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Turkish Space Programs


@ATALAY what i asking is how many EO/multispectral satellites we need? How many Sar sats and EO/hyperspectral sats we need? Germany is operating 5 or 6 high res SAR satellites over a decade, And German intelligent agency is asking for its satellites? Mit should operate it's satellites like Mossad and CIA. Especially after 15 temmuz, There is no harm having more than one resource for such knowledge.

At least two - Always two -. They must be ‘in pairs’ to be able to benefit from an observation almost live 24/24.

When is expected first launch? Any timeline? Sorry, I don't follow the thread but would like to know.
Turkey's first domestic satellite enters test production phase


The Türksat-6A, Turkey's first ever fully homegrown national communication satellite project, has entered its prototype phase after successfully completing the design phase.

According to media reports, Minister of Science, Industry, and Technology Faruk Özlü and Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communications Minister Ahmet Arslan recently headed a meeting on the "TÜRKSAT-6A National Communication Satellite Development and Production," project.

The meeting was also attended by the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TÜBİTAK), Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), ASELSAN, and CTech officials. The latest developments in the TÜRKSAT-6A project were discussed at the meeting.

TÜBİTAK Uzay, the main contractor of the project, has successfully completed its design phase, initiated back in 2014. It will soon begin the prototype phase and produce a number of test models.

The financial support for the project came from the Transportation, Maritime Affairs, and Communications Ministry and state satellite operator, Türksat, while TUSAŞ, ASELSAN, CTech, and a number of local industrial organizations and universities provided technical support.

The prototype and testing phase of the TÜRSAT-6A will be completed by 2018 and the satellite is scheduled to be launched in 2020. The construction work for it is ongoing at TUSAŞ's Space Systems Integration and Testing Center (USET). The process is being carried out by Turkish engineers trained in France and Japan.

The TÜRKSAT-6A, unlike Turkey's previous communications satellites, will be the first to be fully developed and produced by Turkey, using local expertise and technology. The satellite's equipment, software, sub-systems and the ground stations, which will also be developed locally, will cost an estimated TL 600 million ($170 million).

The satellite, featuring 23 transponders in total (18 active and five spares), will have a mass of approximately 4,300 kilograms, including fuel. It will be placed in orbit at 42 degrees east longitude, and in addition to serving Turkey, it will also serve customers in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

By successfully placing the TÜRKSAT 6-A in orbit, where it will remain for 15 years, Turkey will join an elite group of 10 countries capable of producing telecommunications satellites. It will also decrease Turkey's current dependence on external producers and launchers of satellites.

Turkey's first domestic satellite enters test production phase

... By successfully placing the TÜRKSAT 6-A in orbit, where it will remain for 15 years, Turkey will join an elite group of 10 countries capable of producing telecommunications satellites. It will also decrease Turkey's current dependence on external producers and launchers of satellites.


No, not yet.

But I am impatient to see this day.

What are you fluffing about now?

To advance, you have to climb the steps one by one.

The ‘true reality’ is that you are more advanced on us of tens years. How can we help you right now ?

Technologically certainly not. We have just begun to learn how to make a few parts - Fuselage, wing, engine - of flying models of the 1980s (F-15, UH-60 Black Hawk...). Like you at the very beginning with the F-16.

So we can only encourage you and advance sufficiently to help you as soon as possible within 20 years, 30 years.

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Ku-Band,X-Band Communication Payload and its critical subsystems are being developed by ASELSAN indigenously for Turkey’s first national communications satellite TÜRKSAT- 6A.

Ku-Band Turkey Antenna

Ku-Band Turkey Antenna is a shaped beam Gregorian Satellite Antenna used for receiving Ku-band uplink signals sent from Turkey coverage area. Turkey Antenna is also responsible of transmission of downlink signal to the Turkey coverage area.

Ku-Band ONET

Ku-Band ONET is used for multiplexing and switching of downlink channels.

Ku-Band INET

Ku-band INET is responsible of multiplexing Ku-band uplink signal respecting the channel frequency bands and also INET is responsible of channel switching at the input stage.

Ku-Band Receiver

Ku-Band receiver is tasked for amplification of the received uplink signal and downconversion to the downlink frequency band.


X-Band Communication Payload and DOCON-L which is one of its critical units are being developed by ASELSAN indigenously.
X-Band DOCON-L performs frequency down-conversion, channel amplification and harmonic filtering functions on the X-Band signal.

Payload Interface Unit (PIU)

Payload Interface Unit (PIU) is the on-board equipment used for relaying telecommands received from on-board computer to the Ku-band and X-band equipment respecting to the equipment interface. PIU is also tasked for collecting telemetries from the Ku-band and X-Band Payload equipment and sending them to on-board computer.


To fulfill the requirements on extremely high frequency and being reliable against electronic warfare, ASELSAN develops on-board processing EHF payload for geosynchronous communication satellites,
Critical specifications are as follows;

  • On-Board Processing Payload Transponder
  • Extremely High Frequency
  • 2 spot beams

If Aselsan were not to be developing satellite systems, these components would have been sourced from Thales, Ruag and Rockwell Collins.

Other Satellite subsystems being developed Indigenously for TÜRKSAT- 6A;
  • Star and Sun Tracking module
  • Reaction wheel
  • Hall Effect Thruster
Has there been any recent updates on the satellite launcher development project?

I found this on twitter, Presumably, it is rocket engine by Turkish startup for Micro satellite launching system, Presumably, Similar to Momo launch vehicle of Japanese and Vector space.

I couldn't find anything concrete but If Someone can shed a light on this matter It would be much appreciated.
This was shared and discussed months ago...

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