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US requests NATO supply route from Iran.

Such a long debate on an unconfirmed article from an unreliable source. WOW!
First of all Irani Port are geologically far from Europe compare to Karachi. Second it is not aa cost effective solution
. .
Pakistan couldn't be called as successive country because their mentality revolves only what is available but not what in future and couldn't handle situation for even own interests. Pakistan's military and civil governments played dual and stupid and Pakistani innocent nation acted more stupidly. Pakistan couldn't negotiate or solve any problem on the the same level from it came but can found things in hands not important how it could be benefited from conflicting side or party.

We used to call Iran & KSA as brother country but our poor, innocent people didn't bother to think that these brothers will not wait and think about them when matter comes financial, strategic and geopolitical advantages.
I don't know why some people think this is not good for Pakistan this is blessing in disguise for Pakistan

But i doubt iran would accept it so.because iran know's the taliban will turn to them and so does the terrorism will shift toward iran.

Only a foolish country like pakistan will open their border for a countries like afghanistan and i really doubt iranian are this fool

this wont even contribute 500millions to them per year and in return they will be awarded with terrorism for the forseeable future

as earlier said only a thekadar ummah country like pakistan is capable of such foolish decision.
For iran the interest and protection of their people is the top most priority not odd 500millions or even 1 billion dollars
I don't know why some people think this is not good for Pakistan this is blessing in disguise for Pakistan

But i doubt iran would accept it so.because iran know's the taliban will turn to them and so does the terrorism will shift toward iran.

Only a foolish country like pakistan will open their border for a countries like afghanistan and i really doubt iranian are this fool

this wont even contribute 500millions to them per year and in return they will be awarded with terrorism for the forseeable future

as earlier said only a thekadar ummah country like pakistan is capable of such foolish decision.
For iran the interest and protection of their people is the top most priority not odd 500millions or even 1 billion dollars

Wait.....time will tell what is important even for Iran "protection of their people" or "odd 500millions or even 1 billion dollars".
Wait.....time will tell what is important even for Iran "protection of their people" or "odd 500millions or even 1 billion dollars".

well i can even tell you now..I am atleast 90% sure iranian cares about their people more than money

and if they ever had to open border for afghanistan they would have done it 5 decades before.

they know afghanistanis hate shias more than even the coalition forces and in a long run they will create hell alot of mess within their own country.

this is the reason even the afghan refugees are granted visa for a very short time and are under strict watch.

my friend qasam told me in Pakistan they feel more like in their home while in iran they are usually harassed as you know iranian are very racist.infact everyone is racist toward the poors
well i can even tell you now..I am atleast 90% sure iranian cares about their people more than money

and if they ever had to open border for afghanistan they would have done it 5 decades before.

they know afghanistanis hate shias more than even the coalition forces and in a long run they will create hell alot of mess within their own country.

this is the reason even the afghan refugees are granted visa for a very short time and are under strict watch.

my friend qasam told me in Pakistan they feel more like in their home while in iran they are usually harassed as you know iranian are very racist.infact everyone is racist toward the poors

You didn't get and viewing situation from unrealistic way, there are two main systems for effective governance 1. Secular 2. Religious, Iran based on Shiaa majority ideology and declared as Shia'a majority state so they can defend other fractions ideology better than we have so is KSA, and on other side let's look over Pakistan...Shia'a, Sunni (Deoband, Brelvi, Ahle-Hadees) going parallel and because of this we faced lot of unnecessary problems and lack of organization. All these 'Lashkars, Jeeshs, Jamats' belongs to particular section of Sunni when others are less aggressive and violent mind so here game starts when Shia'a majority states supports and financed their related fractions/sects in Pakistan and KSA respectively . This difference in ideology helps distrust, careless, attitude in people for each other having different ideology so in result government will be failed to draw a line of uni-ideology for people and for its state and couldn't protect from sectarian foreign unauthorized finance.

We should first clear with ourselves and then think for sustainability in governance.
You didn't get and viewing situation from unrealistic way, there are two main systems for effective governance 1. Secular 2. Religious, Iran based on Shiaa majority ideology and declared as Shia'a majority state so they can defend other fractions

Oh commmon.

