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Western backed terrorists kill top Sunni cleric in Syria

Bla bla bla. Yes God is the best judge, so he killed our civilian including 3 of her children. You call this judgement, i call this epic failure of syria

Turkey is not innocent, you guys have annexed Syrian land ( Hatay ).
You would understand if you look at it from a neutral view, but that will not be possible cause your country is involved.


This would be a more logical map.
In the beginning, it was genuine, unarmed protests. They weren't even calling for Assad to go, just for more freedom and for less repression.

These protests were met with live fire and kidnappings/torture.

Fast forward 2 years and we have a situation where both sides are utterly odious. People do themselves no favours by decrying the "western backed FSA" whilst supporting Assad. I've seen some shocking videos of Assad's men in full Syrian army uniform cutting bits from dead FSA to keep as trophies. I've also seen awful Salafi videos of FSA affiliates acting worse than animals.

This is sectarianism at its worst.

Muslims needs to sort themselves out. They're in conflict in dozens of countries around the world with every major religion including themselves.

The religion has become more and more extreme and politicised. There's sectarianism between Sunni and Shia, there's tribalism and clans/families.

I want nothing to do with either side. I hope the UK stays out.
@Controlled Pair

you are wrong, there was no such thing as peaceful protest, they started out with sectarian chanting, and racist slogans... they burnt down government buildings, court, private buildings and even killed protesters to blame the government
this video will explain the beginning of the crisis
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only someone like you can support attack on a mosque and have no respect for the dead you are a real wahabii
How did I support the alleged attack? I am happy he died but I am sure he died from illness.
The guy was over 80 and suffered health conditions. Why blow up a dying man? specially with a suicide bomber, such a waste of resources.
Also, I've never heard of Alqaeda suicide attack inside a mosque, specially for someone as low security & significance as Albouti.
Why kill all those people in the mosque when they could've gunned his car? The story is simply UNBELIEVABLE. Now they should target Hasson & Nassrallah:sniper:
How did I support the alleged attack? I am happy he died but I am sure he died from illness.
The guy was over 80 and suffered health conditions. Why blow up a dying man, specially with a suicide bomber, seems a waste. Also, I've never heard of Alqaeda suicide attack inside a mosque, specially for some as low security & significance as Albouti.
Why kill all those people in the mosque when they couldve used a gun? The story is simply UNBELIEVABLE. Now they should target Hasoon & Nassrallah:sniper:

So now you are defending Al Quaeda as well? Who said they do not attack mosques? Is it written in their charter or something?

The 2006 al-Askari Mosque bombing occurred at the al-Askari Mosque in the Iraqi city of Samarra, on February 22, 2006, at about 6:44 a.m. local time (0344 UTC). The attack on the mosque, one of the holiest sites in Shia Islam, is believed to have been caused by Al-Qaeda in Iraq. Although no injuries occurred in the blasts, the mosque was severely damaged.
The bombing was followed by retaliatory violence with over a hundred dead bodies being found the next day[1] and well over 1,000 people killed in the days following the bombing – by some counts, over 1,000 on the first day alone.[2]

Although Al-Qaeda in Iraq denied any involvement in statements released, in June 2006, it was reported that Iraqi commandos and troops had captured and seriously wounded Yousri Fakher Mohammed Ali, a Tunisian also known as Abu Qudama al-Tunesi, after he and 15 other foreign fighters stormed an Iraqi checkpoint 25 miles north of Baghdad, according to Iraqi National Security Adviser Mouwafak al-Rubaie.

Abu Qudama confessed to taking part in the attack on al-Askari mosque in Samarra and gave a detailed account of how the attack took place. Al-Rubaie said Iraqi security forces had yet to capture the mastermind of the mosque attack, Haitham al-Badri, an Iraqi and leader of one of Al Qaeda in Iraq's cells. Al-Rubaie said al-Badri, Abu Qudama, four Saudi nationals and two other Iraqis stormed the mosque Feb. 21, rounded up the shrine's guards, members of Iraq's Facility Protection Service, and bound their hands. The group then spent the rest of the night rigging the mosque with bombs. At dawn the next day, they detonated the explosives, bringing down the dome.[12]

In an August 2006 press conference U.S. President George W. Bush stated "it's pretty clear – at least the evidence indicates – that the bombing of the shrine was an Al Qaida plot, all intending to create sectarian violence."[13] Before his death, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi listed among his goals the incitement of a civil war between Iraq's Shiites and Sunnis.[14]
In September 2006, Iraqi officials announced the capture of Hamid Juma Faris Jouri al-Saeedi in connection with the bombing, allegedly done on his orders by Haitham al-Badri.[15]
Al-Badri was killed in August 2007.[16]

GCC regrets Iranian intervention | ArabNews

Just look at that Kabsa Khalifa?? He may win sumo wrestling as well!

Saudi Arabia busts spy ring | GulfNews.com
Manama: Saudi Arabia has busted an espionage cell that included 16 Saudis, one Lebanese and one Iranian.

No side is angel..Middle East is gearing up for Arab vs Persian war and every one is adviced to stay neutral and look after their interest.

Just as some of the die hard fanatics claim here, if Syrian regime is all that good in coverup and propaganda then they should have been able to hide their crimes very cleverly!
So now you are defending Al Quaeda as well? Who said they do not attack mosques? Is it written in their charter or something?

