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US Politics

why the term 'demagogue' ? try to be impartial, my american colleague. let the voters decide and on that basis, make conclusions. jeb learned that the hard way, i mean, in the end, 'we the people' draws strength and legitimacy on the voters, right?


The voters will decide sure, and I think they will decide Hillary is better suited than Trump, but i'm entitled to my opinion of him until he changes his tune. Everything I've read or heard him state has been simply bad policy or pie in the sky crap that anyone with any knowledge of politics would know is crap just said to whip up the masses, just like Bernie Sanders imo, who is another side of the same coin.

I think Trump is wedded to how he acts (or is) now, which is to say someone who would be dangerous in the white house due to his impulsiveness.

Basically he is a bit too close to Erdogan on the 'leader' spectrum for my liking.
Everything I've read or heard him state has been simply bad policy

Bad policy, in my opinion, was Benghazi , as well as the emails.

The voters will decide sure, and I think they will decide Hillary is better suited than Trump, but i'm entitled to my opinion of him until he changes his tune. Everything I've read or heard him state has been simply bad policy or pie in the sky crap that anyone with any knowledge of politics would know is crap just said to whip up the masses, just like Bernie Sanders imo, who is another side of the same coin.

I think Trump is wedded to how he acts (or is) now, which is to say someone who would be dangerous in the white house due to his impulsiveness.

Basically he is a bit too close to Erdogan on the 'leader' spectrum for my liking.

Let 'we the people' make the decision. Render conclusion after the primaries, and closer to the general elections.

Other than that is just bad positioning.
Bad policy, in my opinion, was Benghazi , as well as the emails.

Let 'we the people' make the decision. Render conclusion after the primaries, and closer to the general elections.

Other than that is just bad positioning.

The e-mail scandal is definitely very bad yes, but if she hasn't been indicted then I have to trust there are extenuating circumstances or otherwise it was not a major deal.

I'm not saying Hillary is a great candidate, but she is better than Bernie or Trump in terms of what she can do in the White House. She also has lots of experience in the political arena and foreign policy, so it would likely be more nuanced, more pragmatic, and less ideological than either Trump or Bernie. I'm hoping there is a decrease in partisanship should she win, though I understand that is likely a fool's dream.

Where's the fun in waiting until the general?:cheesy:

Anyways it will be interesting to see the contrast, if any, in how he acts in the primary to how he acts in the general.
The e-mail scandal is definitely very bad yes, but if she hasn't been indicted then I have to trust there are extenuating circumstances or otherwise it was not a major deal.

I'm not saying Hillary is a great candidate, but she is better than Bernie or Trump in terms of what she can do in the White House. She also has lots of experience in the political arena and foreign policy, so it would likely be more nuanced, more pragmatic, and less ideological than either Trump or Bernie. I'm hoping there is a decrease in partisanship should she win, though I understand that is likely a fool's dream.

Where's the fun in waiting until the general?:cheesy:

Anyways it will be interesting to see the contrast, if any, in how he acts in the primary to how he acts in the general.

lol, you intrigue me, anon.

Trump winning three in a row reflects the ugly mindset and sentiment among many Americans. From silly wronged red necks to actually well-educated Americans and now even minority Hispanics joining the ranks to support the lunatic. It couldn't get more crazier. This country is badly divided and not for the good reasons I'm afraid. Also, the blind support Trump is receiving from many Americans due to his extremely racist and prejudice views is beyond believable. They don't even hide it anymore. His supporters actually term it as Trump speaking the truth, being honest and politically correct. How screwed up is that for an argument. Sanity has just exited planet earth.

Just for a frightening moment imagine Trump winning the general elections... Will he really go through with his Mexican and Muslim rhetoric? If he doesn't he is just a liar like the rest. If he does everyone can fill in the blanks. It is an absolute lose lose situation.

All the Americans need to do now is to elect the bigot which will truly see their popularity graph all over the globe go down the drain if it hasn't already. Like as if the world isn't already puzzled how the bigot is able to win so convincingly. Trump is the last drop in the bucket so to speak. I can see liberal Americans migrating to other places when Trump becomes in charge. It is a terrible prospect in the making. Trump is a lose cannon for the Americans. That is to put it mildly.

They blamed the liberals for worshipping Obama as their savior and prophet at the time being. Well, the KKK red necks and other mostly "white" Trump supporters have found their savior and prophet in the shape of Trump. That is to say, their blonde haired and outspoken white knight ready to rescue the USA from all the evils and problems surrounding it.

Fascinating and finger licking good stuff though for an outsider like me...
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I'm surprised iat the likelihood of it happening, simply because I didn't think the far right were such a large part of the Republican party today. That said I'm still confident he will not win against Hillary in the general.

If Hillary can get a high turnout in November she will win. Demographics favor her, she just has to get voters to the polls.

Trump’s victory in Nevada shows the inability of the mainstream Republican Party, what a shame.

I’m quite hopeful that in the general election this moron will be defeated.

