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The Southern Gas Corridor

Not that I'm an analyst of any kind but my humble opinion is that TANAP is a win-win situation for us. One of our biggest setbacks is the huge energy bill. We can attain much cheaper gas through this pipeline than buying from the unfriendly mullahs. Even this is a win scenario, can't understand why the gov't is insisting on buying expensive gas from Iran? We will no doubt be a regional player in gas, Russia and the EU are on bad terms, see the latest reports on what price Putin is paying for lower gas prices. We + can Azerbaycan will secure the lost quantity of gas, will be a big gamecard on a political level. The Russians are feeling the heat..

Mate our gas import ratios are:
Russia: %58
Iran: % 19
Azerbaijan: %9
Algeria: %9 (LNG)
Nigeria: %3 (LNG)
Petrol'ü Irak'tan, gazı Rusya'dan alıyoruz - Hürriyet EKONOMİ

We are buying gas from Iran because we need to diversify our energy suppliers. There are some talks/projects about importing gas from Northern Iraq, Turkmenistan. Also we are going to increase the percentage of Azerbaijan's share. Then we can eliminate Iran and nicely diversify our suppliers to a more proportional share.
Mate our gas import ratios are:
Russia: %58
Iran: % 19
Azerbaijan: %9
Algeria: %9 (LNG)
Nigeria: %3 (LNG)
Petrol'ü Irak'tan, gazı Rusya'dan alıyoruz - Hürriyet EKONOMİ

We are buying gas from Iran because we need to diversify our energy suppliers. There are some talks/projects about importing gas from Northern Iraq, Turkmenistan. Also we are going to increase the percentage of Azerbaijan's share. Then we can eliminate Iran and nicely diversify our suppliers to a more proportional share.

The problem with Iran isn't their share of our gas import. The main problem with them are their sky high price per cubic. The best alternative for us is to buy through and by Azerbaycan, in this way our economic ties will bond even more and our deficit will shrink AND will deliver a big blow to both the Russians and the Iranians. Trust the Russian, but never ever the Iranians.
The problem with Iran isn't their share of our gas import. The main problem with them are their sky high price per cubic. The best alternative for us is to buy through and by Azerbaycan, in this way our economic ties will bond even more and our deficit will shrink AND will deliver a big blow to both the Russians and the Iranians. Trust the Russian, but never ever the Iranians.
being dependent for 58% on Russians means we are going to have to trust Russia way more than we should be comfortable with. You're still right about trusting Russians more than Iranians (Persians actually, i have no problem with Azerbaijani and Turkmeni Iranians)
The problem with Iran isn't their share of our gas import. The main problem with them are their sky high price per cubic.
Yeah, i know..their price is very high..but until other gas corridors get to be opened..we still have to buy from them....

The best alternative for us is to buy through and by Azerbaycan, in this way our economic ties will bond even more and our deficit will shrink AND will deliver a big blow to both the Russians and the Iranians. Trust the Russian, but never ever the Iranians.
Turks don't have a friend other than Turks....
being dependent for 58% on Russians means we are going to have to trust Russia way more than we should be comfortable with. You're still right about trusting Russians more than Iranians (Persians actually, i have no problem with Azerbaijani and Turkmeni Iranians)

Being on good terms with the Russians are much easier than the Iranians. Being dependent on Russia for gas is no problem, they will deliver unless you really push the limits. Russia has the upper hand against much of the entire EU, even though they are sanctioning the shyte out of them, they still deliver. That's how the civilized nations work, fight but still honor the agreements.
Yeah, i know..their price is very high..but until other gas corridors get to be opened..we still have to buy from them....

Turks don't have a friend other than Turks....

