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US army supplying weapons to TTP and Terrorist Gangs in Landi Kotal, Bara+

People believe anything they see on the internet .... :hitwall:

My 7 year old Cousin is laughing at the English :cheesy:

India is enemy by Default...no reason required...

English seems to be written by some unprofessional desi guy. :lol:
People believe anything they see on the internet ....
My 7 year old Cousin is laughing at the English :cheesy:


Thori kam choro bhaya even i failed to read as the image is so poor words not visible clearly howcome a 7 year old can
Thori kam choro bhaya even i failed to read as the image is so poor words not visible clearly howcome a 7 year old can

Honestly, i did not have much problems reading , yes its not very much clear but you can make out the words quiet easily...
Gentlemen, US's support for TTP and anti Pakistan terrorists doesn't need such documents, it is crystal clear.
Gentlemen, US's support for TTP and anti Pakistan terrorists doesn't need such documents, it is crystal clear.

The "proof" provided is such a blatant forgery that this becomes a joke thread so now you claim you dont need any proof, is that because there isnt any?

As long as your hunting them down i dont care if you think they work for the martians.
Why is this thread still open when it's a blatant photo shop? Are the mods here endorsing this propaganda in order to make more Pakistanis anti American on BS?
Even a two years old can see and make it as fake. Surprised OP cannot.
First Indians were accused, now US ? Kindly tell me who is doing it ? :undecided:
This is retarded.

There is ZERO proof that TTP being supported by USA or anyone. The TTP are funding their terrorist activities through Islamic Nuts in Pakistan who give money to charities, drug smuggling, weapons, etc.

TTP is a byproduct of Pakistan's disastarous jihad policies, nothing more and nothing less.

The belief that TTP is being supported by foreign agencies is utter nonsense.

The best proof so far has been blurry images uncircumcized penises on dead TTP, tattoos and this idiotic picture.

You guys have to do better than that if you will convince me that USA is backing the TTP.

The TTP killed 9 CIA agents looking for Bin Laden, they tried to blow up times square, TTP leader Meshud was killed in Drone Strike and just this month more TTP goons were killed in a drone strike.

This conspiracy theory is so stupid that not even Pakistani politicians propogate it outside of Pakistan.
I find it hard to believe that the US Army or DoD will use such poor English in a official letter.

Agreed. Only seen such poor writing by the ISPR.

In their favour im grateful that they havent tried to convince us by posting uncircumcised males again.

This seems a little tamer.
Gentlemen, US's support for TTP and anti Pakistan terrorists doesn't need such documents, it is crystal clear.

I fail to see the point of this thread and more broadly your unsubstantiated claim. Let's assume your right ( despite all the objective information which is to the contrary). Given that Pakistan has overtly been subsidized for its military campaigns to the tune of Billions and has willfully co- ordinated a drone programme with the US and has allowed its forces to be trained by US operatives and has allowed US secret agents to escape custody after shooting its citizens, Can I ask what is the point your STILL attempting to make by pushing your conspiracy?
US army supplying weapons to TTP and Terrorist Gangs in Landi Kotal, Bara, Khyber agency!! This is an incredible proof of how TTP and terrorist gangs get direct weapons and ammunition from US to war against Pakistan. yesterday, 18 tribals were killed. Now you know who did that. The terrorists with Tatoo, US support to TTP, direct contacts in tribal area -- the real enemy is US and India.

Pak army is NOT killing our people. TTP, Black-waters and US army is.

Read the last Para of this secret memo sent in 2010. US gave weapons and money to their agent in Landi Kotal.

75 AK47 rifles, 20 RPG's, 50 pistols, 340 boxes of different ammo and 1600000 US dollars paid to US agent Rahmaan
Khan s/o Ali Khan, resident of Landi Kotal..... paid by 2nd Batallion of US Special Forces!!

Know you enemies !!



That is absolutely stupid and dumb---.
most of our taliban/drug/prostitution/mafia/unemployment/killing/street crime problems will be solved which we kick the afghans out of our country

I hope that day comes soon, which does not seem likely.
This is retarded.

There is ZERO proof that TTP being supported by USA or anyone. The TTP are funding their terrorist activities through Islamic Nuts in Pakistan who give money to charities, drug smuggling, weapons, etc.

TTP is a byproduct of Pakistan's disastarous jihad policies, nothing more and nothing less.

The belief that TTP is being supported by foreign agencies is utter nonsense.

The best proof so far has been blurry images uncircumcized penises on dead TTP, tattoos and this idiotic picture.

