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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

hey 500 you wanne show what?i think you wanne show your Jealousy.if it has f$$k down from 50000 feet altitude with 3000 or more weight why it is intact?i offer you to fall down a watermelon from the forth floor of a building then see your done
or another Scenario that it was an pesonal mistake:USAF choose the best persons to sreerage their most advanced uav.so how can it be possible? and more proven scenario that both iran and usa confirmed.
if in your mind these reasons are not Convincing.no problem we do it again with your uav in lebnon.
my english is not good and maybi i made some mistake.so im sorri
hey 500 you wanne show what?i think you wanne show your Jealousy.if it has f$$k down from 50000 feet altitude with 3000 or more weight why it is intact?i offer you to fall down a watermelon from the forth floor of a building then see your done
or another Scenario that it was an pesonal mistake:USAF choose the best persons to sreerage their most advanced uav.so how can it be possible? and more proven scenario that both iran and usa confirmed.
if in your mind these reasons are not Convincing.no problem we do it again with your uav in lebnon.
my english is not good and maybi i made some mistake.so im sorri

I am not talking about Iran's capabilities at all. You see, there you go wrong. Soviet Union did not become a waste land. Just the union of Soviet Republics broke down. Russia stayed the same as it was before. And that also because of the general collapse of communism.
I am talking about the government of IR. Having nuclear weapon wont guarantee IR's survival. Because if there is a GENUINE uprising the central government cant stop it. you cant crush a massive,total genuine uprising with arms. Right now the majority of Iranians are not that bothered to protest against the central government in Tehran and that is why the government is still alive till this day.

On the other hand Iraq, Libya or Afghanistan were beaten to pulp by US and its allies.
you cant compare Iraq,Libya, Afghanistan to Iran.

Iraq - a confused nation whose generals were bribed and gave up
Libya - a genuine revolution but the rebels wrongly sided with the devil and lost their country to the US and her allies
Afghanistan -Taliban didnt even had a real government, they were just a few armed militias roaming through Afghan cities and infamous among the local Afghan population.

The comparison with Soviet Union is simply wrong because whatever happened in Soviet Union was done by people of that union and not by daisy cutters and bunker buster bombs falling on hospitals and kindergartens. Iran is a capable nation. But even a capable nation can take so much. You see even if I bring you the best boxer in the world and put him to fight a average man, with instruction that the boxer is not to hit the man at all rather just defend himself, while the average man is instructed to beat the boxer as much as he wants, it is only a matter of time before the boxer will fall down. Right now Iranian military does not have much to retaliate with. Chemical and biological weapons are horrible but for US military they are jokes since they have all the gears to combat it. It is not like Iran Iraq war, when Iranians even did not have even Atropine vials, let alone enough masks and protection suits. Unless, Iran has nukes and ICBM's, US can win a war against Iran.

It took US 2 weeks to get Afghanistan, 3 weeks Iraq and 24 weeks Libya. In case of Iran since they are very capable it might take 40 weeks, a year max, even if Iranians try to cut off the oil and all sorts of stuff, Tehran will fall within a year. All those Shahab-3's also will make some causalities too, but at the end, they can do as much, even if Iran fires all of them numbering in tens of thousands hardly a city can be taken out completely. This is the truth. But if Iran has the nukes, then situation is completely different. Any aggression and mass of killings of Iranians will mean Iran can take the war to the city of the aggressors too.

Right now Iran can not do that. Only when an aggressor sees the potential victim to be capable of retaliation in kind, that it stops from raping the victim. The reason Iran has not been attacked till now, is not because Iran is so capable but because US has not yet decided if fighting a one year long war with Iran is really worth it. If some day it decides that or calculates that it is going to take less than one year, six months or whatever based on their army generals assessment, then US will come heavy. On that day, when US bombers are beating the Iranian schools and homes into potato mash, Iran will not be able to do anything about American cities. I encourage you to study about nuclear arms and how they prevent war. Start from Mutual Assured Destruction and go from there to each countries nuclear doctrine.

For these concepts you have to know that US military is designed around the idea of Total warfare. It is not like how Iranians were fighting their war with Iraq. It is completely a different way of fighting. There is a reason why it is called total. It means the full force is brought on for total destruction of all things useful to the enemy. It is really horrible and once war starts US will not give up until Iran surrenders or become completely like Afghanistan. Iran has never fought such a war. So I encourage you to read about it.
I fully understand what you are talking about, that incase of war a enormous shock and awe will hit Iran and destroy the country that 5,6 generations of Iranians have build it.

But that is a wrong idea, because Iranian people side with their government. US only goes after unpopulair regimes, how many example we need ? Libya,Iraq,Afghanistan, Somalia etc ?

In order for US to raze Iranian military infrastructure to the ground they must have a goddamn excuse, they know that with Iran they cant use the same ''regime is opressing BS again''.

a total war against Iran will be dealt with 80 milion Iranians from inside and outside Iran !.

