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Turkish Navy to be in strongest position with major Projects

As you know REIS ( Type-214TN ) class AIP Submarines produce under license in Turkiye

Turkish software , Command and Control System , weapons , etc ( 81% indigenous Systems )

-- Underwater Combat Management System software
-- System Software

-- ATLAS ELEKTRONIK ISUS-90/72 Integrated Underwater Command and Control System
-- HAVELSAN SEDA Sonar Integrated Command and Control System
-- HAVELSAN SDDS Submarine Data Distribution System
-- HAVELSAN TORAKS Torpedo Firing Control System

ATMACA Anti ship Missile
GEZGIN Land attack Cruise Missile
AKYA heavyweight Torpedo
ARES-2NS Electronic Warfare System
ZARGANA Soft-kill Torpedo counter measure System
TORK Hard-kill Torpedo Countermeasure System

HAVELSAN Sonar Integrated Submarine Command and Control System
View attachment 774193

HAVELSAN Submarine Data Distribution System
View attachment 774194
View attachment 774189
but are you sure about software because the project delayed because of that disagreement over software which no one wanted to step back from its stand
but are you sure about software because the project delayed because of that disagreement over software which no one wanted to step back from its stand

The software is Turkish entirely and Reis have never seen any delay. There is really not much anyone can offer Turkey since they do have one of the leading defense industry in the world and not many can add anything to their projects as they are ahead of the rest in many fields and engineering in this decade. The US itself are nowadays studying turkish technology and attempting to copy I read a piece not long ago speaking about this
but are you sure about software because the project delayed because of that disagreement over software which no one wanted to step back from its stand

since 2013 ,The West wants to destroy president ERDOGAN and to create PKK/YPG Terror State in Syria
therefore USA , Germany , etc dont sale anything to Turkiye

Germany blocked sale of MTU Engine for ALTAY Tank
France blocked EUROSAM to work with Turkiye for Air Defense Systems
Even USA blocked transfer of F-35 Fighter Jets to Turkiye
also USA doesnt sale MK-41 VLS , RAM , ESSM ,etc to Turkiye for Naval projects

Turkiye and Germany have signed deal for 6 Type-2014TN class Submarines in 2009
and the first Submarine in the project was planned to enter the inventory in 2015, but there were delays due to some problems from Germany

We have started production of Submarines in 2017

-- It is the use of HY-80 and HY-100 steel used in the construction of the Submarine. it was imported from Austria

-- Another important issue was the RAM paint which provides the privacy of the Submarine, dampens the sonar waves and makes it difficult to detect the Submarine

and many subsystems, sensors and sonars to be used in Submarines were produced locally in Turkiye
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prototypes or ideas ?

only projects which were confirmed by the Turkish Armed Forces and by the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries

-- 6 Type-214TN class AIP Submarines
-- MILDEN class AIP Submarine development project
-- 4 ADA class stealth Corvettes
-- 4 ISTIF class stealth Frigates
-- 4+4 TF-2000 class Destroyers
-- Barbaros Class Frigate Half-Life Modernization Project ( 4 Frigates )
-- 10 Offshore Patrol Ships
-- 10 New Type FACs
-- TCG UFUK Electronic Warfare Ship
-- 2+2 BAYRAKTAR class LST
-- TCG ANADOLU Amphibious Assault Ship
-- TCG TRAKYA heavy Attack Drone Carrier
-- 1 Fleet Replenishment Tanker

if we are talking about prototypes or ideas , then lets go

YONTECH Fast Attack Craft
View attachment 774196

TAIS Frigate 140
View attachment 774186

STM TF-4500 class Frigate
View attachment 774182

ASELSAN F-2023 Frigate
View attachment 774183

STM TS-1700 class Submarine
View attachment 774187

STM500 mini-attack Submarine
View attachment 774185
You forgot to say "noone can match regional superpower Türkiye"
You forgot to say "noone can match regional superpower Türkiye"

no need to say

everybody sees Turkish Power in İraq,Syria,Azerbaijan,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean
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The software is Turkish entirely and Reis have never seen any delay. There is really not much anyone can offer Turkey since they do have one of the leading defense industry in the world and not many can add anything to their projects as they are ahead of the rest in many fields and engineering in this decade. The US itself are nowadays studying turkish technology and attempting to copy I read a piece not long ago speaking about this
well as far as I knew it have been delayed for several years
unmanned stealth fighter jet in 2023? Lol not by 2043 i guarantee you that much.
unmanned stealth fighter jet in 2023? Lol not by 2043 i guarantee you that much.

