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What will happen if China and India switch their global position?

India still will remain as a democratic country and will peacefully co exist with countries like Australia, UK, France, Spain, Canada etc.

That doesn't matter. Iran is capitalism + democracy and what is its global image? Imperial Japan in 1930 was also capitalism+democracy.

In fact, Iran has a much more developed democracy than India, because it has no caste system and no slaughter of minorities. Iranian Jews live far more freely than Muslim Indians.

If anyone really wanted to bash India, they can find endless material. Indeed, it is hard to find material to bash China with, so they need to resort to events 50 years ago and tiny non-news like fake Apple stores, instead of far more serious things like caste killings.
That doesn't matter. Iran is capitalism + democracy and what is its global image? Imperial Japan in 1930 was also capitalism+democracy.
Sorry not going to support your analogy. Iran is whatever it is but not liked by majority of Sunni Muslim countries (Read Arab) and then their PM has always an opinion which is certainly not appreciable. This is what an issue for Global image. Japan was great country then and could be in future if it does not go with Hitler.

In fact, Iran has a much more developed democracy than India, because it has no caste system and no slaughter of minorities. Iranian Jews live far more freely than Muslim Indians.
Iran has more developed democracy?? How?? Democracy is a political system and how it effects slaughter or whatever?? Weired logic I must say. Anyways, Just to increase your knowledge again Iran itself has an issue being only Shia Muslim country, lets leave a minuscule jews case. This is all with no offense to Iran, A country I admire due to its glorious past.

If anyone really wanted to bash India, they can find endless material. Indeed, it is hard to find material to bash China with, so they need to resort to events 50 years ago and tiny non-news like fake Apple stores, instead of far more serious things like caste killings.

What do you want to display here?? Superiority. If you want I can come up with 100s of problems China had and still having so Bashing can be done on any case. Tell me a country in the world where you dont find points to Bash?? I will give you at least 10. Singing of Caste killing is showing your mentality which happened ages ago and I will simply quote it with Tibet killings/Tianmen square etc
If India had China's economy, but was living in India; whereas China had India's economy, but was living in China as it is right now, Tibet & Xinjiang would have long been gone; India would easily take over the Indian ocean, developed its strategic alliances with Vietnam & Taiwan, & would have strangled China in every way. Maoism would have been much less of a threat, as well as the other insurgent groups, as well as the general socioeconomic conditions of the country.

Why would Tibet and Turkestan be gone? India has stayed together even though it has a HUGE population and much more diversity then most countries on this planet. You act as if India was fragmented earlier, never has happened like many said it would.

Its divided ethnically, linguistically, even add things like the caste system in there too. And India still stands today.
If India has this kind of strong economy, OBL will be found exactly in India near capital city next to Afghanistan in order to backlash and blames them.
Sorry not going to support your analogy. Iran is whatever it is but not liked by majority of Sunni Muslim countries (Read Arab) and then their PM has always an opinion which is certainly not appreciable. This is what an issue for Global image. Japan was great country then and could be in future if it does not go with Hitler.

Iran has more developed democracy?? How?? Democracy is a political system and how it effects slaughter or whatever?? Weired logic I must say. Anyways, Just to increase your knowledge again Iran itself has an issue being only Shia Muslim country, lets leave a minuscule jews case. This is all with no offense to Iran, A country I admire due to its glorious past.

What do you want to display here?? Superiority. If you want I can come up with 100s of problems China had and still having so Bashing can be done on any case. Tell me a country in the world where you dont find points to Bash?? I will give you at least 10. Singing of Caste killing is showing your mentality which happened ages ago and I will simply quote it with Tibet killings/Tianmen square etc

What did I say about tiny nonevents, or things that happened decades ago? I can find problems with illiteracy, starvation, killing, life and death in india today, at this moment. people are worried about China's "innovation" and "house market" but not about whether Chinese can eat enough, can read, or have too much communicable disease.

no one worries about Zimbabwe's innovation or house market, or India's innovation or house market, because they're not at the stage where those things matter.

