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Uncool China fails to woo Taiwan's youth

I know they identify as Hong Kong first and not Chinese as a majority per the polls conducted . I know I'm free to read articles about them hating on the mainlanders. perhaps you are blocked from such information and brainwashed into thinking otherwise?

what do you mean by all these nonsense of polls organised by right wing democrats and posting of random vids!
PLA a "joke" army?
Yes, that's the perception in Korea and Japan. The PLA must work harder to make a stronger impression to its neighbors.

There is a reason why Vietnam threatened to invade China by land if China seized its islands in Spratlys; the PLA does have a joke army perception in Vietnam too.
Yes, that's the perception in Korea and Japan. The PLA must work harder to make a stronger impression to its neighbors.

There is a reason why Vietnam threatened to invade China by land if China seized its islands in Spratlys; the PLA does have a joke army perception in Vietnam too.

when? all i see is they talking about "China Vietnam friendship". Your President Lee bowed to President Hu at the Seoul Nukr Summit too lol.
Yes, that's the perception in Korea and Japan. The PLA must work harder to make a stronger impression to its neighbors.
There is a reason why Vietnam threatened to invade China by land if China seized its islands in Spratlys; the PLA does have a joke army perception in Vietnam too.
It is nice for you countries to think so. "Who are good at war do not speak of war. "
is 220,000 protesters marching intense enough?

where is this "220K protesters marching"? Don't post false information here!
For a march of a very large scale, It only happened once several years back about article 23 in HK !
what do you mean by all these nonsense of polls organised by right wing democrats and posting of random vids!

where is these 220K people marching? Don't post false information here!
For a march of a very large scale, It only happened once several years back about article 23 in HK !

let me get this. the only country that thinks its citizen are too immature to handle " free media". The resident of that country here where it's own govt brainwashes it's people, has an official propaganda arm that trains it's people- is talking about conspiracy by the left wing and freer country? .

Here is 220,000- I'm not surprised that you are trained to not believe your eyes but just party propaganda .

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As for why China ranks low in the "Greatest enemy ranking", the reason is that Koreans see the PLA as a joke army that could easily be crushed.

Now you are day dreaming again. If a Vietnamese or a Turkish member says that I'd respect his reason since at least they gave PLA a good fight. South Korean army were crushed times after times by PLA like bugs in Korean war that made US so disappointed and MacArthur once said SK army will never be good enough. Anyone who has read Matthew Ridgway (UN Commander in chief, Korean war)'s Korean memoir knows it. (No wonder US ranked 3rd as enemy. :P )

If I were you, I'd avoid bragging SK army's fighting skills. Talk about something at least just a little bit tangible. There're so many discussion nowadays on whether SK can even defend poor NK without US's help. Prove that before looking down on PLA. If everyone in SK believes that PLA is a joke army (which I don't believe so) then the entire country live in hallucination, even US/Russia will think twice saying that.
That doesn't explain the Pentagon's decision to hand over the US ground troop's command to the Korean MoD in the event of war from 2015 and onward. No other foreign government can command the US troops. Such decision demonstrates a deep American trust in the Koream MoD's ability to command.

Any other sources of this, please?
I searched a bit. And it tells me"Korean and U.S. government agreed to postpone Korean wartime operation control restitution until 2015, three years later than the original date. "
Further search shows that it was scheduled by 03/15/2012, US return OPCON to South Korea.And it is not control of US troops but Korean military, which gives us the infomation that your SK troops are actually in American hands now.
let me get this. the only country that thinks its citizen are too immature to handle " free media". The resident of that country here where it's own govt brainwashes it's people, has an official propaganda arm that trains it's people- is talking about conspiracy by the left wing and freer country? .

Here is 220,000- I'm not surprised that you are trained to not believe your eyes but just party propaganda .

You are ignorant, and quoting from the vid and information of the extreme right wings!

The no was 54,000

Hong Kong protests; China marks Communist Party's 90th anniversary
Updated on:Monday, Jul 04, 2011

Hong Kong police arrested 231 people after a demonstration at the weekend, coinciding with the 14th anniversary of Hong Kong's handover to China and the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party.

The 231 were detained for refusing to disperse after the march ended, charged with illegal assembly and causing obstruction in public places. Most were later let go or released on bail.

The protest organisers claim a total of 218,000 people took to the streets on Friday, though Hong Kong police estimated the crowd at 54,000. Organisers said the high turnout was due to a controversial government proposal to scrap by-elections if a seat is vacant and instead fill it based on previous results. Protestors were also upset with other government policies and rising property prices.

July protests in Hong Kong are a yearly affair, but analysts have warned that the current level of dissatisfaction with Hong Kong's government is close to the levels in 2003, when a record 500,000 people took part in the annual pro-democracy march...

Hong Kong protests; China marks Communist Party's 90th anniversary | Singapore Institute of International Affairs

You are badly brainwashed wherever you are from!
LOL at korean and indian inferiority! It really does not matter that some people in Taiwan or Hong Kong don't like mainland China. Don't like it, they can move to south korea or india. The fact is Chinese control of Hong Kong is not challengeable, and Taiwan already offered "one country, two systems" to mainland China.

