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Turkiye has started the warning bombardment to Syria

USA killed people on your own soil what did you do? Think before you talk, the government was not bound to protect everyone and can't and also it wasn't a government or country official ship, it was volunteers, if an American goes to north Korea or some country and they kill them is America going to go to war? If Israel fired artillery INTO OUR OWN COUNTRY AND KILLED CIVILIAND I ASSURE YOU THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A RESPONSE.

Of course. I know the people feel differently. Our government has pretty much been hijacked by liberals who take money to let bombs drop on their people.

My feeling is that Israel should not have let off the hook so easily.

Syria is a country, that Turkey should not attack.

If anything let it implode. It's none of your worries.

Afterwards, Turkey can come and pick up the pieces.

Why waste resources on the inevitable?
Ok, those installations would be difficult to hit from sea, we still have SOM's naval variant under development. But;

1) Given the air superiority we have, It wouldn't be necessary to hit everything from surface.
2) We don't need to undertake amphibious landing operations while we have such a long border. Therefore we don't need to approach Syrian coastline.
3) I was talking about sinking Syrian ships by Type209 submarines we have. In retaliation to a mavi-marmara like attack which they have absolutely no way of defending themselves against.

Man, what about their formidable air defense, their multi thousand ballistic missiles arsenal. Anyway, as I said, Syrian army is much weaker after the revolution, no one could tell their real strength nowadays due to many factors. But I assure you that Syrian army was one of the strongest in the region before the revolution.
LegionnairE you are making all these for nothing, an ex airforce general on Habertürk made a one hour interview, they even showed equipment etc, it's very long but in short he said we can go to Damascus in 24 hours. - - he also spoke about Cyprus a naval operation when we had very little resources very little national products, a sanction meant that we couldn't even replace them at the time etc and how successful it was and we easily went in 24+ hours
well lets hope it does not turn out like the iraq iran war where iraq attacked after the islamic revolution in iran and iran really held it own.... syria is crossing limits with attacks but turkey went to war really fast lets just hope it wont become something full scale hate it when muslims fight muslims and turkey really has a more superior army then syria but things can be difficult and on top of it all if these attacks keep on coming assad can do a sadam and can quell the rebellion by turning the guns towards turkey

anyway i hope a peaceful solution can be reached bcz really dont like muslims killing muslims
Actualy he could had with the army they had before the revolution but as for now it's too weak.

Syrian Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Their illegal regime has very powerful coast defense systems.

Poor coast defence. You cant defence 1000 km coast with 2 systems, and missile system thats 50 years old ahahahah. Maybe the old system missile dont work...
LegionnairE you are making all these for nothing, an ex airforce general on Habertürk made a one hour interview, they even showed equipment etc, it's very long but in short he said we can go to Damascus in 24 hours. - - he also spoke about Cyprus a naval operation when we had very little resources very little national products, a sanction meant that we couldn't even replace them at the time etc and how successful it was and we easily went in 24+ hours

turkey is without a doubt more superior but so was iraq in iraq iran war but iran held it own you just never know it could be thta turkey may face both the army and the rebeliion united could stop the forces on ground after all even hezbullah stopped israel and israel was way above hezbullah thats why i am saying just dont take it into account bombardment aside i hope this wont become a full scale operation

Poor coast defence. You cant defence 1000 km coast with 2 systems, and missile system thats 50 years old ahahahah. Maybe the old system missile dont work...

russians did supply them with weaponry but i dont think that will be enough to stop turkey and take this into account america wants the regime taken down it may be that america and israel may support turkey
How tense is the current situation, is there any Turkish troop mobilization along Syrian border.

Syrian shell hit Turkish land today, as a response,Turkish army detroyed syri
an ammo dump in rasm el gazal
turkey is without a doubt more superior but so was iraq in iraq iran war but iran held it own you just never know it could be thta turkey may face both the army and the rebeliion united could stop the forces on ground after all even hezbullah stopped israel and israel was way above hezbullah thats why i am saying just dont take it into account bombardment aside i hope this wont become a full scale operation

True, If Turkey wanted to annihilate Syria, then it is not a problem.

However, If we are talking about ousting it could be very difficult.

Things would get messy and guerrilla warfare tactics could be used by many factions.

There would be many parties that would want to maintain their interests.


These will be the major players.

The only thing I don't understand is why the Turks want to get their hands dirty.
Things would get messy and guerrilla warfare tactics could be used by many factions.

thats what i am saying too this could help assad unite the rebellion and the army against a singular enemy this happened in the iraq iran war too with sadam who united shia and sunni against iran assad can do the same and these people have been guerrilla for quite a while now turkey can be stuck like iraq was in iran and even worse like america was in vietnam turkey can bomb damuscus but conquering i think will find that difficult and could will lead to many deaths
The only thing I don't understand is why the Turks want to get their hands dirty.

i ahve no idea they bombed yes it was big but the parliament just said to start a whole one year war i dont get it you really have to be pushed bcz war is not a childs play it cost money and lives even if they were to just launch air strikes syria will respond too and this could lead to deaths of people not too mention the airstrikes will cost alot of money why does a good economically growing and militarily turkey want to go to a war soo easily its like world war 1
True, If Turkey wanted to annihilate Syria, then it is not a problem.

However, If we are talking about ousting it could be very difficult.

Things would get messy and guerrilla warfare tactics could be used by many factions.

There would be many parties that would want to maintain their interests.


These will be the major players.

The only thing I don't understand is why the Turks want to get their hands dirty.

We don't I'm just gassing here and getting hyped but we should just sit and watch assads fall no need to waste resources
i ahve no idea they bombed yes it was big but the parliament just said to start a whole one year war i dont get it you really have to be pushed bcz war is not a childs play it cost money and lives even if they were to just launch air strikes syria will respond too and this could lead to deaths of people not too mention the airstrikes will cost alot of money why does a good economically growing and militarily turkey want to go to a war soo easily its like world war 1

It's not war, it's a parliament act that states army can do operation in other countries.
I would appreciate if anyone from Turkey can enlighten me on this news.

ANKARA- Turkish Yurt Newspaper said that the government of the Development and Justice Party has to take a neutral stance on the events in Syria instead of supporting the groups of the so-called the armed opposition.
"Turkey was inevitably affected by the events in Syria… so it was very necessary for it to adopt new polices and be aware that instigating others will bring nothing but more damages.. The Turkish government was wrong at seeing the whole region through a sectarian vision," Journalist Ali Sirmen wrote in an article published by the Newspaper.
He added that the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan was carrying out the policies of the US in Syria and the region, bearing the political and martial burden of this policy .
The Newspaper also revealed that the bomber which was used to launch the mortar on the Turkish Akcakale town is only used by NATO.
n an article by its Editor-in-Chief Merdan Yanardag, Yurt clarified that it had information from a reliable source saying that Turkey was the side which sent the mortars to the members of so-called ''the free army".
"Those information affirm that the Government of Erdogan's wrong policy was behind the falling of the mortar in the town that claimed the lives of 5 Turks." Yanaradag added.

Yurt Newspaper: Erdogan's government handed over the mortars to armed groups in Syria which shelled akcakale town
It's not war, it's a parliament act that states army can do operation in other countries.

thats a start of war in modern times doing operations is war ofocurse you will do airstrikes in sensitive places and syria will respond and then a full war will be started this is how it begins american wear in veitnam was also operations afghan war opertaions its how they fight now attacking is called operations
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