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US Politics


Delegate count:

Democrats need 2383 to win.

Republicans 1237 to win.

So far,

Hillary Clinton has 505 delegates.

Bernie Sanders has only 71.

On the Republican side,

Trump has 82 delegates.

Cruz 17.

Rubio 16.

Kasich 6.

Carson 4.
Rubio utterly destroyed Trump tonight. Where was that 2 months ago? I would support a Rubio/Kasich ticket.
Trump winning three in a row reflects the ugly mindset and sentiment among many Americans. From silly wronged red necks to actually well-educated Americans and now even minority Hispanics joining the ranks to support the lunatic. It couldn't get more crazier. This country is badly divided and not for the good reasons I'm afraid. Also, the blind support Trump is receiving from many Americans due to his extremely racist and prejudice views is beyond believable. They don't even hide it anymore. His supporters actually term it as Trump speaking the truth, being honest and politically correct. How screwed up is that for an argument. Sanity has just exited planet earth.

Just for a frightening moment imagine Trump winning the general elections... Will he really go through with his Mexican and Muslim rhetoric? If he doesn't he is just a liar like the rest. If he does everyone can fill in the blanks. It is an absolute lose lose situation.

All the Americans need to do now is to elect the bigot which will truly see their popularity graph all over the globe go down the drain if it hasn't already. Like as if the world isn't already puzzled how the bigot is able to win so convincingly. Trump is the last drop in the bucket so to speak. I can see liberal Americans migrating to other places when Trump becomes in charge. It is a terrible prospect in the making. Trump is a lose cannon for the Americans. That is to put it mildly.

They blamed the liberals for worshipping Obama as their savior and prophet at the time being. Well, the KKK red necks and other mostly "white" Trump supporters have found their savior and prophet in the shape of Trump. That is to say, their blonde haired and outspoken white knight ready to rescue the USA from all the evils and problems surrounding it.

Fascinating and finger licking good stuff though for an outsider like me...

Fascinating indeed. Trump is no idiot. Yet, his supporters and activists are...:lol: The man knows how to tap into people's sentiments (mostly negative). I'm not sure if that is a good or a bad thing. But usually it is bad.

One thing is for certain though. Though on opposite sides of the coin, both Trump and Sanders are isolationists. The intend to make the USA more isolated from global geopolitics. And even if either do not make it to the Oval Office, their campaigns and politics that surrounded them would have a profound impact on the USA in being the most powerful nation in the world.That is one thing that Trump supporters do not understand.

That being said, there will be a growing power vacuum in the midst of the murky state of world affairs. There will be scary and uncertain times ahead. That is for certain. It'll be every man for himself.
murky state of world affairs
and that's why Trump would be great, he's called out both Bush and Obama/Clinton for their poor handling of the middle east, talked about the Saudi hand in 9/11 (15/19 hijackers were saudi nationals),and that supporting these so called rebels in Syria is a bad idea and he would rather work with Putin and clear the jihadists than start WW3 over Syria.

I'm amazed a US presidential candidate is talking about stuff like this, a republican no less, and he's resonating with the people !

The muslim ban thing was very unpleasant and completely disgusting imo but that was just him playing to the far right to get that vote and carve a hardcore niche for himself.... but I don't think he's a racist, politics is ugly but the stakes are the highest when it comes to US politics.

He's a very smart guy, think he might surprise a few people.
Rubio utterly destroyed Trump tonight. Where was that 2 months ago? I would support a Rubio/Kasich ticket.
I support Rubio now, but it's too late. Rubio will loose his home state to Trump in a landslide on Super Tues. Trump WILL be the GOP nominee.
CNN GOP Republican Presidential Debate Feb 25,2016

Rubio won the debate, it was a horrible night for Trump, in every exchange, Rubio came on top.

