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Ultra Far Right Nationalism on the rise in Europe and Russia

As for the interracial marriage stuff, don't be 100% obsessive of againt it, but also don't be at the opposite side, the moderate approach is the best way.

If two individuals of different races, out of natural circumstances, genuinely love each other and marry each other then i have no authority or right to tell them they cannot do so.

However, everyone has the right to preserve their Race and Nation. No one should be labeled a "racist" for wanting to preserve the unique history, culture, civilization, and identity of his people. Would you want your native country of China, with its age old civilization and rich history, to be populated and taken over by people who don't respect it or its history and refuse to contribute towards it continued existence, and thus bringing about the end of one of the most powerful and advanced civilizations known to Man?

I'm sure, any Man who values his heritage and the history of his people would not want his people's unique identity to die out.
If two individuals of different races, out of natural circumstances, genuinely love each other and marry each other then i have no authority or right to tell them they cannot do so.

However, everyone has the right to preserve their Race and Nation. No one should be labeled a "racist" for wanting to preserve the unique history, culture, civilization, and identity of his people. Would you want your native country of China, with its age old civilization and rich history, to be populated and taken over by people who don't respect it or its history and refuse to contribute towards it continued existence, and thus bringing about the end of one of the most powerful and advanced civilizations known to Man?

I'm sure, any Man who values his heritage and the history of his people would not want his people's unique identity to die out.

But the true Marxism is neither against or pro-interracial mix. You seem to confuse it with the extreme radical western liberals in Hollywood.

By default, you should expect the majority will still marry with their own people.
But the true Marxism is neither against or pro-interracial mix. You seem to confuse it with the extreme radical western liberals in Hollywood.

By default, you should expect the majority will still marry with their own people.

Marxism as a whole is incompatible with Abrahamic religions. Particularly Islam and Christianity. In fact, Marx was against religion as a whole.

Even if we disregard the racial aspect, Marxism is anti-family, anti-religion, anti-tradition, etc and seeks to do the exact opposite of what is natural to humans and what has formed the basis of civilizations.

It promotes degeneracy and morally corrupt behaviors.

You seem to confuse it with the extreme radical western liberals in Hollywood.

Actually, what the Western Liberals are practicing is exactly Marxism in its purest form:

1). A complete open border policy.

2). Promotion of degeneracy in the form of homosexuality, lesbianism, and other disgusting behaviors not worthy of being mentioned.

3). The radical promotion of Feminism and destruction of the Family structure. The portrayal of men as women/feminine like and women as male/masculine like.

4). Promotion of interracial dating (not marriage) and illicit relationships as well as other careless behaviors.

5). The so called "distribution of wealth" and making millions of people dependent on the ever decreasing working class/middle class tax money. Once the last reserve of working people diminish or loose their jobs due to the financial crisis in the West, these millions of immigrants and others who depended on the "distributed" wealth will have a hard time making a living.

6). Pitting one section of the population against the other (poor against rich, black against White). The so called "class struggle" in which the "peasants" overthrow the "bourgeois".

7). Against individuality. Against qualification (affirmative action).

By default, you should expect the majority will still marry with their own people.

Because that is what naturally occurs within Human nature.
The western liberals are against the communism more than anything else, they are not communists.

The communists are strictly against the homosexuality and pornography.

Not against the rich, but the natural resources should belong to everybody, do you think the air and water should belong to the private entity, not to the public?

The communism is against the exploitation and privatization of everything, it has nothing to do with those trashy Hollywood liberals.
The western liberals are against the communism more than anything else, they are not communists.

The communists are strictly against the homosexuality and pornography.
From my personal experience, most of these so called "Socialists" (they hijacked the term) promote Communism. They idolize Stalin and Marx, despise Hitler, support Israel or remain indifferent to the atrocities committed by that state. They are hardcore feminists and promote degeneracy.

US Foreign Policy on Gay Rights Sparks Debate

They carry the rainbow banner and sing the American anthem in Soviet Style.

Not against the rich, but the natural resources should belong to everybody, do you think the air and water should belong to the private entity, not to the public?
Of course, basic necessities belong to everyone. A Nations natural resource and human potential should be put to use for the benefit of its own people.

