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ULFA urges Dhaka to 'stop crackdown’

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A request to fake flag trolls and jamati/razokar radicals don't flame this thread and stop posting off topic.
How do you explain Ajmal Kasab's residence in Pakistan or Daud Geelani's (Hadley) confessions to the US?

aapnar brainta kothay - mathay na pacchay?

Keep on believing all those GoI statements. These are only to hide the real reason for murdering the Police Officer who was investigating the IA supply of arms to the Hindu terrorists.

USA? Forget about Bombay, who even believes what USA says to whitewash its own Twin Tower black ink? Indeed, India only followed the example of what USA did to its Twin Tower. India had its Tajmahal Hotel in Bombay.

Its very strange, a few Pakistani would come through a 800 km sea voyage with a small boat, albeit a motorized one, but, had to bump into another boat in order to know HOW to reach Bombay. It seems, they had forgotten not only their radar, but also the map back in Karachi.

By the way, can you give us a good reasoning how these guys hid their rifles while they moved to the railway station and to Tajmahal Hotel? How do you explain why they took shelter in these complexes after only KILLING the Police Officer?
Another conspiracy theorist? Is Bangladesh also full of them? I had a good opinion of BD before, nowadays I am beginning to think it is just a small version of Pakistan!

@ Remember, Peacefull," Peacefull nam rakhar jonno tu ar shantee ashena".

@ Remember, "For each and every action there will be equel and opposite reaction, ham tu fervi inshan hai".
A request to fake flag trolls and jamati/razokar radicals don't flame this thread and stop posting off topic.

Tata bhai "Ap ka gaddi tu buhat acha hai, hamare desh me sab jaga me chalti hai, magar tum ne hamko jamti, razakar,radical bana dia, shame ! shame !.

For how many years you people will continue with this slogan, moreso how come you are using this slogan ! sofar I know this the slogan of Awami Leaquer, does it mean that "Apni tadher ota shekiachen".

My dear Tata bhai, in time of crisis you will not find these people which you have created.
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Farakka is the only reason Calcutta port is surviving!

Even without a Farakka, Calcutta Port could have survived. It could have been saved by taking advantage of moon tides that nature has bestowed the Bay of Bengal. Quite a small barrage could have been built in the Vagirothi a few km upstream of Calcutta port. And another somewhere at a suitably located place across the mouth of Vagirothy near BoB.

Both the barrages could have been provided with a required number of sluice gates. A provision of a large gate at the downstream barrage would have made it possible for large ships to tresspass.

Spring tide in the BoB is about (Mean Sea Level + 5 metre). Sea water could have been kept at this level inside the two barrages throughout the year. Ships waiting at far in the BoB could have entered or exited during the spring moon tides, when the levels of water both inside and outside the downstream barrage would become same.

In this way, India could have saved the two countries from the poison of mutual distrust at no additional cost to itself.
Whether or not Bharati accept but Bangladesh is succeeding and growing due to Islamic identity. If were part of bharat than our fate would have been same as those live in NE states and I believe people of NE realizing this fact very past. Only way for them to experience prosperity is to detach from Delhi. Assam could either become part of Greater Bangladesh or be a separate Islamic state.
Let me understand this, you want them to become a part of Bangladesh ? And you think this is necessary because of the ethnic affinity ?! Are you aware that the demographics are as follows - Hinduism (64.9%) and Islam (30.9%). Others include Christianity (3.7%), Sikhism (1%),[32] Animism, Buddhism (Khamti, Phake, Aiton etc. communities).
One look of Dhaka skyline will put Calcutta to shame when fact is Calcutta was way ahead of us only decade ago.
Agree.....34 years of misrule in the state of west bengal (capital Calcutta) has left the once flourishing state economy floundering. Hopefully this rule will end next year

We Bangladeshi have moral right to support those who seek separate identity for better life for their future generations. La-Hasina’s extreme pro bharati stand could shatter a log-waited dream of indigenous people of NE, which could create adverse effect on Bangladesh. If UFLA failed in bharat due to Bangladesh action than they will bring terror in to Bd out of frustration. It’s not a good idea to create unnecessary enemy in friendly neighborhood. I hope La-Hasina and Awami understand this before too late.
So you would prefer to have a terrorist group like ULFA befrended rather than India ? How wise is that ?

