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We salute Pak fight against terror: Israel

Time change and so should our policy, Arabs have not really helped us the way he have helped them.

So by looking at the current scenario, we have to decide what we should do?

Either continue our flawed foreign policy where we are seen in a negative light or we can develop an independent, beneficial policy whereby we look out for our own interest and not the Arabs.

What sort of help were you looking from Arabs?
It is failure of Sharif and BB's foreign policy which failed to tap common grounds to max.
We had only tried to negotiate grants, and free oil, where as Indians negotiate to get construction contracts for their private industry.

On the other hand, Arabs knows that both Zardari and Sharif of Pakistan are involved in activities against Pakistan...

Please, refrain from imagining no one else knows arab psyche better than you....
Issue at present is of reputation....
If you think you are waisting your money than your govt. does not seem to agree with you and essentially all this money you mentioned is being spent in keeping your armed forces at and around Pakistan borders.

On the other hand your covert budget of RAW is half spent on bad mouthing Islam on web and half in buying suicide bombers from northern alliance.

Where as our value is concerned... a lot many states are spending much in waging covert overt wars against Pakistan.

You are feeling very insecure here, a lot many states are waging war?? do they have other jobs to do?
Rubbish israel has not helped us to keep our F-16 flying a lie being spouted by certain terrestrials in Pakistan, they were the first to campaign to stop Pakistan from obtaining F-16s because they knew PAF would upgrade them to carry nukes.

I like your reply... at the moment Pakistan is in image war and Indians always try to post that Pakistan have no capacity or brain...
Indians have always tried to swept aside our achievements by leveling false accusations.
Now.. since this one has started... in few months this would be standard answers from Indians every where and web references will be available from PDF... :lol:

i think the person who spoke to Santro was testing him....:lol:
Pakistan army personnel work actively in arab military establishments. I think at times they have even completed couple of operations for them.
You are feeling very insecure here, a lot many states are waging war?? do they have other jobs to do?

This is there job... they earn from it.
What was India until WOT took over?
only until 4 years ago, Pakistan had higher growth rate than India and with all prospects of growing further and TTP reversed the fortunes in Indian favor and which is suppose to be the product of Indian presence in Afghanistan.

It is India who feel insecure and would like to double its defense budget simply because Pakistan has developed JFT.
Pakistan army personnel work actively in arab military establishments. I think at times they have even completed couple of operations for them.

Pakistan army also work for UN and had fought many bloody wars for UN too.

Whereas I'm not sure which operations are you talking about?
We should look for new partners and Israel can be a new partner, we could work with them to solve the Palestinian case.

This would be a balance to use against the Arab nations who we do not have gained any benefit from.

Your reasons for not supporting Israel are still unclear to me and seems as if they based or religious emotionalism and not reality.

well its your point of view and i disagree. Instead of finding new partners like Israel.we should rather make a better foreign policy in Arab Nations ,central Asia, Turkey and China . so we can benefited from them, we can bring investments in Pakistan..
I like your reply... at the moment Pakistan is in image war and Indians always try to post that Pakistan have no capacity or brain...
Indians have always tried to swept aside our achievements by leveling false accusations.
Now.. since this one has started... in few months this would be standard answers from Indians every where and web references will be available from PDF... :lol:

i think the person who spoke to Santro was testing him....:lol:

Me.. along with a retd Navy captain.. a Mech Engineer..
Maybe he had the thing embossed with Israel..
and had the ink imported from timbuktu. .. I smell a conspiracy..
It was a RAW sleeper cell in that UAV establishment.. probably financed by MOSSAD with donations from the CIA,Mi6,GRU and Salman Rushdie.
The horror.. the horror.

The operations where PA personnel fought for the Arabs..
probably the most famous would be Zia ul Haq's charge during Black september..
but wait.. we support the Palestinians against the Israeli's.. dont we?
We support all arabs.. but.. here we helped arabs kill arabs..
This is confusing...
Who is the enemy again?
I am surprised to know from you that how could be a religious factor part of foreign policy!

When constitution based over religious ideology then how will separate foreign policy from religious fact? Whole government system including international relation keep their link with religious status of country.

Why you are mixing religion with radicalization? Why you blame Arab countries in radicalization when incompetence of Pakistan to control external influence, who forced Pakistan not regulate these aspects according to his need & political planes? Even interesting for me when you saying that religion is destroying our country it means you are rejecting ideology of Pakistan & got into hypnosis of western ideology that you have no concern with fundamental constitutional importance. We have our own priorities and regional responsibilities. Religion is not tool to destroy but it is our inability & incapabilities in securing or controlling institutions, media & political activities from this flow.

