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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

If something like this happened and we disgarched those because of terror supporting USA then

YPG is no better than ISIS aswell. Only difference is they dont use religion but ethnicity. They take people out their homes and kill innocent civilians.

@mike2000 is back Actually the difference is Ypg isn't killing US citizens like other terrorist organizations....

kaynak: eksisozluk.com

operasyonun 3. aşaması el-bab ı almak için harekete geçilecekler çok ilginç olaylar gerçekleşti.

1-sabah saatlerinde çoban bey 'e belirli sayıda (25 asker ve abd destekli gruplar deniliyor)abd özel birlikleri operasyona katılmak için gelmiş. 2- öso grupları abd özel birlikleri ile hareket etmeyi istememiş. abd özel birliklerini kovmuşlar. abd birlikleri türkiye'ye dönmüş 3- ne hikmetse abd öncülüğünde koalisyon uçakları "yanlışlıkla" kendilerini istemeyen öso gruplarını vurmuş 7 ölü17 yaralı deniliyor 4- tsk açıklamasında istek üzerine abd özel birliklerinin operasyona katıldığı,bombalama sonucu 5 işid üyesi ölmüş.

ve en kritik nokta son yazacağım.

5- 1-2 ufak örgüt dışında fırat kalkan'ı operasyonuna katılan öso üyesi örgütlerin çoğu, abd birlikleri operasyona katılacağı için fırat kalkan'ı operasyonundan çekilmişler. abd destekli guruplarda abd isteği üzerine çekilmişler. yani sonuç olarak. türkiye tankları ve 1-2 ufak öso üyesi örgüt dışında fırat kalkan'ı operasyonu devam ettirecek güç kalmadı.

burada bazı sorularımız,eleştirilerimiz ve öfkelerimiz olacak. yazalım.

1-anlaşılan abd nin yine büyük bir satışına geldiğimiz açıktır.

2-abd tsk nın güçsüz olduğunu ve bu kadar kısa sürede sınırı işid den temizleyeceğini ve sıranın dabıq,el-bab ve menbiçe bu kadar kısa sürede geleceğini tahmin edemedi. anlaşılan onların beklentisi, tsk cerablus ile uğraşırken alt ütan pyd ye yol vereceklerdi. tsk nin etkin hamlesi bunu boşa çıkardı.

3- bugün akçakale karşısındaki tel abyad da bazı binalara abd özel birlikleri konuşlanmış ve binalara abd bayrağı çekilmiş. türkiye yaklaşık 1 aydır akçakaleye yığınak yapıyordu. buradaki açık mesaj pyd benim korumam altımdadır, onlara saldırma. oysa türkiye tel abyada girip ilerlediği anda o koridor dedikleri zımbırtı bir daha birleşememek üzere 3 e ayrılır ve hikaye biterdi. ızin vermediler,vermeyecekler

4- 15 temmuzun arkasında olduğu iddia edilen, suriye'nin bu hale gelmesinde ki en büyük suçluların başında gelen,ortadoğu'da türkiye'ye en büyük tuzağı kuran abd ile bu operasyonda müttefik olmak ne kadar doğrudur. hazır rusya suriye ve iran ile ortamı yumuşatmış,onların bilgisi ile bu operasyona başlamışken abd yi neden sahil edersiniz.

5- belli ki abd tercihini pyd den yana yaptı. onlara müdahalemize izin vermeyecekler.menbiçten çekildiler diy yalan söylüyorlar. ve ne yaptı ettiler başarılı giden operasyonu bozdular. bu saatten sonra iki seçenek var. ya bil fiil tsk askeriyle oraya müdahele edecek ki bu adeta abd nin kara kuvveti olmamız anlamına gelir, yada operasyonu bitirip elde ettiklerimizi savunacağız bu da abd ve pyd ye istediklerini verir. hazır işid çoğu yeri boşaltıp rakkaya çekilmişken meydan onlara kalacak. koridor devlet özerk yapı ne isterlerse kavuşacaklar.

