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US, state sponsor of terrorism: Analyst

Also, Chinas logistical capabilities are atrocious as we saw in the search for flight 370. It's AWACS and tanker support are also considerably behind that of the US. With all that said, no one wants to go to war, and a major confrontation is highly unlikely.
And the US ones are so advanced they could not find it either.
You are just talking for talking I guess. You choosed a bad example.
Wrong, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, South Korea, and Australia all want US presence in the region. China's only real ally in the region is the tinpot dictator to the northeast. China will have an overall high GDP, but then again it has to take care of an aging population of over 1 billion people. China will never be able to achieve superiority over US forces, and if you confront us and our allies it'll be bad news for China. If you expect the US to be forced out of the region, your going to be sorely disappointed.

Malaysia does not fear China. It is quite comfortable with China's rise.

South Korea is only interested in US presence to contain North Korea. Once they unify, then the united Korea will most likely be allowed to be neutral by China and would kick out US forces.

You are right though, I forgot Australia wants US presence as well.

Lastly, stop thinking that China won't be able to use its huge GDP to be able to kick out the US from Asia. It only needs a Navy comparable US and then has home turf advantage to throw US back to Hawaii. Too many wet-dreams about the ageing China population when all developed countries have similar issue as well.
And the US ones are so advanced they could not find it either.
You are just talking for talking I guess. You choosed a bad example.

Clearly, you don't understand the term logistics. The US was on the other side of the world, China was in its own backyard. They managed to embarrass themselves on more than one occasion. I'm not the only one that took notice.
Clearly, you don't understand the term logistics. The US was on the other side of the world, China was in its own backyard. They managed to embarrass themselves on more than one occasion. I'm not the only one that took notice.
Please do not try with me your logistics alibi, Where are all those US bases? back in the US?
It is just about search and rescue operations, did the US participate in those searches apart from trying some satellite imagery, if they did not highjacked the plane electronically before that.
You know about the 20 or so Chinese and Americans who worked for a very sensitive military stealth technology US firm who were passengers of the plane, and the false Iranian terrorists with photoshoped photographs.
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Malaysia does not fear China. It is quite comfortable with China's rise.

South Korea is only interested in US presence to contain North Korea. Once they unify, then the united Korea will most likely be allowed to be neutral by China and would kick out US forces.

You are right though, I forgot Australia wants US presence as well.

Lastly, stop thinking that China won't be able to use its huge GDP to be able to kick out the US from Asia. It only needs a Navy comparable US and then has home turf advantage to throw US back to Hawaii. Too many wet-dreams about the ageing China population when all developed countries have similar issue as well.

Malaysia are close partners with the US, so they don't object to our presence.

Chances of a Korean unification anytime soon? About zero....

Your final bit is more wishful thinking than reality. As more advanced US assets are transported to the region, and our allies build up their defense structure, our capabilities and resolve will be to immense for China to counter. The recent base deal between the US and Philippines, and naval exercises with our allies in the region just bolsters my argument. Also, a shrinking Chinese workforce will result in lower growth, there's no two-ways about it. That's just one of several areas of enormous concern such as its unsustainable path of growth it's currently on, shadow banking sector, credit bubble, and housing market that's wobbled over the past year.

Please do not try with me your logistics alibi, Where are all those US bases? back in the US?

Thanks for proving my point. US bases in the region are an asset that it uses to its advantage. China has little logistical capability in comparison.
Malaysia are close partners with the US, so they don't object to our presence.

Chances of a Korean unification anytime soon? About zero....

Your final bit is more wishful thinking than reality. As more advanced US assets are transported to the region, and our allies build up their defense structure, our capabilities and resolve will be to immense for China to counter. The recent base deal between the US and Philippines, and naval exercises with our allies in the region just bolsters my argument. Also, a shrinking Chinese workforce will result in lower growth, there's no two-ways about it. That's just one of several areas of enormous concern such as its unsustainable path of growth it's currently on, shadow banking sector, credit bubble, and housing market that's wobbled over the past year.

