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ULFA urges Dhaka to 'stop crackdown’

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hmm..moment of truth....

Pardon my inability to understand the wit.I would like you to explain what do you mean....

You know a fox is very clever animal. The golpo starts like this, one day a fox(sheyel) was by passing a big tree (amra gach) and halted there for some time. Suddenly he saw a "mou chak" on the branch of the tree, by seeing this " tar mukhe pani chule ashe", he thought one day on the the night of "amaborsho" the day there will be lot of "mudhu" he will come and teste the "mudhu". So the day came and silently he gave "chubol" on the "mou chak" by seeing this the "mou machi" started telling "rat dupure ghorer bhitur kere" started biting the "sheyel", now once all the "mou machi" started biting him he started shouting,

" Char nare bhai char,bhool kore bhai ashe chilam amra gacher tule, taina bole, hetai ashe emon gadhao ache".
Bujechen janab !:victory::victory::victory:
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Peacefull, why you have brought this homo-sex in this forum ! Was it really necessary here ?
Err.......homosexuality is not a western concept,it exists in nature

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

couples living-together is their choice.

That's why your knowledge is limited and you are confined in your thinking only. Every animal and bad nature is found in human but the creator has gave us knowledge and shown us way to live. Animal can eat other animal when it's hungry. Can you do the same thing when the creator has made you as the most intel animal? He gave you knowledge to distinguish the right and wrong, the beast-animal nature and wise-human nature. He made you different that any other animals. So think like a wise as you were made as the most wise animal.
That's why we are very different. Always different. What you think right, we think that wrong. We are different from our knowing, base and beliefs. Same-sex is prohibited by the almighty -that's all. No confined-thinking human logic is enough to justify that homosexuality is right.

You need to look up the meaning of confine from any good dictionary and edit that signature of yours as well.
Peacefull, why you have brought this homo-sex in this forum ! Was it really necessary here ?

WHAT????? ME? :woot: :eek: :no:

2. And about subservient part: it's his choice - not any submissive attitude. If he feels any culture superior than Bangali culture then he can like that. As like you Indians follow the westerns in Bollywood movies. LoL, your GoI has allowed same-sex marriage and live-together in your society. What a subservient of the west the whole India is!

I was responding to his post (bolded part)

:frown: :angry:
Peacefull, why you have brought this homo-sex in this forum ! Was it really necessary here ?

It was brought by not peacefull but your countryman to somehow prove India subscribing westerns culture.
That's why your knowledge is limited and you are confined in your thinking only. Every animal and bad nature is found in human but the creator has gave us knowledge and shown us way to live. Animal can eat other animal when it's hungry. Can you do the same thing when the creator has made you as the most intel animal? He gave you knowledge to distinguish the right and wrong, the beast-animal nature and wise-human nature. He made you different that any other animals. So think like a wise as you were made as the most wise animal.

I believe in evolution,
besides my argument is Homo-sexuals are different by orientation ,why force them to be straight,just leave them to settle among their kind.

Anyway,as my points are off-topic,just ignore them and carry-on with our discussion.
That's why your knowledge is limited and you are confined in your thinking only. Every animal and bad nature is found in human but the creator has gave us knowledge and shown us way to live. Animal can eat other animal when it's hungry. Can you do the same thing when the creator has made you as the most intel animal? He gave you knowledge to distinguish the right and wrong, the beast-animal nature and wise-human nature. He made you different that any other animals. So think like a wise as you were made as the most wise animal.

Genius, it's not about thinking wise but to allow the co-existence of whatever sexual preference one has as long as she/he is not becoming a nuisance to anyone else.

The keyword here is co-existence, which I guess a whole new concept to folks like you.
It's said by Darwin that we evolved from monkey. My question is if human can build cars, buildings, machines and what not, then why a monkey cannot make a single cup of tea. Did the intelligence of a monkey's brain evolved suddenly from zero to 100 in human brain? Why there is no trace of any fossil or bone of any intermediary animal from monkey to human, where even dragon's fossil has been found? And why human is not evolving to any other animal now?
Genius, it's not about thinking wise but to allow the co-existence of whatever sexual preference one has as long as she/he is not becoming a nuisance to anyone else.

The keyword here is co-existence, which I guess a whole new concept to folks like you.

LoL, go and believe in co-exist with anything, e.g monkey/donkey, and get infected by HIV. Stop BS.
It's said by Darwin that we evolved from monkey. My question is if human can build cars, buildings, machines and what not, then why a monkey cannot make a single cup of tea. Did the intelligence of a monkey's brain evolved suddenly from zero to 100 in human brain? Why there is no trace of any fossil or bone of any intermediary animal from monkey to human, where even dragon's fossil has been found? And why human is not evolving to any other animal now?

Wait for just 250,000 years.. you will get the answer.
Oh God.. There are some Homophobes here!

Homophobes are either ignorant or homosexuals themselves
trying to hige their sexuality by hating it (internalized homophobia). Here in US, a person is considered to be out of closet the moment he makes a homophobic statement.:rolleyes:

Homophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's said by Darwin that we evolved from monkey. My question is if human can build cars, buildings, machines and what not. Then why cannot monkey make a single cup of tea. Did the intelligence of a monkey's brain evolved suddenly from zero to 100 in human brain? Why there is no trace of any fossil or bone of any intermediary animal from monkey to human, where even dragon's fossil has been found? And why human is not evolving to any other animal now?

Am I supposed to give you a lesson on evolution now? For starter, according to Darwin, Humans ain't evolved from monkeys but Humans and apes share a common ancestry. But don't mix this up with you lots sharing roots with middle-easterns, that's not evolution but an obvious case of perpetual identity-crisis.

Akmal here is the prove of my previous statement as to why knowing English shouldn't be a measure of someone's knowledge.
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