6-bir lafta o operasyondan çekilen yada çekildiği iddia edilen hainlere. ulan hainler 2-3 yıl önce abd,katar,suudi desteği ile işide karşı savaşmıyormuydunuz.silahınızı topunuzu tüfeğinizi bunlar vermiyormuydu. attığınız mermi giydiğiniz kıyafette onların izi yokmuydu. şimdi ne oldu da türkiye'yi sattınız. neymiş abd operasyona niye katılıyormuş. bu bahaneye ancak çocuklar inanır.

maalesef durum öyle bir kritik hal aldı ki. bu saatten sonra operasyonu bitirip çekilmek, düşmanı azdırmaktan başka bir işe yaramaz.birazcık düzelmeye başlayan tsk,halk siyaset üzerinde ki morali düşürür. operasyonu yarım bırakmakla o bölgeyi eskisinden çok daha savunmasız ve pyd ye açık hale sokmuş olunur. görünen o ki eğer bu zaman ve şartlarda suriye'de o bölgeyi temizleyip,koridor olayını bitirip savunmazsak 3-5 yıla kılmaz diyarbakırı savunmak durumunda kalabiliriz. operasyona devam etmek ise bizim aslanlarımızın mehmetçiğimizin o bölgeye girmesi demek onların canına dişine tırnağına bu boktan çoğrafya yüzünden zarar gelmesi demek.belki ilerde aleyhimize kullanılacak uluslarası anlaşmaları ihlal demek. kaç zamandır abd nin istediği kara gücü olmamız demek. pyd nin işidir tüm tepkisini üzerimize çekmek demek.

çok zor bir süreç. çok zor bir durum. allah ülkeyi yönetenlere yardım etsin,yol göstersin. vatanımızı milletimizi korusun. çünkü geçen her zaman lehimize değil aleyhimize işliyor sanki.

Eksisozluk? thanks for posting terrorist source.
. .
USA and Nato bombed Syrian Army base in support of ISIL terrorists attack .
Now when will the USA stop supporting shia and sunni Jihadists ?


Makes no sense. It was probably a mistake as there is no reason for the U.S coalition to target Syrian army bases. If we wanted to do that we would have done that years ago when Assad was still .alignment news 24, hours a day for killing civilians .
Note that this airstrike was carried out by U S COALITION, so it could be U.S, U.K or France who carried out these strikes.
So too early to blame one side . Must have been a mistake as pentagon spokesman said recently.

Moscow, Damascus accuse US -led Coalition of bombing Strange army.

A US-led coalition airstrike may have killed scores of Syrian army soldiers, the Pentagon said. The attack comes as a fragile ceasefire in the country has largely held for five days.

US-led coalition warplanes struck Syrian army positions on Saturday near the Deir el-Zour airport in eastern part of the war torn country, according to Syrian and Russian military officials, in a claim later confirmed by the United States.

"Warplanes from the international anti-jihadi coalition made of mainly of the U.S, U.K and France carried out four airstrikes today against Syrian forces surrounded by the Islamic State group in the Deir el-Zour air base," the Russian army said in a statement.

"Sixty-two Syrian soldiers were killed and a hundred others were injured in these strikes," it added.

US offiicials later said they may have accidently hit Syrian military positions while targeting IS but halted the attack when informed by Russia that the airstrikes may have hit the Syrian army.

"Coalition forces believed they were striking a Daesh fighting position," the Pentagon said in a statement, using another name for IS. "The coalition airstrike was halted immediately when coalition officials were informed by Russian officials that it was possible the personnel and vehicles targeted were part of the Syrian military."

It would be the first time US-led coalition warplanes are known to have hit the Syrian army in nearly two years of airstrikes against IS.

Russia said two F-16s and A-10 jets entered Syrian airspace from Iraq.

The attack comes on the fifth day of a fragile US-Russia brokered ceasefire between Syrian regime aligned forces and various rebel factions that has largely held despite violations on both sides.

Moscow said if the airstrikes were an error then it was a reflection of Washington's refusal to coordinate with Russia against terrorist groups in Syria.

Why is aid not getting into Syria?
Under the terms of the shaky ceasefire, US and Russia are to coordinate against IS and other terrorist groups if the truce is successful and aid deliveries are to be allowed into beseiged areas.