I am a Socialist BTW.

The communism is against the exploitation and privatization of everything, it has nothing to do with those trashy Hollywood liberals.

Not everything should be private, and not everything should be state owned. The main backbone for Socialism is Spiritualism and Moral obligation.

Communism, as it has been practiced in the past, is a failure.
Those radical western liberals are anarchists, they are just the tools of the rich bankers and oligarchs to deviate the real issues.

The true communist is always favoring a strong centralized government, it has something in common with the Nazi government, except the communist government will never advocate the racial supremacy and the survival of the fittest in a Spartan way like the Nazi did.

Something needs to be privatized, but not everything can be privatized, even Hitler was against the privatization of everything including the strategic industries and resources.

Hitler did declare the war against the Zionist bankers, it is also an important reason why they went after him.
. .
Those radical western liberals are anarchists, they are just the tools of the rich bankers and oligarchs to deviate the real issues.

The true communist is always favoring a strong centralized government, it has something in common with the Nazi government, except the communist government will never advocate the racial supremacy and the survival of the fittest in a Spartan way like the Nazi did.

Well, you have to understand a few things about National Socialist Germany. Hitler and the National Socialist put an emphasis on physical fitness and youth programs in order to bring an end to the rampant drug abuse amongst the young population of Germany which became rampant during the years following the War reparations imposed on Germany after WW1 and the financial crashes the German economy suffered from during the world wide economic depression.

Hitler didn't want a population of obese people with rampant health related problems like heart disease, liver disease, etc. Neither did he want drunkards and drug addicts.

When you keep people busy in productive activities they will be less prone to committing crimes, doing/selling drugs, etc.

Something needs to be privatized, but not everything can be privatized, even Hitler was against the privatization of everything including the stragetic industries and resources.

National Socialism put emphasis on spiritualism and moral obligations of the German/European people by forming a common bond.

National Socialism encouraged individual effort (private enterprises) as long as it was to be used for the common benefit of the Nation/Race.

During the Second World War, the German Reich did assume control over strategic industries and resources, as did a lot of other non-Communist countries.

Communism and Capitalism put emphasis on the material wealth;

Communism: Wealth should be distributed and everything is state owned. Class struggle in which the peasants/worker purge the wealthy class.

Capitalism: Wealth is owned by the few and Capital (material) is given more importance over labor (people).

National Socialism: Labor (human effort) precedes capital and material. Innovation is the result of human effort (labor). Therefore, human effort is given importance over material. Individual effort is encouraged, competition is encouraged, and everything is based on merit. Whatever results from the effort must be put into use for the benefit of the Nation and Race (people).

Spiritualism and moral obligation plays the major role in National Socialism. Class cooperation is encouraged, rather than class struggle.

Which is why National Socialist Germany was the most Scientifically and Technologically advanced nation of its time.

Hitler did declare the war against the Zionist bankers, it is also an important reason why they went after him.

Hitler simply denied them the continued enslavement of the German people. It was the Bankers who declared war on Hitler and Germany.
Except the racial point of view, the national socialism is closer to communism than capitalism, and we can argue this later.
Except the racial point of view, the national socialism is closer to communism than capitalism, and we can argue this later.

But there are other differences between the two ideologies. National Socialism doesn't limit the individual from striving to be better than others. There is no "equal pay" or "equal wages". If someone has the potential of excelling in his field of expertise then he is encouraged to do so, and if his labor results in a invention then he is given due credit and more pay than others.

National Socialism takes into account Man's spiritual and material needs, but putting more emphasis on the spiritual and moral aspect.

Does National Socialism share a few things with Communism? Yes it does, but i'd have to say the difference are more prominent. National Socialism was the only form of Socialism that actually worked successfully in peace time (1933-1939) as well as war time (1939-1945).
Except the racial point of view, the national socialism is closer to communism than capitalism, and we can argue this later.

