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What Indians think about Pakistan

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and wat do u think pakistanies tell to americans bangladeshi china arabs and europeans about india

Hey chill out ! i agree on the point about hatered iam against this thread used in a hateful means ... but don't go off preching now ! this is the pefect example of wat i meant when i wrote earlier that members on both sides will start a damn flame guys chill out :disagree:
That is what I call sugar-coating the poison. There is more than enough dirt and poison being fed to the Indians against Pakistanis and Muslims.

does this a$$hole Zaid Hamid represents the entire pakistan or does that bi@tch represents the whole india. NO

Will those indians who got emotional after mumbai attack or those pakistani children who don't literally know what they are saying will decide our future?

Internet is the free source of information, you can get lot of information but you also need to get correct information as any tom-dick-harry can twist the fact and upload false news.

have peace.
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Salaam to the guy who posted it.....hahahaha....Its quite funny.....I think we can oly laugh at the poor girl....Pakistan armed forces are quite strong and we will be able to defend Pakistan without any major concern.....Note how much they hate our Bomb...lol.....If they were so strong they would have attcked in 2001 or 2008
hey guys hold on.

whats going on here haan?

how many of you really understand why this thread started and why i posted the link to the video?

another member ADNAN wanted a link to the video so he started a thread and requested others to send him the link to that video, and i remember i had that link in my thanked posts, therefore, to facilitate another member i posted it.

its just about helping another member, we have already had our share of flametalk about this video in another thread so i request all of you worthy members not to start it all over again.

This is what Rahul Gandhi, India's next generation political hopeful, thinks about Pakistan

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That is what I call sugar-coating the poison. There is more than enough dirt and poison being fed to the Indians against Pakistanis and Muslims.

Come on ,its the hight of hypocrisy.

Here u guys making such hupla over a kid spouting anti pakistan slogans at a small gathering of hindu right wingers in some remote indian town...

but there is hardly any concern when the a lunatic fellow named "Zaid Hamid" from ur country appears on pakistans national television every otherday to hurl abuses aganist indian nation ,its culture... and its hindu religion, infront of smart gathering of educated english speaking youth of pakistan....and he gets applauded and appreciated as a true patriot for doing the same .

PS:people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!!
hey guys hold on.

whats going on here haan?

how many of you really understand why this thread started and why i posted the link to the video?

another member ADNAN wanted a link to the video so he started a thread and requested others to send him the link to that video, and i remember i had that link in my thanked posts, therefore, to facilitate another member i posted it.

its just about helping another member, we have already had our share of flametalk about this video in another thread so i request all of you worthy members not to start it all over again.


Thanks Abbas
I agree with what u've said
Too bad this thread went the way it did - - -
That is what I call sugar-coating the poison. There is more than enough dirt and poison being fed to the Indians against Pakistanis and Muslims.


With respect, you overvalue India's and Indians' concerns with Pakistan. My Indian family and friends never mention Pakistan when I am in India and that is often. Only time Pakistan is mentioned is when it is enquired where a certain product which is popular came from and the reply is either Karachi or Pakistan. We pay our soldiers to defend our borders and our only attitude is that if anybody crosses our borders with guns then they must do their jobs. We have no time to talk about or listen to ranting of people who talk about wiping out Pakistan. I think Pakistan has the same attitude? No poison against Pakistan by Indians. A 13 year old VHP brainwashed child cant be compared to the likes of your Hamid. But freaks like Hamid and this child exist in both Pakistan and India and the rest of the world and we should laugh at them and not regard them as the mindset of those nations?

Your remarks about Muslims is incorrect. Most hindu Indians have a fond loving for their Muslim brothers in India and we work together and live together in harmony. When mobs of desperate people are turned against each other by politicians for their own goals whether Muslim or Hindu then that is not a reflection of India's hindus but a reflection of the shortcomings in India's political democracy. It can't be said that all Pakistani Muslims hate hindus simply because of Hamid ji or some sick Muslim Taliban who kills non Muslims and rapes non Muslim girls in Pakistan and it also can't be said that this video is a reflection of hindus view to Muslims.

Please think before you post. Hindus also feel as hurt as Muslims when they see and hear things which this girl says.
This is a Pakistan Forum and we exercise our freedom of speech. Yes, we hate India and I am being blunt and honest with you. I hope that settles your curiosity. Yes, Indians do try to discriminate against Pakistanis whenever and where they get a chance, but most of them will also try to pretend cool on the face and stab you in the back. Like they say "Baghal may churee or moo may RAM RAM". Something like that 2 B Exact.
I bet, there are many similar videos made from Pakistanis to insult India as well.

So this is also made from Indian in response to others.

however i am against all this. this is just nonsense.

This is a Pakistan Forum and we exercise our freedom of speech. Yes, we hate India and I am being blunt and honest with you. I hope that settles your curiosity. Yes, Indians do try to discriminate against Pakistanis whenever and where they get a chance, but most of them will also try to pretend cool on the face and stab you in the back. Like they say "Baghal may churee or moo may RAM RAM". Something like that 2 B Exact.

OK, so you hate Indians, because they don't like you and they are against Muslims, BUT there was a time once, when your Mugal empire was Against Hindus, remember??:sick:

Hinduism survived, but let's see now...

One thing that i hate the most about you guys is that, You talk about Hindus, Christians, and other people killing Muslims, BUT you don't remember Muslims killing Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists. :sick:

Salaam to the guy who posted it.....hahahaha....Its quite funny.....I think we can oly laugh at the poor girl....Pakistan armed forces are quite strong and we will be able to defend Pakistan without any major concern.....Note how much they hate our Bomb...lol.....If they were so strong they would have attcked in 2001 or 2008

Just like China is not interesting in attacking India,, India is not interested in attacking Pakistan. :)

Now why China is not Attacking India!
Just like China is not interesting in attacking India,, India is not interested in attacking Pakistan. :)

Now why China is not Attacking India!

Because Indians are you Aryan and "backed" by you Aryan and thus we mongoloid Chinese can't.
Only genghis khan can. :oops:

Did you also consult with them Russian Neanderthals opinions on this? :rofl:
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