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What will happen if Imran Khan get selected ?

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I think we would surely see a change in both foreign and domestic policies. Although the change won't happen overnight, but a gradual and steady. I understand him as a patriot, so whatever he will do will be in benefits (hopefully) of the Pakistan and the nation (us). But one thing that is to be consider is that he has yet to show his political prowess in the face of real political challenges.
Amazing. Now when it comes to Imran people ask about his policies but has anyone asked any of politicians in power this question before going to vote for them. Ous waqt tou sare 'awe hee awe' ke nare laga rahe hote hoo.

And its amazing people accept he is sincere and a very good administrator. But don't want him in power.Amazing its like saying "banda tou acha hai lekin power mein nai lana". People here are ready to accept corruption and self centered policies of ruling elite but don't want to vote for Imran just because he is new,he has made mistakes but accepted them(by the way everyone has made mistakes but no one accepts them). They say he is sincere but one man show.Ya sure! so vote for Zardari cause though he is corrupt he has a group of thieves with him. :angry:

So true, I don't understand their logic either:undecided:
I am about 90% sure.. if he is elected..
He will be the first to hug David Cameron.. ban western clothes in Pakistan..
and share a hot tub with Angelina Jolie and brad pitt.
I would love to see Imran Khan, he should be given a chance to become future Prime minister of Pakistan, Im sick and tired of the current corrupt political elite, that are destroying every fabric of pakistan.

So if everyone else from PPP or PML is given a chance to govern the country why not give imran a chance to see how much he can improve Pakistan's prosperity and future.
I am about 90% sure.. if he is elected..
He will be the first to hug David Cameron.. ban western clothes in Pakistan..
and share a hot tub with Angelina Jolie and brad pitt.

Dont know about Brad Pitt... Maybe Angelina...

Lets hope he pulls his sock... He has potential but needs to work on personal issues that dont remain personal for long...
Dont know about Brad Pitt... Maybe Angelina...

Lets hope he pulls his sock... He has potential but needs to work on personal issues that dont remain personal for long...

The guy is a hypocrite in my book... no better than the landlords or generals he so eloquently bashes on TV.
any reason

Gives a fiery speech in a university about the problems of following western culture.. and western dresses...etc etc.
One month later I personally see the guy in a pool with two ladies(one expat.. the other her English friend) under each of his arms.. having a red intoxicant.( I went to this socialite event with an intention to see Mr Khan.. hoping to have another chance with what I felt was a man capable of bringing a revolution..)
Shattered my image of him that very day.. and felt ashamed to have cheered his name when he gave that speech about American hypocrisy in front on me and my peers.
Gives a fiery speech in a university about the problems of following western culture.. and western dresses...etc etc.
One month later I personally see the guy in a pool with two ladies(one expat.. the other her English friend) under each of his arms.. having a red intoxicant.( I went to this socialite event with an intention to see Mr Khan.. hoping to have another chance with what I felt was a man capable of bringing a revolution..)
Shattered my image of him that very day.. and felt ashamed to have cheered his name when he gave that speech about American hypocrisy in front on me and my peers.

Keep hope and stay strong my dear... There are good people out there and things will get better for us one day God willing...
Late into this debate, but if he is to become the Prime Minister, then he should be "elected" not "selected" as is done by various martial saviours. Big difference.
Maybe Pakistan will become another Iran.
Who knows maybe After entring the office he will change entirely.
This is for the guy saying he saw Imran Khan at a party. Firt of all we don't even know if ur telling the truth. Some people here like to make stuff up, but despite that we all the Imran Khan isn't the most religious guy around, but what we do know is this guy is not corrupt and he has exposed every politician out there and has even taken Altaf Hussain to court, this guys seems to be the best man out there up for the job, plus he's a patriot so we're likely to progress if he is elected.
To the guy who says he saw Imran Khan at a party, firstly, that party will have to be overseas. I don't think that a person living in Pakistan gets automatic invites to these events. Secondly Imran at his age would not indulge in such a practice. Thirdly, I simply think you're making this up and lying.
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