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US ready to arm Philippines amid China tension

Actual related news versus the off topic crap posted above mine. Put wikileaks stuff or conspiracy theory crap not related to US-Philippine actions in the SCS in a different thread please.

AFP: US, Philippine navies to train near disputed waters

US, Philippine navies to train near disputed waters
(AFP) – 54 minutes ago

MANILA, Philippines — The United States and the Philippines said Friday they would hold joint naval exercises next week in waters close to disputed areas of the South China Sea.

Eleven days of manoeuvres will start Tuesday, after a pledge by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday that Washington was ready to provide hardware to the Filipino military amid rising tension at sea with China.

The guided missile destroyers USS Chung-Hoon and USS Howard and the diving and salvage ship USNS Safeguard will arrive Tuesday at the western Philippine island of Palawan, a joint statement said.

"The US and Philippine navies have a long history of working together, and exercises like (these) provide a great venue for us to hone our skills and increase our inter-operability," the US commander Captain David Welch said.

The exercises will be held in the Palawan area, the joint naval statement said, without specifying where.

Palawan's west coast faces the South China Sea, where tensions over the resource-rich area have been escalating, with the Philippines and Vietnam alarmed at what they say are increasingly aggressive actions by Beijing.

China, the Philippines and Vietnam, along with Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan, lay claim to all or parts of the Spratlys, a South China Sea island chain close to Palawan.

The statement said the drills aim to hone maritime security capabilities in interdiction, information sharing, combined operations, patrol operations and gunnery, along with anti-piracy and anti-smuggling know-how.

The US navy holds similar regular bilateral exercises, called Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training, with the armed forces of Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, the statement said.

Vietnam also takes part in a similar event known as Naval Exchange Activity, it said.

Clinton assures US help for defense of PH territory | ABS-CBN News | Latest Philippine Headlines, Breaking News, Video, Analysis, Features

Clinton assures US help for defense of PH territory
By Rodney Jaleco, ABS-CBN North America News Bureau
Posted at 06/24/2011 10:05 AM | Updated as of 06/24/2011 1:17 PM

WASHINGTON D.C. - US State Secretary Hillary Clinton delivered the strongest assurance yet that America will live up to its obligations under the 60-year-old Mutual Defense Treaty if Filipino forces are attacked in the disputed Spratly Islands.
“The United States honors our Mutual Defense Treaty and our strategic alliance with the Philippines,” she stressed. “I’m not going to discuss hypothetical events, but I want to underscore our commitment to the defense of the Philippines.”

Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario said he told Secretary Clinton: “While we are a small country, we are prepared to do what is necessary to stand up to any aggressive action in our backyard.”

“The Philippines has made clear its position on the issue – to maintain peace while allowing for the economic development of the area. There is need to segregate the non-disputed areas from the disputed areas,” he added.

“What is ours is ours, and what is disputed can be shared,” Del Rosario emphasized.

He told members of the Fil-Am press during an interview earlier in the week that he was carrying a proposal to lease military hardware urgently needed by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to defend the country’s western frontier.

The US provides excess defense articles (EDAs) under the Foreign Military Finance (FMF) program. The Philippines is just one in a host of US allies that source some of their military equipment this way. The waiting time often run into years.

He said the Armed Forces of the Philippines is currently updating its list of equipment needs that might be filled up by the US.

Secretary Del Rosario said the lease proposal could deliver relatively newer US military equipment faster compared to waiting in line for surplus weapons.

“We are starting a process with the foreign secretary and the Government of the Philippines to review the existing programs and to determine what additional assets that the Philippines needs and how we can best provide those,” Secretary Clinton said.

Del Rosario was scheduled to meet with Defense Secretary Robert Gates later Thursday evening (June 23) at the Pentagon. He was expected to flesh out the proposal.

Defense Undersecretary Michele Flournoy, who is the principal staff assistant and adviser to the Secretary of Defense on national security and defense policy matters, will reportedly join them. Gates is retiring from the Pentagon next week and will be replaced by former CIA Director Leon Panetta so Flournoy’s presence in the meeting could be significant.

“We are determined and committed to supporting the defense of the Philippines, and that means trying to find ways of providing affordable material and equipment that will assist the Philippine military to take the steps necessary to defend itself,” Clinton declared.

She said the US was “troubled” by developments in the South China Sea. “We are concerned that recent incidents in the South China Sea could undermine peace and stability in the region,” she said.

“We urge all sides to exercise self-restraint, and we will continue to consult closely with all countries involved, including our treaty ally, the Philippines.”

“The United States does not take sides on territorial disputes over land features in the South China Sea, but we oppose the use of force or the threat of force to advance the claims of any party,” she added.