Aid deliveries have been unable to enter parts of rebel-held Aleppo, a key part of the deal for the opposition.

The Syrian army has been fighting IS since last year near Deir el-Zour. It controls the airport and pockets of the city but is otherwise surrounded by IS.

Syrian state news agency SANA quoted an army statement saying it was a "serious and blatant attack" that enabled IS to overrun the Syrian army positions.

Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said at least 80 Syrian army soldiers had been killed.

The airstrikes come as Russia accuses the United States of failing to control rebel groups tied to "terrorist elements," in particular the Fatah al-Sham Front, previously known as al-Nusra Front, which was aligned with al-Qaeda.

Fatah al-Sham Front fights in the same area and cooperates with some rebels factions the US considers moderate, but have been reluctant to break with one of the strongest fighting forces on the ground.

On Saturday, Russian President Vladimir Putin questioned why the United States did not want to release a document of the ceasefire, which led to a UN Security Council meeting on the ceasefire to be canceled.

"This comes from the problems the US is facing on the Syrian track -- they still cannot separate the so-called healthy parts of the opposition from the half-criminal and terrorist elements," Putin said.

The United States has said moderate rebel groups must disassociate from Fatah al-Sham Front or face consequences.

cw/sms (AFP, AP, dpa, Reuters)


Anyway, I think Russia is right. U.S, U.K, France should give up on supporting the so called 'moderate' Syrian opposition. Seems to me that there is no more 'moderate' FSA' opposition. Majority of their fighters have jihadists inclinations or are associated with terrorists groups like Al nusra(Al Qaeda in Syria).
They should be bombed and cut off from any supplies/aid. We need to starve then out as much as possible. As it has become clear that many of these groups are in fact Islamic extremists fighting a 'holy crusade war' against 'infidels'. We should for once coordinate our airstrikes with the Russians on these terrorists groups.
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Makes no sense. It was .

Isil is like a whore that everyone sleeps with in secret whether USA , Assad regime , Russia or Syrian rebels .

You cant jump here and accuse Turkey of supporting Terrorism when your very own country supports PKK against Turkey .

You guys are a bunch of hypocrites and at the end you will sell the kurds Just like how you sold southern vitnamese before .
USA and Nato bombed Syrian Army base in support of ISIL terrorists attack .
Now when will the USA stop supporting shia and sunni Jihadists ?

They won't as those shia and sunni jihadists serve US interests well. A little bit of support here for the sunnis, a little bit of support for the shias over there. At the end of the day the conflict between the two prolongs and in the meantime America successfully walks away with the benefits and whatever goal it had set up for itself
They won't as those shia and sunni jihadists serve US interests well. A little bit of support here for the sunnis, a little bit of support for the shias over there. At the end of the day the conflict between the two prolongs and in the meantime America successfully walks away with the benefits and whatever goal it had set up for itself

Of-course they will never , this is part of the British nazi ideology to kill and genocide non-white christian people .

These British barbarians have been killing and conquering other people lands for centuries , good to see this shitty country breaking up .
Isil is like a whore that everyone sleeps with in secret whether USA , Assad regime , Russia or Syrian rebels .

You cant jump here and accuse Turkey of supporting Terrorism when your very own country supports PKK against Turkey .

