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UN bans Jamaat-ud-Dawa; declares it a terror outfit

... where are these guys who have been charged with the blast...without any external pressure..with our own enquiry...we put them in jail for further interrogation..what about dawood he has been charged with so many blasts,extortion,murder,smuggling and still he is free to move ,organise parties .... he made relatives in pakistan...miandad}does it rings the bell or you still want to have the evidence of his presence in pakistan:coffee:

If Dawood was in Pakistan, and you can show that he is. We will take him to the court. Until then.. no beans for you, because he is not in Pakistan.
Then its irrelevant to bring in ATS and Lt Col. Purohit and all that, when we discuss about LeT and JuM. :argh:

You pretty much invited the off topic responses with this post of yours:

Let VHP or any of your favourite "Hindu Terror" conduct a blitzkrieg in Karachi. Death Toll @ 180. with foreign nationals. Go complain to The UN. We will just ban the organization and arrest the leaders and have a summary trial in our courts. Give me your reactions, as to how you would react to this!!

What does applying a reverse scenario have to do with this thread?
It is indeed sad that a nation allows things to drift within itself to a point that the UNSC has to step into do what GOP ought to have done in the 1st place.

What was it that GOP was unaware of that UNSC found out or made aware of by India ?

In any case, JuD will soon surface under a diff name.
So how can the UN without informing the Pakistani commission there could just ban these outfits? Doesn't it shows the one sidedness. How can you just ban some citizens of a country and you dont even inform the respective country. To me the best course of action here would be (which by the way will not happen for obvious reasons) is for the GOP to completely reject the UN resolution irrespective of whether the out fits were involved in any kind of terrorism inside India or not based on the following reasons:
First of all India has not shared any evidence with the pakistanis and second it is an insult of Pakistan as a whole that the Pakistani commission isnt even informed about it at all and Pakistani citizens are banned.
IMO the civil soceity, local population, opposition parties, lawyers, judges and everyone should join in hands and pressurise the GOP to condemn this one sided action of the UN and reject it as a whole, afterall we know how effective is the UN itself when it comes to the real issue, issue like the Kashmir resolution.
It is indeed sad that a nation allows things to drift within itself to a point that the UNSC has to step into do what GOP ought to have done in the 1st place.

What was it that GOP was unaware of that UNSC found out or made aware of by India ?

In any case, JuD will soon surface under a diff name.

Just because hypocrisy was shown on part of the UNSC, does not mean a damn thing about the respective country. Keep that in mind. IF GOP has left some dignity in itself, it should condemn the act as a whole.

And let me tell you this, this issue will not go down so quietly in Pakistan as Pakistanis are sick of the sorry *** attitude shown by the GOP. Pakistanis believe that it is an all days routine for India to blame every thing on to Pakistan and GOP needs to rise to this nonsense instead of being a pussy that it is for now.
Why are you closing ur eyes to the obvious ? First it was India, now the whole world including the UN is wrong. There is nothing the ppl of Pak can or will do. The Let too was banned...

when was the GOP not a Pussy ? Mush dropped his Islamic brothers inTaliban on a phone call . Its not right to blame the current regieme for doing what a dictator also did.

Did the Pak ambasador ( or China) object ? India I feel need not share any evidence , all GOP has to do is to refer to its own files/ data.

In the instant case, I feel JuD was ' sacrificed" to save Hamid Gul.
I dont understand this obsession with evidence for their terror activities. If other countries can find evidence about an organisations terror involvement, can't an country in which the outfit operates cant find evidence about those activities. For me it either shows that the country does not like to stop that terror outfits activities or it is incompetent.
You, nor anyone else has seen the evidence Jawd is a mask of LeT. It could be something as weak as some LeT members being part of Jawd. This doesn't mean that Jawd is a mask of LeT.

Personally I feel banning Jawd is just a symbolic gesture to appease India, since it's one that doesn't make very much difference whether it's banned or allowed to continue.
Why are you closing ur eyes to the obvious ? First it was India, now the whole world including the UN is wrong. There is nothing the ppl of Pak can or will do. The Let too was banned...

when was the GOP not a Pussy ? Mush dropped his Islamic brothers inTaliban on a phone call . Its not right to blame the current regieme for doing what a dictator also did.

