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Ways of improving India-Bangladesh bilateral relations?

hmmm seems like you are a sensible person.
The thing is its my hometown I don't have to rely on newspaper or water level studies for proof. Back in the days old fellows used to say steamers cruised along the current but nowadays even boats cant go straight because of sedimentation and lower water level. Still a picture worths a thousand words so heres a snap

See the thin blue line above? Thats the river and the gang of cows are walking through what used to be the river.:devil:
Sometimes I really don't understand the stupid diplomacy things, I mean just to satisfy a very small portion of your country your GOV pissess off a whole country like BD? Thats really really stupid
you know.....

Which river is it? All the dams in north-east are 'run of the mill' kind, they can't store water. There can be many reasons behind death of a river, remember 'Titash ekti Nadir Naam'?
It is padma(ganges upstream) where you are looking at. Just goto google earth and look at farakka barrage, you wouldn't have to search for clues then.
It is padma(ganges upstream) where you are looking at. Just goto google earth and look at farakka barrage, you wouldn't have to search for clues then.

Is it recent picture? Because AFAIK BD is getting her fair share of water from Farakka.

I mean just to satisfy a very small portion of your country your GOV pissess off a whole country like BD? Thats really really stupid
you know.....

If it's Farakka then survival of Calcutta port and West Bengal's agriculture depends on it.
Is it recent picture? Because AFAIK BD is getting her fair share of water from Farakka.

If it's Farakka then survival of Calcutta port and West Bengal's agriculture depends on it.

For the first part I'll be going there this month lets see if there's water or not.
And the second part, well you are playing wit mother nature and feedback shouldn't be sweet...
For the first part I'll be going there this month lets see if there's water or not.
And the second part, well you are playing wit mother nature and feedback shouldn't be sweet...

I'm not at all in favour of Big Dams and diverting rivers, but controlling fickle nature of mother nature has been done by mankind since inception. But believe me I'll be the first one to rally against govt if Padma goes dry! Heck, who will get us our stock of Ilish! :P
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There are simply no correct statistics in these regards. Especially that of Pakistan. BD could have a problem with the population mainly because of its geographical nature, but i still doubt your statistics in this case also. Nonetheless, none of that denies the fact that the Indian population is the higher cause of concern for the world at large compare to anything related to the global warming for a foreseeable future!

in india, population is seen as part problem and part asset. And its because of this assest, india and china are competitive in business arena. Although i do understand population can be viewed as problem in many context.
India itself is the biggest terrorist group that terrorizing Bangladesh and rest of the neighboring nation. Asking for Indian help would be shaking hand with devil himself.

if thats the case, then do something about it.
Bangladesh indeed has 2,500 million tonnes of high quality, low sulfer and low ash coals in its north west. And this quantity is equivalent to 90 trillion cft of natural gas. Do not send all those outdated links.
The link does not say that there are five or more coal mines in our NW.
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