Abi, as told, we must work day and night to finish every energy project. I'm 100% for nuclear plants. The only drawback that we have is having no real big playing companies in the world, like a car brand or a nice tech comp, and our dependence on foreign energy. Iran being our most direct rival we should minimize sensitive business with them. They attain nukes? We do it also. This is how the game works. Although I'm not 100% on the Turks have only Turks as friends I'm more inclined to agree on that point due to recent accidents (Greece - Israel - Egypt co-op) :)
TANAP and BP: successful tandem
29 NOVEMBER 2014

Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 29

By Emil Ismayilov – Trend:

The Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) is one of important components of the Southern Gas Corridor, designed to diversify gas supplies to Europe. Moreover, the gas pipeline will strengthen Turkey’s energy security.

The transaction on BP’s purchase a 12 percent stake in the project from SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan) will be formalized by late 2014. This testifies to the importance of the ultimate goal of TANAP construction.

Afterwards, the TANAP shareholders will be as follows: SOCAR - 58 percent, Botas - 30 percent, BP - 12 percent.

For more than 20 years British BP has been a reliable partner of Azerbaijan in the energy sector. It is involved in such large projects as the development of the block of oil and gas fields Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli and Shah Deniz gas condensate field. The British company is a member of the consortiums of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and the South Caucasus gas pipeline.

All these projects have gained worldwide fame. In particular, the second phase of the Shah Deniz development is being implemented. Southern Gas Corridor will be opened by this gas. Along with the TANAP construction, "Southern Gas Corridor" involves the expansion of the South Caucasus pipeline and the construction of the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TAP).

BP’s joining TANAP testifies to the confidence in this huge project and creates a basis for its implementation. The initial capacity of the pipeline is expected to reach 16 billion cubic meters of gas per year. About six billion cubic meters will be delivered to Turkey, and the rest - to Europe.

In the future, the pipeline can be expanded up to 31 billion cubic meters per year. TANAP pipeline is planned to be commissioned in 2018. The project cost is estimated at $10-11 billion.

Thereafter, gas will be delivered to Turkey in 2018 and after completing the construction of TAP, gas will be delivered to Europe about in early 2020. The cost of the work on all four elements of the Southern Gas Corridor is estimated at almost $50 billion, according to the preliminary data.

The work within the construction of TANAP is in a sufficiently active phase. Contracts for the supply of pipes for the construction of TANAP were signed in Turkey’s Ankara city on Oct.14 with six Turkish and one Chinese company which became the winners of the earlier announced tender.

The winners of the tender were Turkey’s Mannesmann-Noksel-Erciyas and Umran-Emek consortiums, Toscelik Profil ve Sac Endustrisi company, as well as a Chinese contractor Baosteel Europe.

Determination of contractor for the construction work is under the tender procedure. The tender is being held for three lots which cover the participants from the border with Georgia to Erzurum, from Erzurum to Sivas and from Sivas to Eskisehir.

The contracts for carrying out the construction work will be signed in the near future and later the agreement on the supply and construction of compressor stations will be inked. The pipelay operations will start in early April 2015.

Although the export volumes are not so large by European standards, there are great prospects for increasing these volumes.

For instance, BP itself is a participant of the contract for the exploration and development of the prospective Shafag-Asiman gas and condensate block. There are also plans for the development of Absheron, Umid fields, as well as the prospective structures such as ‘Babak’, ‘Nakhchivan’ and others.

There are also opportunities for Middle East, Mediterranean and Central Asian gas supply sources to join the Southern Gas Corridor.

Despite the sufficiently large volume of the work, Southern Gas Corridor will become a reality.

Close cooperation of the interested parties, strong and reliable partnership relations will make significant contribution to its development like other energy projects implemented in Azerbaijan. And this is the keystone to success.
BP’s activity is successful in Azerbaijan in 2014
29 NOVEMBER 2014


Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 29

By Emil Ismayilov – Trend:

British BP, an operator developing the block of oil and gas fields Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli (ACG) and Shah Deniz gas condensate field, is pleased with the results of the operating activity in Azerbaijan in 2014, BP president for Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey Gordon Birrell told reporters Nov. 28.

He said that great success has been achieved in the area of labor protection, safety operations, environmental protection, as well as reducing the flared gas volume and reservoir water management.

"We are also pleased with the production results,” he said. “As we are facing the end of the year, we are more confident that this year’s indices will be higher than planned."
Birrell did not disclose the exact volume.