Iranian Mullahs have driven an oil producing country into ground (even below ground).

In Iran 1 dollar = 24814.97 Rials (official rate).

That is 24 thousand fing 8 hundred fing 15 fing Rials.

Got it?

Current popular joke in Iran: How many rials are in a dollar? Now, or… now? hahahahaha

Under the Shah, the rial had been pegged to the dollar at a rate of 68.73 rials to the dollar. The current account of Iran's balance of payments was generally in surplus, with Iran earning more than it spent.

At least have some decency to base your argument on something real instead of delving into Shia Sunni mumbo jumbo

Thank you.

1.Convert Iranian Rials (IRR) and United States Dollars (USD): Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator
2. The Collapse of Iran's Rial :: Gatestone Institute
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How you can prove your brilliant theory!!!

Please do some research before comments and also note that NATO didn't pay any tax in Pakistan and they have to pay Iran Taxes and damages also
and for your easy reference please find below Irani Ports map and note that Upper ports are land lock and NATO have to pay Extra charges to at least 2 to 3 country and lower ports are far distance from Karachi port

Oh commmon.

Iranian Mullahs have driven an oil producing country into ground (even below ground).

In Iran 1 dollar = 24814.97 Rials (official rate).

That is 24 thousand fing 8 hundred fing 15 fing Rials.

Got it?

Current popular joke in Iran: How many rials are in a dollar? Now, or… now? hahahahaha

Under the Shah, the rial had been pegged to the dollar at a rate of 68.73 rials to the dollar. The current account of Iran's balance of payments was generally in surplus, with Iran earning more than it spent.

At least have some decency to base your argument on something real instead of delving into Shia Sunni mumbo jumbo

Thank you.

1.Convert Iranian Rials (IRR) and United States Dollars (USD): Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator
2. The Collapse of Iran's Rial :: Gatestone Institute

Yes, now i believed the quality of TT analysis which could be entitled as 'BS'. Holding surface analysis are not allowed to take a minute on my post.

Yes, now i believed the quality of TT analysis which could be entitled as 'BS'. Holding surface analysis are not allowed to take a minute on my post.


point the specific line and I'll correct it.

No need to throw blanket accusations.

Thank you

Please do some research before comments and also note that NATO didn't pay any tax in Pakistan and they have to pay Iran Taxes and damages also
and for your easy reference please find below Irani Ports map and note that Upper ports are land lock and NATO have to pay Extra charges to at least 2 to 3 country and lower ports are far distance from Karachi port


Please add figures here.

NATO pays XXX dollars to Iran

NATO pays no dollars to Pakistan

For the the same amount of weight / truck load.

Without any kind of numbers, we are doing gupshup with nothing based on reality.

point the specific line and I'll correct it.

No need to throw blanket accusations.

Thank you


You first need to understand the depth of discussion in my post than come with big revelation of dollar-rial which is known to all. I will refer you to last sentence of my post you quoted first. Get what i said and then flash out.
You first need to understand the depth of discussion in my post than come with big revelation of dollar-rial which is known to all. I will refer you to last sentence of my post you quoted first. Get what i said and then flash out.

So nothing concrete, just personal attacks.

Sorry to see this from a senior member.
So nothing concrete, just personal attacks.

Sorry to see this from a senior member.

Well, :hitwall:

Look, economic interests, financial balances have their own place to discuss, my point of view to related member's post was a try to convince that we should first clear with type of government in Pakistan to avoid unnecessary hurdles of religious violations and sectarian problems IF we want systematic approach to global or geopolitical issues. Iran was focal point but just go and talk here and there results nothing as most of members used to do (not you) but enough time wasted in continuing this Jungle Raaj and now we should take decisive action to put full concentration on the issue that on which bases we should address to outer world over our interests. Situation in front of all of us. End point was made that each side decides on the bases of their current scenario and even if some common values are shared it doesn't give the necessity of followed mindset.
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