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US ready to arm Philippines amid China tension

No one is instigating them. They all have long standing maritime territorial disputes with China. All that the US is doing is to help these small countries to stand up to Chinese bullying. So that they do not lose what rightfully belongs to them to a budding super power. But of course you will not see it that way.

China is not a bully like india or america, perhaps China should, as you say, help the small countries to stand up to the indo-israeli or american bullying.

Spreading terrorrism in the name of democracy and human rights is their motto.

yeh by arming what democracy and human rights they are advocating.

initiating wars in the world so that their weapon churning machines keep on functioning
It looks like a USA return to Subic Bay is in order. That would solve the problem with Japan over US bases in Okinawa. We should negotiate a new Clark Airbase and Subic Bay Naval Base lease with the Phillipines, in exchange for leasing the needed aircraft and naval resources, re-locating from Okinawa. After all, we have a post-colonial responsibility to help the Phillipines, maintain their independence and the economic opportunities of their territory, including in the West Philippines Sea. A navy base at Subic Bay would also help us provide the other nations around the West Philippines Sea the opportunity for joint training exercises with the USN and even more joint exercises with China.

See: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/114307-scs-now-west-philippine-sea.html
Finally got people to answer threads that I start!!! Looks like you just have to pick the right topics (a hot topic is a right topic).
Closure of Subic Bay Naval Base (from Wikipedia):

On June 15, 1991, Mount Pinatubo, just 20 miles (32 km) from Subic Bay, exploded with a force 8 times greater than the Mount St. Helens eruption. Day turned to night as volcanic ash blotted out the sun. Volcanic earthquakes and heavy rain, lightning and thunder from Typhoon Yunya passing over northern Luzon made Black Saturday a 36-hour nightmare.

By the morning of June 16, when the volcano's fury subsided, Subic Bay lay buried under 1 foot (0.30 m) of rain-soaked, sandy ash.

Buildings everywhere collapsed under the weight of the coarse gray ash. Two girls, one a nine-year-old American and the other a Filipino citizen, died when trapped under a falling roof at George Dewey High School. In the city of Olongapo, more than 60 volcano-related deaths were reported, including eight who were crushed when part of Olongapo General Hospital collapsed.
Evacuees board the USS Abraham Lincoln

That night, the threat of continued eruptions combined with the lack of water and electricity led to the decision to evacuate all dependents. U.S. warships and cargo planes began the emergency evacuation of thousands of Navy and Air Force dependents. Seven Navy ships sailed Monday, June 17, with 6,200 dependents. A total of 17 ships, including the aircraft carriers, USS Abraham Lincoln and USS Midway evacuated all 20,000 dependents over the next few days. The evacuees were taken by ship to Mactan Air Base and then were airlifted by U.S. Air Force C-141 Starlifters to Andersen Air Force Base at Guam.

After the dependents were evacuated, an intense clean-up was begun. All hands, American service members and Filipino base employees, worked around the clock to restore essential services.

Clark Air Base, much closer to Mount Pinatubo, was declared a total loss and plans for a complete closure were started.

Within two weeks NAS Cubi Point was back in limited operation. Soon, most buildings had electricity and water restored. By mid-July service had been restored to most family housing units. The dependents began returning September 8, 1991 and by the end of the month almost all were back at Subic Bay from the United States.

Many months before the expiration of the Military Bases Agreement of 1947 intense negotiations between the governments of the United States and the Philippines began. These negotiations resulted in the Treaty of Friendship, Peace and Cooperation between the United States and the Republic of the Philippines. This would have extended the lease of the American bases in the Philippines.

On September 13, 1991, the Philippine Senate rejected the ratification of this treaty, citing a number of reasons for the rejection. This was a devastating blow to the Aquino administration, who were strongly pro-treaty and even called for a referendum by the Filipino people; a move that was declared unconstitutional.

The American Flag is lowered and Philippine flag is raised during turnover of Naval Station Subic Bay.