“We have committed our own resources towards the development of the necessary capabilities to protect our national borders and ensure freedom of navigation and the unimpeded flow of commerce,” Sec. Del Rosario said.

“We thus welcome the assurance from Secretary Clinton of the U.S. commitment to honor their treaty obligations as well their continuing interest in ensuring freedom of navigation, open access to Asia’s maritime sea lanes, and respect for international law in the South China Sea,” he added.

There has been talk from some that the US might not defend a treaty ally or that the US has no interest and no stake in the SCS dispute. This is simply untrue. The stability of the region is a core concern. The precedent that could be set should force be used to successfully take territory is a danger to all the world.

This might have cleared up on whether the US would come to aid the Philippines should their forces be attacked in the Spratleys. Also I find it interesting that Clinton specifically referred to land features being what the US won't take sides on. Does this mean the US will take sides when it comes to maritime territory?
WikiLeaks: (Chinese) Money Talks

For two decades now, since the Tiananmen Square massacre, Western political leaders have been putting on a half-hearted show of being seen to be trying to impose on China the Western values on human rights. Half-hearted, because, as everyone knows, trade and manufacturing deals with China took precedence. Money talked, and China did not change its values.

Seen from this perspective, China’s money has talked, and the Chinese elites’ values of subverting market outcomes for an ulterior motive found fertile and willing ground in the hearts and minds of their counterparty elites that actually run the US from behind the scenes. These elite value systems have subsequently constrained OECD policymakers from reforming their insolvent banking systems properly according to the traditional Western value system, haircuts and all. China’s money has talked, and its values easily took root in Western government policy.

WikiLeaks: (Chinese) Money Talks « baobab 2050

Yes, the Westerners wants Chinese money, but they are not afraid of Chinese dictating their foreign policy through Chinese Money.

Evenafter dealing in trade amounting to billions of dollars, you can't even make tiny Japan apologize for Nanking so forget about bullying super power USA.
Yes, the Westerners wants Chinese money, but they are not afraid of Chinese dictating their foreign policy through Chinese Money.

Evenafter dealing in trade amounting to billions of dollars, you can't even make Japan apologize for Nanking.

Japan PM finally apologizes for WWII 65 years late

TOKYO – Japan's new liberal prime minister shunned a visit to a shrine that has outraged Asian neighbors for honoring war criminals, breaking from past governments' tradition and instead apologizing Sunday for the suffering World War II caused.

Members of the now-opposition Liberal Democratic Party, which ruled Japan nearly continuously since the end of the war, made a point by carrying out their own trip to Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on the 65th anniversary of the end of World War II.

The Shinto shrine — a spectacular building with sweeping roofs and a museum in its grounds that glorifies kamikaze pilots — has set off controversy by honoring the 2.5 million Japanese war dead, including Class A war criminals such as Hideki Tojo, Japan's war-time prime minister who was executed in 1948.

Among those who visited Yasukuni was LDP leader Sadakazu Tanigaki and former Prime Minister Shintaro Abe. About 40 legislators went to the shrine, but none from Prime Minister Naoto Kan's Cabinet, according to Japanese media reports.

Kan leads the Democratic Party, which took power last after winning elections on promises of greater transparency and grass-roots democracy. It is the first time since the end of World War II that the entire Japanese Cabinet has avoided visiting Yasukuni on Aug. 15, the day Japan surrendered in the war.

"We caused great damage and suffering to many nations during the war, especially to the people of Asia," Kan told a crowd of about 6,000 at an annual memorial service for the war dead at Budokan hall in Tokyo.

"We feel a deep regret, and we offer our sincere feelings of condolence to those who suffered and their families," he said. "We renew our promise to never wage war, and we promise to do our utmost to achieve eternal world peace and to never repeat again the mistake of war."

Among those listening to Kan's words were Emperor Akihito, whose father Hirohito announced the surrender 65 years ago in a radio broadcast — the first time the Japanese public had heard the real voice of the emperor, who had been revered as a living god to justify imperial expansion.

Akihito, who has never visited Yasukuni, led a moment of silence at noon, bowing deeply before a stage filled with yellow and white chrysanthemums.

The families and friends of more than 3 million Japanese who died in war, including a gray-haired woman in a wheelchair clutching a black-and-white photo of a soldier, bowed their heads in silence for a minute.

Japanese media reports identified the woman as Chiyoka Takakura, 96, whose husband died in the Philippines.

"I feel once again a deep sadness for those many who lost their precious lives and for their families," Akihito said, attending the ceremony with his wife Michiko. "I pray for the continued prosperity of our nation and for world peace."

