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What stops USA from occupying Pakistan?

Heavily armed population. The occupiers won't be fighting any organization if it occupies Pakistan. We'll just kill the occupiers every chance we get, there will be no winning our hearts. See them, shoot them. If anyone tries to win our hearts, shoot them. If anyone tries to win our minds, shoot them. An occupier smiles back at you, shoot them.

We're not Afghans or Iraqis who will welcome occupation, the worst of the worst Pakistani government is better than an occupation force that comes with rose petals.

Zero tolerance for occupiers. Of course I'd expect no less from any other nation if Pakistan occupied them. Live in peace always, but if war is imposed be ready to give the enemy a bloody nose.

Thats where you people should focus. arm the population and you wont need to worry about keepin up with India in terms of Aircraft etc.

Oh and one more thing. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were both occupied.
And they proved to be far better at war then Pakistan.

when push comes to shove and if the US and its Allies start diverting their full attention to war like they did in ww2 , you dont stand a chance.
Thats where you people should focus. arm the population and you wont need to worry about keepin up with India in terms of Aircraft etc.

Another NRA junkie that thinks 'gunz for citizens' will achieve world peace. If Pakistan starts arming up its citizens, it will break in 4 nations within a year because of the feudal punjabi lords controlling everything there.
In absence of puppets like Musharraf and Zardari, what will stop USA from occupying Pakistan?

Same reason that has stopped them from occupying Cuba, too much a sacrifice to pay, also they are beaten in Afghanistan by the rag tag taliban, pak army is a totally different beast. Also we will blow India to kingdom come so usa wont even dare.
HAHAHAHAHA. this post made my day.. what a daydream keep dreaming:lol:
Another NRA junkie that thinks 'gunz for citizens' will achieve world peace. If Pakistan starts arming up its citizens, it will break in 4 nations within a year because of the feudal punjabi lords controlling everything there.

Punjabi feudal lords?, get a grip man there are lots of arms where i come from but they are there for enemies of Pakistan, guns dont kill people kill, please keep your racial grouping to your self, we are just Pakistani nothing more nothing less.
The reason is that there are too many pplz to kill in here plus China is at our back too and US can't afford to mess with China that will be a nightmare for the US......:smokin:
hotaki i think you should to this world NOW!!!! if we wanted to invade pakistan we could any moment. NO country can stop us or any organization . you guys can dream about china saving you guys ...2 option china has ..let US invade pakistan or risk their billions of dollars trade with US and Europe...they care about their own interests like we do...
hotaki i think you should to this world NOW!!!! if we wanted to invade pakistan we could any moment. NO country can stop us or any organization . you guys can dream about china saving you guys ...2 option china has ..let US invade pakistan or risk their billions of dollars trade with US and Europe...they care about their own interests like we do...

What are you waiting for? Just send your damn forces inside Pakistan.
Cyber warfare and chest thumping sounds easy. LOL you can't control all of Afghanistan and you think you're going to invade Pakistan, a country that posses Nukes. Keep dreaming. At the end of the day, Iran and Pakistan (Neighbours + Alliance) will be a nightmare for you.

Risk dollars? You're debt is in Trillions...
LOL, China just helped your a$$ with the loan. Without it, you'd be doomed.
hotaki i think you should to this world NOW!!!! if we wanted to invade pakistan we could any moment. NO country can stop us or any organization . you guys can dream about china saving you guys ...2 option china has ..let US invade pakistan or risk their billions of dollars trade with US and Europe...they care about their own interests like we do...

Like how you occupied and won in Korea, like in Vietnam, please save us your blind patriosm, you got battered in Korea and totally raped in Vietnam, we see things from a different angle, you guys are an almost bankrupt nation, on its last steps 40 million Americans on food tickets, China wont save us nor do we expect it to, you will crumble by yourself bit Like the ussr.
Because the US has already invaded two countries. Plus Iran is a much higher priority for US than Pakistan.
Like how you occupied and won in Korea, like in Vietnam, please save us your blind patriosm, you got battered in Korea and totally raped in Vietnam, we see things from a different angle, you guys are an almost bankrupt nation, on its last steps 40 million Americans on food tickets, China wont save us nor do we expect it to, you will crumble by yourself bit Like the ussr.

who lost all wars against INDIA..who came to US during 1998 to ask for help ..for your information America NEVER LOST A WAR..Vietnam we protected south vietnam regime...Korea we Aided south korea against aggression...and about our 40 million people we can feed our people...your country lives on Aid and begs all times...your country cant even feed its own people..stop comparing us and pakistan..gaps is so big.. you can try for 200 hundred century to bridge it..we bomb your country everyday what will your country do...
Same reason that has stopped them from occupying Cuba, too much a sacrifice to pay, also they are beaten in Afghanistan by the rag tag taliban, pak army is a totally different beast. Also we will blow India to kingdom come so usa wont even dare.

The topic relates to USA ' occupying ' Pakistan.

..and India is being ' blown to kingdom come' by Pakistan !!

Reminds me of Saddam firing Scuds at Israel when the US led forces invaded !
The topic relates to USA ' occupying ' Pakistan.

..and India is being ' blown to kingdom come' by Pakistan !!

Reminds me of Saddam firing Scuds at Israel when the US led forces invaded !

reminds me that we took out saddam and his country in few country..his country armed forces were much better then pakistan
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