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ULFA urges Dhaka to 'stop crackdown’

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I never thought I will come down to the level of answering to these Fanatics from BD. But I couldn;t control myself

Thanks for the info post edited. I thought it is for Bengali Language. never the less, they should have put a little more effort into that monument.

It's all the same, Bengalis place their language on a personal high pedestal.

Look you gotto learn more about Zakir before taking his view as that of Bangladesh. He is a non-Bengali who has his family in West-Pakistan and currently staying in US. His opinion means literally a ****.
Pakistan News Service, December 28, 1999

RAW agent on board seized Airbus, says FO__Indian HC phone lines not disconnected : FP

ISLAMABAD - Foreign office spokesman Tariq Altaf Monday claimed that a RAW agent was aboard the hijacked Indian airlines now stranded at the Kandahar airport.

"A reliable source just informed us that "RAW agent was on aboard the aircraft you can make your own conclusions," said the foreign office spokesman at a news briefing here on Monday. The spokesman refused to give any detail about the disclosure, saying "the identity of the RAW agent would be made public in due course of time." There is a considered opinion among the officials circles here that India has engineered the hijacking drama in order to defame Pakistan's new leadership, especially in the context of expected visit of President Clinton to South Asia, Tariq Altaf added.

"Now as Pakistan seems to have moved in the direction of signing the CTBT, the New Delhi is set about raising new "phantoms of terrorism" by the so-called Islamic fundamentalists in order to sabotage the possibility that Clinton might come to Pakistan as well," he maintained. Asked to comment on some of the information and statements attributed to the hijackers, the spokesman said "nobody knows who are the hijackers, their demands and identity are so far a mystery and no one can say anything with certainty."

Tariq Altaf said Pakistan had no sympathy with any desperate individual's act. "We condemn terrorism no matter what nationalities of the hijackers are." The spokesman said Indian government Monday had requested for an overfly of an airbus on its way to Kandahar which was immediately given. "So far, according to our information, the Indian plane has not yet left New Delhi."

On Sunday also, he said, the Indian authorities had sought permission for the overfly of an airbus with a capacity of 179 passengers. He said the Indian government had informed that the aircraft would enter into Pak territory at 1215 hours and exit at Zhob on its way to Kandahar. "Surprisingly no Indian aircraft went to Kandahar," he informed. On the other hand, he said, Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee Sunday said that his country had not requested for overflying.

Tariq Altaf said Pakistan was deeply concerned over the increasing tense situation developing in Kandahar. He expressed full sympathy on behalf of government of Pakistan with the sad plight of the hostages of the plane.

"The government of India appears to be least active," he said, adding the Afghan government had publicly invited Indian government to send its delegation to resolve the crisis. The United Nations had sent its delegation to Kandahar but Indian government did not give it negotiating mandate, he regretted.

Responding to a question about the reports that Russia had called for a meeting of the UN Security Council on the issue, Tariq Altaf said," we hope the Security Council will call on India to immediately send a delegation to Kandahar and resolve crisis." The spokesman regretted that India has unleashed a vilification campaign against Pakistan instead of making efforts for the release of hostages. "They are trying to establish some sort of nexus between Pakistan, Afghan government and so-called Islamic fundamentalism." He said the hijacking of the plane seemed to be the part of Indian ploy to malign Pakistan. Meanwhile, a spokesman of Foreign office in a statement on Monday took a strong exception to the Indian Media's report that the telephone lines of the Indian High Commission in Islamabad have been cut by the authorities.

The Spokesman said, " malicious lie on the Indian media is that the telephone lines of the Indian High Commission in Islamabad have been cut by the authorities. This is completely false, indeed ridiculous. The lines are intact," he added. He said the latest twist to the Indian canard of Pakistan's involvement in the Indian Airlines plane's hijacking is the announcement by the Indian media of the names of four so-called Pakistani nationals.

"Curiously the Indian media which has regularly announced the number of the people of various
nationalities on board the aircraft has in the last four days never mentioned the presence of any Pakistani among them."

The Indian media is also alleging that the delay caused by the Pakistani authorities in granting over-flight permission to the Indian aircraft headed to Kandahar resulted in the cancellation of the flight.

