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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

what are you burning? even nato has said they did "loose" the uav, Whether you like it or not they have the uav right now and will be giving the tech to the chinese soon....
To 'lose' something does not indicate the cause of the loss. In this subject, I see so many logical and technical errors that I enjoy letting the foolish make themselves further fools.

Anyway this uav is not really stealth because it is vulnerable to some types of radar.
I used to train people in basic radar principles. I look forward to seeing 'analysis' of this event regarding sensory vulnerabilities.
gambit > we are here to try to understand
if some of us know the truth more than God (or believe so ) most of us we are waiting to know and understand
pls if you have some knowledge to share i would appreciate a lot
I hope its not another Trojan Horse.

After what happened to Hezbollahs Arms depot, they should keep this drone far away from other buildings/installations.
Are you slow? the usa and NATO have already admitted it happened but unless someone shows you a pic then you say its a lie.

They didn't say what kinda drone was lost. I think that world is waiting some kinda proof from Iran.
Well Iran is an independent nation in political and strategic circles. So it can afford to do that. Good for them.
Pics, video or a DoD report or it didn't happen. We get this sort of stuff out of Iran every week if it isn't about developments of autonomous anti-gravity craft with lasers.:rolleyes:

Iran would want to broadcast its victory of shooting down a single unmanned drone to the world. Moreso if its in a mildly harmed condition.

Iran's state media alone is not a credible source as has been proven numerous times in the past, and all these other articles seem to trace back there to its 'unnamed military official'.

Well if true it hardly matters. Drones are replaceable, you might as well cheer over destroying an m-16 rifle with a camera.

We haven't seen any bin laden operation vid or body either:no: "No Video,pics or DoD or it might didn'thappen:wave:...." GoD Knows!! :woot:
We haven't seen any bin laden operation vid or body either:no: "No Video,pics or DoD or it might didn'thappen:wave:...." GoD Knows!! :woot:
The difference here is that we have credible third party confirmation via verbal admissions and actions that bin Laden was killed. Do much critical thinking?
Hi everyone, this is my first post here in this forum.
Interestingly this thread (15 pages!) in this forum is much more active than our Iranian (English language) forums (less than 5 pages).

Around three months ago, One of the commanders of Iranian air-defence forces talked about development of system in the field of Electronic warfare for deception and taking over the control of guidance system of enemy missiles.
He said this system can disturb main information receiver source of attacking missile and then define our desirable information for it and change the flight path of missile to our desirable point that is defined by us.

I guess they have used a system similar to this system to take over control of this RQ-170 UAV.

The original report about this system is in Persian language and unfortunately I can't post the link of it because I have less than 5 posts.
Hi everyone, this is my first post here in this forum.
Interestingly this thread (15 pages!) in this forum is much more active than our Iranian (English language) forums (less than 5 pages).

Around three months ago, One of the commanders of Iranian air-defence forces talked about development of system in the field of Electronic warfare for deception and taking over the control of guidance system of enemy missiles.
He said this system can disturb main information receiver source of attacking missile and define our desirable information for it and change the flight path of missile to our desirable point that is defined by us.

I guess they have used a system similar to this system to take over control of this RQ-170 UAV.

The original report about this system is in Persian language and unfortunately I can't post the link of it because I have less than 5 posts.
I look forward to seeing the technical details of this. No disclosures of classified information needed. Just basic principles will do.
lol Pakistan doesn't know how to shoot down drone other wise it will be done long time ago.
Hi everyone, this is my first post here in this forum.
Interestingly this thread (15 pages!) in this forum is much more active than our Iranian (English language) forums (less than 5 pages).

Around three months ago, One of the commanders of Iranian air-defence forces talked about development of system in the field of Electronic warfare for deception and taking over the control of guidance system of enemy missiles.
He said this system can disturb main information receiver source of attacking missile and then define our desirable information for it and change the flight path of missile to our desirable point that is defined by us.

I guess they have used a system similar to this system to take over control of this RQ-170 UAV.

The original report about this system is in Persian language and unfortunately I can't post the link of it because I have less than 5 posts.
salam, you are coming from the IranianDefence website?
I look forward to seeing the technical details of this. No disclosures of classified information needed. Just basic principles will do.
I'm not sure they have used this system for taking control of this UAV or not, this just my guess. I haven't access to detail classified information about it too. This is a part of that report that is about this system (in Persian Language):

* تغییر در هدایت موشک*های دشمن به سمت اهداف مورد نظر

وی در بخش دیگری از این گفت*وگو به نقش اخلالگرها در میدان نبرد الکترونیک اشاره کرد و گفت: زمانی که یک موشک فرمان*پذیر از سوی دشمن شلیک می*شود نمی*توان با سامانه*های اخلالگر آن را نابود کرد بلکه می*توان مسیر آن را به نحوی منحرف کرد که خاصیت نقطه*زنی را از دست بدهد.

معاون جنگ الکترونیک قرارگاه پدافند هوایی خاتم*الانبیاء(ص) در این خصوص به یک دستاورد مهم اشاره کرد و افزود: پروژه*ای در دست داریم که در واقع یک قدم جلوتر از اخلال، یعنی "فریب" سامانه*های مهاجم است.

قلی**زاده اضافه کرد: در این مرحله با ایجاد اختلال در منبع اصلی دریافت امواج موشکهای مهاجم می*توانیم اطلاعات مورد نظر خودمان را برای آن تعریف کنیم تا مسیر موشک به سمت نقطه دلخواه ما تغییر *پیدا کند.

وی با بیان اینکه این سامانه پدافندی به زودی به سیستم پدافند هوایی کشور اضافه خواهد شد، افزود: با این کار می*توانیم علاوه بر عدم اصابت موشک به نقطه A کاری کنیم که موشک به سمت نقطه B که مدنظر ماست، اصابت کند.​

as I said before beacause I have less than 5 posts I can't post any link.

My English language is not good but he explains about the system and says there are disturbing system than can divert flight path of missiles so that the missile can't hit target precisely, but we are working on a system that is a step ahead of disturbing systems and in fact is deception of attacking systems.
He says by using this system In addition to that missile can't hit its defined A point default target, we also can define new B point as its new target.
LOL another fake news ??? Many sources says that Iranians have hacked the in to the main frame and then flew them down.
But do Iran have such a infra to hack such a complex system but even if they have by any chance how have the controlled it by remote controls??:cheesy:

One need a entire system to control them as they are not just simple UAVs.

Ayways if the news is really true then I sense a lot of pressure building up Pak govt.
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