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Where's the beef? Indians don't want to know

Ghrtam duhaanaamaditim janaayaagne maa himsiheeh
Yajurveda 13.49
Do not kill cows and bulls who always deserve to be protected.
Don't worry about him. I have a few cousins like him. They're basically straight out of the village; quick to judge, no sense of outside world except for the crap on TV or what they read on the internet or..those pro radical DVDs from the bazaar.
You know nothing about me. You're the only one hopping on the band wagon to judge me. Munafiq
You know nothing about me. You're the only one hopping on the band wagon to judge me. Munafiq

Lol I'm the hypocrite? I read all your posts in the thread and I'm quick to judge. Yea stick to eating beef only buddy and see where your cholesterol ends up.
Lol I'm the hypocrite? I read all your posts in the thread and I'm quick to judge. Yea stick to eating beef only buddy and see where your cholesterol ends up.
I believe I referred to goat as well in my post. Also meat is not the absolute that factors into my diet. Anyways I'm not here to fight and spam. I hope you realize that you came out aggressive and ignorant in your analysis of me from a few posts on the internet.
Do not start bashing eachother for foods. Eat whatever u like. Stay healthy and enjoy..
Most of Hindus are Vegetarian, and many non-vegitarian hindus are eat non-veg occasionally. Almost all hindu don't eat Pork/Beef. Chicken, mutton and fish are major source of meat in Indian Hindu society.

As I mention Hindus are occasional meat eater. Most of Hindus eat meat once or twice in a month. (I know my Western and Pakistani frnd will be shock to hear it). The main protein source fro Hindus is Milk.

We Indians don't like meaty smell. Our non-veg dishes are full of spices, The spice flavor suppress the meat flavor.
Just out of curiosity which community is the largest consumer of pork in India ?
I wonder why this is such an interesting topic? NOT

Lets move on.........
Most of Hindus are Vegetarian, and many non-vegitarian hindus are eat non-veg occasionally. Almost all hindu don't eat Pork/Beef. Chicken, mutton and fish are major source of meat in Indian Hindu society.

As I mention Hindus are occasional meat eater. Most of Hindus eat meat once or twice in a month. (I know my Western and Pakistani frnd will be shock to hear it). The main protein source fro Hindus is Milk.

We Indians don't like meaty smell. Our non-veg dishes are full of spices, The spice flavor suppress the meat flavor.

Dude we Bengalis eat almost everything that walks or crawls.
Most of Hindus are Vegetarian, and many non-vegitarian hindus are eat non-veg occasionally. Almost all hindu don't eat Pork/Beef. Chicken, mutton and fish are major source of meat in Indian Hindu society.

As I mention Hindus are occasional meat eater. Most of Hindus eat meat once or twice in a month. (I know my Western and Pakistani frnd will be shock to hear it). The main protein source fro Hindus is Milk.

We Indians don't like meaty smell. Our non-veg dishes are full of spices, The spice flavor suppress the meat flavor.

Speak for youself! You need to get around different parts of India buddy!!!! There are loads of Hindus eating even beef.
Just out of curiosity which community is the largest consumer of pork in India ?

Not sure. But the best dishes come from Goa(GoanChristian Community), Western India(Anglo-Indians),Kerela(All communities except Jews and Muslims)and the North East.
I believe I referred to goat as well in my post. Also meat is not the absolute that factors into my diet. Anyways I'm not here to fight and spam. I hope you realize that you came out aggressive and ignorant in your analysis of me from a few posts on the internet.

make sure you eat some green vegetables as well.its good for health.
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