India is still battling infectious diseases, mass AIDS, starvation, illiteracy, etc. China is past that stage where those things matter. in China, we take not getting cholera, getting enough to eat, being literate, not being infected with AIDS, not dying to honor killings for granted. Not so in India.
What did I say about tiny nonevents, or things that happened decades ago? I can find problems with illiteracy, starvation, killing, life and death in india today, at this moment. people are worried about China's "innovation" and "house market" but not about whether Chinese can eat enough, can read, or have too much communicable disease.

You have seriously Flawed logic or some sort of obsession against India (as usual) always made to see that. So capturing Tibet, mass killing of Tibetans, Running Tanks on student protesters, Suppressing minorities in Xinjiang, Forcing whole population for one kids are "TINY NON EVENTS" as per your logic let it be.

China and Innovation???? Seriously?? Let me not take you on a ride for the stuffs copied (Did I say "COPIED"?) from all famous brands of the worlds including Defense articles as well. Let me remind you China even wanted access of broken Heli of US in Pak. I am still waiting for a world wide famous Brand from China, let it be in Car, missiles, planes or even small Phones.

no one worries about Zimbabwe's innovation or house market, or India's innovation or house market, because they're not at the stage where those things matter.

Oh, Really?? India is as comparable to Zimbabwe as China with Lesotho (Search it on Map first). When whole world is announcing India as third largest economy in the world by 2020, You are such blindfolded to see that. Your problem Sir not mine.

Just to add that Emails with which you are on internet is created by an Indian and Tata is still bigger brand in the world than any other Chinese brands.

India is still battling infectious diseases, mass AIDS, starvation, illiteracy, etc. China is past that stage where those things matter. in China, we take not getting cholera, getting enough to eat, being literate, not being infected with AIDS, not dying to honor killings for granted. Not so in India.

Yes India is battling as you battled and still battling the way you ancestors kept you so you could not Physically grow in heights. Read history as writing more about this will create a bad environment. Leave cholera, Aids, Poverty for us but dont forget that there are such areas in China apart from Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzho etc where those "Cheap labors" are beaten to death and a state who is called as part of PRC declared and recognize itself as sovereign nation. Name is Taiwan if you did not get it.

PS: Lets talk on topic and based on facts rather than bashing and keep it clean.
You have seriously Flawed logic or some sort of obsession against India (as usual) always made to see that. So capturing Tibet, mass killing of Tibetans, Running Tanks on student protesters, Suppressing minorities in Xinjiang, Forcing whole population for one kids are "TINY NON EVENTS" as per your logic let it be.

China and Innovation???? Seriously?? Let me not take you on a ride for the stuffs copied (Did I say "COPIED"?) from all famous brands of the worlds including Defense articles as well. Let me remind you China even wanted access of broken Heli of US in Pak. I am still waiting for a world wide famous Brand from China, let it be in Car, missiles, planes or even small Phones.

Oh, Really?? India is as comparable to Zimbabwe as China with Lesotho (Search it on Map first). When whole world is announcing India as third largest economy in the world by 2020, You are such blindfolded to see that. Your problem Sir not mine.

Just to add that Emails with which you are on internet is created by an Indian and Tata is still bigger brand in the world than any other Chinese brands.

Yes India is battling as you battled and still battling the way you ancestors kept you so you could not Physically grow in heights. Read history as writing more about this will create a bad environment. Leave cholera, Aids, Poverty for us but dont forget that there are such areas in China apart from Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzho etc where those "Cheap labors" are beaten to death and a state who is called as part of PRC declared and recognize itself as sovereign nation. Name is Taiwan if you did not get it.

PS: Lets talk on topic and based on facts rather than bashing and keep it clean.

