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Ways of improving India-Bangladesh bilateral relations?


The Bay Area has a piece of the nation’s fastest growing group of illegal immigrants. But don’t assume you know who they are.

Turning stereotypes on their head, a recent federal analysis of unauthorized immigration says the most rapidly growing source of illegal immigration is India – the same country whose engineers and programmers help power Google and other Silicon Valley companies, whose doctors heal the Bay Area’s sick, and whose entrepreneurs and venture capitalists have become a force on both sides of the international date line.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security estimates that there are 270,000 unauthorized Indian natives in the United States – a 125 percent jump since 2000, the largest percentage increase of any nation with more than 100,000 illegal immigrants in the United States.

The number of undocumented Indians is dwarfed by the estimated 6.6 million illegal residents from Mexico, according to the estimates from homeland security’s Office of Immigration Statistics. Yet, considering the high level of education of many Indians, immigration experts say the federal report hints at a new phenomenon: a high-skilled undocumented workforce to go along with the nation’s sizable numbers of low-skilled illegal workers.

If trends continue, within three years India would trail only Mexico, El Salvador and Guatemala as a source of illegal immigration. Another national immigration expert, Jeffrey S. Passel of the Pew Hispanic Center, estimates that the number of illegal Indians is even higher, at 400,000 people.

Virtually all entered the United States legally but violated the terms of their visas, say experts who study the nation’s much maligned immigration system.

“How do you get in? You come across the border, or you arrive here with a visa,” said Lindsay Lowell, policy director for the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University. “Indians aren’t going to be walking across the border like Mexicans.”

Indians are among the most affluent ethnic groups in the United States, with a median household income that is 62 percent higher than the figure for all U.S. households.

Santa Clara County has the largest Indian-born population, and Alameda County ranks fifth, among the nation’s 3,141 counties, according to 2006 census data. But there is no way to know what share of Bay Area Indian immigrants are illegal.

The Census Bureau does not ask people about their immigration status, and the Office of Immigration Statistics report did not provide state or local estimates. Of the 2.5 million people of Indian ancestry living in the United States, about 1 million are not U.S. citizens.

Federal officials calculated the number of illegal immigrants by using census estimates of the total number of immigrants from individual countries, compiling the total number of legal immigrants using federal immigration and naturalization records, and then subtracting the number of legal residents from the total immigrant population to determine the number of undocumented people.

It is certainly a minority of the local Indian community, however, and probably a very small one. Half the people of Indian ancestry living in Santa Clara County are already U.S. citizens, either by birth or naturalization, according to census data. Thousands of others are legal permanent residents, or they are here legally on student, tourist or work visas.

Asked about the number of illegal Indians in Silicon Valley, Banjit Singh, an Indian-born taxi driver waiting for a fare at Mineta San Jose International Airport, said, “Here, there is a little bit. But you go to another city or state, like L.A. or New York, there are many illegal people.” Drivers need to show proof of citizenship or legal immigration status to get a taxi certificate.

But that doesn’t mean the local number is insignificant. Local immigration lawyers say that particularly among Indians, the ups and downs of Silicon Valley’s economy since 2001 are one reason why Indians have fallen out of legal status.

“Most are bachelors; the way they get here is they have a job,” Gabriel Jack, a San Jose immigration lawyer, said of many of his Indian clients.

“They come here as professionals, most often in the H-1B program, and given the fluctuations of Silicon Valley, the business climate, these guys lose their jobs. They get laid off or they wager their hands on a start-up coming in,” Jack said. “The problem with the H-1B program is, you can’t have any significant time between jobs” without falling out of legal status.

Indians made up 44 percent of H-1B applicants in the 2005-06 fiscal year, five times the number from second-place China, according to federal data.

Because an immigrant’s status can be dependent on the status of a spouse, the break-up of a marriage can also create an illegal immigrant.