Here is one such exchange, Rubio repeatedly asked Trump to explain his healthcare plan, it was quite embarrassing moment for Trump. It was quite clear, Trump has no healthcare plan, he could only come up with his typical one-liner statements, Note, in 2014, US healthcare spending was almost $3 trillion.

RUBIO: You may not be aware of this, Donald, because you don't follow this stuff very closely, but here's what happened.When they passed Obamacare they put a bailout fund in Obamacare. All these lobbyists you keep talking about, they put a bailout fund in the law that would allow public money to be used, taxpayer money, to bail out companies when they lost money.

And, we led the effort and wiped out that bailout fund.The insurance companies are not in favor of me, they hate that. They're suing that now to get that bailout money put back in.

Here's what you didn't hear in that answer, and this isimportant guys, this is an important thing. What is your plan? I understand the lines around the state, whatever that means. This is not a game where you draw maps...

TRUMP: ... And, you don't know what it means...

RUBIO: ... What is your plan, Mr. Trump?


RUBIO: What is your plan on healthcare?

TRUMP: You don't know.

BASH: (inaudible)

TRUMP: ... The biggest problem...


RUBIO: ... What's your plan...

TRUMP: ... The biggest problem, I'll have you know...

RUBIO: ... What's your plan...

TRUMP: ... You know, I watched him meltdown two weeks ago with Chris Christie. I got to tell you, the biggest problem he's got is he really doesn't know about the lines. The biggest thing we've got, and the reason we've got no competition, is because we have lines around the state, and you have essentially....

RUBIO: ... We already mentioned that (inaudible) plan, I know what that is, but what else is part of your plan...

TRUMP: ... You don't know much...

RUBIO: ... So, you're only thing is to get rid of the lines around the states. What else is part of your healthcare plan...

TRUMP: ... The lines around the states...

RUBIO: ... That's your only plan...

TRUMP: ... and, it was almost done -- not now...

RUBIO: ... Alright, (inaudible)...

TRUMP: ... Excuse me. Excuse me.

RUBIO: ... His plan. That was the plan...

TRUMP: ... You get rid of the lines, it brings in competition. So, instead of having one insurance company taking care of New York, or Texas, you'll have many. They'll compete, and it'll be a beautiful thing.

RUBIO: Alright...


RUBIO: So, that's the only part of the plan? Just the lines?

TRUMP: The nice part of the plan -- you'll have many different plans. You'll have competition, you'll have so many different plans.

RUBIO: Now he's repeating himself.

TRUMP: No, no, no.



TRUMP: (inaudible) I watched him repeat himself five times four weeks ago... RUBIO: ... I just watched you repeat yourself five times five seconds ago...


TRUMP: I watched him meltdown on the stage like that, I've never seen it in anybody...

BASH: ... Let's stay focused on the subject...

TRUMP: ... I thought he came out of the swimming pool...

RUBIO: ... I see him repeat himself every night, he says five things, everyone's dumb, he's gonna make America great again...

RUBIO: ... We're going to win, win win, he's winning in the polls...

RUBIO: ... And the lines around the state.


RUBIO: ... Every night.


BASH: Senator Rubio, you will have time to respond if you would just let Mr. Trump respond to what you've just posed to him...

RUBIO: ... Yeah, he's going to give us his plan now, right? OK...

BASH: ... If you could talk a little bit more about your plan. I know you talked about...

TRUMP: ... We're going to have many different plans because...

BASH: ... Can you be a little specific...

TRUMP: ... competition...

RUBIO: ... He's done it again.


TRUMP: There is going to be competition among all of the states, and the insurance companies. They're going to have many, many different plans. BASH: Is there anything else you would like to add to that...

TRUMP: No, there's nothing to add.


TRUMP: What is to add? :D (There you have it folks, $3 trillion healthcare budget explained in 10 words)

Hillary won South Carolina Democratic primary.

Hillary Clinton 271,514...........73.5%

Bernie Sanders 95,977...........26.0%

As expected, Hillary won 84% of black votes, and won all women voters by 58 points.

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