“As for the maintenance work scheduled for 2015, of course, these operations are planned to be held,” he said. “But the working plan and the budget for both the ACG and Shah Deniz are being discussed.”

"The entire maintenance work is part of our operating activity,” he said. “The old equipment is replaced. The relevant systems are being examined. The necessary work is conducted for the platforms, equipment and facilities to meet the safety requirements."

Earlier, BP launched the "Central Azeri" platform which was stopped for scheduled preventive maintenance.

The platform will work to full capacity in the coming days.

The contract for the development of Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli large offshore field in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea, with proven oil reserve of nearly 1 billion metric tons, was signed in 1994.

Shares in the contract for development of Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli block of fields are distributed as follows: BP (operator in Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli) - 35.78 percent, Chevron - 11.27 percent, Inpex - 10.96 percent, AzACG - 11.65 percent, Statoil - 8.56 percent, Exxon - 8 percent, TPAO - 6.75 percent, Itochu - 4.3 percent and ONGC - 2.72 percent.

Birrell does not exclude the possibility of using the new generation drilling rig at ACG. It is being constructed in Azerbaijan for the needs of SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan). However, this issue has not yet been agreed upon.

"The rig has not been constructed yet,” he said. “We have no plans regarding a new rig."

The contract for the development of the offshore field Shah Deniz, which has proven reserves of 1.2 trillion cubic meters of gas, was signed June 4, 1996.

The share distribution among the agreement parties (after SOCAR’s and BP’s acquisition of Statoil’s share in the project) is as follows: BP (operator) - 28.8 percent, Statoil – 15.5 percent, NICO - 10 percent, Total - 10 percent, Lukoil - 10 percent, TPAO - nine percent, and SOCAR – 16.7 percent.
BP to join TANAP by late 2014
29 NOVEMBER 2014

Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov.29
By Emil Ismayilov – Trend:

British BP will join the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) in the near future, BP president for Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey Gordon Birrell told reporters Nov. 28.

BP’s share in the project will be 12 percent following the transaction.

Birrell expressed the hope that this process will complete by late 2014.

The TANAP project envisages gas transportation from Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz field to Europe via Turkey.

The initial capacity of TANAP is expected to reach 16 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

Around six billion cubic meters of the total volume of gas to be produced as part of the Stage 2 of development of the Shah Deniz field will be delivered to Turkey and 10 billion cubic meters to Europe per year. In the future, the pipeline may be expanded up to 31 billion cubic meters a year.

Plans are to commission the TANAP pipeline in 2018. The project cost is estimated at $10-11 billion.

Contracts for the supply of pipes for the construction of TANAP were signed in Turkey’s Ankara city on Oct.14 with six Turkish companies and one Chinese company.

Turkey’s Mannesmann-Noksel-Erciyas and Umran-Emek consortiums, Toscelik Profil ve Sac Endustrisi company, as well as a Chinese contractor Baosteel Europe won the tender for the supply of pipes for the TANAP project.

All the companies which will participate in the construction and supply of the TANAP project in Turkey are exempt from VAT.
Great stuff :) I think Putin is a great guy.

  • AP
  • Published : 01.12.2014 19:57:42

ANKARA — President Vladimir Putin says Russia is scrapping the South Stream natural gas pipeline project and may cooperate with Turkey on building a gas hub for southern Europe.

Putin spoke Monday after talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

He said Russia can't implement the South Stream project because of the European Union's opposition to it. The project would have involved running a pipeline under the Black Sea to Bulgaria and further on to southern Europe.

Putin said Moscow would boost gas supplies to Turkey and may cooperate with it in creating a hub for natural gas supplies on the border with Greece.

Great stuff :) I think Putin is a great guy.

  • AP
  • Published : 01.12.2014 19:57:42

ANKARA — President Vladimir Putin says Russia is scrapping the South Stream natural gas pipeline project and may cooperate with Turkey on building a gas hub for southern Europe.

