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Western backed terrorists kill top Sunni cleric in Syria

This (Banu Umayyah post) is a perfect example of blood thirsty terrorists in Syria, they come from outside Syria...
And you have funny logic, no wonder why you love seeing people die, is that the democracy you want to bring to Syria? kill any one that oppose your views?
and plus he didn't make any fatwas, he can't make fatwas... he can only show support to the Syrian army fight against terrorists that kill innocent people and kids...

Well , Al-Assad have not started a football match which would end in decided period of time . . Thats what happen when you waged war on your own civilians , Learn bozo , Learn

Question= Whats a hypocrite

Answer=Hypocrite is a person who supports House of Saud and other Wahhabi self appointed Kings and queens. who with the help of Western forces stay in power and has even changed the name of the country from Arabia to Saudi Arabia. Has killed 1000s political opponents plus crossed into neighboring Bahrain to kill UN armed civilians.

This hypocrite tells others about the danger of fighting to save ones country from terrorist yet ignores the fact the these terrorist are being financed by his own house of saud .
Question= Whats a hypocrite

Answer=Hypocrite is a person who supports House of Saud and other Wahhabi self appointed Kings and queens. who with the help of Western forces stay in power and has even changed the name of the country from Arabia to Saudi Arabia. Has killed 1000s political opponents plus crossed into neighboring Bahrain to kill UN armed civilians.

This hypocrite tells others about the danger of fighting to save ones country from terrorist yet ignores the fact the these terrorist are being financed by his own house of saud .

What about the terrorists financed by the house of khomeni ? How do you differenciate b\w Supreme leader and King?
so we stole hatay from you? No, after Ataturk's death, Hatay declared it's independency. And formed it's own state, after years. They wanted to join Republic Of Turkey. That's how it happen. Even if you were right. Yes we "stole" it. Nobody's forcing you, go and take it back.

"Joined" turkey after some heavy Turkification of the area, Turks tried to annex Mosul as wel but we succesfully resisted.
Why take it back ? this is not about taking it back I am telling you that Turkey does not have a clean history, obviously you cannot take it as I expected with all the nationalism they teach you guys.
CIA provides intelligence to Syrian rebels: report

WASHINGTON: The US Central Intelligence Agency has been feeding information to select rebel fighters in Syria to try to make them more effective against government troops, The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday.

Citing unnamed current and former US officials, the newspaper said the new CIA effort reflected a change in the administration’s approach that aims to strengthen secular rebel fighters.

The CIA has sent officers to Turkey to help vet rebels who receive arms shipments from Gulf allies, the report said.

But administration officials cited concerns about some weapons going to Islamists, the paper noted.

In Iraq, the CIA has been directed by the White House to work with elite counterterrorism units to help the Iraqis counter the flow of Al Qaeda-linked fighters across the border with Syria, The Journal said.

According to the report, the West favours fighters aligned with the Free Syrian Army, which supports the Syrian Opposition Coalition political group.

Syrian opposition commanders said the CIA had been working with British, French and Jordanian intelligence services to train rebels in the use of various kinds of weapons, the paper said.

The move comes as the al Nusra Front, the main Al Qaeda-linked group operating in Syria, is deepening its ties to the terrorist organisation’s central leadership in Pakistan, The Journal said.

The new aid to rebels doesn’t change the US decision against taking direct military action, the paper noted.
"Joined" turkey after some heavy Turkification of the area, Turks tried to annex Mosul as wel but we succesfully resisted.
Why take it back ? this is not about taking it back I am telling you that Turkey does not have a clean history, obviously you cannot take it as I expected with all the nationalism they teach you guys.

you say our history is dirty? Everybody knows our history. All arabs including Iraqis, betrayed us in WWI. That's what I call a dirty history. Then we alone pushed them outta our lands. And that's a clean history. And it wasn't your "heroic honorful" :rofl: acts which kept Mosol yours, it was the British. Don't make me list the failures of you.
you say our history is dirty? Everybody knows our history. All arabs including Iraqis, betrayed us in WWI. That's what I call a dirty history. Then we alone pushed them outta our lands. And that's a clean history. And it wasn't your "heroic honorful" :rofl: acts which kept Mosol yours, it was the British. Don't make me list the failures of you.