Malaysia won't ally with you against China unlike Japan, Philippines and Vietnam. That is the big difference. I did say that the majority of Asian countries will either become Chinese allies(10-15 years from now once China is industrialised) or will be neutral - Malaysia may be in the latter group.

Who knows whether Korea will unify 10-15 years from now... China does not currently want the two Koreas to unite due to the fact that a united Korea may still host US forces on its soil. It may change its mind 10-15 years from now but will only do so if Korea kicks out US forces and becomes neutral if not become allied to China

The rest of your post predicts that China will remain middle-income forever like the Latin American countries. This would go against what every other country in Asia like Taiwan and Korea has done and that is transition from middle-income and become developed. Even Malaysia looks like it will escape middle-income within a decade and become a developed country.

Anyway I think that brings the discussion to an end - we shall see what happens in 10-15 years from now.
The US economy definitely has its problems, but it is showing signs of recovery, and was announced yesterday that growth will be 2.1%-2.3% this year, even though growth stagnated in the first quarter due to the harsh winter. The economy has regained all jobs lost in the recession, and has had four consecutive months of job gains above 200,000 which hasn't happened since the year 2000. Also, the rate of unemployment benefits fell to 1.9% this month which is the lowest in seven years. Manufacturing continues to rise and is headed for a comeback. Our energy sector is booming right now as we have become the number one natural gas producer, and are set to become number one in oil production in the next few years. I'm not naive enough to believe that we don't have our own problems and we still have much work to do to create a healthier economy. You on the other hand have failed to address the immense problems in the slowing Chinese economy. Chinas current growth path is simply unsustainable, and the days of double digit growth are long gone. Being the factory of the world and investing in ghost cities will only take you so far. Debt continues to rise fueled by exploding credit and shadow banking practices, a housing bubble is emerging rapidly, endemic corruption continues unabated, a horrible environment, and an upcoming demographic crisis that will continue to slow your economy. China is showing significant cracks in its own economy and many have questioned whether China and its stubborn leaders even have the ability to reform. Your hard-on for a US collapse is hilarious, because it will never happen. You can keep saying it over and over, but wishful thinking won't get you anywhere.

Here we go again with your ludicrous 25% statistic. I wonder how you calculated such a number. The fact is that the US is the sole superpower and will be will into the future. Your chauvinistic ranting won't change that.

I've already discussed the Korean War, which ended in a stalemate and Chinese forces suffered over 13 times the casualties that US forces did. As for the Vietnam War, the US won every major tactical engagement, so I fail to to see how the US military was defeated. A defeat for the politicians? Yes For the military? No......And as I stated earlier, you will never be able to achieve superiority, much less be on par, with our military. Maybe in your own smog polluted brain, though.

US economy has collapsed since 2008 and the economy shrank by a staggering 2.9% :lol: That's just the official numbers, the real numbers are far worse. The US is nothing special, the regime is corrupt to the bone and the people out of the labour force is rising as the debt is rising in the trillions. The poverty rates are rising as all the jobs are temporary joe with low paying wages. US debt is over $400 trillion and rising and the US bond bubble is the biggest bubble in world history which is why the US cannot raise interest rates. The US economy has already collapsed and need trillions in QE to keep the farce going. US housing bubble is starting to pop too with the sales collapsing. The US economy is a giant ponzi scheme and its starting to collapse which is why the regime is crewing propaganda to distract the Yankee sheep.

US military got pummelled and slaughtered and eventually kicked out of North Korea. We owned the overrated and overhyped Yankee military. You had all the advantage and we made a complete and utter mockery of the US military :lol:
We gained net territory and you lost net territory. US military got pawned and we had a 6 to 1 kill ratio in the Air Battle.

US knows its time is up, China is destined for surpass the US in every area of economy, financially, technologically and militarily.

