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US Politics


Vote for Bernice Anders ! :D
I've decided not to vote during the Primaries (apparently only circus clowns allowed to vote), so maybe will write in Bernie or vote Libertarian during the general election.

Take it from Palin, its not Bernie Sanders....its Bernice Anders ! :tsk:
Clinton wins Alabama and Tennessee. Trump wins Alabama, Tennessee, and Massachusetts.

Clinton wins Arkansas.
It's going to be a Trump/Clinton contest in the general election, like it or not. :hitwall: God help us...
Clinton and Cruz win Texas.

Sanders wins Oklahoma.

Cruz wins Oklahoma
Trump wins Arkansas

Rubio wins Minnesota

Sanders wins Colorado and Minnesota

Clinton wins Massachusetts
After today I would call Turmpism a new religion in its early developing stage:lol::lol:, as crazy as it sounds there is no better term to label it or theory to explain the strange things happening in front of our eyes.
Expect his supporter base keeps on snowballing, the way I see it poor Hillary stands no chance in october.

Delegate count: (After super Tuesday results)

Democrats need 2383 to win.

Republicans 1237 to win.

Hillary Clinton has 1,034 delegates.

Bernie Sanders has 408.

Trump has 316 delegates.

Cruz 226.

Rubio 106.

Kasich 25.

Carson 8.

Polls suggest otherwise. It is going to be a very tight race in the general elections. Trump will snatch it. Believe it or not, he has enough Americans backing him to become the president of the USA. His anti-Muslim and anti-Mexican rhetoric is striking a chord with many Americans.
Actually, out of the 46 national polls conducted so far, Hillary wins in 39, Trump wins 5 and 2 ties(Source). And in the latest CNN/ORC survey released on Tuesday (3/1/2016), Hillary again beats him with 8 points. Having said that, I agree it’s going to be a tough battle.

In my opinion, Hillary can lose the elections,

Major factors:

1. If there is a major terrorist attack in the US.
2. If the economy goes into recession.
3. If the voter turnout is low.
4. Hillary is save, with the Hispanic, black and younger voters, but how many whites vote for her will be very critical.
5. Obama’s approval rating, since she has allied herself with him and support many of his policies.
6. Gas/petrol prices increase dramatically, since that can affect people’s budget and that can play in Trump’s favor.

There is no denying that. White America is angry and seeking vengeance. They have had enough of 8 years of African American rule as they put it. By coming this far Trump has already made a significant statement. His message is very clear. America must be reclaimed by white America. White angry Americans are on course of reclaiming America. They are lashing out at Trump rallies. It is for the entire world to witness. In the process, Trump has destroyed the Republican party to shreds and is now on path to take on Hillary. People are fooled when they believe that Hillary will survive against Trump. Hillary also belongs to the same elitist mainstream status qou like the conservative Republican candidates. That is how white angry Americans perceive Hillary. The world will be gobsmacked the day Trump becomes the president. Only a matter of time I'm afraid. Hate me for saying this, but Trump is what I term a by-product of US society. This ugly and intolerant sentiment has been brewing for decades. It is finally coming to frutition and the pundits are truly baffled. In short, Trump has exploited the worst of the worst. As it turns out, there is plenty of that.
I agree with you, as I said in my previous post, Trump represents the worse of the worse, no doubt about that, but you have to understand that all white Republicans are not angry racist bigots, and the results from the super Tuesday proves that, for example, Trump, won in 7 states with less than 50% votes and lost in 4 states, that shows that the majority of Republicans did not vote for him.

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