, the true descendants of Genghis Khan now live in Inner Mongolia, they all have the Chinese nationality.
i lol at holding grudges for a thousand years and all this talk of taking it over is nonsense .
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