China has defeated the US militarily and now defeating you economically. You can't do sh*t to stop China. No amount of boating will make you beat China. US is far too small to be a challenge to China. US dominated a weak era and now met its match. You want to humiliate the Yanks, give China a call. We are experts at defeating the US.

Smartphones were revolutionized by the Apple Iphone and spurred tremendous growth in that sector. The smartphone industry is dominated by Apple, and Googles Android OS. The average person outside China hasn't heard of 90% of those companies you just listed, and none of them have the global influence of our companies. China being on the same level as our social media? Again, hilarious. Name a product of mostly Chinese innovation that has had the impact of the Ipod, Iphone, or Ipad? Crickets.......................................................................Crickets....................................

China is already creating alternative to Andriod and IOS. Most of the tech innovated in the US is done by Chinese. The white are too stupid to innovate. Our companies have a go global policy and grabbing market share all over the world in every area.
Smartphones were created wayyyyy before Apple. Apple just had the Yankee propaganda to hype it. Nokia created smartphones way before Apple.

China can only dream of having the alliances and soft power that the US possess. Chinas thuggish and unprofessional tactics in Asia are pushing your neighboring countries into the arms of the US. We've also made it abundantly clear that we aren't going anywhere, and are there to stay. You remember that worthless ADIZ China setup last year? Our bombers flew right through that like melted butter, and China couldn't do squat about it.

We have already humiliated the US military without any allies :lol:
China is expanding all across the world, because we are a global power.
US is being challenged by China and we will continue to change the status quo and there isn't a damn thing you can't do to stop us. US military is too afraid to get another spanking at the hands of China so all you can do is give useless warnings which China routinely ignores :lol:
So much for hyper power Amerikkka.

Nobel Laureates in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Economics since the year 2000.

USA- 92
China- 1

Nobel Laureates is a political prize that is bribed by the Yankees.

And to also add, we will be holding Exercise Malabar in the East China Sea this year; the United States Navy, Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force and the Indian Navy will take part in this. The problem with China is that she has, through her own doing, practically isolated herself from her immediate neighbors through territorial claims that are against international law but through what she considers are historically based. Even now, China has territorial issues with Japan regarding the Senkaku Islands, with Vietnam regarding the Parcel Island, with the Philippines regarding the Spratly Islands, with Indonesia regarding the Natuna Islands etc. She also has an unresolved territorial dispute with India which involves Arunachal Pradesh. China has failed to develop her alliance based system , something that the United States has excelled at ever since the end of the Great War (WWII).

We fight solo and we have crushed the US and its 16 allies in Korea. Japanese military is overrated. Couple of nukes and the filthy Jap race will be wiped off the face of the earth. And no, the Yankees won't come to your rescue when the shooting starts.
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Looking at the developments of the Chinese Navy (PLA), i can't help but smile. They have developed their submarine capability, even a training carrier , but to no avail. We (Japan) share a very close maritime boundary with them , which effectively negates their ability to control the seas. I mean, the JMSDF's immense ASW capability and standing surface fleet of DDGS , which are only second to that of the United States' in terms of number and capability, could be capable of gutting the PLAN. Japan's maritime power alone could be capable of containing China, now imagine a combined force of Japan + USN + other ASEAN partners? I just scoff at the poor attempt for detractors to dare say the contrary.

It is evident that the Western Pacific will remain an American, Japanese strategic zone for the immediate and long term future. I also expect and hope for continued bilateral and military cooperation between Japan and the United States. I am a proponent of the collective self defense platform that has been proposed by our PM, Shinzo Abe and the LDP in Japan.

Yes, and the recent military base pact that the United States has signed with the Philippines effectively entrenches the United States in the Philippines. America really didn't have to work so hard to be well received by ASEAN partners since China practically encouraged the Filipinos to receive the Yanks with open arms... :lol:

Japa has outdated weapons that are downgraded Yanks imports. Japanese Navy is beyond a joke, its hilarious that worthless Japs even consider their Navy a threat to China.

Japs will get nuked way before we use conventional weapons.