Tomoaki Iwai, a professor of politics at Nihon University, said Kan's shunning the Yasukuni visit underlined the Democrats' liberal-leaning pacifist policies.

"His decision is in line with what would be expected of the Democrats," he said.

Kan also paid respect at a far less controversial memorial for the war dead, laying a bouquet before a grave for Japanese soldiers.

Last week, he apologized to South Korea for its 1910-45 colonial rule. Imperialist Japan committed atrocities in Asia, including forcing Koreans to fight as front-line soldiers, work in slave-labor conditions and serve as prostitutes in military-run brothels.

In Seoul, South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, speaking Sunday before a crowd packing a plaza near the former royal palace, said history should not be forgotten but urged Japan and his nation to work together for a new future.

"I have taken note of Japan's effort, which represents one step forward," Lee said of Kan's apology.

Japan PM finally apologizes for WWII 65 years late - News and Current Events
Yes, the Westerners wants Chinese money, but they are not afraid of Chinese dictating their foreign policy through Chinese Money.

Evenafter dealing in trade amounting to billions of dollars, you can't even make tiny Japan apologize for Nanking so forget about bullying super power USA.

Has Japan offered an apology for its war crimes of the 20th century?

"There has never been a Japanese Prime Minister to fall on his knees in an Asian capital and ask for forgiveness as Federal German Chancellor Willy Brandt did at the site of the Warsaw ghetto in 1971." Robert M. Orr, Jr., At 50 Years End: The Legacy of War in Germany and Japan, January 22, 1996

In 2000, Germany created a Foundation, aptly titled "Remembrance, Responsibility and Future," to make prompt compensation to millions of force laborers most of whom worked under inhumane conditions during the Nazi era. With the enactment of legislation and in this and numerous ways, Germany expressed its remorse and wish for atonement. The world, in return, accepted Germany's apology for WW II atrocities. Has Japan acted similarly?

The Personal Apologies of Japanese Prime Ministers
Japan's official position is stated in a letter to the Hong Kong Legislative Council by Mr. Shuhei Takahashi, the Acting Consul-General of Japan : "It is a misconception to say that Japan has either not apologized or has done so reluctantly." In fact, Japan claims it has apologized repeatedly, citing as a prime example, the apology Prime Minister Murayama issued on the 50th anniversary of the Asia-Pacific War that is based on a Cabinet decision. An examination of this apology shows various use of terms such as "Japan", "we", and "I", in the Prime Minister's Statement. Specifically the apology was rendered by "I", i.e. Prime Minister Murayama, while "Japan" acknowledged the facts of history.

Resistance to an Official Apology in Japan
Prime Minister Murayama's apology was offered on the same day that eight of his cabinet ministers paid homage at the Yasukuni Shrine (see also Yasukuni outline and welcome pages), where the executed Japanese Class A war criminals of the Asia-Pacific War were enshrined, and in the same year that the Japanese Diet passed a "No War Resolution" that did not include an apology. (See commentary on the resolution by Hajime Takano and journal article by Prof. John Dower.) Therefore while human rights activists welcome the apologies of high ranking governmental officials, they maintain these apologies remain inadequate as a substitute for a formal and unequivocal national apology.

Personal Apologies Are Inadequate Substitutes for an Official Apology
Were these apologies considered adequate, there would be no perennial debate of whether an official national apology is due. It is instructive to compare the responses of Japan to Germany, who is responsible for the Jewish Holocaust of WW II. Since the late sixties, Germany was not called on to apologize as the German postwar generation is eager to remember, to learn and to prevent recurrence of similar genocides.

Worldwide Demands for An Official Apology from Japan
Whereas in the case of Japan, worldwide demands for an apology and compensation persist. On January 12th, 2000, the Legislative Council of Hong Kong adopted a motion that demands an apology among other things from Japan. Although British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Japan has apologized enough, hundreds of British POWs and civilians demonstrated, whistled the "Colonel Bogey" theme song from the movie March on the River Kwai and turned their backs to Emperor Akihito along the procession route in 1997. Members of the Dutch Japanese Honorary Debt Foundation protested Emperor Akihito's visit in May of 2000. They continue to demonstrate in front of the Japanese Embassy every month and are filing lawsuits at the Tokyo District Court for compensation.

U. S. State and Congressional Resolutions Urging the Same
In the United States, a congressional resolution that asks Japan to apologize and make compensations to victims of its WW II atrocities is continually being re-introduced. In the 105th Congress of 1997-1998, the resolution, introduced as HCR 126, gained the most bipartisan support with over 80 Republicans and Democrats signing on as congressional co-sponsors. These measures, however, were never voted on by Congress since none of them moved past the initial committee(s) to which they were assigned. Procedurally, in order for a bill to be voted on on the floor of the House, it must receive a recommendation from the committee to which it is assigned. HCR 126 never received the required recommendation from its assigned committee.