Putin spoke Monday after talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

He said Russia can't implement the South Stream project because of the European Union's opposition to it. The project would have involved running a pipeline under the Black Sea to Bulgaria and further on to southern Europe.

Putin said Moscow would boost gas supplies to Turkey and may cooperate with it in creating a hub for natural gas supplies on the border with Greece.

I don't have any opinions about it, bro. I just know that he doesn't do anything out of good will for us.
. .
let's wait till Russia fully recovers from the current mess to see their deeds, true face and intentions, such mere words coming from a cat pushed in a corner are not convincing.
BTC is important energy project - US vice president


Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov.22
By Rufiz Hafizoglu - Trend:

Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline is a very important energy project, the US Vice President Joe Biden said.

He made the remarks while speaking at the energy summit in Istanbul, Turkey.
Biden said that before, no one believed that such a project will be implemented, but Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey succeeded to realize it.

One of the highlights in the implementation of the BTC project was Azerbaijan’s leading role and the participation of Georgia and Turkey in this project.

The total length of the BТС is 1,768 kilometers, including a 443 kilometer long section running through Azerbaijan, a 249 kilometer long section in Georgia and a 1,076 kilometer long section in Turkey. The construction of the pipeline started in April 2003. It was filled with oil on May 18, 2005.

BTC Co. shareholders are: BP (30.1 percent), AzBTC (25 percent), Chevron (8.9 percent), Statoil (8.71 percent), ТРАО (6.53 percent), Eni (5 percent), Total (5 percent), Itochu (3.4 percent), Inpex (2.5 percent), ConocoPhillips (2.5 percent) and ONGC (2.36 percent).
EU requests to increase capacity of TANAP pipeline to 20 billion cubic meters
15 DECEMBER 2014

The European Union wants to increase the capacity of TANAP Azerbaijani gas pipeline to Europe to 20 billion cubic meters in connection with a stop of South Stream project implementation, RIA Novosti news agency said.

The relevant agreement was reached last week by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey Taner Yildiz and the new EU Energy Commissioner Marosh Shefchovich, according to the Spiegel magazine.

TANAP project involves the construction of a gas pipeline from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz field through Georgia, Turkey, Greece, and Albania to the south of Italy. It is planned to supply 6 billion cubic meters of gas to Turkey and 10 billion cubic meters to Europe. In the future, capacity of the pipeline can be increased to 31 billion cubic meters.

"There are technical prerequisites for power increase," said Shefchovich. All the participants of negotiation agreed that the construction of the gas pipeline will be completed by 2019, according to him.

Closure of the South Stream project became known on December 1, 2014. During the state visit to Turkey, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia could not continue the project under the present circumstances, including the non-constructive position of the European Union. The Russian Federation will build a new gas pipeline system in order to meet the needs of Turkey. Later, the head of Gazprom Alexei Miller confirmed that the South Stream project is closed.
BOTAS, BP Pipelines intend to become TANAP shareholders
17 DECEMBER 2014
By Rufiz Hafizoglu – Trend:

Turkish pipeline company BOTAS and BP Pipelines appealed to the Turkish Antimonopoly Committee to buy the shares in the Trans-Anatolian pipeline (TANAP) construction consortium, the Turkish Antimonopoly Committee’s website said.

BOTAS intends to acquire a 30-percent share in TANAP, while BP Pipelines - a 12-percent share of Gas Corridor Closed Joint Stock Company in the consortium, the statement said.

It is planned to commission TANAP in 2018. The project’s cost is estimated at $10-11 billion.

Contracts for the supply of pipes for the construction of TANAP were signed in Turkey’s Ankara city on Oct.14 with six Turkish and one Chinese company.

Turkey’s Mannesmann-Noksel-Erciyas and Umran-Emek consortiums, Toscelik Profil ve Sac Endustrisi, as well as a Chinese contractor Baosteel Europe won the tender for the supply of pipes for the TANAP project.

All the companies that will participate in the construction and supply of the TANAP project in Turkey are exempt from VAT.

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