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Turkish Space Programs


Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssss !!!!! :cheesy:

It's now - Göktürk 1 satellite acquisition signal in elliptical Orbit - ( 18:03:52 p.m., Ankara time - Monday, December 5, 2016) ! Congrat Tuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy !!!!! :cheesy:

One day Space Launch Vehicle. ;)

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Will Turkey finally launch space agency?
Turkey's efforts in the satellite space race have experienced turbulence over the years, but they got a boost with the recent launch of its Gokturk-1 satellite, which will meet the country’s civilian and military intelligence needs around the world.

Interesting article about how we're failing for years now to launch our own space agency because government and military cant agree on who should control/operate it.
ASELSAN uzaya çıktı
ASELSAN, uydu ve uzay teknolojisi konusundaki kabiliyetlerini uzayda test edecek. Bu amaçla ASELSAN Mikrodalga Modülleri, Japonya'dan fırlatılan araç ile Uluslararası Uzay İstasyonu'na gönderildi.


ASELSAN has been in Space
ASELSAN will test the capabilities of satellite and space technology in space. For this purpose, ASELSAN Microwave Modules were sent to the International Space Station (ISS) through a vehicle launched from Japan. (Google translate)
Guys, as far as I'm aware Turkey is trying to launch its own GPS kind of satelite positioning system.

Many other countries are too.
Like Japan or India, besides the already running GPS, the Russian GLONASS, Chinese Baidou and European Galileo.

Why dont we cooperate with Japan for example, instead of running and funding it on our own.
Guys, as far as I'm aware Turkey is trying to launch its own GPS kind of satelite positioning system.

Many other countries are too.
Like Japan or India, besides the already running GPS, the Russian GLONASS, Chinese Baidou and European Galileo.

Why dont we cooperate with Japan for example, instead of running and funding it on our own.

Turkey is trying to launch "Regional" positioning system which is intended to be use in Turkey and nearby countries (middle East and Balkans). Global positioning system would require more satellite which would make it economically not feasible for us. And designing with Countries like Japan or UK would mean sharing source code which would kill the purpose of such project. Only country I can think We can do this project is Azerbaijan. This project has no meaning if it isn't truly indeginous.

Why still no pic from gokturk 1
We won't see any pictures before Monday (19th). That's when control of satellite is gonna be given to Air Force.
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Guys, as far as I'm aware Turkey is trying to launch its own GPS kind of satelite positioning system.

Many other countries are too.
Like Japan or India, besides the already running GPS, the Russian GLONASS, Chinese Baidou and European Galileo.

Why dont we cooperate with Japan for example, instead of running and funding it on our own.

This is an excellent idea… ^ ^

No seriously, write to TAI's Space Systems Integration and Testing Center or Tubitak. Financially this is largely within reach of Turkey, more in a sharing of costs with Japan.

“Three satellites with different inclinations ensure permanent coverage over Japan. The complete system, comprising at least 4 satellites (including three operational), is to be deployed in the coming years (operational in 2018). The cost of this deployment is estimated at 1.3 billion euros. With a constellation of 7 satellites the system QZSS could provide a signal to do without the GPS but it would cost about 2 billion euros and this expense is difficult to envisage in the depressed economic environment in Japan.”

QZSS (Quasi Zenith Satellite System)

Quasi-Zenith Satellite-1 "MICHIBIKI"

Password Vimeo video : AdamaBattlestar

Continue… See old link :


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