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US, state sponsor of terrorism: Analyst

Indeed. I cannot wait to see these beauties on top of our 2 Azumo -Class Carrier, too. We ordered 42 F-35As, and an unspecified amount of F-35Bs. This will give the JMSDF the capability to project power and contain any hostile training carrier cbg if they are within our range. :)

American technology is , for lack of better words, bada$$. :lol:

The F-35 gets alot of flak, and sometimes rightfully so, but the mainstream media simply doesn't understand it's full capabilities, especially in a network centric environment. It's game changing. As General Hostage said, if the F-35 gets within visual range of an enemy aircraft, the pilot has either made a mistake or has been very unlucky.

China needs to know what japan can do in 5 years---it may take the chinese 10 years to get there. China is woefully ill equipped to fight japan today---. Its submarine fleet is out dated---its navy not up to the mark---its fighter aircraft fleet still needs ways to go---.

If only the chinese surface to surface missiles can destroy the air force bases from where the japanese & U S aircraft take off---the naval bases---chinese will have a massive edge.

Under the current circumstances---the U S cannot afford to fight a war---. The public is war wary---the troops are disillusioned---there is no money in the coffers.

So---maybe---china can get away with a lot.

It is not all black & white.
Also, Chinas logistical capabilities are atrocious as we saw in the search for flight 370. It's AWACS and tanker support are also considerably behind that of the US. With all that said, no one wants to go to war, and a major confrontation is highly unlikely.
Also, Chinas logistical capabilities are atrocious as we saw in the search for flight 370. It's AWACS and tanker support are also considerably behind that of the US. With all that said, no one wants to go to war, and a major confrontation is highly unlikely.

So true. If they cannot even support operations as close as the Straits of Singapore, then this illustrates the wanting situation of China's so called 'Blue Water Navy'. They , currently, do not have the capacity to even extend search and rescue operations for their own citizens into the Malacca Straits, imagine having to operate naval squadrons simultaneously in the event of war.

Japan and America have proven time and time again through our bilateral and multilateral defense operations of our ground, air, and naval interoperability. The likes of which the world has not seen...
So true. If they cannot even support operations as close as the Straits of Singapore, then this illustrates the wanting situation of China's so called 'Blue Water Navy'. They , currently, do not have the capacity to even extend search and rescue operations for their own citizens into the Malacca Straits, imagine having to operate naval squadrons simultaneously in the event of war.

Japan and America have proven time and time again through our bilateral and multilateral defense operations of our ground, air, and naval interoperability. The likes of which the world has not seen...

The main thing to realize here is that will America actually step in to fight for Japan? We know that Americans have a pact for Japanese defense, however, if the shyt really hit the fan, will Americans get embroiled in a major war on the high seas or will they think of themselves first and pull out? While the tensions in South China Sea are rising and there is a rising animosity between the Japanese and Chinese, both the nations understand that the cost of war is going to be way more than anything. You fight a war when you have absolutely no other option left. The Chinese would want to wait as long as they can to make sure they are ready for a war. Their capabilities are increasing, but still they are a decade or two away from fighting on the high seas.
I don't think you know what you're talking about. We have built an Azumo Class carrier, the technology we used for such a light carrier, can be replicated for much a larger tonnage of a ship.

But I do know what I am talking about:D

Let us take two examples to illustrate my point:

1. The Izumo class helicopter destroyer - this uses a US engine.

2. Atago class destroyer - uses both US engine and US radar.

Yes, Japan can by 2020-2025 make its own equivalent but without US support, your Navy would now be completely crippled. Let us not even talk about the fact that Japan has never made a nuclear submarine and so has zero experience in shipborne nuclear propulsion.

Chinese on other hand have pretty much become indigenous in all areas, bar a need to use Russia for engines for some kinds of planes but not all. It's WS-10A engine is now being used for both J-11B and J-16 fighters. At current rates I think it will completely eliminate the need for foreign engines by 2020.

Yes, Japan has a formidable Navy now and could if it wanted to, with US support, still have a formidable Navy by 2020 as well. It is just that you are under-estimating just how powerful China is likely to become over the next 10-15 years. A Chinese admiral once said that China intends to drive the US back to Hawaii by 2030 and I don't think that is unrealistic.
But I do know what I am talking about:D

Let us take two examples to illustrate my point:

1. The Izumo class helicopter destroyer - this uses a US engine.

2. Atago class destroyer - uses both US engine and US radar.

Yes, Japan can by 2020-2025 make its own equivalent but without US support, your Navy would now be completely crippled. Let us not even talk about the fact that Japan has never made a nuclear submarine and so has zero experience in shipborne nuclear propulsion.

Chinese on other hand have pretty much become indigenous in all areas, bar a need to use Russia for engines for some kinds of planes but not all. It's WS-10A engine is now being used for both J-11B and J-16 fighters. At current rates I think it will completely eliminate the need for foreign engines by 2020.

Yes, Japan has a formidable Navy now and could if it wanted to, with US support, still have a formidable Navy by 2020 as well. It is just that you are under-estimating just how powerful China is likely to become over the next 10-15 years. A Chinese admiral once said that China intends to drive the US back to Hawaii by 2030 and I don't think that is unrealistic.

Nikita Kkrushchev also said he would bury the west at the height of the Cold War. Talk is cheap. The fact is the US won't be going anywhere, and there's nothing that the Chinese can do about it, unless they want to go to war, which will leave them devastated. Chinas neighbors welcome the US presence, and our bases and 7th fleet are there to stay.
Nikita Kkrushchev also said he would bury the west at the height of the Cold War. Talk is cheap. The fact is the US won't be going anywhere, and there's nothing that the Chinese can do about it, unless they want to go to war, which will leave them devastated. Chinas neighbors welcome the US presence, and our bases and 7th fleet are there to stay.