You guys are a bunch of hypocrites and at the end you will sell the kurds Just like how you sold southern vitnamese before .
Isis is nothing but a tool of those (US and other stakeholders) that want to reshape the ME. As a scapegoat/smokescreen they put Turkey and some Arab countries to the front to divert world attention from themselves as they (US and some European countries) are responsible for the mess they created in Iraq in the first place. As for themselves, they assume the 'hero' role in 'combatting' isis :D One got to be a special retard to not see through all the inconsistencies and very big question marks regarding isis AND who in the end will walk away with the benefits isis provided them in those last years.
Majority of their fighters have jihadists inclinations or are associated with terrorists groups like Al nusra(Al Qaeda in Syria).
They should be bombed and cut off from any supplies/aid. We need to starve then out as much as possible. As it has become clear that many of these groups are in fact Islamic extremists fighting a 'holy crusade war' against 'infidels'. We should for once coordinate our airstrikes with the Russians on these terrorists groups.
You are being emotional :)
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Anyway, I think Russia is right. U.S, U.K, France should give up on supporting the so called 'moderate' Syrian opposition. Seems to me that there is no more 'moderate' FSA' opposition. Majority of their fighters have jihadists inclinations or are associated with terrorists groups like Al nusra(Al Qaeda in Syria).
They should be bombed and cut off from any supplies/aid. We need to starve then out as much as possible. As it has become clear that many of these groups are in fact Islamic extremists fighting a 'holy crusade war' against 'infidels'. We should for once coordinate our airstrikes with the Russians on these terrorists groups.

You think Russians will ever trust you after all the mess you created in the region for the past 3 centuries ?

This is your country's policy , always create chaos and spread Terrorism to justify your presence and taking over other countries in-directly .

If the united states really wanted to end Terrorism they would have done it long time ago , but the current policy aims to keep middle east in continuous wars until nation states break up into cantons based on ethnicity and sectarianism .

Before you made up communism , now islamism what about tomorrow ? you always have to create or make up an enemy to keep your military industrial complex running .

You are exact definition of racism and terrorism .
You think Russians will ever trust you after all the mess you created in the region for the past 3 centuries ?

This is your country's policy , always create chaos and spread Terrorism to justify your presence and taking over other countries in-directly .

If the united states really wanted to end Terrorism they would have done it long time ago , but the current policy aims to keep middle east in continuous wars until nation states break up into cantons based on ethnicity and sectarianism .

Before you made up communism , now islamism what about tomorrow ? you always have to create or make up an enemy to keep your military industrial complex running .

You are exact definition of racism and terrorism .
Glorious post hit the nail. Tomorrow it's most probably China's turn. You know what, bro? These Americans and West Europeans are in the delusion that they will always stay on top. A couple of centuries later, when the world balance will be changed real good hopefully, i sincerely hope the ME, Africa, South and central Americans and Asians will smarten up, join hands for some payback and put these Americans and Europeans in their place, it's only fair after all.
Glorious post hit the nail. Tomorrow it's most probably China's turn. You know what, bro? These Americans and West Europeans are in the delusion that they will always stay on top. A couple of centuries later, when the world balance will be changed real good hopefully, i sincerely hope the ME, Africa, South and central Americans and Asians will smarten up, join hands for some payback and put these Americans and Europeans in their place, it's only fair after all.

I agree but unfortunately Turkey still have to deal with Americans for another 2 decades until it become self-sufficient in weapon production and posses a deterrent weapon to defend itself from big powers.

In the meantime Turkey could ignore Europe especially useless countries like old Britain and Netherlands but you still have to deal with Germany and France for economic reasons .

I would not say centuries, in a few decades the balance will shift , like for instance Old Britain will turn into retirement center .

The only thing that differentiates USA from European clowns is that its a vibrant multicultural country , the USA will always manage to survive due to immigration but with the increasing number of Latinos and Non-whites i expect its overall policy to change in the future to be less aggressive and drop the British/Ango ideology of killing and invading non white countries .
Isil is like a whore that everyone sleeps with in secret whether USA , Assad regime , Russia or Syrian rebels .

You cant jump here and accuse Turkey of supporting Terrorism when your very own country supports PKK against Turkey .

You guys are a bunch of hypocrites and at the end you will sell the kurds Just like how you sold southern vitnamese before .
Who supports PKK? Have you seen our government supporting them PKK?
The support we have to the YPG was because of ISIS, before ISIS there was little to no military support towards them.
Additionally, you fail to mention Turkey along the U.S,U.K,RUSSIA,IRAN , Syrian rebels, Assad regime all using ISIS as their whore. lol
Anyway, you don seem to understand my point, I never accuse Turkey and ISIS, I was merely using one Turks finger pointing here to show them that I they want to start using articles and blameds on evil western powers then others can also point te very same finger at them(and they are many. Lol).

