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UN bans Jamaat-ud-Dawa; declares it a terror outfit

If Dawood was in Pakistan, and you can show that he is. We will take him to the court. Until then.. no beans for you, because he is not in Pakistan.

there is a proverb it suits well for the scenario..""it is easy to wake up a sleeping man than the one who pretends to be sleepy" It is of no use to us if because of some external pressure he is handed over to india ..Tommorrow some body else will acquire the vaccant place of criminal ..What is really required is ban on the glorification of these criminals as protectors of the religion and blah..In all through out history religions are protected by great people of value and morality not through criminals...I am going bit out of topic..anyway what I intended to say that In a society where childrens are made to believe as criminals are heroes than it is difficult imagine bright future to that society..:agree::agree:
A good first step.

However it was always a foregone conclusion that UNSC would ban JUD as it did with LET.

Now PAK needs to do the same straight away. There is no need to keep international terrorists , these 4 individuals should be immediately handed to India so that joint investigations into the Mumbai terror attacks can continue
A good first step.

However it was always a foregone conclusion that UNSC would ban JUD as it did with LET.

Now PAK needs to do the same straight away. There is no need to keep international terrorists , these 4 individuals should be immediately handed to India so that joint investigations into the Mumbai terror attacks can continue

Don't be so daft.

India isn't getting anyone resident (or non resident for that matter) in Pakistan, to sing the tune of RAW, they will confess under duress.
A good first step.

However it was always a foregone conclusion that UNSC would ban JUD as it did with LET.

Now PAK needs to do the same straight away. There is no need to keep international terrorists , these 4 individuals should be immediately handed to India so that joint investigations into the Mumbai terror attacks can continue

Pakistan is doing more than it has ever done before by taking action against Azhar and few other suspects.

If they keep em there and try them properly and we can see a tangible reduction in terror strikes in India and Pakistan then they would have very well succeeded , if however normal service resumes in 7-8 months by terror camps and infiltration , I'm afraid it's going to back bite hard for it's sponsorers.

Keep up the work and root out terror - from everywhere and without Bias , it has not helped any nation to breed terror . Islamic , Hindu , Catholic - whatever and wherever.
I dont understand this obsession with evidence for their terror activities. If other countries can find evidence about an organisations terror involvement, can't an country in which the outfit operates cant find evidence about those activities. For me it either shows that the country does not like to stop that terror outfits activities or it is incompetent.

You don't understand the necessity of evidence for you are used to accusing your targets without evidence, this is your idea of justice or should I say getting your target.
It doesnt matter if its a symbolic gesture or not, IMO Pakistan as a whole is being insulted and therefore nothing less then a public condemnation and complete rejection of these resolutions by the GOP should be accepted. Thats my opinion though.

No Pakistan, should keep its nose clean. The UN is not asking it to do much. A simple ban on a group with some members that have previously been banned. This has some logic to it, and it's not something that is worth for Pakistan to defy. It's a bit of give and take.

This ban does not prove Jawd, or LeT did anything. It simply is a carry-over from the LeT leaders previous ban. The previous LeT leaders shouldn't involved themselves in anymore organizations.
when was the GOP not a Pussy ? Mush dropped his Islamic brothers inTaliban on a phone call . Its not right to blame the current regieme for doing what a dictator also did.

The current regime is doing the biddings of India so it must be very nice to you.

India I feel need not share any evidence , all GOP has to do is to refer to its own files/ data.

India does not need to share any evidence because it does not have any evidence, what it has is a bunch of lies.
No Pakistan, should keep its nose clean. The UN is not asking it to do much. A simple ban on a group with some members that have previously been banned. This has some logic to it, and it's not something that is worth for Pakistan to defy. It's a bit of give and take.

This ban does not prove Jawd, or LeT did anything. It simply is a carry-over from the LeT leaders previous ban. The previous LeT leaders shouldn't involved themselves in anymore organizations.

