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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

Iran capture of US spy drone 'would be significant blow to military' - Telegraph
Iran could deal a significant blow to the US military if it has captured a top secret American spy drone, allowing Tehran to counter or copy the highly classified technology, experts have warned.

Tehran claims to have brought down with "little damage" an RQ-170 surveillance drone, considered one of the most secret aircraft in the world, flying inside eastern Iran.

The seizure of the unarmed surveillance drone intact would give access to a treasure trove of classified information including the designs of the aircraft and its payload of sensors.

However it was unlikely the drone had escaped a crash or being shot down without significant damage and its sensitive technology was probably rigged with self-destruct mechanisms, experts added.

Suspicion surrounds the claims because Iran has yet to release any footage of the captured drone or its wreckage.

Nato forces confirmed a drone went missing in Afghanistan near the Iranian border last week, though would not say what kind it was.

Huw Williams, an expert on unmanned aircraft at Jane's International Defence Review, said the RQ-170 Sentinel, made by Lockheed Martin, was one of the most secret drone programmes in the world and had reportedly taken part in the operation which killed Osama bin Laden.

The aircraft is designed for intelligence gathering and relaying communications.

If it fell into Iranian hands, engineers could potentially find ways to defeat its stealth technology and take advantage of its sensors and communications equipment.

"If you can figure out the properties of the aircraft and what makes it stealthy, then you can figure out how to spot it more easily," he said.

"If the Iranians have the technology then there could be good opportunities for reverse engineering and getting a good idea of how to track these things." "It's fair to say they are no mugs when it comes to technology.

There's a good chance that they could exploit things especially if the payload is intact and it's carrying things like high-end cameras." Elizabeth Quintana, a senior research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute, said: "If this got into the hands of anyone, let alone the Iranians, this would be quite significant." Even the prospect of its successful capture would probably force the American military to divert money to more research to stay a step ahead of Iran.

"It would certainly force the US to spend money just in case they were able to reverse engineer it," she said.

The aircraft was designed to operate deep inside enemy territory, though, and would almost certainly have self destruct measures to stop secrets falling into enemy hands.

Paul Rolfe, UK director of Unmanned Experts, said: "I would be very surprised if the question hasn't been asked and answered at the highest level: 'What happens if Iran or China or North Korea gets their hands on one of these things?'

"The really worrying bit is any payload and package it may have been holding. But given the altitudes and speeds it operates at, I think it's more likely to have come down upside down at 600 knots and they are going to be picking bits of ceramic out of the desert for five years."
well iran has really done an incredible job if it's true .Must appreciate the iran airdefence has improved a lot
LOL another fake news ??? Many sources says that Iranians have hacked the in to the main frame and then flew them down.
But do Iran have such a infra to hack such a complex system but even if they have by any chance how have the controlled it by remote controls??:cheesy:

One need a entire system to control them as they are not just simple UAVs.

Ayways if the news is really true then I sense a lot of pressure building up Pak govt.
yesterday NATO confirmed that they had lost a drone near the Iranian border and today this comesout
U.S. Military Sources: Iran Has Missing U.S. Drone

Read more: U.S. Military Sources: Iran Has Missing U.S. Drone | Fox News

you be the judge
I seriously doubt the importance of this incident.

The way this event is being publicized in US media (even FOX), it looks like there is another motive here. May be they used a fake prototype of the drone which does not contain the original sophisticated equips or techs; just to give a false idea to the Iranians about their air-defence capability.

Isn't it much more natural to talk less when your precious item is in enemy's hand ?:azn:

But in case if this is true then I would only say, Iranians still have to face a lot more complex things. It began with Stuxnet computer virus and we saw what happened.
I seriously doubt the importance of this incident.

The way this event is being publicized in US media (even FOX), it looks like there is another motive here. May be they used a fake prototype of the drone which does not contain the original sophisticated equips or techs; just to give a false idea to the Iranians about their air-defence capability.

Isn't it much more natural to talk less when your precious item is in enemy's hand ?:azn:

But in case if this is true then I would only say, Iranians still have to face a lot more complex things. It began with Stuxnet computer virus and we saw what happened.

