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Which air defense system should Turkey go for?

Which air defense system should Turkey finally go for?

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How come. Can you go in details bro

T-LORAMIDS tender describes establishment of long range missile system which is able to engage aircrafts, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles with limited ballistic missile engagement capability. THAAD is developed to engage ballistic missiles out of athmosphere bro...
if behind the scene pressure is too much that might harm our country's industries, then we should directly go for own system instead of wasting money on short term solutions.

Also this is another important point and solution...
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The best thing to do is the one which was offered to SSIK at first.

Order a limited battery of missile system with direct deal project model, While commencing development of Aselsan Hisar-U simultaneously. With this way, While deliveries of ordered batteries are proceeding, Proudly follow development of Hisar-U carefully...
What about 5th choice......cancel the tender, give the job to Aselsan ?

I think that's the best option, and it should be pursued. For the current needs, I believe that a good air defense system, like patriot needs to be purchased. About the Chinese system, I have serious doubts about its capabilities, so I don't know how much ToT of this deal would be useful.
The best thing to do is the one which was offered to SSIK at first.

Order a limited battery of missile system with direct deal project model, While commencing development of Aselsan Hisar-U simultaneously. With this way, While deliveries of ordered batteries are proceeding, Proudly follow development of Hisar-U carefully...

Could we request ToT & co-production with this limited battery tender ?..
I would go for the offer with full ToT and make it localize or maybe a hybrid system with your own subsystems and missiles as we discussed before at HQ-9 thread... As for now, we have no long range shield only low range mobile systems and Nato's patriots against possible syrian attack... So, the fastest way will be the best way... This thingy is our weak side and we have to eleminate it as soon as possible, be it chienese or euro..
Could we request ToT & co-production with this limited battery tender ?..

Plan was: Direct Order (4 battery) (PAC-3+) + Already stationed NATO batteries (PAC-3+) in S. East would serve to protect Turkish air layers, Until development of Hisar-U were completed by As-Rok team but tender went to China (12 batteries)...
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The Chinese system tested superior to the others, the only problem is with the amount of ToT, Turkey wants more of it, and that is what delayed the negotiations.
Patriotların görev süresi uzatılmadı! - DÜNYA Haberleri

I don't know if the news correct but it simply says that The Dutch govt. didn't extend duty term of their patriots stationed in Turkey... That's what I was talking about in my prev. post. We can't rely on someone else, the fastest way is the best one to get a missile defense shield.

Başkasının fikifikisiyle gerdeğe girilmez
SSM note
Ülkemizin, uzun menzilde ve alçak/orta/yüksek irtifada hava savunmasını sağlamaya yönelik olarak tedarik edilecek olan Uzun Menzilli Bölge Hava ve Füze Savunma Sistemi Projesi kapsamında, 26 Eylül 2013 tarihli Savunma Sanayii İcra Komitesi (SSİK) Karar’ına istinaden Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti CPMIEC Kuruluşu ile sözleşme görüşmelerine başlanmıştır.

Tedarik edilmesi planlanan hava savunma sistemi çok sayıda sistem ve alt sistemden oluşan oldukça kompleks bir sistemdir. Söz konusu sistemin tedarikinde; yurtiçinde kurulacak altyapı, ortak üretim alanları, teknoloji transferi, sanayi katılımı gibi konularda stratejik planımıza uygun birçok detaylı çalışma ve incelemenin yapılması doğal bir süreçtir. Bu doğrultuda sözleşme görüşmeleri devam etmekte ve Müsteşarlığımız SSİK kararları doğrultusunda çalışmalarını sürdürmektedir. Bu kapsamda, sürecin dışında kalmak istemeyen ilgili taraflardan sık tekrarlı uzatmaları da önlemek amacıyla, 31 Aralık 2014 tarihine kadar tekliflerinin geçerliliğini korumaları istenmiştir.

Uzun Menzilli Bölge Hava ve Füze Savunma Sistemi Projesi dışında Müsteşarlığımız bünyesinde füze esaslı savunma sistemleri de dâhil çok sayıda farklı proje, yürütülme ve planlama safhasında olup bunlarla ilgili olarak çeşitli ülke ve firmalarla görüşmeler yapılmaktadır. Bu gibi görüşmelerin mevcut Uzun Menzilli Bölge Hava ve Füze Savunma Sistemi Projesi ile doğrudan ilişkilendirilmemesi hususunu da kamuoyu ile paylaşmak isteriz.

(Planning or Ongoing phase) Meeting with various institutes (SSM officials visited MBDA in last weeks) (to develop a Missile based defence system project different than T-LORAMIDS). What does It means ? From my percpective, It means Hisar-A and O is already an ongoing project under trial phase. Different than Hisar-A/O, I think It is a signal for Hisar-U but Why does SSM negotiate with other institutes ? I really don't know...
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