Japs have a destiny to be nuked, first the Yanks did it, next will be the Chinese.

I fully agree here, and I hope we continue to have a strong alliance. One area I'm absolutely confident in is our underwater force. Admiral Greenert spoke at a conference a couple months back and essentially said that we own the undersea domain (which involves more than just subs, he emphasized). He seems very pleased with our underwater deterrent, and our Virginia class program has been highly successful. China absolutely has no such capability in stopping our underwater forces.

Virginia sub is a noisy sub that was detected easily by China and our anti-sub forces are growing rapidly. Over hyped weapon as usual.

They have yet to even proper develop a carrier battle group to properly protect their Liaoning. In my honest opinion, she (Liaoning) is a sitting duck in the water against USN and JMSDF forces.

China's PLAN is divided into 3 fleets: North Sea Fleet, East Sea Fleet and South Sea Fleet. They literally do not have enough destroyers to address the overwhelming surface combat ships of Japan MSDF, we have 46 destroyers , they have less than 30. They have their North Sea Fleet stationed so as to address any Russian or JMSDF contingency, and their entire East Sea Fleet is supposed to be capable of handling a naval contingency vis-a-vis USN 7th Fleet, JMSDF West Command ? LOL!

In a hypothetical naval scenario, their North Sea Fleet , and East Sea Fleet would be neutralized by combined JMSDF + USN 7th Fleet. What remaining force is left would probably sail to meet their South Sea Fleet. That leaves the entire North East and Eastern Corridor of China exposed American, Japanese air power.

Some Chinese flaunt saying that their country has 'hard power' ? LOL. There is nothing 'hard power' about most of their rusting type 053 frigates that cannot answer our Mitsubishi Cruise missiles, or our prowling Soryu Class Subs. Let alone the USN's Ohio Class...

My underlying point is this: China is quantitatively and QUALITATIVELY outgunned and outclassed. Period.


Few dozens cruise missiles and the entire Japanese and US Navy will be at the bottom on the ocean. No one has a counter to our Df-21D and we now have new ASBM with more advanced features.

Japanese Naval weapons are decades old and Japan is outgunned technologically and in numbers, and the advantage is growing in our favour with each passing year.

Japan and the Yanks are losing the advantage which is why the filthy Japs are sh*t scared at the rise of China.

Japan is a dying race with a dead economy and all the Jap companies are going bankrupt just as Jap banks became zombies.

Japan is outgunned and outclassed by the PLA.
End of story.

You do understand that you and the North Koreans were routed right? :coffee:

Yea we were routed so much so that we kicked the Yanks and their 16 allies out of North Korea :coffee:

US has never defeated China and never ever will :lol:
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And Japan is to sit idly by? Do you understand that we just recently passed a resolution for defense acquisition amounting up to $247 Billion to acquire F-35s (42 of them), as as to produce 5 Atago Class Destroyers, several Kongo Class, and Soryu class submarines , not considering our plans to build a Maritime Land Strike Force, similar to the Kaigun-rikusen-tai (Imperial Japanese Naval Marines), and our plans to purchase drones, UAVs, and more maritime patrol craft.

In Asia, Japan not only has the largest navy, but is the most technologically advanced. Of course, not considering the United States' Pacific Command, which in itself is a Power to be reckoned with.

We do not fear China. We have the capability , capacity to gut their entire surface combat fleet, and their submarine force? JMSDF has a potent ASW capability that would render their (PLAN) sub threat nill.

Please know that our defense budget is only <1% of our GNP, standing at $60 Billion per annum. If we were to increase it to say 3%, which we can as stipulated in our Constitution, we can have a defense budget of ~ $180 BILLION.