You have given a solid proof that the Indian NE wants independence from the colonialist India, specially from the Calcutta Babus.
your solid proof is an article published in bangladesh purpoted to be sent by a known terroristThese Hindu Babus also colonized over the Muslim Bangalis for 190 years by borrowing strength from their white British masters.
How effective our erstwhile masters were with their divide and rule theory.....some amongst us still believe that one ethnic group colonized another. It was the british for gods sake who have told us this all along !These Babus were given right medicine in 1947 when the muslims took away a big chunk of land to form a separate country.
I will not argue this.... but then if you believe that simply ethinicity requires the joining of nations then the whole formation of Bangladesh has been a farce ? Would you agree and join back with Pak ?
India, the champion of independence as claimed by many posters, should immediately vacate NE and Kashmir. Kashmir must be ruled by Pakistan.
This very country was instrumental in achieving youe independence my friend.....Never forget that.
Shame on India for occupying NE land which is not rightfully India's. Muslim tradition....what are you talking about?And shame on Awami League traitors who broke a muslim tradition and handed over NE leadership who took shelter in this country.

I can tell one thing. By this traitorous act, AL has sown the seed of a bigger poison tree in Assam. It is more possible that now ULFA will redouble its fight to break out of Union of India.
The Bangladeshi Government has shown character and this will go a long way to strengthen ties. I'm glad AL does not have people like your self to guide foreign policy.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction - this is what Newton stated.
A request to fake flag trolls and jamati/razokar radicals don't flame this thread and stop posting off topic.

Yes my Razakari against double faced Indian who want to see us demised. I will encounter selfish, self centered Indian wherever possible. Your bullshit propaganda won't work with this Mujahid. I am glad my country men following same jihadi horse. :smokin:
Believe your conspiracy theories all you wish to, you are only making a laughing stock of yourself. You can trawl the internet and fish out articles about 9/11 being staged, 26/11 being staged, 7/7 being staged, and 100 other things.

Just remember one thing, let me repeat it: no Indian will like to hear nonsense about "cultivating ULFA to break the NE away from India". No one will appreciate hearing such stuff about his country. God forbid, if an Indian makes even a small hint of a statement about "breaking BD" (which no one even does), then all of you will be jumping on him shouting "bully, bully", and all kinds of things. When you expect that kind of behaviour from Indian posters, how can you dare to make statements about breaking India's territorial integrity? Why do you expect respect to be a one way street?

Follow "Jihadi horses, become Mujahids", and whatever you wish, but don't complain when you descend into an abyss due to your own shortsighted policies of cultivating terrorists, which will ultimately backfire, as it always has in all countries which tried it.
Making conspiracy theories is so damn simple. Here's my two cents to the pool of 26/11 conspiracy theories. Disprove it:

After coming to this forum, I see that Bangladesh has several people (not all) who desire harm to come to India. They openly advocate supporting secessionist movements in India, and also openly advocate terrorist groups killing innocent people in India. So, my take is that some people who have this kind of thinking made a plan with huge fund collection diverted from development budget and decided to stage the Mumbai attacks, making it seem like it originated from Pakistan. The trained a group of Urdu speaking terrorists with a classic false flag operation, making them believe that those terrorists were working for Lashkar-e-Tayyaba, and pretending to be LeT commanders. They armed those terrorists and by bribing some corrupt government officials in Karachi, got them through the port. The aim was to start a war between India and Pakistan so that India is severely weakened, and so that they could then target India's North East regions through ULFA, with the ultimate aim of breaking the NE away from India. This answers the question of "who benefits".

Of course, the above is totally tongue-in-cheek, but I ask you to disprove it. Can you do it? That is how damn easy it is to create a conspiracy theory, publish it on various sites, link it to thousands of sites. And you know, the more ridiculous the theory, the more takers it will have.
@ Al -Zakir
One look of Dhaka skyline will put Calcutta to shame when fact is Calcutta was way ahead of us only decade ago.

Two of the ugliest buildings / Monuments known to man are in Bangladesh . And they are the most important buildings Bangladeshis are proud of.


^^ What does it look like? :undecided: Just a confused block of nothing. No identity. No originality. Just like you. :rofl:
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@ Al -Zakir
One look of Dhaka skyline will put Calcutta to shame when fact is Calcutta was way ahead of us only decade ago.

Dude let Zakir say whatever he wants, but what's the point of you pulling off a Zakir!