:lol: you are talking about height? Indians are far shorter than Chinese and have a lower IQ to boot. This is not due to race but due to your starvation and poverty. China has not struggled with starvation, illiteracy or cholera since 1960's. India is fully half a century behind China. China's literacy rates in 1980 are higher than India's literacy rates today.

TATA being a bigger brand than any other Chinese brand? Who the fk heard of TATA except for flaming nano sh!t car?

Tata Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

TATA total revenues: 76 billion, total assets: 52 billion

Sinopec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SINOPEC total revenues: 196.78 Billion, total assets: 128.42 Billion

TATA is a conglomerate, which means it has many businesses under it, so its total revenues being high is understandable. SINOPEC is just a petrochemical company, and in this one business, it is already dominating TATA which has many businesses. :lol:

Does TATA have a leading position in even a single one of the industries it is invested in? No way! It is just a typical "big but not important" sort of company that can do alot of assembly work due to cheap uneducated Indian slave labor but has no core technologies of its own. Entire India does not have ONE single semiconductor foundry. Indian level of technology still stuck at CRT television stage in 1950's.
:lol: you are talking about height? Indians are far shorter than Chinese and have a lower IQ to boot. This is not due to race but due to your starvation and poverty. China has not struggled with starvation, illiteracy or cholera since 1960's. India is fully half a century behind China. China's literacy rates in 1980 are higher than India's literacy rates today.
Why talking post 1960s only? Why forgot that you have sold whole Hongkong for Opium? and that Opium obsession gave you that heights. Half century behind? Please explain how?? What is literacy is different in different country, and No one believe China as everything is CCP's figures.

TATA being a bigger brand than any other Chinese brand? Who the fk heard of TATA except for flaming nano sh!t car?

Tata Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

TATA total revenues: 76 billion, total assets: 52 billion

Sinopec - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SINOPEC total revenues: 196.78 Billion, total assets: 128.42 Billion

TATA is a conglomerate, which means it has many businesses under it, so its total revenues being high is understandable. SINOPEC is just a petrochemical company, and in this one business, it is already dominating TATA which has many businesses. :lol:

See i told you, There is always flawed logic behind your calculation. I was not talking about asset & worth wise "Brand Value" else i would have talked about Reliance and Ambani Brothers being on top. Sinopec is a brand based on its largest IPO value.

Does TATA have a leading position in even a single one of the industries it is invested in? No way! It is just a typical "big but not important" sort of company that can do alot of assembly work due to cheap uneducated Indian slave labor but has no core technologies of its own. Entire India does not have ONE single semiconductor foundry. Indian level of technology still stuck at CRT television stage in 1950's.

You are right TATA has nothing. Jaguar belongs to TATA, Range Rover to TATA, Daewoo moters to TATA, Corus steel belongs to TATA, Tata Consultancy Services as one of the biggest IT services is nothing.

India does not have Semiconductor company? Right here is a list of 2008 from some HR company (I didn't bother even to look more):-

and when all world's big Semiconductor companies like Cadence Design, ST MicroElectronics, AMAT etc are here looking for "Intelligent" (Read it again) resources and not "cheap" labors for duplicating iPhone to iFone so what should I say?

You started in 1979 and reached twice with low quality and Cheap rates, we started in 1992 and still world is discussing of course we have faster growth in all aspects.
I did not say semiconductor COMPANY. I said semiconductor FOUNDRY. Big difference. Nvidia is a FABLESS company, it owns zero foundries, but instead outsources the actual manufacturing. India does not have even one semiconductor foundry and that's a cold hard fact.

Foundry model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:lol: yes, no one "trusts" CPC numbers, except the stupid scientific magazines that keep publishing Chinese articles while rejecting Indian ones, and the stupid WIPO, who accepts Chinese patents, while rejecting inferior Indian ones.

Why talking about opium? Qing Dynasty is long gone and the worst happened during the ROC era, which is on Taiwan. Don't you Indians love Taiwan? Aren't you the ones who want to sell them Brahmos? :lol: So why the sudden hate for Taiwan's Republic of China government, which was responsible for all the wrongs you listed?