And we can increase our military budget way more than Japan as our economy is twice the size of Japan. Jap military is too old, all your weapons are decades old and not being replaced. China has the numbers advantage and technologically closing the gap rapidly.
Sorry, Jap military is dying just like the Jap population and the Jap economy :lol:

There is no way that the United States and its allies in Asia-Pacific will be ejected for the immediate to long term future. America + Japanese Navy = greater than the navies of the world combined, plus qualitatively superior. The only way America would be 'ejected' from Asia is if for some magical reason Japan radically cut all relations with the united states and ordered its forces out. Which is an unrealistic scenario.

The military conquest of the United States is impossible. There is no power in this Earth that can conquer this country. For one, the United States Navy would sink any foreign fleet that would even try to make for the US coast (west or east), second, the United States is an armed country. This country is unlike any other in the world; majority of Americans have personal weapons , and know their terrain. Third, American Air Power.

America is, too, too, too, powerful.

It is just ridiculous to even talk about scenarios that would discuss foreign invasion of the United States.

American Air Force was crushed 6 to 1 in the Korean War in Mig Alley :lol:

Hasn't faced threats? The US had to expel the the British Empire twice, fought our own Civil War with over 600,000 casualties, fought both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan on two fronts, and had to deal with the Soviets for a half century. The same Soviets that built over 60,000 nuclear warheads, and that we nearly went to war with. And we're supposed to be afraid of China?

Yes, because we defeated you in war. That's why US fears China.


China needs to know what japan can do in 5 years---it may take the chinese 10 years to get there. China is woefully ill equipped to fight japan today---. Its submarine fleet is out dated---its navy not up to the mark---its fighter aircraft fleet still needs ways to go---.

If only the chinese surface to surface missiles can destroy the air force bases from where the japanese & U S aircraft take off---the naval bases---chinese will have a massive edge.

Under the current circumstances---the U S cannot afford to fight a war---. The public is war wary---the troops are disillusioned---there is no money in the coffers.

So---maybe---china can get away with a lot.

It is not all black & white.

Japanese air force is full of outdated F-15 and F-16 and the F-35 is a piece of junk.

Japanese Navy won't be able to counter our missile forces delivered from air, ships, subs and land.

Also, Chinas logistical capabilities are atrocious as we saw in the search for flight 370. It's AWACS and tanker support are also considerably behind that of the US. With all that said, no one wants to go to war, and a major confrontation is highly unlikely.

Yup thats why the US lost the Air battle in Mig Alley :lol:
Dint have any AWACS or tankers and sill made a complete mockery of the outclassed US military.
The only US victory is the victory you did in commuter simulations.

China wil continue to grow and change the status quo in Asia.
Just watch :coffee:

So true. If they cannot even support operations as close as the Straits of Singapore, then this illustrates the wanting situation of China's so called 'Blue Water Navy'. They , currently, do not have the capacity to even extend search and rescue operations for their own citizens into the Malacca Straits, imagine having to operate naval squadrons simultaneously in the event of war.

Japan and America have proven time and time again through our bilateral and multilateral defense operations of our ground, air, and naval interoperability. The likes of which the world has not seen...

Jap Navy is not blue water, its barely green water.
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Nikita Kkrushchev also said he would bury the west at the height of the Cold War. Talk is cheap. The fact is the US won't be going anywhere, and there's nothing that the Chinese can do about it, unless they want to go to war, which will leave them devastated. Chinas neighbors welcome the US presence, and our bases and 7th fleet are there to stay.

What the Soviets failed, we succeed.
We are ALREADY burying the US economically.
We buried your military twice, which means the US don't have the balls to ever mess with the PLA :lol:
US got hammered every time it tried to mess with the PLA when the PLA was at its weakest and the US at its peak.

Chinas current growth path is unsustainable, and Chinese leaders have even admitted so, which is why they are having to significantly reform their economy. Chinas economy is slowing, and will continue to do so as they face an upcoming demographic workforce crisis. Growth wise, the US economy has been stubborn, but is actually trending upwards in the coming years, while Chinas is trending downwards. China won't be growing 7-8% 10-15 years from now, as they attempt to move to a consumption based economy and their workforce shrinks. The US standard of living will also remain much higher than that of China.