Every red blooded Chinese on PDF has met those disgusting anti-mainland Taiwanese / Hong Kongers in real life. We put them down. They cry. Because they know we are stronger. Their agenda will never succeed.

For example, the CIA can spend money on those falun gong types all they want. But those subversives are ignored while the Chinese state becomes stronger and stronger.
South Korean Teenagers Rank US As Nation’s Third Greatest Enemy | ROK Drop

1. Japan : 44.5%
2. North Korea : 22.1%
3. United States : 19.9%
4. China : 12.8%
5. Russia : 0.6%

As for why China ranks low in the "Greatest enemy ranking", the reason is that Koreans see the PLA as a joke army that could easily be crushed and doesn't present much of a threat in the event of a war, not that Koreans see China as a friendly country. The fact that average Koreans see the almighty PLA as a joke army may stun the Chinese posters here who firmly believe that Koreans suffer from "an inferiority complex" toward China, but that is simply far from the reality. Rather, Korean youth are taught to "look down" on Chinese and consider everything associated with China as automatically inferior.

The Chinese posters can challenge the validity of Korean public perception of the PLA as a "joke army"(Personally I disagree, as China's "human wave attack" can more than make up any deficiencies in quality in a real war) but that's how Koreans see things, valid or not.

This is the same reason Japanese rightwingers spend 24/7 badmouthing Korea and not China, as they see Korean economic and cultural invasion as an existential threat to Japan while China's rise isn't considered much of a threat and any Chinese military attack on the Diaoyutai would easily be repelled(Once again the "PLA is a joke army" perception prevalent in Japan even if the JSDF would disagree). It is not the new carriers and nuclear subs that Japanese rightwingers see as threatening, but the Korean ramen stocked at convenient stores, Korean liquor that's the new fad in Japan(Korea runs a liquor trade surplus against Japan), and the Korean drama on TV that Japanese rightwingers find to be threatening.

One of benefits about China's lack of free speech and heavy internet censorship is that Chinese don't see any Japanese rightwinger's hate posts on Chinese portals. No such luck exists for Korea where the free-speech is guaranteed for all(even for Japanese rightwingers) and Japanese rightwingers flood Korean boards with their anti-Korea rants, and some of bigger Korean portals have 90% of traffic coming from Japan, made possible by web-translation software with a 95% accuracy.

I appreciate the poll, and the results are interesting, but your interpretation seems to be kinda hilarious. I mean, if China were so obviously inferior, those poor Korean kids wouldn't need to have the message beaten into them through a xenophobic educational system, right? Maybe they're not comfortable asserting superiority over a civilization that defined and dominated them for several millenia? :laugh:

And your glee at culturally genociding the Japanese is so farcical. Halyu is a fad, and the Japanese will get over it, no matter how much Korean ramen (notice how you use the Japanese word?) is exported to them. I sympathize with the pain that Koreans feel about being turned into a '2nd Japan' during colonization, but a hare-brained retaliation attempt at reversing this is not the answer. :)
Taiwan already offered "one country, two systems" to mainland China.
China offered, Taiwan rejected.

Every red blooded Chinese on PDF has met those disgusting anti-mainland Taiwanese / Hong Kongers in real life. We put them down.
It is the other way around.

I mean, if China were so obviously inferior, those poor Korean kids wouldn't need to have the message beaten into them through a xenophobic educational system, right?
They aren't; the children just pick up through routine racist comments by adults, and their peers through their social networks. The endless waves of horrible news from China(The ones that I posted but got me banned here. You know what I am talking about. We get dozens of those daily) only enforces these young one's belief on China.

And your glee at culturally genociding the Japanese is so farcical. Halyu is a fad, and the Japanese will get over it
That was said 10 years ago. When it didn't die and instead spread to women in their 20s and teens, the Japanese rightwingers tried to figure out what happened. What they didn't realize when they were mocking Japanese housewives hooked on to Korean drama 10 years ago, they didn't notice their daughters watching TV next to their mothers. These daughters then grew up to be the next-generation of Korean drama consumers.

When Kimchinabe is the no. 1 favorite food among Japanese women to the distress of Japanese rightwingers, there is a fundamental shift going on in Japanese culture and society. So it won't die out.

no matter how much Korean ramen is exported to them.
There is no Chinese ramen on Japanese convenience store and supermarket shelves, only the Korean ones.

So you ask what is the difference between Korean ramen and Chinese ramen? They look the same to me? Well, the answer is they aren't the same.


LOOKING EAST / Buono! whets Europe's appetite for J-pop
Takamasa Sakurai / Special to The Daily Yomiuri

The popularity of k-pop--or South korean pop music--is overwhelming within Japan, but even more so outside the country. This phenomenon is not limited to music, but encapsulates a wide trend of "South Korea is cool" that has spread among young people to boost South Korean companies and products.

But when I travel abroad I still feel hopeful that J-pop can also become successful overseas. One crucial music genre is that of "idols," which has massive potential.
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