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Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

im a follower of Sai Baba of Shirdi i read the Quran and the best teaching i can tell these so called religious nuts is if one kills a innocent it is like he has killed all of humanity!!

Sai Baba encouraged his devotees to pray, chant God's name, and read holy scriptures. He told Muslims to study the Qur'an, and Hindus to study texts such as the Ramayana, Vishnu Sahasranam, Bhagavad Gita, and Yoga Vasistha. He advised his devotees and followers to lead a moral life, help others, love every living being without any discrimination, and develop two important features of character: faith (Shraddha) and patience (Saburi). He criticized atheism. In his teachings, Sai Baba emphasized the importance of performing one's duties without attachment to earthly matters, and of being content regardless of the situation.

Did Baba believe in some thing ?

Geeta or Quran ?

did he believe in nothing ?

did he believe in him self only, and not what Quran or Geeta say ?

OR did Baba believed in both ?

carefully analyze the logic table here .... and you will see your post is centered on hypocrisy.
Did Baba believe in some thing ?

Geeta or Quran ?

did he believe in nothing ?

did he believe in him self only, and not what Quran or Geeta say ?

OR did Baba believed in both ?

carefully analyze the logic table here .... and you will see your post is centered on hypocrisy.

Lol Sai Baba believed in ek malik one God whether u call him Ram or Allah to Baba ji it is the same thing.


Baba of Shirdi (September 28, 1838[citation needed] – October 15, 1918), also known as Shirdi Sai Baba (Marathi: शिर्डीचे श्री साईबाबा), was an Indian guru, yogi, and fakir who is regarded by his Hindu and Muslim devotees as a saint. Hindu devotees consider him an incarnation of Lord Shiva or Dattatreya. Many devotees believe that he was a Sadguru, an enlightened Sufi Pir (Urdu: پیر), or a Qutub. There are many stories and eyewitness accounts of miracles he performed. He is a well-known figure in many parts of the world, but especially in India, where he is much revered.
Did Baba believe in some thing ?

Geeta or Quran ?

did he believe in nothing ?

did he believe in him self only, and not what Quran or Geeta say ?

OR did Baba believed in both ?

carefully analyze the logic table here .... and you will see your post is centered on hypocrisy.

sir g let it go.. lol... it should not matter as long as he minded his own business without causing any harms to others.
Lol Sai Baba believed in ek malik one God whether u call him Ram or Allah to Baba ji it is the same thing.

Doesn't that imply that if Malik is one, than Malik's word will also be ONE !

does it also not imply that if Malik is ONE than there shan't be any contradiction in of Malik's sayings ?

Thus, tell me how can a "BaBa" advocate two ways ?
Doesn't that imply that if Malik is one, than Malik's word will also be ONE !

does it also not imply that if Malik is ONE than there shan't be any contradiction in of Malik's sayings ?

Thus, tell me how can a "BaBa" advocate two ways ?

No because Sai baba's life, miracles and message was unique that is why millions of hindus and muslims follow him in India he never said Quran is right or Gita is right and others is wrong his message was one of

Sai Baba had no love for perishable things and his sole concern was self-realization. He remains a very popular saint,[2] and is worshipped by people around the world. He taught a moral code of love, forgiveness, helping others, charity, contentment, inner peace, and devotion to God and guru. Sai Baba's teaching combined elements of Hinduism and Islam: he gave the hindu name Dwarakamayi to the mosque he lived in,[3] practiced Hindu and Muslim rituals, taught using words and figures that drew from both traditions, and was buried in a Hindu temple in Shirdi. One of his well known epigrams, "Sabka Malik Ek " ("One God governs all"), is associated with both the Bhagavad-Gita and Sufism. He always uttered "Allah Malik" ("God is King").

if you know about Bhakti hinduism it teaches there is One Supreme being same as One Allah/God in Quran this is the essential truth of all mankind.
Doesn't that imply that if Malik is one, than Malik's word will also be ONE !

does it also not imply that if Malik is ONE than there shan't be any contradiction in of Malik's sayings ?

Thus, tell me how can a "BaBa" advocate two ways ?