China don't need to grow 10%, our economy is already as big as America in PPP (which matters).
US economy has been a failure since 2008 and getting worse (2.9% decline in Q1, and no, it was not weather related :lol:).

Your living in a dream, not reality. China won't be able to push the US out of Asia. Our strategic interests are simply to high in the region and the majority of Asian countries want our presence there. It's non-negotiable. Chinas economy is also slowing by the year. I highly doubt Chinas GDP will be 3 times our own.There's simply to many current and upcoming factors to suggest otherwise. You need to understand that a high GDP alone won't overtake US global influence.

US will be an atlantic power when we kick you out of every region of the world as our power increases. US can't do jack to stop the rise of China and change the status quo.
Live with it :coffee:

Wrong, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, South Korea, and Australia all want US presence in the region. China's only real ally in the region is the tinpot dictator to the northeast. China will have an overall high GDP, but then again it has to take care of an aging population of over 1 billion people. China will never be able to achieve superiority over US forces, and if you confront us and our allies it'll be bad news for China. If you expect the US to be forced out of the region, your going to be sorely disappointed.

60% of the US population is getting old by 2030 and the collapsing economy and the staggering debt will crush the US. Heck, its already having problems and this will only get worse.

US is finished and if you think you can stop China from changing the status quo, then you should try harder, much much harder :coffee:

Clearly, you don't understand the term logistics. The US was on the other side of the world, China was in its own backyard. They managed to embarrass themselves on more than one occasion. I'm not the only one that took notice.

And we made a right ol' mockery of the US military in Korea :lol:
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Malaysia are close partners with the US, so they don't object to our presence.

Chances of a Korean unification anytime soon? About zero....

Your final bit is more wishful thinking than reality. As more advanced US assets are transported to the region, and our allies build up their defense structure, our capabilities and resolve will be to immense for China to counter. The recent base deal between the US and Philippines, and naval exercises with our allies in the region just bolsters my argument. Also, a shrinking Chinese workforce will result in lower growth, there's no two-ways about it. That's just one of several areas of enormous concern such as its unsustainable path of growth it's currently on, shadow banking sector, credit bubble, and housing market that's wobbled over the past year.

Thanks for proving my point. US bases in the region are an asset that it uses to its advantage. China has little logistical capability in comparison.

US ageing population, welfare state, $400 trillion in debt, bond bubble, stock bubble, housing bubble, credit bubble will make sure the US remains in the doldrums for decades to come. US is facing a soviet style collapse imo.

China is catching up technologically and rapidly developing the military and as our capabilities grow, even if you move the entire US military to Asia won't be enough to beat China.
China is far too strong for the US to ever use military force and our advantage is our economic size and US can't compete with our economic power due to our massive population.
And Japan is to sit idly by? Do you understand that we just recently passed a resolution for defense acquisition amounting up to $247 Billion to acquire F-35s (42 of them), as as to produce 5 Atago Class Destroyers, several Kongo Class, and Soryu class submarines , not considering our plans to build a Maritime Land Strike Force, similar to the Kaigun-rikusen-tai (Imperial Japanese Naval Marines), and our plans to purchase drones, UAVs, and more maritime patrol craft.

In Asia, Japan not only has the largest navy, but is the most technologically advanced. Of course, not considering the United States' Pacific Command, which in itself is a Power to be reckoned with.

We do not fear China. We have the capability , capacity to gut their entire surface combat fleet, and their submarine force? JMSDF has a potent ASW capability that would render their (PLAN) sub threat nill.

Please know that our defense budget is only <1% of our GNP, standing at $60 Billion per annum. If we were to increase it to say 3%, which we can as stipulated in our Constitution, we can have a defense budget of ~ $180 BILLION.








@cnleio @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @cirr @TaiShang @Edison Chen @Raphael
Sigh. It's rather shameful that this particular poster is nothing but inducing trolling. If you want to address my points, do so in a clear and coherent manner without use of racial and derogatory remarks that are outright forbidden in the realm of debate. Once a person resorts to racist remarks, he or she will immediately looses the credibility of any discussion.