Among Indians in the United States, “there has been a rapid increase in the divorce rate. If they are on an H-1, maybe the wife is protected and maybe she isn’t,” said Navneet Chugh, an immigration lawyer whose firm is based in Silicon Valley and Los Angeles. “The guy is an engineer at HP or Cisco, and he goes home on vacation, and his parents say, ‘We have a girl for you.’ And they get married, and they come here and have all kinds of problems.”

Another source is relatives from India who arrive for a visit on a tourist visa and never go home.

“America is a very attractive country; everybody who comes here wants to stay,” said Shah Peerally, a Silicon Valley immigration lawyer. “I can tell you right now, there are nearly 1 billion people in India, of which maybe 800 million want to come here.”

The United States has deported slightly less than 500 Indians a year in recent years. In the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, “we have substantially expanded our effort to find visa violators,” said Virginia Kice, a spokeswoman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The government, she said, pursues cases based on public safety, rather than focusing on a specific country of origin.

Silicon Valley companies such as Google say they need to recruit the world’s best talent to compete – and about one in 12 of Google’s U.S. employees, roughly 900 people, are H-1B visa holders. “We have not seen major problems with prospective candidates being out of status,” said Adam Kovacevich, a Google spokesman.

But immigration lawyers like Jack say there is such a backlog of people waiting for green cards – the wait is up to seven years for skilled workers from India as of this month – that an immigrant can still be waiting in line when even a six-year H-1B visa expires.

That can result in an illegal, highly educated, Indian immigrant, they said.

Unless Congress reforms the immigration system, “we are going to see this high-skilled, illegal workforce emerging,” said Frank D. Bean, director of the Immigration Research Center at the University of California-Irvine. “From a narrow economic point of view, it might work. From a social justice, fairness point of view, it’s a time bomb.”

By Mike Swift, Mercury News,02/18/2008

Indian illegal immigrants in US: numbers jumped 125% since 2000 A Zillion reasons to escape from India

Note: I have not post the picture from the site, its just so many attractive indians

Indians are typically Doctors and Engineers in the US hence they are extremely successful...Bangladeshis and Pakistanis drive cabs!! Jealousy is a bad thing.
As a tax payer anyone would demand these indians should be kicked out of US. And indian abuse of H1-B should have been stopped long time back by imposing quota and through check. Even indian grocery shopkeepers came to US abusing H1-B system.

Kick the most successful ethnic group out who pay the most taxes?..I don't think so.

And the Hindu Indians are much more welcome than the muslims of Pakistan and Bangladesh in the US.Too bad but this is the truth.
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Indians are typically Doctors and Engineers in the US hence they are extremely successful...Bangladeshis and Pakistanis drive cabs!! Jealousy is a bad thing.

you did not go out of your trailer park I guess. Yes there is large numbers of indian doctors and engineerers. There is also large numbers of india cabi to cleaners.

There are significant numbers of professionals from Bangladesh and Pakistan also presense in US. Your trailer park view is blocking you to see the picture.
Besides the point, article was not about how many engineers but how many illegals.

One thing is clear if you have not learned American value. In America no job be that cab driver or cleaner, is undignified. Same can not be said for indian value where class, color and caste are key fators in making judgment on others. Because of this demeaning and look down values of indians lower caste hindus convert into other religion in large numbers.
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Your buddy's claim that after Mexicans,Indians make up the most most of illegals has been conclusively demolished.

And it is a fact that the median income among Indian Americans is a lot more than Pakistani and Bangladeshi Americans.Ranting and raving here does not change facts.
And it is a fact that the median income among Indian Americans is a lot more than Pakistani and Bangladeshi Americans.Ranting and raving here does not change facts.

Have you dropped on your head or something? Because you sure talk like one. Income level of indians are not in question or in dispute. Its you who took demenaing tone toward others. Fact is indians are fastest growing illegals in US, income levels have nothing to do with it, get that through your skull.
Have you dropped on your head or something? Because you sure talk like one. Income level of indians are not in question or in dispute. Its you who took demenaing tone toward others. Fact is indians are fastest growing illegals in US, income levels have nothing to do with it, get that through your skull.

Why, because it's the fact.
truth is sometimes bitter.