Like I said, if Alqaeda were behind the attack, they wold have claimed it the same day. They didn't, in fact they denounced it.
No side is angel..Middle East is gearing up for Arab vs Persian war and every one is adviced to stay neutral and look after their interest.
Time to go back on your medication, Syrian civil war is the last war in the middle east. The Iranian shadow government in Beirut just collapsed today. The rope is tightening on Bashar:azn:
Syrian state TV filmed the mosque and the dead bodies just after the explosion but the carpet was clean as well as the walls, they are so stupid, they didn't even bother making a fire to make it look real :lol:. If FSA or Nusrah group did it they would have definitely admitted it, but they rather denounced it and assured the world that it was staged after Buti died naturally and it's really not difficult to bring a couple of dead bodies who died in fighting to blame it on FSA.

The regime is desperately working on making FSA look like terrorists to convice Western power from arming them.

FSA is the future in Syria, you need to live with that sooner better than later. Bashar major headquarters are being shelled for the first time and FSA is gaining more areas and strength every single day.
Syrian state TV filmed the mosque and the dead bodies just after the explosion but the carpet was clean as well as the walls, they are so stupid, they didn't even bother making a fire to make it look real :lol:. If FSA or Nusrah group did it they would have definitely admitted it, but they rather denounced it and assured the world that it was staged after Buti died naturally and it's really not difficult to bring a couple of dead bodies who died in fighting to blame it on FSA.

The regime is desperately working on making FSA look like terrorists to convice Western power from arming them.

FSA is the future in Syria, you need to live with that sooner better than later. Bashar major headquarters are being shelled for the first time and FSA is gaining more areas and strength every single day.
Have you heard of powder explosion? have you heard of electric explosions? Shrapnel bombs? you are really ignorant.... terrorists F$A wouldn't admit it because they are coward, and they will get the Sunnis to turn against them.... and you are blind, go see the pictures and the video to see blood and the destruction....
man PLEASE PLEASE come up with something new, you have been repeating the same thing about F$A winning, and its been two years, and you still watch Alarabieyh and Aljazeera. F$A will die soon, terrorism in Syria will be erased....
go find something new, maybe blame Alasad for sinking the Titanic...
The first time i agree with you LION,attack on a mosque(suicide bomb) is unacceptable,no matter who is in there.
The first time i agree with you LION,attack on a mosque(suicide bomb) is unacceptable,no matter who is in there.

F$A terrorists use mosques as combat bases, they use it to bomb it and then video it to blame the government... while in reality its them who destroyed mosques, they don't even respect the mosque dignity and respect that it is a place for worship and prayer not for war... F$A terrorists are coward who hide between civilians to use them as shields, if they were real freedom fighters they would of stayed away from mosques, schools, hospitals, and civilians, Syria has a large desert and forests, that where they should fight not among people to kill them....
Like I said, if Alqaeda were behind the attack, they wold have claimed it the same day. They didn't, in fact they denounced it.

Al Quaida has not claimed numerous other attacks as well.

Time to go back on your medication, Syrian civil war is the last war in the middle east. The Iranian shadow government in Beirut just collapsed today. The rope is tightening on Bashar:azn:

Like I said..Zinga Zinga..Dar Dar..ala Jahanum ya Bashar!
He should step down gracefully or could end up like Ghaddafi!

But not at the expense of Foreign Supplied Army (FSA) that is not a true revolution or uprising. Fight at the ballot...to all countries funding and arming FSA shame on them! How would they react if Syria was to pay back in kind?
Turkey is not innocent, you guys have annexed Syrian land ( Hatay ).
You would understand if you look at it from a neutral view, but that will not be possible cause your country is involved.


This would be a more logical map.

so we stole hatay from you? No, after Ataturk's death, Hatay declared it's independency. And formed it's own state, after years. They wanted to join Republic Of Turkey. That's how it happen. Even if you were right. Yes we "stole" it. Nobody's forcing you, go and take it back.
Finally this pig died.
I doubt the official story, I think the government sought to divert attention from the recent chemical weapons they used on civilans. No one claimed the attack, why?
In either case, he supported the regimes massacres of innocent civilians, children were killed because of his fatwas. Hell is where he belongs.

I thought civil war was about bringing freedom to Sunnis.It turns out not so, its only freedom to ''Sunnis'' that agree with Wahhabi ideology other wise they are PIGS Nice.
How did I support the alleged attack? I am happy he died but I am sure he died from illness.
The guy was over 80 and suffered health conditions. Why blow up a dying man? specially with a suicide bomber, such a waste of resources.
Also, I've never heard of Alqaeda suicide attack inside a mosque, specially for someone as low security & significance as Albouti.
Why kill all those people in the mosque when they could've gunned his car? The story is simply UNBELIEVABLE. Now they should target Hasson & Nassrallah:sniper:

1)LADIES and Gentleman suicide Bombers are Wahhabi resources

2) better ways of murdering some one is drive by shooting

3)denies Saudi intelligence also know as AL_Qaeda has ever blown people up in mosques.

4)calls a Sunni Imam a Pig(these same Saudis are financing terrorist for the freedom of Syrian Sunnis)

5)Wahhabi is still showing zero remorse of a cold blooded murder in a mosque he is only sorry resource (suicide bomber) is wasted.
Like I said..Zinga Zinga..Dar Dar..ala Jahanum ya Bashar!
He should step down gracefully or could end up like Ghaddafi!

But not at the expense of Foreign Supplied Army (FSA) that is not a true revolution or uprising. Fight at the ballot...to all countries funding and arming FSA shame on them! How would they react if Syria was to pay back in kind?
Well , Al-Assad have not started a football match which would end in decided period of time . . Thats what happen when you waged war on your own civilians , Learn bozo , Learn
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