The term is Japanese, not 'j-p'. The latter is a racist term, i never once called anyone or even my fellow Chinese colleagues in a racist term, even in the heat of discourse.

That said, I will reiterate my stance on the qualitative and quantitative advantage of the combined might of the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force and the United States Navy Pacific Command. This is the very reason why a military confrontation for any regional power in East Asia is counterproductive for regional harmony and stability. Lastly, China does not have a nuclear first strike initiative.

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Sigh. It's rather shameful that this particular poster is nothing but inducing trolling. If you want to address my points, do so in a clear and coherent manner without use of racial and derogatory remarks that are outright forbidden in the realm of debate. Once a person resorts to racist remarks, he or she will immediately loose the credibility of any discussion.

The term is Japanese, not 'j-p'. The latter is a racist term, i never once called anyone or even my fellow Chinese colleagues in a racist term, even in the heat of discourse.

That said, I will reiterate my stance on the qualitative and quantitative advantage of the combined might of the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force and the United States Navy Pacific Command. This is the very reason why a military confrontation for any regional power in East Asia is counterproductive for regional harmony and stability. Lastly, China does not have a nuclear first strike initiative.


It's obvious this troll has a massive inferiority complex. His assertions are largely false, and offers no real substance to the debate. His rants ultimately boil down down to China(good), US/Japan(bad)....so its pointless to continue as we are going around in circles.
Sigh. It's rather shameful that this particular poster is nothing but inducing trolling. If you want to address my points, do so in a clear and coherent manner without use of racial and derogatory remarks that are outright forbidden in the realm of debate. Once a person resorts to racist remarks, he or she will immediately loose the credibility of any discussion.

The term is Japanese, not 'j-p'. The latter is a racist term, i never once called anyone or even my fellow Chinese colleagues in a racist term, even in the heat of discourse.

That said, I will reiterate my stance on the qualitative and quantitative advantage of the combined might of the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force and the United States Navy Pacific Command. This is the very reason why a military confrontation for any regional power in East Asia is counterproductive for regional harmony and stability. Lastly, China does not have a nuclear first strike initiative.


I reiterate my stance that the Jap military is not even a threat to the PLA anymore. Outdated junk will not work against our advanced missile force delivered from air, ships, subs and land. Our ballistic and cruise missile force is absolutely MASSIVE and its constantly getting upgrades both qualitatively and quantitatively and as we get new air and naval platforms in the form of type 056 corvettes, type 057 frigates, type 052D destroyers, type 055 cruisers, type 041 SSK, type 095 SSN, type 096 SSBN, type 071A LPDs, type 075 LHDs, multiple new carriers, J-20 and J-31 5th generation fighters, H-20 strategic stealth bomber (under development), Y-20 strategic transport, KJ-500 AWACS, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc Japs and the Yanks will find it harder and harder to counter China. Chinese economy is MASSIVE and still creating over $1 trillion in GDP every year and with government revenue of over $2 trillion we can increase our military budget SIGNIFICANTLY when needed. The advantage will continue to move towards China as our hard power rises (already surpassed Japs in economic and military power) and as the economic and military advantage shifts to China as time goes by, we will continue to change the status quo.
Our nuclear arsenal is a lot bigger than what is officially published and that too is growing in numbers and lethality along with our anti-satellite weapons, cyber weapons, electronic warfare (EMP, etc) weapons, air defences, missile defences, hypersonic weapons, etc.

If the Chinese motherland is threatened, our no-first-use nuclear policy will be abolished within seconds. Never underestimate the ruthlessness of communists. They are cold, brutal and utterly ruthless human beings.

China will continue to increase its hard power and we will continue to challenge and change the status quo.
End of story :coffee:

Finally, I utterly and passionately despise the Japs, I find them to be truly revolting and disgusting creatures.
A good Jap is a dead Jap :D
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