Finally, don't forget EVERY power involved in Syria is after their very own selfish interests first and foremost, the rest is all secondary. To think Some actors/powers involved are saints while others are hypocrites/evil is a joke.
It's all about interests , PERIOD. Same for Turkey.
It just so happens that some powers interests clash, there lies the real issue. It's not a matter of hypocrisy per se, JUST GEO political INTERESTS dude.

Of-course they will never , this is part of the British nazi ideology to kill and genocide non-white christian people .

These British barbarians have been killing and conquering other people lands for centuries , good to see this shitty country breaking up .

A Malaysian calling Britain a shitty country? :lol:
Old boyyyyyy, without your oil and the ethnic Chinese your county won't be different from other Muslim country without oil/gas : A Yemen/Somalia.
What does Malaysia even produce that is non oil related that is competitive globally? Zero. :sick:
Mate you are nowhere near qualified to call us a shitty country. :agree:
I agree but unfortunately Turkey still have to deal with Americans for another 2 decades until it become self-sufficient in weapon production and posses a deterrent weapon to defend itself from big powers.

In the meantime Turkey could ignore Europe especially useless countries like old Britain and Netherlands but you still have to deal with Germany and France for economic reasons .

I would not say centuries, in a few decades the balance will shift , like for instance Old Britain will turn into retirement center .

The only thing that differentiates USA from European clowns is that its a vibrant multicultural country , the USA will always manage to survive due to immigration but with the increasing number of Latinos and Non-whites i expect its overall policy to change in the future to be less aggressive and drop the British/Ango ideology of killing and invading non white countries .
Agreed, that's why i said centuries, because it's not only Turkey, but also countless of very poor countries around the globe that needs to develop to a good degree, unite and stand up against any US and EU adventure. Time is against the US and EU. Of course if it all happens in some decades, the better (might be able to see some action in my/our lifespan too :D).

You're right that Germany and France will continue to remain important in the coming time. I sincerely hope the millions of Turks in west Europe return to Turkey at some point, thus helping Germany and some other EU countries turn into a retirement center faster as well.

Although you have a point, Anglo-Saxons of the US might not be comfortable with that as they like to see themselves in the driver's seat. Splitting ups between the states could occur. Anyway, more non-whites in the US will probably be better for world peace as long as they dont serve the interests of those e.g. Bush and Obama has been serving.
Glorious post hit the nail. Tomorrow it's most probably China's turn. You know what, bro? These Americans and West Europeans are in the delusion that they will always stay on top. A couple of centuries later, when the world balance will be changed real good hopefully, i sincerely hope the ME, Africa, South and central Americans and Asians will smarten up, join hands for some payback and put these Americans and Europeans in their place, it's only fair after all.
Lmao. Why wait centuries? You can quit this evil NATO NOW. Why have you Ben sleeping under U S/U.K/Western powers NATO against the Soviets for over half a century? Lool
You can still quit this 'evil' grouping and Join China and Russia, never too late.
Don't just talk the talk, walk the talk. :)

I agree but unfortunately Turkey still have to deal with Americans for another 2 decades until it become self-sufficient in weapon production and posses a deterrent weapon to defend itself from big powers.

In the meantime Turkey could ignore Europe especially useless countries like old Britain and Netherlands but you still have to deal with Germany and France for economic reasons .

I would not say centuries, in a few decades the balance will shift , like for instance Old Britain will turn into retirement center .

The only thing that differentiates USA from European clowns is that its a vibrant multicultural country , the USA will always manage to survive due to immigration but with the increasing number of Latinos and Non-whites i expect its overall policy to change in the future to be less aggressive and drop the British/Ango ideology of killing and invading non white countries .

Lool I don't even know what you are on about dude. You should focus on SEA . You certainly don't know what you are talking about.
Do you even know that we are actually the only country in Europe who was more pro Turkey in the E U and pushing for their integration? Same with military cooperation and assistance. France and Germany are actually their most vocal opponent against . Lmao.
You should really read more before you talk. Seems like you got a beef with 'anglo Saxon' Britain. Is it because we colonised you or something? strange........
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