PS, Race was used as a unifying factor. Anything that unites a nation can substitute the racial aspect. It doesn't necessarily have to be race, but in the case of Germany Race was instrumental in uniting the country.
PS, Race was used as a unifying factor. Anything that unites a nation can substitute the racial aspect. It doesn't necessarily have to be race, but in the case of Germany Race was instrumental in uniting the country.

The modern PRC is actually very close to the National Socialism as you described, except CPC doesn't play the race card, instead they play the nationalist card, and they show more humanitarianism for the minorities.

But in the civilian sector, CPC is too capitalist, even more than the western nations, this is something that needs to be changed.

Because of the nearly 100% capitalist civilian sector, the Made in China civilian products are really bad in quality compared to our strategic industry such as our space program, 95% of success rate over 180 launches.
But there are other differences between the two ideologies. National Socialism doesn't limit the individual from striving to be better than others. There is no "equal pay" or "equal wages". If someone has the potential of excelling in his field of expertise then he is encouraged to do so, and if his labor results in a invention then he is given due credit and more pay than others.

National Socialism takes into account Man's spiritual and material desires, but putting more emphasis on the spiritual and moral aspect.

Does National Socialism share a few things with Communism? Yes it does, but i'd have to say the difference are more prominent. National Socialism was the only form of Socialism that actually worked successfully in peace time (1933-1939) as well as war time (1939-1945).

The modern PRC also believes that everyone are born equal at the starting point, but the individual success shouldn't be limited, since our society needs the competition and innovation via the individual effort.
The Royal Scythians were actually Iranicized Corded Abashevo tribes (most eastern Balto-Slavic tribe), and they got brainwashed by the steppe Aryan supremacy, they tended to look down at the non-Iranian speaking forest Scythians (Slavs). But the recent genetic test shows that they were genetically identical to the Slavs.

Actually both Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian descended from the Proto-Indo-European Yamna culture in South Russia/Ukraine. About 6000 years ago, the two groups headed toward two different directions.

- The original Proto-Indo-European Yamna tribes were Mediterranean type.

- The Yamna tribes headed toward the northwest Baltic regions and mixed with the indigenous North Europeans to create the blonde Nordic Corded Ware (Balto-Slavic) tribes.

- The Yamna tribes headed towards the eastern Caspian steppe became the Indo-Iranian tribes and remained the same Mediterranean type as their PIE ancestor.

- Scythians carried R1a-Z283 and were the very blonde Nordic type like Balto-Slavic, but they got culturally brainwashed by the Aryan/Indo-Iranian tribes in the east.

But you are right, the steppe people were not that nice when it came to the tax and tribute, our ancestors also got often threatened and harrassed by the steppe nomads as well.

Nine. Every waves of nomads come to our steppe from the East. Kimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Pechenegs, Kipchak, Mongolo-Tatars, Nogais. And hougreds of small tribes and waves. This process was stopped only in 18 century.
Anyway, Russian began to settle in what is now southern Ukraine in the end of the 18th century, Crimean Khanate was conqered.
"Later, from the era of the Great Migration, the word "Scythians" was used in the Greek (Byzantine) sources for the names of all the completely different origin of the peoples who inhabited the Eurasian steppes and the northern Black Sea region: the sources III-IV centuries AD "Scythians" and often referred to as German-Goths, in the later Byzantine sources Scythians called the Eastern Slavs, Turkic Khazars and Pechenegs, and the related ancient Iranian-speaking Scythians, Alans."
Polish nobles (szlachta) considered themselves to be descendants of the Sarmatian - the people that replaced the Scythians. And the common people - Slavic.
Scythians - not Slavic and do not have anything to do in us.
A genetics - an experienced specialist using a multiplicity of genetic traits can prove anything.
But Turko-Mongols were Northeast Asian nomads, while Scythians are Northeast Europeans who spoke an Indo-European language, can't see they would be considered completely foreign to the ancient Slavic people.

Scythians and Persians were genetically different, but the only loose connection is that they all spoke the Iranian language group, but Scythian spoke the northeast group, while Persian spoke the southwest group, they were not mutually intelligible.

But of course, to you, the genetic is not important, while the language/custom/religion are the most important for the identity of an ethnic group.
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