Lol, since when is it "betrayal" when Turkish nationalism was rising in the ottoman empire ?
Nationalism started to rise among all ethnic groups in the Ottoman empire.
The young turks betrayed the ottoman empire, yet you only blame non turks.
You dare to call this betrayal but you do not call it betrayal when the mamluks which were mostly made of turkic groups betrayed the abbasids

I acually dont mind the middle east to be an islamic empire as the Ottoman empire.
But now that you have all turned hardcore turkish nationalists you cant expect non turks to join you.
Lol, since when is it "betrayal" when Turkish nationalism was rising in the ottoman empire ?
Nationalism started to rise among all ethnic groups in the Ottoman empire.
The young turks betrayed the ottoman empire, yet you only blame non turks.
You dare to call this betrayal but you do not call it betrayal when the mamluks which were mostly made of turkic groups betrayed the abbasids after the mongols destroyed it ?

What makes these your lands ? your not even from the area dude, Eastern turkey is inhabited by majority non turks, Ataturk has taken these lands by force aswell.
Some Turks can not seem to understand that the middle east has a longer history then 900 years, these lands do not belong to you, anyways why did you all turn nationalists when praising the ottoman empire, this was an islamic empire.


1- I'm not nationalist nor islamist. I'm secular patriot.

2- You don't understand. So I say, yes those land doesn't belong to us. But the whole world accepted it, if you don't go and try to take it back with the same force as Ataturk had if you have that.

3- Memluks were mostly Arabic people not Turks, it was the minor Turks living in the region.

4- Those Young Turks, realised that running a country with religion is not the right way of democrasy. Sth that you can not know. And also those young Turks established a modern secular republic instead of an old empire whom was runned by western puppets still defending caliphate.

5- I ain't give a damn about your Muslim brotherhood (whatever you call it).
I only think about my country's national interests.

5- if your whole arab friends agree with you too. Come and take "your" lands. :)

1- I'm not nationalist nor islamist. I'm secular patriot.

2- You don't understand. So I say, yes those land doesn't belong to us. But the whole world accepted it, if you don't go and try to take it back with the same force as Ataturk had if you have that.

3- Memluks were mostly Arabic people not Turks, it was the minor Turks living in the region.

4- Those Young Turks, realised that running a country with religion is not the right way of democrasy. Sth that you can not know. And also those young Turks established a modern secular republic instead of an old empire whom was runned by western puppets still defending caliphate.

5- I ain't give a damn about your Muslim brotherhood (whatever you call it).
I only think about my country's national interests.

5- if your whole arab friends agree with you too. Come and take "your" lands. :)

Good, then we did not "betray" you.
We together with out young turk brothers destroyed an old puppet ottoman empire to create the republic of turkey, so dont use that excuse that we betrayed anyone.

what the hell is a patriot anyway, same **** as nationalist.
Good, then we did not "betray" you.
We together with out young turk brothers destroyed an old puppet ottoman empire to create the republic of turkey, so dont use that excuse that we betrayed anyone.

what the hell is a patriot anyway, same **** as nationalist.

you're not smart enough to see the difference between a Patriot and a Nationalist. You betrayed to all Turks in that time. It has nothin to do with the good&bad turks. It's interestning that you can't say a damn thing about the other things I said.
you're not smart enough to see the difference between a Patriot and a Nationalist. You betrayed to all Turks in that time. It has nothin to do with the good&bad turks. It's interestning that you can't say a damn thing about the other things I said.

Same thing.
The rest of your message has little important in it, I expected the message " try take it back "
the term "terrorist" means the people like Iran supports and uses as a shield to make people fear so they could delay their end. Answer to your question is YES. We support the "terrorists" who fight for their freedom against a dictator whom enjoys killing children. Also another declared SST just like your lovely country. Iran.

Hello Mr.Bush, I didnt know you visited these forums.

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