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Where's the beef? Indians don't want to know

90% Hindus don't eat Beefs. But those 10% who eats can still eat as "There is no set of rituals or rules to follow". Karma is more important in way of life!!
Another interesting thing I forgot to mention. My family in Punjab believes cow and bhakra gives you power, and not chicken. This is not based on science either, but I just wanted to share the information. Also I am not anti-chicken; when I visited Karachi at age 9 there was nothing better than chicken Hyderabadi Biriyani in my eyes. Becoming older and more health conscious,I avoid chicken because of the realities I've witnessed. Again I'm not encouraging people to ban eating chicken, just look at what I'm saying with an open mind.

What are you 5? Pork and beef are the most unhealthy types of meat you can eat, While chicken is one of the healthiest.

But that doesn't mean I don't eat them. Sparingly of course :P

Btw this article is from like March? And it was posted before by idune in the summer. I was unregistered at the time...so whats the logic of posting it again my Bengali friend?
it doesnt ban a person from eating meat,it just tell us that it is not advisable to eat meat since it involves kiling and affects karma

Well no one can physically stop u eating meat it is a free choice but im just saying what the Gita says in consuming flesh
it doesnt ban a person from eating meat,it just tell us that it is not advisable to eat meat since it involves kiling and affects karma

Yep, same with Buddhism.

They give "guidelines" instead of rules.
Its a misconception about vegetarianism..

All the kshatriya kings used to hunt rabbits, deer , wild boar and all .

There is a verse in ramayana which reads:

चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि वत्स्यामि विजने वने ।
मधु मूल फलैः जीवन् हित्वा मुनिवद् आमिषम् ॥२-२०-२९॥


“I shall live in a solitary forest like a sage for fourteen years, leaving off meat and living with roots, fruits and honey”. 2-20-29
Thats a strange logic. Surely killing chicken and goat affects your karma too!

Yes, it is.

But Cow is much more important than Goat or Chicken. Cow is one of the most important animal on planet. It provides abundance of important products related with Milk like Butter, Cheese. Even Buddhism, Jainism also says the same. It has right logic. Why to Kill an animal who is helpful in so many ways ? But as a i said, You can do if you want as there is no fixed rule to follow. It only tells about Good and Bad thing in life (Karma - Action and Deed). The person who follows maximum good thing (Guideline) in life, Lives better life - This is what Indian religion says !!
Yes, it is.

But Cow is much more important than Goat or Chicken. Cow is one of the most important animal on planet. It provides abundance of important products related with Milk like Butter, Cheese. Even Buddhism, Jainism also says the same. It has right logic. Why to Kill an animal who is helpful in so many ways ? But as a i said, You can do if you want as there is no fixed rule to follow. It only tells about Good and Bad thing in life (Karma - Action and Deed). The person who follows maximum good thing (Guideline) in life, Lives better life - This is what Indian religion says !!

chicken,goat,etc are no less important than cow or human as all of them have soul so its just non sense that cow is more important than other animals
Hindu religion if it focuses on Cows being holy is fake. Look at what members of the Hindu faith practice. Bow down to the All-Mighty Dollar. Money is your only god.

Looking at things from that point of view.. is it any different for you?
chicken,goat,etc are no less important than cow or human as all of them have soul so its just non sense that cow is more important than other animals

Every Soul is important. It's matter of more or less. Cow is more important than others but i didn't said others are not important. Killing a animal to eat is something not appreciated in Indian religion but It's personal choice to eat or not. It's difficult to follow all guideline and it depends on you.
Even if i were to eat meat i sure as hell wont be eating it in India of all places
Looking at things from that point of view.. is it any different for you?

Don't worry about him. I have a few cousins like him. They're basically straight out of the village; quick to judge, no sense of outside world except for the crap on TV or what they read on the internet or..those pro radical DVDs from the bazaar.
Its a wrong notion Hindus are vegetarian.

I believe at least 60% hindus are non veg . But most non veg Hindus don't consume Beef or pork.

Fish , Chicken, mutton, shrimp etc our staple non veg food.

male goat(buck)/Boda are traditionally slaughtered as sacrificial offering in Goddess Kali temples and .and its mutton dish is eaten as prasad.

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