In December 1991, the two governments were again in talks to extend the withdrawal of American forces for three years but this broke down as the United States refused to detail their withdrawal plans or to answer if nuclear weapons were kept on base. Finally on December 27, President Corazon Aquino, who had previously fought to delay the U.S. pullout to cushion the country's battered economy, issued a formal notice for the U.S. to leave by the end of 1992. Naval Station Subic Bay was the U.S.'s largest overseas defense facility after Clark Air Base was closed.

During 1992, tons of materiel including drydocks and equipment,[2][3] were shipped to various Naval Stations. Ship-repair and maintenance yards as well as supply depots were relocated to other Asian countries including Japan and Singapore. Finally, on November 24, 1992, the American Flag was lowered in Subic for the last time and the last 1,416 Sailors and Marines at Subic Bay Naval Base left by plane from NAS Cubi Point and by the USS Belleau Wood. This withdrawal marked the first time since the 16th century that no foreign military forces were present in the Philippines.

If the Philippines had kept the USN base open, they would not now be bullied by China .....
Relax guys, US officials always talking nonsense.
We should observe what they do, no need to care what they said.

The US war criminals are arming and proliferating weapons and WMD everywhere in the world. The war criminals are voluntarily creating tensions between China and all Asian countries in view of selling more weapons. The objective of the War criminals is to divide and rule in view of maintaining their political influence in Asia so that the US and the EU would still rule the world, in International institutions like the IMF and WB. Its better for the Asian countries to unite and create a new influence than falling into the trap of the War criminals. The US does not view the new friendship between China and Taiwan, so they are creating tensions and spreading the Chinese threats in view of isolating China, selling more weapons to Asian countries and to the Philippinos and Philippine, a country which is lagging behind all Asian countries and whose populations are still living in poverty and facing extremist threats and separitism. Its better for the Philippine to invest in their economy than procuring second hand weapons from the war criminals. What would the US and Eu say if China decides to arm Colonel Ghadhafi, Cuba, Iran and the freeedom fighters Hezbollah and Hamas, China would then be protrayed as a weapon proliferator and a threat to World peace while the US war criminals could arm every country in the world, arming Israelis who are killing innocent victims, while the US war criminals could bomb civilians in Afganistan and Iraq without having to be judged by the La Haye International Penal Tribunal, while the US War criminals can impose embargo on Cuba and Gaza killing innocent women and children, while the US can impose embargoes on technology on China thus gaining an unfair economic advantage, while the US war criminals can use subsidies on Agriculture violating the basic WTO rules on international trade and thereby gaining an unfair advantage and pushing out of the international market agricultural producers from Africa, Asia and Latin America, while the EU and Nato could bomb and kill innocent civilians in Libya without again having to face sanctions and international justice. All these are called western hypocrisies and western neo colonialism.
Did I not call it? Did I not say in the other thread that the Chinese aggression is only going make these other countries get closer to the US ? Did I not say the PH needs to get US involved ? the only other thing I said would be best for PH and it has not happened YET! is that Hope island should be permitted by PH to allow a US base out of it.

Then why doesn't China use diplomacy and economic assistance to convince nations such as the Philippines and Vietnam to join in the Asian alliance you are proposing?
The US war criminals are arming and proliferating weapons and WMD everywhere in the world. The war criminals are voluntarily creating tensions between China and all Asian countries in view of selling more weapons. The objective of the War criminals is to divide and rule in view of maintaining their political influence in Asia so that the US and the EU would still rule the world, in International institutions like the IMF and WB. Its better for the Asian countries to unite and create a new influence than falling into the trap of the War criminals. The US does not view the new friendship between China and Taiwan, so they are creating tensions and spreading the Chinese threats in view of isolating China, selling more weapons to Asian countries and to the Philippinos and Philippine, a country which is lagging behind all Asian countries and whose populations are still living in poverty and facing extremist threats and separitism. Its better for the Philippine to invest in their economy than procuring second hand weapons from the war criminals.

actually, if you are dealing in facts that pesky thing on the other side of conspiracy then proliferation claim fits china vs US. It was china that proliferated Nuclear weapons to North Korea, Pakistan and Iran. It was China who has proliferated dangerous missile technology i.e Nasr a tactical nuclear missile technology to Pakistan.
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