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Where's the beef? Indians don't want to know

Don't worry Indians, i've tasted all those meat, and I can tell you generally, chicken taste by far the best :D

Mutton is a bit rubber-ish to me, and beef doesn't taste too good unless it's in a burger (For burgers, beef are the best).

Never eaten pork before besides this one time in US, where i ate pepperoni pizza not knowing it was pork, felt kinda disgusted after that but funnily, didn't feel too bad while I was eating it. But yea, I could never eat pork, it's been too much indoctrine into me, that pork is dirty.

And no worries about halal food here in my country, virtually every restaurant/shop serves only halal food here.
Don't worry Indians, i've tasted all those meat, and I can tell you generally, chicken taste by far the best :D

Mutton is a bit rubber-ish to me, and beef doesn't taste too good unless it's in a burger (For burgers, beef are the best).

Never eaten pork before besides this one time in US, where i ate pepperoni pizza not knowing it was pork, felt kinda disgusted after that but funnily, didn't feel too bad while I was eating it. But yea, I could never eat pork, it's been too much indoctrine into me, that pork is dirty.

And no worries about halal food here in my country, virtually every restaurant/shop serves only halal food here.

After following you for a while, don't you feel ashamed for false-flagging. Eventually the truth always comes out.
After following you for a while, don't you feel ashamed for false-flagging. Eventually the truth always comes out.


Stick to topic, mate. Message me or write on my wall if you have any questions about my nationality :)
Don't worry Indians, i've tasted all those meat, and I can tell you generally, chicken taste by far the best :D

Mutton is a bit rubber-ish to me, and beef doesn't taste too good unless it's in a burger (For burgers, beef are the best).

Yeah, beef on its own is generally not that great. Especially minced beef.

The big exception being steaks. Because good steaks are normally cut from the best parts of the animal, and the Chefs put so much effort into them.
Yeah, beef on its own is generally not that great. Especially minced beef.

The big exception being steaks. Because good steaks are normally cut from the best parts of the animal, and the Chefs put so much effort into them.

You're right, mate. Steaks are awesome :D

Especially the sizzling ones. Ok, this topic is changing to a food related topic :D
After following you for a while, don't you feel ashamed for false-flagging. Eventually the truth always comes out.

Buddy, I'm pretty sure that Revazan is a Malaysian.

No false flag would know as much about Malaysian stuff as he does.
and beef doesn't taste too good unless it's in a burger (For burgers, beef are the best).

My god how can you say that? We need to take you to a nice restaurant for a steak or a rib roast. Generally Asian restaurant don't do large pieces of beef very well, so maybe that's why you've not been a fan of beef.
My god how can you say that? We need to take you to a nice restaurant for a steak or a rib roast. Generally Asian restaurant don't do large pieces of beef very well, so maybe that's why you've not been a fan of beef.

Haha! Yes, yes, i guess I just haven't been going to the right places. For my burgers, I only take beef (with cheese together, it's like heaven), but I have never much of a fan of beef otherwise, most restaurants here kinda suck at doing beef I guess.

But yea, if you ever drop by Malaysia, or I ever come down to Canada/China, I'll be glad to join you for some steak :lol:
Generally Asian restaurant don't do large pieces of beef very well, so maybe that's why you've not been a fan of beef.

Agreed. Generally, I think Chinese cooking styles are the best (obviously lol), but beef is the exception.

I can't think of a single Cantonese dish involving beef that I really like.

The Western method of cooking beef is definitely better than the Eastern style, in my experience at least. But then steaks are usually cut from the very best bits of the animal.

Generally when I have a choice, I don't go for beef.
After following you for a while, don't you feel ashamed for false-flagging. Eventually the truth always comes out.


Stick to topic, mate. Message me or write on my wall if you have any questions about my nationality :)

:rofl: Here we go again. Rezavan You false flagger Indian!

I will have to disagree with you about the beef thing. Nothing beats medium well done steak and some mashed potatoes.

I had a almost 500 gm Kobe steak last Sunday, pretty epic:P
I will have to disagree with you about the beef thing. Nothing beats medium well done steak and some mashed potatoes.

I had a almost 500 gm Kobe steak last Sunday, pretty epic:P

We've already made an exception for steaks a few posts back.

Also, have you heard how much a top-level Kobe steak costs in a Japanese restaurant? Apparently, the most expensive restaurant in the entire world specializes in Kobe steaks.
:rofl: Here we go again. Rezavan You false flagger Indian!

I will have to disagree with you about the beef thing. Nothing beats medium well done steak and some mashed potatoes.

I had a almost 500 gm Kobe steak last Sunday, pretty epic:P

Told yea, brah. This guys will never stop till I agree with whatever they're saying :lol:

Kobe steak is shyte expensive right?? And I thought they only sell Kobe steak in Japan, yes, strong ignorance. Is it worth the money? I might try find one this weekend :P

Congrats guys, we have fully turned this serious topic into a food channel program :P
We are talking about eradicating stereotypes, whether they be hindu, muslim, or anything else.

Ok here's a serious answer for you then. Hinduism and Hindus are not like Muslims/Islam. We don't have clerics and religious schools telling us what to do in our day to day life, or what to eat and not to eat. It personal choice of individuals and families as to what they want to eat.

Hinduism is a way of life, not really a religion if you compare it to Abrahamic religions.
Kobe steak is shyte expensive right?? And I thought they only sell Kobe steak in Japan, yes, strong ignorance. Is it worth the money? I might try find one this weekend :P

You can get it outside of Japan and it won't break the wallet, though definitely the most expensive type of beef.

The time when it becomes unbearably expensive, is if you go to a high-end Japanese restaurant for it.

Great article from Forbes:

Most expensive restaurants in the world - Forbes.com - msnbc.com
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