...and you are still the largest buyers of good made from child labor. We have the largest number of poor people in the world, not forced slavery like what you used to have. Slaver was and IS illegal in India unlike the US which provided Legal cover that made purchase and sale of slaves a profitable industry. You are the one to talk. LOL.
You covertly support pakistan Nukes by providing billions of $ in aid, without which they would have become a failed state with NO nukes. Pakistan has Nukes BECAUSE of US, India has Nukes IN SPITE of US. The distinction is very clear. Same goes for Israel.
Our diplomat entered the US as a proper diplomat. Nothing changed. She did pay her maid fair wages as per Indian law since both of them were INDIAN Citizens.
LOL at your "moral outrage" over illegal slavery
You might be ok with state sanctioned strip search and rape of diplomats in the 21st century, we are not. Why are the citizens of US embassy in India not paying their maids US salary ?
....... where is your "moral outrage" then ?
Where is your moral outrage when US citizens commit murder on foreign soil and then claim diplomatic immunity even when they were NOT diplomats ?
You may be ok with condoning MURDER in the 21st century, we are not. But I do not fee too sad about this. Its expected behaviour from a Nation renowned for owning slaves and treating coloured folks like second class citizens.
GOLD still remains the GLOBAL STANDARD for hoarding wealth because INDIA set the standards much before your country or civilization was born. So we are a much better Has been than you ever will be.
Better worry about how those US soldiers will come back home without being slaughtered by the same people who you pay Billions of $'s of protection money.