Did the Pak ambasador ( or China) object ? India I feel need not share any evidence , all GOP has to do is to refer to its own files/ data.

In the instant case, I feel JuD was ' sacrificed" to save Hamid Gul.

Get it over with. Its the same UN whose kashmir resolutions don't mean a squat to you guys.
As for the Pakistani objection, the commission there wasnt told even so how would have they objected and as i mentioned before GOP is a pussy no doubt about that, it always has been and that is exactly why we are facing extreme faliures as far as our foreign policy is concerned.
You, nor anyone else has seen the evidence Jawd is a mask of LeT. It could be something as weak as some LeT members being part of Jawd. This doesn't mean that Jawd is a mask of LeT.

Personally I feel banning Jawd is just a symbolic gesture to appease India, since it's one that doesn't make very much difference whether it's banned or allowed to continue.

It doesnt matter if its a symbolic gesture or not, IMO Pakistan as a whole is being insulted and therefore nothing less then a public condemnation and complete rejection of these resolutions by the GOP should be accepted. Thats my opinion though.
Get it over with. Its the same UN whose kashmir resolutions don't mean a squat to you guys.
As for the Pakistani objection, the commission there wasnt told even so how would have they objected and as i mentioned before GOP is a pussy no doubt about that, it always has been and that is exactly why we are facing extreme faliures as far as our foreign policy is concerned.

Was wondering how long it would take for someone to draw a parallel with the UN resoloutions on J&K.

It does not mean a ' squat' as u put it to India coz its strong on its feet & stands up for what it believes.

Are u suggesting that this took GOP by surprise ? Is the ISI losing its touch ? In any case why does GOP not object now ?
It doesnt matter if its a symbolic gesture or not, IMO Pakistan as a whole is being insulted and therefore nothing less then a public condemnation and complete rejection of these resolutions by the GOP should be accepted. Thats my opinion though.

I think you are looking at this the wrong way. Pakistan has been insulted not by its (rather weak and delayed) attempts to put a stop to the proliferating terror camps.
The Pakistani State has been insulted by the fact that their soil was used to train, arm, and indoctrinate a group of terrorists who launched an armed assault on a global economic center, and killed citizens of several different countries.
The fact that the Pakistani state is perceived as helpless (Zardari has admitted as much) in the face of these "non-state actors" who are not only creating havoc within their country, but also affecting Pakistan's international prestige and reputation by dictating the country's foreign policy.

The first indication of a strong state is the fact that no other armed groups other than the ones sanctioned by the state are allowed to exist. With these attacks, the weakness of the Pakistani state has been exposed. And that's the real insult.
The first indication of a strong state is the fact that no other armed groups other than the ones sanctioned by the state are allowed to exist.

If we then accept that the Indian armed forces and RAW are parts of the state machinery then there involvement in terrorist incidents would imply that the Indian state is involved in the sponsorship of terrorism. Therefore logic would necessitate that the Indian state be a banned entity. :enjoy:
If we then accept that the Indian armed forces and RAW are parts of the state machinery then there involvement in terrorist incidents would imply that the Indian state is involved in the sponsorship of terrorism. Therefore logic would necessitate that the Indian state be a banned entity. :enjoy:

Your logic fails, Munshi.

If you are interested in one-upmanship, let me tell you that I'm not.
If Dawood was in Pakistan, and you can show that he is. We will take him to the court. Until then.. no beans for you, because he is not in Pakistan.

there is a proverb it suits well for the scenario..""it is easy to wake up a sleeping man than the one who pretends to be sleepy" It is of no use to us if because of some external pressure he is handed over to india ..Tommorrow some body else will acquire the vaccant place of criminal ..What is really required is ban on the glorification of these criminals as protectors of the religion and blah..In all through out history religions are protected by great people of value and morality not through criminals...I am going bit out of topic..anyway what I intended to say that In a society where childrens are made to believe as criminals are heroes than it is difficult imagine bright future to that society..:agree::agree:
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