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What will happen if Imran Khan get selected ?

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I want to hear what does ppl think can happen if Imran Khan become prime minister ? What good can he do and what bad will happen ?

For me he is only leader we have who can realy bring a change.

he will b better than current thieves:pakistan:
From what I have heard for people who don't support him this is what they think, they say Pakistanis will be living better lives but a few foreign government may be displeased by his actions. Thats all people have on this guy
You don't have to stop the support for WOT.

Continue it, but negotiate in a better way, that is where Imran Khan would shine, as opposed to half-hearted politicians today.

We are more than willing to help USA as long as they pay us in return,

Like, give easy loans, access to markets, business and student scholarship opportunities, all of which will make Pakistan stronger at the foundations.

They can fund health and education projects. Infrastructure, like help build more dams, nuclear plants etc.

Sharam ka mukam he that we can help USA as long as they pay us.:hitwall::hitwall:

If Imran Khan comes to power he will only and only work in Pakistan favour. Its Pakistan favour to stop supporting american war which has given us death noting more. As Hamid Mir program showed yester day 21 terrorist were killed by drone and 114 of civilian with them. So for killing 21 you made 114 or more terrorist. Without locals you cant capture these forigners who are hiding there. Thats what Imran Khan says.

I am happy that more and more supporting Imran Khan but few people's comment made me realy sad.
I assume you mean elected.

The thing is Imran Khan has shown nothing to suggest he fit to lead a country. All we ever hear from him is the same typical right-wing mumbo jumbo, US this Israel that etc. Talking about reform is the easy part, has he ever presented a plan to bring about these reforms?

And the man is no statesman, he supported Musharraf ten criticized Musharraf, supported Nawaz then criticized Nawaz then supported Nawaz again and criticized again. He even got beaten up by his closest allies the jamatis.

He's done remarkable things as a social worker but as a politician? not yet.
pakistan will likely to get into depression.........as he hates US and US controls almost everything!
he would stop the war on terrorism, US would put sanctions on us and we'll be back to stone age in no time.....(90s were different, we weren't dependent on US, but now we are)

though there would be less corruption as someone mentioned it above.

Our Government is accustomed to living beyond their means... I expect Imran will cut down on those massive useless expenses that are just part and parcel of every government in Pakistan , reduce corruption (if u have an honest head at the top its not going to be easy to escape the 'arm of law' if someone is corrupt lower down the chain of command) , More emphasis on pro poor policies and education.
Sharam ka mukam he that we can help USA as long as they pay us.:hitwall::hitwall:

If Imran Khan comes to power he will only and only work in Pakistan favour. Its Pakistan favour to stop supporting american war which has given us death noting more. As Hamid Mir program showed yester day 21 terrorist were killed by drone and 114 of civilian with them. So for killing 21 you made 114 or more terrorist. Without locals you cant capture these forigners who are hiding there. Thats what Imran Khan says.

I am happy that more and more supporting Imran Khan but few people's comment made me realy sad.

have you ever wondered how many civilians would have been killed if those terrorists had carried out suicide bombing in big/medium/small ciities of paksitan such as karachi, lahore, peshawar etc? if each had killed 20 innocent people with their mission, then 420 civilian would have been killed, unless you consider the blood of urbanized karachi/lahore etc cheaper than the blood of tribals.
politics isnt for him , more likely a bigger disaster for Pakisan ... i wish to see him as a philanthropist and future head of PCB
Sugar Price will reduce to 20rs/kg..

petrol 40rs/kg//
Do we have any other option.....Enough of PPP and PML.

bang on target ... if anybody outhere has any other option to vote for plz tell us with reasons ... almost everyone is in power at some level except JI and Imran . JI even has senators sitting in senate , so they have some representation in the parliament albeit faint.

Almost everyone in power and look at the result ... things have never been soooooooooooooo worse for a common man , for law and order , for governance , for the economy and for the country.
If Imran is elected, Pakistan will be saved at last.

There is no one in Pakistan like him. He is the only person with the stature, the vision and the will power to make decisions in the interest of Pakistan, not in the interest of the US or India (like Musharraf/Zardari/Nawaz).

Again, if Imran is elected, Pakistan will be saved at last.
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I assume you mean elected.

The thing is Imran Khan has shown nothing to suggest he fit to lead a country. All we ever hear from him is the same typical right-wing mumbo jumbo, US this Israel that etc. Talking about reform is the easy part, has he ever presented a plan to bring about these reforms?

And the man is no statesman, he supported Musharraf ten criticized Musharraf, supported Nawaz then criticized Nawaz then supported Nawaz again and criticized again. He even got beaten up by his closest allies the jamatis.

He's done remarkable things as a social worker but as a politician? not yet.

politics isnt for him , more likely a bigger disaster for Pakisan ... i wish to see him as a philanthropist and future head of PCB

Amazing. Now when it comes to Imran people ask about his policies but has anyone asked any of politicians in power this question before going to vote for them. Ous waqt tou sare 'awe hee awe' ke nare laga rahe hote hoo.

And its amazing people accept he is sincere and a very good administrator. But don't want him in power.Amazing its like saying "banda tou acha hai lekin power mein nai lana". People here are ready to accept corruption and self centered policies of ruling elite but don't want to vote for Imran just because he is new,he has made mistakes but accepted them(by the way everyone has made mistakes but no one accepts them). They say he is sincere but one man show.Ya sure! so vote for Zardari cause though he is corrupt he has a group of thieves with him. :angry:
have you ever wondered how many civilians would have been killed if those terrorists had carried out suicide bombing in big/medium/small ciities of paksitan such as karachi, lahore, peshawar etc? if each had killed 20 innocent people with their mission, then 420 civilian would have been killed, unless you consider the blood of urbanized karachi/lahore etc cheaper than the blood of tribals.

but have you ever thought that due to killing these 114 civilians at least new 114 terrorist will be created who are ready to take revenge of their loved ones from US and their allies (which for them is of course pakistan and it's people)..
Unlikely if he be elected as PM. But if there was any interim set up he might be chosen but since interim set up is only for few months untill new elections are held so i dont see anything happening
I want to hear what does ppl think can happen if Imran Khan become prime minister ? What good can he do and what bad will happen ?

For me he is only leader we have who can realy bring a change.
let him get elected rather than being selected otherwise he will just be like gilani.
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