Undaunted by Congress's failure to act, Californians under the leadership of Assemblyman Mike Honda, a Japanese American, introduced AJR 27 (see full text) in the California State Legislature in 1999. This measure, modeled after HCR 126, and citing the numerous war crimes Japan committed in the Asia-Pacific War, asks Japan to apologize and urges State Department and the US Congress to demand the same. Since then similar resolutions were introduced in other state legislatures.

Reactions of Japanese to Worldwide Demand for Apology
Rather than taking a hard look at its past, Japan's ultra-nationalists' reflexive response to any popular demands for an official apology has been to counterattack. Fukada Yusuke, a novelist, commented on the Dutch government's demand for an apology during Emperor Akihito's 2000 visit to the Netherlands, by pointing out that the Dutch colonial rule ranks as one of the two most abusive of human rights governments in world history. The progressive forces in Japan, however, have sided with world opinion that Japan should apologize regardless of whether other states have or have not done so. Other responses range from denial of responsibility, distortion or whitewashing of history, or simple silence about Japan's responsibilities. The recent controversy over the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's approval of revisionist texts is simply a logical extension of these sentiments.

Apology Without Compensation: A Hypocritical Proposition
Hence a perception gap exists between Japan and the rest of the world. While Japan considers itself to have apologized repeatedly, human rights activists and victims of its past atrocities charge that it has not offered an unambiguous and acceptable apology. According to the latter, had Japan sincerely accepted responsibility for its wartime atrocities, it would have offered an apology that is accompanied by, among other things, timely compensations and reparations. Had Japan wish to atone for its past it would have enacted legislation similar in spirit to the Federal Compensation Act and Federal Repayment Act of Germany or to the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 in which the US government apologized and made compensation for the internment of Japanese Americans during WW II.

The Content of Sincerity: An Apology on the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty
Thus human rights activists and victims see the 50th anniversary of the San Francisco Peace Treaty as a particularly propitious occasion for Japan to show the world the sincere acceptance of its wartime responsibility. They urge Japan to make the commemoration truly memorable by initiating appropriate measures for atonement that include an official and unambiguous apology.

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All text and images copyright 2001 Global Alliance for Preserving the History of WWII in Asia. Last edit: 20010726

Has Japan offered an apology for its war crimes of the 20th century
^^ Japanese PM apologized for WW2. Japanese still deny Nanking took place and never apologized for it.
Why try to fuel an already hot situation??
No body benifits if a war takes place in this region. the economies in west are declining, its only here in south asia (mainly china and india) that fast economic growth is taking place. if these economies start to slow down too, whose gonna pull everybody out of this whole bloody economic mess??
US arming nations against others, inciting terror and war in already troubled regions.

So.... what's new???
Chinese Warships Cross High Seas Off Japan Island

TOKYO — Japan's Defense Ministry said Thursday 11 Chinese warships were spotted in international waters off the country's southern island of Okinawa.

No territorial violations were claimed by Japan, but the movements are sensitive because Japan and China have a dispute over small islands in the East China Sea.

The ministry on Thursday said the Chinese warships were monitored passing from the Pacific Ocean into the East China Sea.

Ministry spokesman Shuichi Fukuya said they were believed to be returning from target practice and refueling exercises in waters about 1,500 kilometers (930 miles) south of Okinawa.

He said the Japanese military saw the Chinese warships heading out to the area June 8-9.

Separately, the foreign ministry said a Chinese maritime research vessel briefly entered Japan's exclusive economic zone Thursday, around 330 kilometers (205 miles) off the coast of Miyagi, one of the worst-hit areas in the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

A coast guard patrol vessel issued a warning against the Chinese ship, which left the economic zone around four hours later.
Well, does it matter?

First, how many could PH afford to buy?

Second, even getting some from U.S., how many does PH dare to use against China to start a war?

I do not think there is anything China should worry about it.

If China is not planning to attack Philippine forces patrolling the spratleys or otherwise take their hostilities outside the spratleys, then yes China has nothing to worry about. These weapons are for if China dares to start a war, not the other way around .
US arming nations against others, inciting terror and war in already troubled regions.

So.... what's new???

lol we are helping countries defend their territory and making sure no country gets to thinking they can decide territorial disputes through force.
Chinese could and should spank the americans by starting to dump their US dollar holdings. Yes it might hurt chinese but would be relativly minor compared to the effect on the americans. this would bankrupt americans who would then not be able to feed their people or arm people against china. Can you imagine the americans would not even be able to afford petrol to drive cars never mind fly F16's
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