You guys have to do better than that if you will convince me that USA is backing the TTP.

The TTP killed 9 CIA agents looking for Bin Laden, they tried to blow up times square, TTP leader Meshud was killed in Drone Strike and just this month more TTP goons were killed in a drone strike.

This conspiracy theory is so stupid that not even Pakistani politicians propogate it outside of Pakistan.

There are group of people who deny presence of camel riding on it.

Cracks appeared in defunct Tehrik-e-Talban as Maulana Fazal Saeed launched a new organistan.
Maulana Fazal Saeed parted ways with defunct Tehrik-e-Talban and announced the formation of Tehrik-e-Talban Islami.
Defunct Tehrik-e-Talban splits into two groups.He said that killing of innocent people and suicide bomb blasts in mosques is against the norms and teaching of Islam.

understand what exactly Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) is

Taliban surfaced over this Afghanistan scenario at a very small scale. They were mainly composed of groups of current or ex-students of religious institutes in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(NWFP), Pakistan, which was a key reason of Taliban’s contacts with JUI (and Maulana Fazal Ur Rehman).Benazir’s government’s foreign policy was far more internationally acceptable, than Nawaz Sharif’s comparatively localized foreign policy, and hence, Benazir’s Government in 90’s used to acknowledge far more pressure from outside than that of Nawaz Sharif. That is why that it is very much probable that Benazir’s government recognized Taliban regime on notion from Allied Capitalists.Allied Capitalists also “permitted” Saudi and UAE to recognize and assist Taliban during that time.They tried to deeply engaged with taliban using UAE, UAE being Asian head-quarter of Allied Capitalists.Pakistan’s role in engaging Taliban at such rogue level was limited due to strong hold of ISI over Afghan affairs from Pakistan’s perspective. JUI was successfully “contained” by ISI over this issue. Allied Capitalists’ CIA lost against ISI on this front, and Taliban didn’t make any deal with Unicol, or any other company for any mega projects.Various dollars-hungry dormant Pushtoon war lords and fighters, who had submitted to Taliban’s regime few years ago, became in active contact with CIA. This was a small failure for ISI, which would turn out to be a catastrophic one later one day!

CIA made an intelligent move. They pulled Al-Qaeda hoax from Sudan, used their Afghan contacts to place Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. Al-Qaeda was already familiar to these Afghans, because Al-Qaeda was actually created by CIA with Arab residues of Jihadists of Soviet-Afghan war. The Taliban leadership fell prey to this conspiracy of Allied Capitalists. The main reason was that, once Al-Qaeda came into Afghanistan, Saudi and UAE stopped their cash flow to Afghanistan, and Al-Qaeda took over this cash flow and started bringing money for Taliban! Allied Capitalists “sacrificed” Sudan, just because Region of Baluchistan was far more important than Sudan for them.

Thus, Allied Capitalists got back a reason to plant their force in the region, and the reason was Al-Qaeda! Then a hoax 9/11 was created, and Afghanistan was attacked wiht the plea of Al-Qaeda. CIA had got Ahmad Shah Massoud assassinated just before that, because, they knew that Northern alliance will never go against Pakistan eventually (like Karzai does today), under Ahmad Shah Massoud. Taliban regime was toppled after a NATO forces action, and northern alliance took over.

We must consider a very important point here. Taliban’s regime ended up like sand hill, just because, CIA used its same contact with war lords and Al-Qaeda (who was deeply rooted in Taliban regime by then), to break Taliban down into conflicting factions. Mullah Omar’s group went towards its original areas in south eastern Afghanistan. The new CIA controlled Taliban were planted in border regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan (with the help of RAW, which was newly settling down in Asghanistan under the Umbrella of CIA and NATO forces). Let’s term them as “Fake Taliban”.

This was same time when Musharraf was leading Pakistan with full fire.Musharraf’s civil advisory was also very well under control of CIA, and Musharraf’s regime was used to launch a full-fledge campaign against ISI, basing it on “war against terror” and ISI’s contacts with “Real Taliban”. Musharraf led Pak army into operations after operations following Allied Capitalists agenda.ISI was pushed to the wall for most of Musharraf’s era (except for last couple of years). By analyzing the events that followed, it can be stated with huge probability that main leadership of MMA was in contact with CIA, and while taking anti-American emotion of masses as a plea, they helped “fake Taliban” establish strong hold in the regions which are declared “troubled” today in Pakistan. And they took the name of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan – the TTP

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