Brand Value? Can you quantitatively give me what Brand Value is? Can you put a number on it? If its by relative ranking in industry, then Huawei is superior to TATA by far, as it is ranked #2 in network hardware and TATA is nowhere near #2 in any industry. There's NO BRAND where I'd rather buy Indian than Chinese. ABSOLUTELY NO BRAND and most people would agree. Even Indian companies are dependent on Chinese components, as they only do assembly work, and have no core technology of their own. It is absolutely laughable that Indians claim to be an IT superpower when their aerospace programs are forced to import code from Lockheed Martin.
This is what he claimed:

We on the other hand, never claimed such a thing.

But we still rank a LOT higher than India on the Global Peace Index.

Global Peace Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does the Global Peace Index take into account the arms that your country has been supplying to Maoist thugs in Nepal and India for the last 50 years. You can deny all you want. It is the culture of CCP to deny to last breath.

Peace between two countries is achieved when both respect each others borders. How many times your troops have crossed into Indian side and how many times the terrorist on the western border have infiltrated Indian territory. This I am stating because it is taken into account to reach the final result.
no, you are wrong.

if India was the rising superpower, the news in the US will not talk about India being a neutral country that never threatened any country. Don't be silly, when has the US ever talked good about its closest rival?


The US will talk about India's ties to the Soviet Union and communism, the unilateral military annexation of Goa and Sikkim (don't argue if it is true or not, if the US has even a tiny bit of evidence, and says its true, it WILL be true) and the caste system. They will talk about how millions of Indians are still in poverty, can't afford houses, how the Congress Party's elite are raising house prices and constructing ghost cities even as the majority wallow in slums, how Dalits can still be killed by Brahmins without punishment, how the Swiss Banks are overflowing with money from India. They will talk about the 2G scandals, how India is aggressively expanding its military program against the peaceful, traditional Chinese, how Indians are raising too many cows which contributes to greenhouse warming, how Indians eat too much and pollute the world.

They will ridicule Indian patriotism, asking "you love India, does India love you?" after pointing out how many Indians are still poor, how many are still hungry, how infrastructure outside major cities looks bad, they will even attack the taste of Indian food.

They will point out that India is still a poor country with only a 5000 USD GDP/capita. They will laugh at your English accent. They will find every little fault of your country and ridicule you for it. They will pay overseas dissidents millions to endlessly spam India's websites with anti-government propaganda. They will support Maoists, Kashmiri Independence, Northeast Independence, Sikh Independence and revive the Tamil Tigers. They will invite the Tamil Tigers and Maoists leaders to Washington DC and give them a Nobel Peace Prize.

They'll then be talking about how China, with its ancient traditions, Buddhist philosophy and deep Confucian culture represents a new way of spirituality... of course, in China we'll know its bullshit because our country would be as poor as India today. But at least we sound nice in the white man's articles!

BLAH..BLAH...BLAH. At the end of your yak...yak you want to sound nice in white man's article. Do you have inferior complex or what? I am going to reply in details later on. Stay tuned.
BLAH..BLAH...BLAH. At the end of your yak...yak you want to look nice in white man's article. Do you have inferior complex or what? I am going to reply in details later on. Stay tuned.

no, I'm laughing at Indians for thinking that you're superior because you look better in the white man's media.
no, I'm laughing at Indians for thinking that you're superior because you look better in the white man's media.

Im laughing at chinese for thinking that they are superior because you look better in Pakistani and Chinese propaganda media.
Im laughing at chinese for thinking that they are superior because you look better in Pakistani and Chinese propaganda media.

No, I think we're superior for our high IQ, top scoring educational system, relatively high standards of living and belonging to a powerful nation that is willing to look at its own problems rather than bury them and play blame game.

I'd also like to emphasize that these are not genetic, and that Indians can achieve far more than what China has, but it is impossible with your current system.
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