This is a false allegation. A verbal Indian request for flight clearance was received on telephone at noon. The flight clearance was immediately granted. Subsequently, the Indians sent a written request as required by the rules including the necessary particulars two hours later to which a written permission was granted immediately", the statement added.

I will address the part that you have marked bold.Since you highlighted it,you must have a pretty good reason for that.
Just a few questions....
If the reliable source gave such information,then why on earth it is not out in the open???Who is this reliable source??Why did the spokesman refuse to give any further information??
Sorry my friend..all these seemed pure allegations to me and that too in an utterly baseless manner.Why go on telling everybody that you own a Ferrari if you don't actually have one??Someone is going to find out after all.
Dear nForce & Abir,

I request you please donnot ask any more querry to me on this matter. What I read, what I got I posted hear. Wheather there was RAW's involvement or not I donnot know.

hmm..moment of truth....

" Char nare bhai char,bhool kore bhai ashe chilam amra gacher tule, taina bole, hetai ashe emon gadhao ache".


Pardon my inability to understand the wit.I would like you to explain what do you mean....
Look you gotto learn more about Zakir before taking his view as that of Bangladesh. He is a non-Bengali who has his family in West-Pakistan and currently staying in US. His opinion means literally a ****.

Is is true Zakir bhai? BTW, if you are from Pakistani origin then why you have headache for BD, don't know why Indians cann't understand that. I would not use BD flag if I had PK origin like you, lol.
hmm...nice piece of article...thanks for sharing...I missed the context though..
Now since you have shared the article,I just want to ask a question,"Why Pakistan had to destroy the plane???"

"Pakistan ke jeggasha koren". You asked prove from me,whatever I got I have posted, now you conclude ! Since you asked for it, I searched and you know what, " Kechu khur te sap ber hoi geche, ami echon khotai palai, amake Calcattai jaiga deben !".

" Oi je ekta kotha achena", what Bengal thinks today, India (Indian Subcontinent less Bengal) think tomorrow.

"Pakistani der tu abar matha besi goram, amra tu abar udersate 25 boshur ek shate chilam, ami abar chuto belai onik din Pakistane chilam, ekta golpo boli, ami tukhon class three te pori, Pakistane Nosherate 1965 sale, tukhon Pesheware onek bharotio fighter plane ashtu, bomb phelar jonno, dekte obosho bhalu lagtu, jokhon schoole jetam, tara bultu, bangalee babu iaya, morge churake laiya, morne mara puncha, bangalee bangia gunja, amar tukon bhishon rag hotu".
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Is is true Zakir bhai? BTW, if you are from Pakistani origin then why you have headache for BD, don't know why Indians cann't understand that. I would not use BD flag if I had PK origin like you, lol.

Lots of West Pakistanis moved to East Pakistan after 1947, they should be taken as Bangladeshi if they want to be known as such. Anyway Iajduni told so in one of the threads.

I don't care a sh1t about where Zakir has his roots, but he should refrain talking on behalf of Bengalis when he is not Bengali to begin with. These subservient types not only bringing bad names for BD but for Bengalis as a whole.
"Pakistan ke jeggasha koren". You asked prove from me,whatever I got I have posted, now you conclude ! Since you asked for it, I searched and you know what, " Kechu khur te sap ber hoi geche, ami echon khotai palai, amake Calcattai jaiga deben !".

:lol::lol:It was nice talking to you.

"Jokhon mon kore tokhoni Kolkata aste paren."Its one of the oldest cities in the region with a rich history.We have an apartment at Jadavpur and nobody is using it these days...
Lots of West Pakistanis moved to East Pakistan after 1947, they should be taken as Bangladeshi if they want to be known as such. Anyway Iajduni told so in one of the threads.

I don't care a sh1t about where Zakir has his roots, but he should refrain talking on behalf of Bengalis when he is not Bengali to begin with. These subservient types not only bringing bad names for BD but for Bengalis as a whole.

1. If he was born and raised in BD up to at least 20 years then he is completely aware of Bangladeshi cultures. No need to have 100 years to be a Bangladeshi or to know the cultures. There are thousand of Bangladeshis like him - that I have seen.

2. And about subservient part: it's his choice - not any submissive attitude. If he feels any culture superior than Bangali culture then he can like that. As like you Indians follow the westerns in Bollywood movies. LoL, your GoI has allowed same-sex marriage and live-together in your society. What a subservient of the west the whole India is!