Religion is a personal matter, the way it has been used in government policy within Pakistan has been extremely detrimental to our country where we are hanging by the thread against the onslaught of religious extremism.

Our constitution is partly based on a man made religious ideology and it has been one that has negated our country in every aspect of life. So we should revert back to the way Pakistan ought to be and that is limited or interference of religion in state decisions.

I am mixing religion with radicalism because its religious radicalism that we are currently facing in Pakistan. Its not the incompetence of Pakistan Government but the foreign policy itself that allowed the Arabs to spread their ideology with in our borders. Simply put, if we did not have such a policy, we would be able to do what is required, keep external influence limited within our borders. The ideology of Pakistan is not a quasi-religious state and should be modern Muslim state but that it is not. So your point of view is obviously biased as your religious leaning is quite clear from the onset.

Religion itself has no role to play in the political sphere, similarly it should not be ascribed to a state policy because if it did like Iran, a nations stands isolated and alone.

I was not about shuja pasha and there was enough intelligence information available in record to prove Israel involvement so i am not the one who will repeat again and again same story & reports for your Highness what on record or not, i think you are informed enough.

You only gave me a couple of old facts but nothing more for recent times and I am not informed of any Israeli involvement in recent years. I can assume from your statement that there isn't any information that can support your argument.

Sorry i was wrong that you have real idea how religion is involved by our generals to stimulate Afghan Jihad and even what there happened in reality. (Off topic)

It was an idea by both out military establishment and the Americans to use religions to defeat the Soviets, that decision was very wrong.

Quite interesting you know results of this war but unaware which force pushed all this into borders.

Which force was it?

Well, but you want that i must believe over your link, not fair.

I gave you a link from a credible source, you gave me brief text without any source.

I refereed you book giving idea what main targets pointed by Israel and how they went to realize they think. So Up to you.
If you aware of raeli plans to attack Pakistans Nuclear facility then what make you close eye & support this idea despite there is no guaranty of security & non aggressive assurance?

My entire point is that with diplomatic relations, the GoP will be privy to more information being channeled through Israel and thus we would be in a batter position to deal with them/

and we have to believe!? in case of Israel????????

Depends, tit for tat.

bold part is place where you want to reach. Look like world is ended for us and we can get nothing if we will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel!!!!
Red part: we can't say that we got nothing from Arab states, totally injustice. What could be balance where our decision over Israel depends over our main Arab partners?

What did we get from the Arab states?

And why does our decision depend upon our Arab partners, we are an independent nation and we should so what is best for our nation.

Blue part: O come one did you think that my non supporting position bases over emotional & religious. Joke for me.

Seems like it.

Being a true Pakistani i only want a security assurance and harmless attitude of Israel toward my country & past ever play important role in establishing relation so this past of Israel force to think even million times in stepping up toward diplomatic ties, Yes if they will give us guaranty & prove that they have no negative agenda toward Pakistan then WE WILL THINK AND BRING UNDER CONSIDERATION
btw we have relations with other western countries too.

So being a true Pakistani you want to let the Arabs harm our nation but not open relations with other countries who we can first discuss all issues with.

It would be a slow process and that is fine, but we need to reconsider our foreign policy which is flawed to say the least.
What sort of help were you looking from Arabs?
It is failure of Sharif and BB's foreign policy which failed to tap common grounds to max.
We had only tried to negotiate grants, and free oil, where as Indians negotiate to get construction contracts for their private industry.

For starters, they can stop interfering in our public sphere by canceling their funding for mosques, seminaries and insurgents.

Then we will move forward from there.

On the other hand, Arabs knows that both Zardari and Sharif of Pakistan are involved in activities against Pakistan...

But they are too and they work with both Zardari and Nawaz.

Please, refrain from imagining no one else knows arab psyche better than you....
Issue at present is of reputation....

What imagination?

When our own security establishment is aware of the funding to insurgents then we ought to do something about it.
Israel is a reality and is not going anywhere whether we like it or not. Accepting a country diplomatically does not automatically means you become friends with them. And if ideology is the way to measure our differences then we should use the same yard stick with India because it was our difference of ideology that lead to the creation of Pakistan. So if we accept India and have diplomatic relations with them, and even talk about friendship and exchange programs and all that other nonsense, then why not Israel. Lets not be a bunch of hypocrites.

Agreed... We should be throwing the Indian Embassy out of Pakistan and be in a permanent state of war against them...
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