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Turkmenistan Armed Forces

Building up on Brutas question regarding the strongest military's in C Asia I would also like to know whether there have been any military engagements in which C Asian countries have participated? Its all good having great equipment but is the Turkmen military for example battle tested?


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Even if you are politically neutral you cant leave your security to others goodwill, Switzerland was armed to teeth in WWII, Alps are full of Bunkers and Air defence weapons, every single citizen had a rifle at home from Army, even Hitler didnt dare to invade Switzerland while he wanted to unite German speaking countrys (Germany/Austria/Switzerland)
Switzerland has a population of 7 million but bunker capacity for 10 million.

Exsamples of secret Swiss bunker in Alps





u are right but remember to maintain the such large army need a lot of money and if we add cost of military equipment which turkmenistan need the the number become bigger relation between army and pocket of nation must be balanced

btw turkmenistan is not that much defenseless as u think they are i have seen photo of air force bunker they are similar to albanian air force bunker


about naval base i have seen it with google earth they base is just small base turkmenistan real base is located on northern part of Ogurja Ada

Ogurja Ada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which now goes under water

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!
u need to zoom alot to see the under water buildings

btw i think its a good idea for turkmenistan to join TAKM
u are right but remember to maintain the such large army need a lot of money and if we add cost of military equipment which turkmenistan need the the number become bigger relation between army and pocket of nation must be balanced
Yeah but dude Turkmenistan is a country thats distributing free gas to its citizens i think there is room for a little bit higher military budget, Azerbaijan rised it to 17% of GDP, im not saying you need that much but a little bit more wouldnt be bad, espacially in this region.
Building up on Brutas question regarding the strongest military's in C Asia I would also like to know whether there have been any military engagements in which C Asian countries have participated? Its all good having great equipment but is the Turkmen military for example battle tested?
turkmen.s.s.r air force and air defense shot several of iranian air force and helicopter this is one of the absolut us secret operation to test soviet union defenses i dont think u could find something in internet btw turkmen.s.s.r have experience of afghanistan war some of turkmen generals have experience of serving in Cuba


k2 mary and ashgabat air base used to attack afghanistan turkmenistan land force advance from kushka uzbkes termez

expect for tajikistan civil war there is no major conflict in central asia
Yeah but dude Turkmenistan is a country thats distributing free gas to its citizens i think there is room for a little bit higher military budget, Azerbaijan rised it to 17% of GDP, im not saying you need that much but a little bit more wouldnt be bad, espacially in this region.
i should add sanction on turkmenistan military could be an other reason for such low budget , i hop i could see the day army's number and budget grow
Who is imposing sanctions on Turkmenistan? :what:
western country do not sell any weaponry for cuz of human right in turkmenistan russians wont sell it too until they make turkmenistan army dependent on russia (this may change ) few month ago i read in website some politicians in south Africa blame/condemns gov for selling sniper rifle to turkmenistan it's pretty hard for them to buy weapens they most probably look to turkey iran and china to fix the needs of their army i have read about sanctions few month ago
western country do not sell any weaponry for cuz of human right in turkmenistan russians wont sell it too until they make turkmenistan army dependent on russia (this may change ) few month ago i read in website some politicians in south Africa blame/condemns gov for selling sniper rifle to turkmenistan it's pretty hard for them to buy weapens they most probably look to turkey iran and china to fix the needs of their army i have read about sanctions few month ago

uhhmmm , then how did you get the Eurocopter?
uhhmmm , then how did you get the Eurocopter?
there is monay ways to skip the sanctions iran for example their are expert on skipping sanctions any any case even in military ones u can search about google turkmenistan south Africa and sniper rifle

btw i just say what i read in internet
Yeah but dude Turkmenistan is a country thats distributing free gas to its citizens i think there is room for a little bit higher military budget, Azerbaijan rised it to 17% of GDP, im not saying you need that much but a little bit more wouldnt be bad, espacially in this region.

17% of government budget, not GDP (that is North Korean level lol).
Among Turkmenistan's military purchases in recent years, I can list these:

40 T-90S (10 in first batch and 30 in second)
6 Smerch
2 Molniya missile boat
8 YTKB patrol boat

BelGrad (Belarusian version of BM-21) and Smerch

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I knew this was a little bit too much. :ashamed:

Well whatever it is the bottom line is that Turks can't fight ! :whistle:

Otherwise @asena_great wouldn't be such a coward that he can't even muster the courage to ask the love of his life out on a date; come to think of it I think he did try to do just that last week but instead of calling her as 'Benim Sevgili' he called her 'Benim Abla' ? :o:
hahaha :lol:

Among Turkmenistan's military purchases in the last years, I can list these:

40 T-90S (10 in first batch and 30 in second)
6 Smerch
2 Molniya missile boat
8 YTKB patrol boat

BelGrad (Belarusian version of BM-21) and Smerch

but they are all russian / ex soviets it's normal to buy from them or turkey/iran/azerbijan but have u see any western country sell something to turkmenistan ? :what:

Well whatever it is the bottom line is that Turks can't fight ! :whistle:

Otherwise @asena_great wouldn't be such a coward that he can't even muster the courage to ask the love of his life out on a date; come to think of it I think he did try to do just that last week but instead of calling her as 'Benim Sevgili' he called her 'Benim Abla' ? :o:
Lo0o0o0oo00oo0L :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :lol::lol::lol::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

damn i worship your sense of humour :p:
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