3. So there is nothing be subservient - this is completely personal choice.
It's all the same, Bengalis place their language on a personal high pedestal.

Look you gotto learn more about Zakir before taking his view as that of Bangladesh. He is a non-Bengali who has his family in West-Pakistan and currently staying in US. His opinion means literally a ****.

ok cool. So are Tamils..

People with false flags/identity should get a life!
1. If he was born and raised in BD up to at least 20 years then he is completely aware of Bangladeshi cultures. No need to have 100 years to be a Bangladeshi or to know the cultures. There are thousand of Bangladeshis like him - that I have seen.

2. And about subservient part: it's his choice - not any submissive attitude. If he feels any culture superior than Bangali culture then he can like that. As like you Indians follow the westerns in Bollywood movies. LoL, your GoI has allowed same-sex marriage and live-together in your society. What a subservient of the west the whole India is!

3. So there is nothing be subservient - this is completely personal choice.

Look I don't have any problem of him and you feeling whatever culture superior than yours. But speak in a context of Bangladesh's, not of Bengal's.

We West Bengalis are a proud race and there's no dearth of reasons to be so .
Lots of West Pakistanis moved to East Pakistan after 1947, they should be taken as Bangladeshi if they want to be known as such. Anyway Iajduni told so in one of the threads.

I don't care a sh1t about where Zakir has his roots, but he should refrain talking on behalf of Bengalis when he is not Bengali to begin with. These subservient types not only bringing bad names for BD but for Bengalis as a whole.

Abir, you are completely wrong, it may only .o1% that too many of them were killed during liberation war. Rather at present near about 25 lacs of Bengalee origin are settled in Pakistan. Thanks to Pakistan.
1. If he was born and raised in BD up to at least 20 years then he is completely aware of Bangladeshi cultures. No need to have 100 years to be a Bangladeshi or to know the cultures. There are thousand of Bangladeshis like him - that I have seen.

2. And about subservient part: it's his choice - not any submissive attitude. If he feels any culture superior than Bangali culture then he can like that. As like you Indians follow the westerns in Bollywood movies. LoL, your GoI has allowed same-sex marriage and live-together in your society. What a subservient of the west the whole India is!

3. So there is nothing be subservient - this is completely personal choice.

What you exactly mean by Indians following western culture and you Bangladeshis do not follow? Can you explain?

BTW, allowing homosexuality is a part of growing up as a nation and society. Weather we like it or not, it happens and will happen every where. There is no point in hiding it behind a so called superior culture. Indians have realized it.
Abir, you are completely wrong, it may only .o1% that too many of them were killed during liberation war. Rather at present near about 25 lacs of Bengalee origin are settled in Pakistan. Thanks to Pakistan.

It could be, I'm not very informative of BD's demography.

The info about Zakir was provided by your countryman.
1. If he was born and raised in BD up to at least 20 years then he is completely aware of Bangladeshi cultures. No need to have 100 years to be a Bangladeshi or to know the cultures. There are thousand of Bangladeshis like him - that I have seen.

2. And about subservient part: it's his choice - not any submissive attitude. If he feels any culture superior than Bangali culture then he can like that. As like you Indians follow the westerns in Bollywood movies. LoL, your GoI has allowed same-sex marriage and live-together in your society. What a subservient of the west the whole India is!

3. So there is nothing be subservient - this is completely personal choice.

Brief interjection:

Allowing same-sex marriages is not being 'subservient to the West', but is extremely rational, to ensure that people who are born a certain way and which they can do nothing about, are allowed to live a decent life instead of being demonized and victimized, rather than forced to become hypocrites and get into 'doomed-to-failure' heterosexual marriages.

Thanks for your time, you can now continue your discussion.
Brief interjection:

Allowing same-sex marriages is not being 'subservient to the West', but is extremely rational, to ensure that people who are born a certain way and which they can do nothing about, are allowed to live a decent life instead of being demonized and victimized, rather than forced to become hypocrites and get into 'doomed-to-failure' heterosexual marriages.

Thanks for your time, you can now continue your discussion.

That's why we are very different. Always different. What you think right, we think that wrong. We are different from our knowing, base and beliefs. Same-sex is prohibited by the almighty -that's all. No confined-thinking human logic is enough to justify that homosexuality is right.
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