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Ukraine has lost almost its entire Navy, 54 out of 67 ships are belong to us

Even the Georgians put up a fight (if tht can be called one) ... Ukrainians? surrendered singing a song..
It was more like fighting retreat by the georgian side... the fact that Russians suffered losses was a result of their own lack of organization and lack of logistical support. That's why they've been trying to procure mistrals from france.
ukraine already lost their strategic port to Russia with Russia took over Ukraine old Soviet ships wouldn't make any different. Ukraine lost their land more costly compare to couple of rust out naval ship..
I agree, but what I find more interesting is the fact that most ukrainian soldiers defected. I mean it's one thing to be a coward, another thing to be a traitor. People don't do these things without a reason.
Last time i checked Crimea was part of Ukraine, therefore not an internal matter. is it your hate against the west and Turks that makes you blind or what?
His lack of brain cells rather.. What an imbecile
Russians have defended Crimea with their blood against the advancing German forces during the WWII. They have every right to annex her back, with force, if necessary.
i don't think that's how international treaties and agreements work like. as far as i know Ukrainian people in general didn't invite Russians to come over and give them Crimea and their ships, did they? this is pure opportunistic aggression.
It was more like fighting retreat by the georgian side... the fact that Russians suffered losses was a result of their own lack of organization and lack of logistical support. That's why they've been trying to procure mistrals from france.

I agree, but what I find more interesting is the fact that most ukrainian soldiers defected. I mean it's one thing to be a coward, another thing to be a traitor. People don't do these things without a reason.

His lack of brain cells rather.. What an imbecile

Oh well, great power used small nation as a pawn for their power game. Same shit in different century nothing will ever change.
Ukrainians can all speak Russian. In the east and the south, they are anti fascist. In fact, over 16,000 out of the 18,000 Ukrainian soldiers stationed in Crimea joined the Russian military. One day in the not too distant future, these soldiers be the vanguard to capture the fascists in Kiev and bring the fascists to justice. 8-)

international media/sources say otherwise.
Chinese people have tan skin, dark hair and eyes. They are adapted to warm climates. China is where they like to live. They do not need nor want Russian lands in the north. Too cold. Russians have fair skin, light hair and eyes. They are adapted to the north. China and Russia will forever be best friends. :victory: I am of Chinese descent.
you are either a kid or really ignorant. China and Russians had many beef with each other in the past. Soviet Union even tried and did carve out an independent East Turkestan in China. I'd like to see China try to expand more to the west into central asia, see how relations will sour with Russia then. you are too optimistic.
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you are either a kid or really ignorant. China and Russians had many beef with each other in the past. Russia even tried and did carve out an independent East Turkestan in China. I'd like to see China try to expand more to the west into central asia, see how relations will sour with Russia then. you are too optimistic.

Nonsense. China and Russia have no beef. All of their border disputes have been settled. They are members of the powerful BRICS alliance, the most powerful in the world. :yes4: China has Xinjiang which is bigger than Iran. It is enough and China do not want any more territory except Taiwan and South Tibet.
I don't hate west or turkey but yes I dislike certain policies of western governments. Constantinople was not part of turkey it was taken by war by Ottoman empire what justification do you have for snatching it...so don't come complaining about russians when you did alot during ottoman empire wars.
different eras, different rules. would you like India claiming Pakistani ground as in pre-partition India? then they are also justified to get their land back? in this era this kind of acts is just not done, its only because Russia can't be countered now, otherwise a smaller nation was already condemned and probably punished internationally.
I can post turkish members various posts and than you'll say may God help us so I have reasons why I penned down what i said above for this particular thread...
People don't like you because you fancy yourself an analyst, you act high and mighty like you know it all, but you don't know jack shit about the subjects you talk of. Yet you don't ask questions, you're just blasting out whatever ideas you got with your limited understanding.

You simply suck dude. Sooner you understand that, and humble yourself, better for everyone. I don't like making personal posts like this because well, I don't give a shit about people. Please don't force me to make more of these.

You are so empty I don't even read your posts, why admins let you pollute the forum like this, I have no idea.
Nonsense. China and Russia have no beef. All of their border disputes have been settled. They are members of the powerful BRICS alliance, the most powerful in the world. :yes4: China has Xinjiang which is bigger than Iran. It is enough and China do not want any more territory except Taiwan and South Tibet.
that's what i mean, too optimistic and naive. I am sure Russia's politics towards China is only cordial, not that of a real ally.
Another clueless fanboy... we have more German submarines than Germany itself.
Go do your homework. Turkey is still the biggest naval power in Black Sea.

Why are you picking on Russians when Turkey itself is under American protection?

If we boot you out of NATO, Russian troop can easily roll into Turkey and take over the whole place in a day. Behave and do not cause any trouble for us.
i don't think that's how international treaties and agreements work like. as far as i know Ukrainian people in general didn't invite Russians to come over and give them Crimea and their ships, did they? this is pure opportunistic aggression.
You are right but it is called might is right. Were Europe/US invited by the countries when they meddled in their matters? Who invited them to meddle in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now in Syria? They did that because they had power to do, Russia is doing it because she has power to do. Why complaining?
People don't like you because you fancy yourself an analyst, you act high and mighty like you know it all, but you don't know jack shit about the subjects you talk of. Yet you don't ask questions, you're just blasting out whatever ideas you got with your limited understanding.

You simply suck dude. Sooner you understand that, and humble yourself, better for everyone. I don't like making personal posts like this because well, I don't give a shit about people. Please don't force me to make more of these.

I don't care what people think of me but you are in no position to say what people think so far no one else has said they dislike me disagreement is something different. I know all the jack shyt about it now you are getting angry because i reminded what ottoman empire did but you can't digest about russians. I ask you again you have reservations on what russians are doing but it was all ok for ottomon empire to snatch by war the now tagged "Istanbul" what justification do you give?
Why are you picking on Russians when Turkey itself is under American protection?

If we boot you out of NATO, Russian troop can easily roll into Turkey and take over the whole place in a day. Behave and do not cause any trouble for us.
Duh, this is called an alliance, we cover American asses on more occasions than you can imagine. We can hold our own, only thing we completely rely on NATO is the nuclear umbrella. You need to spend some time reading Turkish section of the forum, you've no idea what capabilities we have.

@Luftwaffe dude, I can't even read all your bullshit. Too god damn boring and empty. Can't you just go play with someone else?
You are right but it is called might is right. Were Europe/US invited by the countries when they meddled in their matters? Who invited them to meddle in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Panama, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and now in Syria? They did that because they had power to do, Russia is doing it because she has power to do. Why complaining?
why complaining? maybe because Russia is up to something? because i am against Russia's policies doesnt mean that i am pro-US or something. I dislike certain western countries and their policies just as much as Russia's policies. Russia is a neighbour, so of course we have a right to talk about it. plus there are Crimean Tatars, our brethren, in Crimea, another point of concern. But for some south Asian people Russia's actions are nothing but positive, just because they are against the West. As if a Russian hegemony instead of US hegemony would make much difference for the world in the end.
Duh, this is called an alliance, we cover American asses on more occasions than you can imagine. We can hold our own, only thing we completely rely on NATO is the nuclear umbrella. You need to spend some time reading Turkish section of the forum, you've no idea what capabilities we have.

Luftwaffe dude, I can't even read all your bullshit. Too god damn boring and empty

And the BS you people are coming with against russians please spare us and answer you snatch lands from others it is ok but point finger at others...
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