Have you dropped on your head or something? Because you sure talk like one. Income level of indians are not in question or in dispute. Its you who took demenaing tone toward others. Fact is indians are fastest growing illegals in US, income levels have nothing to do with it, get that through your skull.

Are they the second largest group of illegals as your friend claimed or wait was that a lie?

The fact also remains that at 270,000 among 12 million illegals...the percentage of Indian's is really low.
Bangladesh loses out in absence of visa rule tightening for Tripura travelers

The country has been deprived of earning over a million US dollar a year as hundreds of people from the northeastern state of India enter through this fastest growing land port for trade without endorsement of the foreign currency.

Immigration sources said everyday, 80 per cent of the travellers from Tripura cross the Akhaura border without the endorsement of US dollar as the Bangladesh visa processing office in Agartola of Tripura and the immigration office at Akhaura are reluctant to impose this visa issuance rule.

"It deprives the country of earning worth about $1.1 million a year," said an official estimating that on average 40 people having 15 days' visa enter without dollar though they are supposed to endorse at least $ 75 for the duration.

As the Akhaura land port is the country's fastest growing land port for trade and business with India, apart from regular visitors, a good number of businessmen from northeastern Indian states cross the border to mainly import agro products, stone chips and plastic goods.

Importance of this border has also increased with the beginning of export of 400 million brick worth over $40 million.

During about half an hour stay in the immigration office last week, this correspondent also found at least almost 10 tourists entering without dollar endorsement and declaration of any other foreign currency.

When asked the immigration in-charge admitted the lapses and said they can not send back the travellers as the number is too many.

"When 80 per cent cases are like this, it is hard to send them back," he said.

However an official of Zia International Airport Immigration office said as per a Home Ministry circulation, they do ensure of the endorsement of at least $ 500 against each foreign passport during immigration. India is no exception.

Akhaura immigration office sources said most of the people are allowed to enter on the ground that their relatives will bear the expense during their stay in the country. However, no document has been sought to prove that travellers have their relatives in Bangladesh and expense will be bore by them.

An immigration official said although international travelling rules are reciprocal, the country's visa processing office remain reluctant to follow many of them including dollar endorsement.
Indians are typically Doctors and Engineers in the US hence they are extremely successful...Bangladeshis and Pakistanis drive cabs!! Jealousy is a bad thing.

People call some people nigger here in USA which meant ignorent.
Here is a perfect example.
Your buddy's claim that after Mexicans,Indians make up the most most of illegals has been conclusively demolished.

And it is a fact that the median income among Indian Americans is a lot more than Pakistani and Bangladeshi Americans.Ranting and raving here does not change facts.

So shamed are some indians like they do not even like to say that they are decendent of indian like you. Suffering from from inferiority
So shamed are some indians like they do not even like to say that they are decendent of indian like you. Suffering from from inferiority

Not my problem that you don't like the truth...Indians have more money in the US than other South Asians...there I said it again.Did it hurt?

---------- Post added at 02:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:59 AM ----------

People call some people nigger here in USA which meant ignorent.
Here is a perfect example.

First understand what the N word stands for before commenting.
India does not have the 2nd most no of illegal people...why are you making it up? 90% of the illegals are from Mexico and Latin America.Even in the Asia group India is 3rd behind Fillipinos and Chinese.

High tech makes a lot more than 45,000..I am a mechanical engineer and I make a lot more than 45 K so I can imagine what the IT,SAP people make.Plus a lot of doctors are also Indians..median income more than 200 K. However you slice it Indians are the richest ethnic group in the US...if you don't like it it is too bad.

There are more pakistani doctors in USA than indian. Like it or not.
Do a google search.
I hope you guys ignore Hack the buddy here. He already spoiled the spirit of this thread with his ill minded vision. Lets get back to the topic.
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I hope you guys ignore Hack the buddy here. He already spoiled the spirit of this thread with his ill minded vision. Lets get back to the topic.

No you spoiled it when you lied that India has the second most no of illegals after Mexico.
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