The first structure I think a memorial to those martyred in liberation war against Pakistan. Let's not disrespect it.
The truth about the Ganga hijacking By Khalid Hasan

It is thirty-two years since the Indian Airlines flight that had taken off from Srinagar on the morning of January 30 for Delhi was hijacked and brought to Lahore by two young Kashmiris cousins, Hashim and Ashraf Qureshi. The official Pakistani story has been that the Ganga hijacking was elaborately planned by Indian intelligence to be used as an excuse to ban Pakistani aircraft flying over India in order to keep its beleaguered garrison from being supplied. Hashim and Ashraf were denounced as Indian agents, although when they brought the plane to Lahore they were greeted as heroes and freedom fighters. On a popular level they continued to be seen like.

I was at the time a reporter working for The Pakistan Times and just happened to be at Lahore airport when the plane landed. In the first few days, there was no bar to us walking across the tarmac and talking to the two hijackers. Later, however, our access was blocked. I was also present when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto arrived from Dhaka. A crowd had gathered at the airport. And many among them had jumped over the railing to greet the PPP leader. I was already on the tarmac. They wanted Bhutto to go towards Ganga. Bhutto said to me, “Look, I don’t know what this is all about and who these people are, so I won’t say anything.” He was practically pushed towards the parked aircraft by the crowd. He exchanged a few words with the two young men.

The late Aftab Ahmed Khan was then head of the India desk at the Foreign Office and had remained in Lahore throughout the episode. He also briefed the press where we subjected him to some hard questioning. Years later in London I asked him about Ganga. He said it had been set on fire by the ISI. On the day that happened, he told me, he was disallowed access to the plane. Even the West Pakistan chief secretary, Afzal Agha, a Srinagar Kashmiri, could not get through. Both Hashim and Ashraf were later tried and sentenced, the special court having found them to have been “Indian agents”.

My cousin KH Khurshid appeared as a witness in that case. His testimony which I saw for the first time a few days ago sheds new light on this strange event and separates truth from the falsehood in which it has so far been kept wrapped by the Pakistani establishment. Khurshid, who was personal secretary to the Quaid-e-Azam from June 1944 until the Quaid’s death in 1948, told the court that he had arrived at the airport on February 2, 1971, at about 7.00pm having been told that the situation was tense and that PIA had stopped its daily supply of food to the hijackers.

The late Jammu and Kashmir National Liberation Front (JKNLF) leader Maqbul Butt arrived in Lahore from Peshawar. Muslehuddin, who was working for PTV News, and I were the first people to meet him and we briefed him about the situation. We also helped arrange his press conference at the Hotel International. The hijackers Hashim and Ashraf had asked to meet Butt. Sardar Abdul Vakil Khan, the SSP of Lahore, took Khurshid and Maqbul to a room where Hashim sat with some officials. He told Butt that “these men” were telling him to set fire to the plane. Butt said that would be unwise.

As Khurshid and Maqbul were being escorted out, the SSP said, “ Khuda ke liye hamari jaan chhorh do, jahaz ko urha do” [For God’s sake spare us and destroy the plane]. And that is what happened, but not at the hands of the hijackers.

After the destruction of Ganga, the two hijackers were taken away. In the next few days, Maqbul and the entire leadership of JKNLF was arrested and tried for “treason”. All these brave and innocent men remained in jail for two years and were finally released by the Lahore High Court which called them “patriots fighting for the liberation of their motherland”. However, Hashim was not released until 1980 and only after he won his appeal in the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

While Ashraf stayed on in Pakistan, Hashim settled in Europe. He returned to India a couple of years ago and was arrested for the 1971 hijacking. What kind of an “agent” then was Hashim Qureshi who was jailed by both India and Pakistan?

In my view, it establishes that he was a Kashmiri patriot. The theory that India arranged the hijacking because it wanted to ban Pakistani over-flights makes no sense as India could have banned the over-flights anyway by merely saying that the Yahya regime was ferrying troops and arms to crush the people of East Pakistan – which it was - and India did not wish to be party to it.