Iran has several other options, for example we have sleeper cells and as we speak right now iranian intelligence agents are active in Israel planning and setting marks for their targets as we speak. Afghanistan will witness huge sea of iranian army firepower due to US military presence.
so to make it short, it is totally impossible for US to impose total war on Iran due to 2 important reasons

1.They will have to deal with millions of proud patriotic iranians
2.their vulnerability in the Middle east and especially the vulnerability of their partners in the region. Qatar,Bahrain,Saudi Arabia,Kuwait,UAE and most importantly Israel
Western countries tried to jam Russian woodpecker but failed to do so. The only bad thing about this radar was that because of its low frequency all shortwave radio stations of the world both commercial and amateur would get disrupted from time to time. I have a feeling that Iranians would not care much about that and at any rate very few people in the world listen to conventional radios nowadays.
You are delusional, as usual. The 'Western countries' does not mean the militaries. It simply mean civilians who picked up this ridiculous signals, recognized them for what they are, and had fun with them. Even your wiki source said so...

Russian Woodpecker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
One idea amateur radio operators used to combat this interference was to attempt to "jam" the signal by transmitting synchronized unmodulated continuous wave signals, at the same pulse rate as the offending signal.[6] They formed a club called the Woodpecker Hunting Club.
To 'jam' a radar, you do not need to completely blank it. That perception is strictly 'Hollywood'. If you can force a radar, ground or airborne, to change freq, or mode, or transmit duration, basically disrupt its normal operation, you are successful, to some varying degrees, of course. The only time you would be unsuccessful is if the system is technically superior to your own and can compensate without missing more than a few pulse train duration. Over-the-horizon (OTH) radars like Woody here are vulnerable to atmospheric layer absorption just like low freq music radio transmissions simply because they are in the same freq bands. In a war, they can be deceived and because of their power, they can be more easily located and destroyed.
^^ funny thing is that the American taxpayer saw their ultra modern secret drone for the first time in full details....on IRANIAN STATE TV :rofl:
That is a shame for a "free" society. It used to be a common occurrence in Soviet Russia, though.
And what does the Iranian taxpayers get to see of their military's achievements and secrets? Oh...So sorry...Nothing of worth anyway...:lol:...Too bad for the elite Photochop Brigade.
And what does the Iranian taxpayers get to see of their military's achievements and secrets? Oh...So sorry...Nothing of worth anyway...:lol:...Too bad for the elite Photochop Brigade.
I am surprised that such a piece of s.hit troll like you is not banned ?
how you know our military industry doesnt show their achievements,projects to the people ? yes you dont see it because you are unaware,uneducated about it. both under khatami and ahmadinejad the defence industry usually unveils their achievement ON TV FOR THE PEOPLE unlike the jew controlled US
And what does the Iranian taxpayers get to see of their military's achievements and secrets? Oh...So sorry...Nothing of worth anyway...:lol:...Too bad for the elite Photochop Brigade.

@ gambit.....youngsters are ok with emotional over the top comments..its their age to do so..
but you are repeatedly behaving like juveniles and now your posts are beyond annoying.
at least behave your age....
even better write some info about the drone...from your experience....some technicalities...
you sound like a viagra overdose .... to be honest.
I am surprised that such a piece of s.hit troll like you is not banned ?
Because I actually educated people by clearing up gross misconceptions about many things, especially when it comes to aviation related matters. Unlike you. And I will put my posts up against yours any day.

how you know our military industry doesnt show their achievements,projects to the people ? yes you dont see it because you are unaware,uneducated about it. both under khatami and ahmadinejad the defence industry usually unveils their achievement ON TV FOR THE PEOPLE unlike the jew controlled US
Yeah...If you genuinely believe that the Iranian military has no secrets, then you are even more delusional than thought.

---------- Post added at 10:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 AM ----------

@ gambit.....youngsters are ok with emotional over the top comments..its their age to do so..
but you are repeatedly behaving like juveniles and now your posts are beyond annoying.
at least behave your age....
even better write some info about the drone...from your experience....some technicalities...
you sound like a viagra overdose .... to be honest.
I do not have to let slurs about my country go by. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I do not.
Yeah...If you genuinely believe that the Iranian military has no secrets, then you are even more delusional than thought.
I told you that both under Khatami and even during Rafsanjani and now Ahmadinejad the defence industry publicly announces its achievements and publicly displays it.

YOU, THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER, saw your super high tech drone ON IRANIAN STATE TV.
reform yourself mate. ignorance is raining from your mouth
gambit!when i see your posts i remember one of our famus proverbs that says: your burned nose is smellcoming.now im sniffing it.try to kontrol your self.i know you understood and accepted it but you cant stand iran is able to destroy your advanced uav.
we are not your real enemy but we are ready to defence from any threat for our country.belive your real enemy is israel.
history can help you.
Because I actually educated people by clearing up gross misconceptions about many things, especially when it comes to aviation related matters. Unlike you. And I will put my posts up against yours any day.

Yeah...If you genuinely believe that the Iranian military has no secrets, then you are even more delusional than thought.

---------- Post added at 10:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 AM ----------

I do not have to let slurs about my country go by. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I do not.

but there are better ways to show patriotism and loyality towards your country,and this is not a good way..
but there are better ways to show patriotism and loyality towards your country,and this is not a good way..
Funny how that is only for Americans, but not for everyone else when sling their insults at US, no? Quit it. You are no better from what I have seen from you.
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