I say India should apprehend the terrorists inside RAW and clear its image, it's not that much for India to do.
Your logic fails, Munshi.

If you are interested in one-upmanship, let me tell you that I'm not.

Munshi bhai's logic will never work with brains full of wickedness and lies.
I understand the need for evidence clearly. What i am saying is that if multiple countries can prove involvement of a certain organization in terrorism, how hard is it for the country in which the organization operates to find evidence against it.
If they cant find evidence, it must mean either global conspiracy on that organization or they are trying to cover for those organization
No Pakistan, should keep its nose clean. The UN is not asking it to do much. A simple ban on a group with some members that have previously been banned. This has some logic to it, and it's not something that is worth for Pakistan to defy. It's a bit of give and take.

This ban does not prove Jawd, or LeT did anything. It simply is a carry-over from the LeT leaders previous ban. The previous LeT leaders shouldn't involved themselves in anymore organizations.

And do u remember why LeT was banned in first place?
And do u think UN has imposed a ban without any proof?
The current regime is doing the biddings of India so it must be very nice to you.

Its not doing anything on India's behest..unfortunately for Pak this this time things are more in the open , hence there is no place to hide.
India does not need to share any evidence because it does not have any evidence, what it has is a bunch of lies.

India may not have evidence asper you . Is the UNSC composed of fools who banned an orgnisation inside Pak..something which GOP ought to have done in the 1st place ?
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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
December 10, 2008

US-1267 Committee Sanctions Lashkar e-Tayyiba Associated Individuals and Entities

Today the UN Security Council's al-Qaida/Taliban Sanctions Committee (the "1267 Committee") took several actions related to the terrorist group Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LET):

It listed four members of the terrorist group Lashkar e-Tayyiba (LET) for targeted sanctions (including asset freeze, travel ban and arms embargo).

These individuals are Muhammad Saeed a.k.a. Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, Haji Muhammad Ashraf, and Mohmoud Mohammad Ahmed Bahaziq.

It added a new alias for the group: Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JUD), which is an LET front operation.

It added additional aliases for Al Rashid and Al Akhtar Trusts, which have raised funds for LET.

The Al Rashid Trust aliases are: Al Amin Welfare Trust, Al Amin Trust, Al Ameen Trust, Al-Ameen Trust, Al Madina Trust, Al-Madina Trust.

The Al-Akhtar Trust aliases are: Pakistan Relief Foundation, Pakistani Relief Foundation, Azmat-e-Pakistan Trust, Azmat Pakistan Trust.

The United States is pleased that the Committee has decided to move forward on these high-priority designations. These actions will limit the ability of known terrorists to travel, acquire weapons, plan, carry out, or raise funds for new terrorist attacks. Today's listings reaffirm the Council's commitment to updating the 1267 Consolidated List to ensure it continues to serve as a tool to help member states deter terrorist activities of al-Qaeda and affiliated groups.

The 1267 Committee originally designated LET in 2005, citing its affiliation with al-Qaida. Pakistan banned LET in 2002. The United States and EU have also sanctioned the group.

Released on December 10, 2008
It does not mean a ' squat' as u put it to India coz its strong on its feet & stands up for what it believes.

Something that i agree with you but what i said was in context the UN ressolutions on J&K. If they dont mean a damn thing for India, why is it that we cant even condemn it. As for the stoping part, that is the whole point i'm trying to make here at the first place that the GOP needs to not only condemn it but also to reject it.
That is however another thing that the blame from the GOP was the usual BS.
I understand the need for evidence clearly. What i am saying is that if multiple countries can prove involvement of a certain organization in terrorism, how hard is it for the country in which the organization operates to find evidence against it.
If they cant find evidence, it must mean either global conspiracy on that organization or they are trying to cover for those organization

It may mean so many things but the point is you have to produce evidence to the accused instead of saying I have it, that is the standard procedure in any legal system. However, when mafia godfathers pose as judges you don't need to produce any evidence to the accused.

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