In almost 40, Hillary versus Trump polls, Hillary wins:

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton
I am a conservative (Republican), but I am NOT a supporter of Mr. Trump. I am as baffled to some extent, as everyone else as to his success thus far. I kept telling myself that surely this megalomaniacal jackass will self-destruct at some point, but he is made of Teflon. The more bombastic his rhetoric, the more popular he becomes. He WILL be the Republican nominee for president. I think he is unstoppable at this point. I hope F-22 Raptor is right in that my country's demographics are against Trump in a general election, but I have to say, the same people saying that are the same people, (Um, like me. :oops:) who have gotten this wrong from the beginning. Trump has tapped into an anger the American people feel, regardless of class or race, religion or background. He has been winning across the board. It's easy to say he's racist but even last night; which Republican won the Hispanic vote in Nevada? Trump. He's won most of the admittedly small, minority votes in the GOP primaries. Indeed, he is the ONLY Republican who scores highest in the polls, in urban areas. He’s winning everyone from the college educated, to red necks, from social liberals, to evangelical Protestants.

At least half, if not more, of the American people have grown sick and tired of politics as usual, of Federal over-reach, of unchecked illegal immigration, of free trade that they think hurts American business and ships jobs overseas, of sending aid and selling arms to countries that hate us, of not striking more aggressively, at our enemies.

Personally, I think he will be a constant embarrassment as president, but I'm starting to think it is a possibility. Mrs. Clinton is hardly inspiring. She is widely considered less than honest and has been constantly surrounded by scandal. Time will tell...:coffee:
I'm just waiting for people to find out Ted Cruz is born in Canada... oops :coffee:
Do remember folks the whole "Hispanic" vote was from the minority of Hispanics who vote republican, not the majority who are democrats and loath Trump.
I hope Hilary wins and she has the numbers on her side, that said, Trump will be the Republican nominee.
I'm just waiting for people to find out Ted Cruz is born in Canada... oops :coffee:
I think pretty much everyone knows that by now. Isn't the first time. Sen. John McCain was born in Panama, after all.

Do remember folks the whole "Hispanic" vote was from the minority of Hispanics who vote republican, not the majority who are democrats and loath Trump.
Yup, that is why I specifically pointed that out in my comments. Nevertheless, among Republicans, he still polls higher with minorities than anyone else in the field. He has a "working-class" appeal that other Republicans just can't match.
I am a conservative (Republican), but I am NOT a supporter of Mr. Trump. I am as baffled to some extent, as everyone else as to his success thus far. I kept telling myself that surely this megalomaniacal jackass will self-destruct at some point, but he is made of Teflon. The more bombastic his rhetoric, the more popular he becomes. He WILL be the Republican nominee for president. I think he is unstoppable at this point. I hope F-22 Raptor is right in that my country's demographics are against Trump in a general election, but I have to say, the same people saying that are the same people, (Um, like me. :oops:) who have gotten this wrong from the beginning. Trump has tapped into an anger the American people feel, regardless of class or race, religion or background. He has been winning across the board. It's easy to say he's racist but even last night; which Republican won the Hispanic vote in Nevada? Trump. He's won most of the admittedly small, minority votes in the GOP primaries. Indeed, he is the ONLY Republican who scores highest in the polls, in urban areas. He’s winning everyone from the college educated, to red necks, from social liberals, to evangelical Protestants.

At least half, if not more, of the American people have grown sick and tired of politics as usual, of Federal over-reach, of unchecked illegal immigration, of free trade that they think hurts American business and ships jobs overseas, of sending aid and selling arms to countries that hate us, of not striking more aggressively, at our enemies.

Personally, I think he will be a constant embarrassment as president, but I'm starting to think it is a possibility. Mrs. Clinton is hardly inspiring. She is widely considered less than honest and has been constantly surrounded by scandal. Time will tell...:coffee:

That is exactly how it is. Trump is now going to win the GOP nomination. The Republican party is being punished by the conservative voters. Trump is also most likely going to win the general elections. It is a terrifying thought, but it isn't unlikely anymore at this point and time. I just don't see Hillary winning it.
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Do remember folks the whole "Hispanic" vote was from the minority of Hispanics who vote republican, not the majority who are democrats and loath Trump.
I hope Hilary wins and she has the numbers on her side, that said, Trump will be the Republican nominee.
You are right, only 7% Latinos voted for him, well, you always have idiots.

Bty, I have come across many Trump supporters who are too ashamed to openly admit that they support the moron, that says a lot.
You are right, only 7% Latinos voted for him, well, you always have idiots.

Bty, I have come across many Trump supporters who are too ashamed to openly admit that they support the moron, that says a lot.

Lol, that says it all i.e. being embarrassed by your own candidate.

By the way bro, you sure look so much like one of the characters of an all time favourite show of mine CHIPS.


God bless the USA.

Childhood memories sighs......

Yup, that is why I specifically pointed that out in my comments. Nevertheless, among Republicans, he still polls higher with minorities than anyone else in the field. He has a "working-class" appeal that other Republicans just can't match.

I have faith in you guys.
If Republicans were smart they would vote for a Rubio/Kaisch combo. Atleast that way they would actually have a good chance in the general election.

If Trump goes up against Hillary in the general election he will flat out lose, badly. He simply does not attract that moderate or independent vote.

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