Yes, I can see your intelligence in action here:lol:

Soviet GDP was never more than 30-40% of US when compared in real terms in the cold-war. China, when measures in PPP, is already around the same size as the US even now. China will soon get a lot larger GDP wise, when compared to US, as China is growing at 7-8% a year and the US will scrape by on 1-2% a year at most.

Now, is this not the time when an American reminds everyone how the US beat Japan, GDP around 1/5th of that of the US at the time, in WW2?!

The US government sadly fails to realize the dangers it has created for everyone since the days of creating Al Qaeda and Taliban. It continues to make the same blunders again and again creating groups like ISIS and ISIL.

Today it has killed thousands of innocent people. The US has become that very entity it promised to fight against.
Yes, I can see your intelligence in action here:lol:

Soviet GDP was never more than 30-40% of US when compared in real terms in the cold-war. China, when measures in PPP, is already around the same size as the US even now. China will soon get a lot larger GDP wise, when compared to US, as China is growing at 7-8% a year and the US will scrape by on 1-2% a year at most.

Now, is this not the time when an American reminds everyone how the US beat Japan, GDP around 1/5th of that of the US at the time, in WW2?!

Chinas current growth path is unsustainable, and Chinese leaders have even admitted so, which is why they are having to significantly reform their economy. Chinas economy is slowing, and will continue to do so as they face an upcoming demographic workforce crisis. Growth wise, the US economy has been stubborn, but is actually trending upwards in the coming years, while Chinas is trending downwards. China won't be growing 7-8% 10-15 years from now, as they attempt to move to a consumption based economy and their workforce shrinks. The US standard of living will also remain much higher than that of China.
Chinas current growth path is unsustainable, and Chinese leaders have even admitted so, which is why they are having to significantly reform their economy. Chinas economy is slowing, and will continue to do so as they face an upcoming demographic workforce crisis. Growth wise, the US economy has been stubborn, but is actually trending upwards in the coming years, while Chinas is trending downwards. China won't be growing 7-8% 10-15 years from now, as they attempt to move to a consumption based economy and their workforce shrinks. The US standard of living will also remain much higher than that of China.

Who gives a rats whether US manages to retain some advantage in GDP/capita over China.

Assuming China reaches 75-80% of the GDP/capita of US, then its GDP will be 3 times that of the US. China will then be able to drive the US back to Hawaii for sure.

China, still a developing country, is already giving sleepness nights to to many people. It will be an unstoppable force once it fully completes its industrialistation in 2-3 decades from now.
Who gives a rats whether US manages to retain some advantage in GDP/capita over China.

Assuming China reaches 75-80% of the GDP/capita of US, then its GDP will be 3 times that of the US. China will then be able to drive the US back to Hawaii for sure.

China, still a developing country, is already giving sleepness nights to to many people. It will be an unstoppable force once it fully completes its industrialistation in 2-3 decades from now.

Your living in a dream, not reality. China won't be able to push the US out of Asia. Our strategic interests are simply to high in the region and the majority of Asian countries want our presence there. It's non-negotiable. Chinas economy is also slowing by the year. I highly doubt Chinas GDP will be 3 times our own.There's simply to many current and upcoming factors to suggest otherwise. You need to understand that a high GDP alone won't overtake US global influence.
Your living in a dream, not reality. China won't be able to push the US out of Asia. Our strategic interests are simply to high in the region and the majority of Asian countries want our presence there. It's non-negotiable. Chinas economy is also slowing by the year. I highly doubt Chinas GDP will be 3 times our own.There's simply to many current and upcoming factors to suggest otherwise. You need to understand that a high GDP alone won't overtake US global influence.

Majority of Asian countries is not true.
Only three guaranteed today to want US in Asia are Japan, Philippines and Vietnam.
Rest either support China or are ambivalent.

High GDP = high economic and high military power = more countries want to be your ally or not upset you.
The above is basic geopolitics.
And to also add, we will be holding Exercise Malabar in the East China Sea this year; the United States Navy, Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force and the Indian Navy will take part in this. The problem with China is that she has, through her own doing, practically isolated herself from her immediate neighbors through territorial claims that are against international law but through what she considers are historically based. Even now, China has territorial issues with Japan regarding the Senkaku Islands, with Vietnam regarding the Parcel Island, with the Philippines regarding the Spratly Islands, with Indonesia regarding the Natuna Islands etc. She also has an unresolved territorial dispute with India which involves Arunachal Pradesh. China has failed to develop her alliance based system , something that the United States has excelled at ever since the end of the Great War (WWII).
The US is isolated geographically speaking, it has "pacifist" Canada to the north and it has pacified Mexico to a certain extent by including it in a free trade zone. So there is no possible comparison whatsoever.
I think if one puts the US in China's place, all those waters and territories would have been invaded long time ago, no questions asked.
Majority of Asian countries is not true.
Only three guaranteed today to want US in Asia are Japan, Philippines and Vietnam.
Rest either support China or are ambivalent.

High GDP = high economic and high military power = more countries want to be your ally or not upset you.
The above is basic geopolitics.

Wrong, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, South Korea, and Australia all want US presence in the region. China's only real ally in the region is the tinpot dictator to the northeast. China will have an overall high GDP, but then again it has to take care of an aging population of over 1 billion people. China will never be able to achieve superiority over US forces, and if you confront us and our allies it'll be bad news for China. If you expect the US to be forced out of the region, your going to be sorely disappointed.
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