Not really. It was Iranian media that published the news first and it took US media almost a day to catch up. Besides the political significance of a downed US plane in Iran would make any benefit from it being a trojan as very small. The plane is very real. Maybe it was Iran's retaliation for Stuxnet as a few months back a mysterious virus had infected the US drone control systems which would explain what happened here. The virus now most probably looks to be Iranian and they have done a good job at that.
If this drone was stealth then how the heck did they detect it? We have had American military choppers and stuff like that in Pakistan for a long time and we still fail. Did Iran develop a stealth radar or something? LOL... Great news by the way. Keep up with the good work Iran!
yes there was a virus alert in october..in the control systems of dones at the airbase in nevada.
it was classed as a simple keylogger but proved to be very difficult to remove.
it is plausible that iranians had learnt from the keylogger and developed another better virus to manipulate the keystrokes entered by drone controllers and land it in their territory.
Computer virus infects drone plane command centre in US | Technology | guardian.co.uk
Experts: Iran capture of stealth drone no worry
By LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. military officials said Monday they are concerned that Tehran may have an opportunity to acquire information about the classified surveillance drone program after one of the stealthy aircraft crashed in Iran while patrolling in western Afghanistan.

But experts suggested that even if the Iranians have found parts of the unmanned spy plane, they can probably glean little from it. Because it likely fell from a high altitude, there may be very few large pieces to examine.

The RQ-170 — known as the Sentinel — has been used in Afghanistan, particularly along the border, for several years. The U.S. Air Force has just "a handful" of them, said defense analyst Loren Thompson, with the Virginia-based Lexington Institute.

"I think we're always concerned when there's an aircraft, whether it's manned or unmanned, that we lose, particularly in a place where we're not able to get to it," Navy Capt. John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters Monday.

U.S. officials have acknowledged that the military lost control of one of the stealthy drones while it was flying a mission over western Afghanistan. Iran's official IRNA news agency has said that Iran's armed forces shot it down.

U.S. officials have rejected that claim, saying there are no indications the Sentinel was shot down. In either case, officials said this would be the first Sentinel lost by the U.S.

Analysts, however, played down any serious impact of the drone — or pieces of it — falling into Iranian hands.

"This is an aircraft that evades radar because of its shape and because of the special material used," said Thompson. "It won't enable the Iranians to build a stealthy unmanned aircraft."

Analysts said that stealth technologies — primarily the low-observable shape and the materials used — are fairly well known, but often hard to replicate. The Sentinel, made by Lockheed Martin, has a swept-wing shape, much like the B-2 stealth bomber. And it's been called the "Beast of Kandahar" because of its use in Afghanistan.

"They were designed to be silver bullets that could go places that other manned or unmanned aircraft would not be able to go. It specifically is designed to be very difficult for enemies to track and target," said Thompson. "This is a high-flying unmanned aircraft that malfunctioned and then fell to earth. It's likely to be broken up into hundreds of pieces."

John Pike of the Globalsecurity.org think tank said the Iranians already have all the data on the drone's external shape, "and there is nothing particularly unique about this configuration."

He said the key to America's success with the stealthy aircraft is the fuel efficient engines, which give it the ability to stay aloft for days rather than hours.

"Are we going to stop flying them? No. Was it a secret we were flying them? No," said Pike. "Did Iran shoot it down? Probably not. Because Iranian air defenses are not very good, and it is a good stealth vehicle. And did Iranian hackers hack into it and bring it down? No. It's just too hard to do."

The Sentinel gained notoriety earlier this year when officials disclosed that one was used to keep watch on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan as the raid that killed him was taking place.

Associated Press broadcast reporter Sagar Meghani contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Hi everyone, this is my first post here in this forum.
Interestingly this thread (15 pages!) in this forum is much more active than our Iranian (English language) forums (less than 5 pages).

Around three months ago, One of the commanders of Iranian air-defence forces talked about development of system in the field of Electronic warfare for deception and taking over the control of guidance system of enemy missiles.
He said this system can disturb main information receiver source of attacking missile and then define our desirable information for it and change the flight path of missile to our desirable point that is defined by us.

I guess they have used a system similar to this system to take over control of this RQ-170 UAV.

The original report about this system is in Persian language and unfortunately I can't post the link of it because I have less than 5 posts.

First of all, a warm welcome here. And the pages discrepancy you referred to, is because of demographics. You see, the population of Pakistan is 190 million and since all Indians also seem to be here as well, add another 1.1 billion and in addition to that add Bangladesh, some Arabs etc, you end up with a quarter of world's population to be addicted to this forum. On the other hand Iran is just 75 million. So this why you see more pages here.

And at last but not least congrats on downing the most sophisticated drone in the world.
if we beleive that the llane crashed into many pieces even then it will be useful for iranians....the drone was shaped like the older f117 stealths but its not the shape.....its the material that the iranians will know now.
the exact composition of alloys used in body and engine.....And the radar absorbant coating..

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