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Wahhabism & its Connections with Terrorism..!!!

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Yes, We don't want Shia in our personal properties. Shia insulate Muslim Figures as I stated in my OP, claiming the corruption of Quran ...etc what kind of brotherhood are specking of. You are a minatory and you will remain and treated as a minatory wether you like it or not. Your Holy sits are already there in Qum not in saudi arabia look over there not here.

I agree with you as I said shia's have changed the religion a lot but by shutting all doors on them you will be labeled as the one who ran away and the one who was wrong..Just stay put engage them with logic and make them see what you see and this is how our prophet made people muslim when he was all alone. Dont hate as thats easy ..
Easy, easy - come on, now, just take it easy - Ok, you're no Wahabi, happy? The only reason peole think you are a wahabi is because, well, you express Wahabi ideas, for instance you refuse to acknowledge the brotherhood of Shiah and Sunni as Muslims, I me who else other than Wahabi do something so unacceptable?

Are you really Godless? Is it fun? do you guys have cool parties? Can girls come too?

I am not even a Muslim why the hell would I give a damn about Shias and Sunnis, they can go burn each other to a crisp for all I care. I am an outsider to this request. And again what is Wahabism?? The new name of everything wrong int he world, and by your logic Arabs?
TTP -> He is right
BLA -> Qatar / UAE
KSA = On our side (The government level) -- However, don't know what is the situation on private financing and indoctrination of our citizens there --

You got to trust me on all of it. If you need my credentials you can contact a mod, they will give you a brief. @Aeronaut.

I do trust you on that may be not now but decades ago iran did help guys in balochistan plus she gave chabhar totally to indians and all indian influence and business in af'stan is just coz of this thing and you know how much damaging this is for Pakistan.
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Mate, the things I know due to social strata of my family, if public were privy to it, there would be civil war.

India = Well, no need, most of it is public domain.
Iran = They are backstabbers of the highest caliber. They even put the Indians to shame.
Libya = Flushed Pakistan with weapons during the 70's/80's.
Qatar = 1998.. I was at interrogation of their assets in _ _ _ _ _.
UAE = 1999... After our repeated warning, we caught them doing naughty stuff in Baluchistan.

The list goes on and on and on....

I do trust you on that may be not now but decades ago iran did help guys in balochistan plus she gave chabhar totally to indians and all indian influence and business in af'stan is just coz of this thing and you know how much damaging this is for Pakistan.
Thanks, an honest admission. This phenomenon is not exclusive to Salafism/Wahhabism, as such they shouldn't be blamed.
Well I guess you took the things again just on the surface.Do you see the authority parents exercise on their kids just because they gave them birth brought them up and feed them, ways in which they even scold their kids when they do something wrong.

Same applies to ALLAH who dint only created this planet but trillions trillions of other stars and what not . If he ordered then to kill nonmuslims who dint embrace Islam it was because had those people lived longer they would have earned more sins plus this was the way of those times but ofcourse we cant apply the same rules now as the world has changed.

If you look from the creators point of view its nothing. He knows what no one knows and our prophet did only what he was ordered to.

Dude - I didn't expected this kind of thoughtful post coming from a jutt :D j/k

Well said :tup:

There are always exceptions:P btw what do you mean by j/k
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can you go fvck yourself with a shovel??

What? Still angry? You behave like I tore you a hole you can drive a Al-khalid through - come on now, You know I told you I did not mean for you to get traumatized - you are very sensitive, sometimes that's not a good thing.

So, about those parties, can girls come too? Oh you're not a Muslim? that's does that mean you are a Wahabi?
I am not even a Muslim why the hell would I give a damn about Shias and Sunnis, they can go burn each other to a crisp for all I care. I am an outsider to this request.

Why so harmonal? F YOU ARE NOT EVEN A Muslim, why are you so agitated?
This yet another example of the sacrilegious nature of the Wahabi, their very name is an insult to Muslims? Any wonder
then that the Wahabi scurry around trying to change their name, according to Green Bullet, the name of the prophet of the Wahabi is an insult

three opportunities have been offered to the Wahabi to assert that Shi'ah and Sunni are MUSLIMS AND BROTHERS YET NOT EVEN ONE TOOK THE OPPORTUNITY

Again and again, there is no such thing as Wahabi except in the heads of minorities as a desperate try to defame Muslims, you can vent your frustration as much as you want but it won't change facts on the ground, God knows which religion you follow...

I am not even a Muslim why the hell would I give a damn about Shias and Sunnis, they can go burn each other to a crisp for all I care. I am an outsider to this request. And again what is Wahabism?? The new name of everything wrong int he world, and by your logic Arabs?

No comment...
See wht I mean everyone?? Now I want you to imagine he said this:

"Shias/Hussenis is a cancer which must be removed otherwise it can spread". What will your reaction be?

I do not see shias doing what wahabis/salafis do
This yet another example of the sacrilegious nature of the Wahabi, their very name is an insult to Muslims? Any wonder
then that the Wahabi scurry around trying to change their name, according to Green Bullet, the name of the prophet of the Wahabi is an insult

three opportunities have been offered to the Wahabi to assert that Shi'ah and Sunni are MUSLIMS AND BROTHERS YET NOT EVEN ONE TOOK THE OPPORTUNITY

The appropriate name of these people is "Salafi", not Wahabi, al-Wahab is one of the names of Allah so how can Allah's name be an "insult"?

Though i do agree that no human should name themselves after Allah's beautiful names as this will cause some people to use these names in a bad manner or unknowingly abuse the name.

BTW, before anyone gets any wrong misconceptions about me, i'm no fan of Salafists or Salafism, i have criticized them countless times on this very forum, look up my posts.
Again and again, there is no such thing as Wahabi except in the heads of minorities as a desperate try to defame Muslims, you can vent your frustration as much as you want but it won't change facts on the ground, God knows which religion you follow.../QUOTE]

This is a curious statement, after all Wahabi are themselves a fringe minority - don't know what t make of your statement - will you have the courage to assert that as a wahabi you believe Shiah and sunni are brothers and Muslims?
I am sorry to say this, but you people have proved that you are sectarians by nature, looking for anything for dividing everything especially Islam, I am well sure that if it wasn't Islam sects, it will be sth else like dividing people based on ethnicity in your country. I only hear about Sunni Mathhabs only and only here ONLY from few Pakistanis trying intentionally or unintentionally to divide Muslims. Again, Saudis represent True and pure Islam, it is a religion not a sect, you can look for an another name for your sect if it's a new one.

That's like me saying "Pakistanis represent true and pure Islam", or an Iranian saying "Iranian represent true and pure Islam", or a Turk saying "We Turks are the purest Muslims".

Only Allah can judge who follows Islam purely in its purest form, not you or me.
Muse is not a Shia Arabian Legend, He is just a Liberal Extremist. And a racist bigot to add.

Not true, he is trying to act liberal while he is sth else. Those people trying to blame their backwardness and misery on you, because they are getting more miserable while you are getting greater everyday. Let them burn themselves, why to care so much?
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