Sir g and ajay with all due respect. Please open another thread where you can discuss your topic irrelevant to this topic.
Na dvitityo Na triyaschthurtho naapyuchyate|
N a panchamo Na shshtah sapthmo naapyuchyate|
Nashtamo Na navamo dashamo naapyuchyate|
Yagna yetham devamekavritham veda||
Sa sarvassai vi pashyathi yachha praanathi yachhana|
Tamidam nigatam sah sa yesha yeka yekavrideka yeva|
Ya yetham devamekavritham veda||
Atharva 13.4[2]19-20

There is no second God, nor a third, nor is even a fourth spoken of

There is no fifth God or a sixth nor is even a seventh mentioned.

There is no eighth God, nor a ninth. Nothing is spoken about a tenth even.
I think this is enough for your question

The truth is, the observation of hijab gives women more liberty and freedom of expression, unlike its nonobservance, (that is, dressing in a conspicuous, revealing fashion) which is not only disrespectful to society, but also demeaning to the woman.

All of this was just your opinion. If you want to wear a hijab then go ahed, no one is stopping you. But don't go around saying that women that do not wear a hijab are "disrespectful" to society and is "demeaning" to the women because you just come off as being a close minded, judgemental person. :disagree:

hijab is not mandatory according to Islam and neither it should be forced on anyone unless that person wishes to do so on their own.

Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them; and Allah is well aquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands… (Qur’an 24:30-31)

example of Islamic dress code

And many muslims have misinterpreted and believe this is mandatory.

Be careful of what you quote please.

by some references it is NOT clear if the covering of the FACE is necessary or not,
there is not debate on the covering of the body.
The quality of covering for both men AND women is such that it shall not advertise the shape of the body and off course shall be opaque.

Be careful of what you quote please.

by some references it is NOT clear if the covering of the FACE is necessary or not,
there is not debate on the covering of the body.
The quality of covering for both men AND women is such that it shall not advertise the shape of the body and off course shall be opaque.

Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them; and Allah is well aquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands… (Qur’an 24:30-31)

- such as Hands and feet.

- The real beauty of the women is when a women uncovers herself which should only and only be presented to her HUSBAND and no one else.

thats my interpretation.
If these "Muslims" were doing the same during Prophet Mohammed era and in his land where he could interact with them do you think he would allow that to happen among Muslims who are "peacefully" practicing it? Please answer according to Islam.
Before you try to act smart and say "uhhh cat walking was not introduced during that time" let me tell you non-muslim Arabs practiced similar acts where women showed parts of their body for entertainment and it was forbidden.

And again. No one here is forcing anything on anyone.
As Muslims we all are suppose to help each others.

and also read my sig.

The whole first paragraph I have no idea what you are trying to say.
As for forcing anything on anyone, you're wrong in that. People in Pakistan ARE forcing their beliefs down people's throats. Salman Taseer had a different opinion then the mullahs and didnt agree with them, so they killed him. Sherry Rehman also doesnt agree with the mullahs so they sent a death threat to her and declared her a non muslim. If a women is wearing sleeveless and she doesnt have a problem with and her family doesnt either then why do you have a problem with it? Not everyone in Pakistan is a muslim or even a practicing Muslim.
The whole first paragraph I have no idea what you are trying to say.
As for forcing anything on anyone, you're wrong in that. People in Pakistan ARE forcing their beliefs down people's throats. Salman Taseer had a different opinion then the mullahs and didnt agree with them, so they killed him. Sherry Rehman also doesnt agree with the mullahs so they sent a death threat to her and declared her a non muslim. If a women is wearing sleeveless and she doesnt have a problem with and her family doesnt either then why do you have a problem with it? Not everyone in Pakistan is a muslim or even a practicing Muslim.

You have clearly displayed your ignorance.
no further comments.
Where in the Quran does it say that a non-Muslim cannot be elected to run the State?

And what gives you the right to speculate on what the Prophet may or may not have done?

its common sense only a muslim can make an islamic state better, where as a non muslim will tend to deviate away from it....

its also the majority mentality like in america where a muslim president is a simply non possible..

the system of governance which followed after prophet, i-e righteous caliph system never had non muslims, even though the non muslims were in large number, it is because the newly islamic state needed the islamic leaders to make this state possible..
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