Hashim had crossed into Pakistan a couple of years earlier and met Maqbul. When he was crossing back, he was picked up, interrogated and released. One Indian account says he “confessed” that he had been trained by Pakistan to hijack an Indian plane and agreed to become a double, another story that makes no sense. You don’t need “training” to hijack a Dakota, just a toy gun which is what the two cousins had when they hijacked Ganga. Another **** and bull story floated by MB Sinha, a former Indian intelligence officer, in a book said that Hashim agreed to “hijack” an Indian plane to Pakistan, befriending Maqbul Butt and infiltrating JKNLF.

This is absolute nonsense because the total JKNLF cadre could be counted on the fingers of one hand. If that was all India wanted, it could simply have sent an agent or two to Pakistan instead of getting one of its own planes hijacked. According to Sinha’s book, Hashim was instructed not to hand over control of the plane to Pakistan but to insist that he would only do so if Bhutto came to meet him and his comrade. This, says, the author with a rather rich imagination, was to establish his credibility with “his Pakistani masters and help India at the same time”. This is another ridiculous claim because first, Hashim never made any such demand and second, Bhutto’s meeting the hijackers was accidental. Sinha goes on to say that Hashim was instructed to blow up the plane after meeting Bhutto, which is utter rubbish because the plane was blown up not by Hashim, who had no means of doing so, but by the ISI.

In April 2001, Hashim Qureshi wrote to a Jammu newspaper after it published a fanciful article about the Ganga hijacking that he was and remained a Kashmiri patriot working for an independent Kashmir. He quoted KH Khurshid in his defence. Why did Yahya’s military destroy the plane? Because by then it had decided to jettison East Pakistan and also because it was inept beyond belief with some very strange notions.

Hashim, who has since been released, has turned pacifist but he still believes that Kashmir should be independent of both India and Pakistan, a position no patriotic Kashmiri differs with. It is time Kashmir stopped being treated as a choice piece of real estate by the two states.

This entry was posted on Friday, April 11th, 2003 at 8:44 am .

Was the hijack staged
Pakistan has consistently alleged that this hijack was staged by Indian intelligence agencies. Soon after the hijack, India banned all Pakistani flights over its airspace. This meant that the distance between West and East Pakistan became three times the orginal distance and thus made it more difficult for Pakistan to transfer resources from West to East. It may have played its part in the overall outcome of the war.

The aircraft was hijacked by two Kashmiris, Butt and Hashim Quereshi. One of them was a Border Security Force man. What made the affair curious was the fact that Ganga was one of the oldest aircraft in the Indian Airline fleet and was already withdrawn from service but was re-inducted days before the 'hijack'. Even more tellingly, a deputy inspector general of the BSF based in Jammu, bristling at the involvement of one of his men in hijack, had gone public to say that he had objected to the induction of Butt into the BSF but was overruled by a 'higher intelligence agency'. (Source)

From the prima facie , it does appears that the hijack was staged by Indian intelligence agencies. In hindsight it appears to be clever plan that worked perfectly. Though there are some unanswered questions. Like why was Quereshi arrested by Indians when he returned back to India.

hmm...nice piece of article...thanks for sharing...I missed the context though..
Now since you have shared the article,I just want to ask a question,"Why Pakistan had to destroy the plane???"
I never thought I will come down to the level of answering to these Fanatics from BD. But I couldn;t control myself
Dude let Zakir say whatever he wants, but what's the point of you pulling off a Zakir!

The first structure I think a memorial to those martyred in liberation war against Pakistan. Let's not disrespect it.

Thanks for the info post edited. I thought it is for Bengali Language. never the less, they should have put a little more effort into that monument.
Even without a Farakka, Calcutta Port could have survived. It could have been saved by taking advantage of moon tides that nature has bestowed the Bay of Bengal. Quite a small barrage could have been built in the Vagirothi a few km upstream of Calcutta port. And another somewhere at a suitably located place across the mouth of Vagirothy near BoB.

Both the barrages could have been provided with a required number of sluice gates. A provision of a large gate at the downstream barrage would have made it possible for large ships to tresspass.

Spring tide in the BoB is about (Mean Sea Level + 5 metre). Sea water could have been kept at this level inside the two barrages throughout the year. Ships waiting at far in the BoB could have entered or exited during the spring moon tides, when the levels of water both inside and outside the downstream barrage would become same.

In this way, India could have saved the two countries from the poison of mutual distrust at no additional cost to itself.

Sorry but you seem to unaware of how a port works. No ship will be waiting for unpredictable tide to come when they can always unload themselves at ports in Orisha and Tamilnadu.
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