wait and see by 2023 or 2043

BAYKAR says unmanned stealth fighter jet MIUS will make first flight by 2023

5 years ago same jokers also said that Turkey can not develop UCAV

RESULT : as of 2020 Turkey was become Drone Super Power in the World
and Turkey’s extensive deployment of Armed Drones in Syria,Libya,Azerbaijan has put forward a "new military doctrine" in the world

BAYKAR has developed AKINCI UCAV which is one of the best in the World

first flight : December 6, 2019
entered service : August 29 , 2021

to carry even 280km SOM Cruise Missile ( land attack/anti-ship capabilities )
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unmanned stealth fighter jet in 2023? Lol not by 2043 i guarantee you that much.

Watch and see 2023 or 2043

KIZILELMA was developed to operate from the TCG ANADOLU Amphibious Assault Ship

-- Featuring a low radar signature thanks to its design
-- Internal weapon bay for stealth flight capability
-- high situational awareness with EOTS and AESA Radar
-- supersonic speed with AI-322F or TF-6000 Engine .. ( mach 1,4 )
-- to carry 150-280 km CAKIR and SOM-J Cruise Missiles ( land attack - anti ship )
also 100+ km GOKDOGAN air to air missile

Strategic offensives
Missile offensives
Close air support (CAS)
Suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD)
Destruction of enemy air defenses (DEAD)

F-35B : 15.6 m
KIZILELMA : 14,7 m

KIZILELMA could revolutionize the battlefield with its key landing and take-off capabilities on Ships with short runways as like TCG ANADOLU



TCG ANADOLU enter service by 2023

180+ km KUZGUN-TJ Missile is coming to change the game in the Eastern Mediterranean

Hellenic Navy Frigates armed with only 16 x SAMs
Egyptian Navy FREMM Frigates armed with only 16 x SAMs
Egyptian Navy MEKO-A200 Frigates armed with only 32 x SAMs
French Navy FREMM Frigates armed with only 16 x SAMs
French Navy HORIZON Destroyers armed with only 48 x SAMs

On the other hand , 10 AKINCI UCAVs to carry 80 KUZGUN-TJ Missiles for swarm attack on enemy Frigate ..... and game over !

Also AKSUNGUR , F-16 , HURJET and KIZILELMA will carry KUZGUN-TJ Missiles and Turkiye to produce a great number of KUZGUN-TJ Missiles to be fired from even Unmanned Combat Vessels

Hellenic , Egyptian , French Navies can not stop swarm attack of 80 KUZGUN-TJ Missiles

KUZGUN-TJ Missile with IIR or RF seeker

Anyway, as we say in the Arab world Ma3alena let's move on. Greek ships and the newer Egyptian ships should make a powerhouse in the Med against anyone who might have crazy ideas.

Turkiye is powerhouse in the Med against anyone
If Turkiye want
Egypt and Greece can not enter even Turkish EEZ ....

Thanks to 250-380 km S400 and 100-150 km SIPER Air Defense Systems
Thanks to 250 km ATMACA coastal defense Missile

Even 250+ Turkish TB-2 , ANKA , AKSUNGUR , AKINCI UCAVs are enough to wipe out Hellenic+Egyptian Navies combined

Egyptian Navy FREMM Frigates armed with only 16 x SAMs ... ( range of 35km )
Egyptian Navy MEKO-A200 Frigates armed with only 32 x SAMs ... ( range of 35km )

so pathetic fire power

10 AKINCI UCAVs to carry 80 KUZGUN-TJ Missiles for swarm attack on enemy Frigate ..
and game over !

also 110 km TOLUN-IIR guided Bomb , 150 km KGK-LR IIR guided Bomb
280 km SOM anti-ship Missile , also 150 km CAKIR anti-ship missile on the way




KIZILELMA and HURJET are coming
and 500 HARPOON , SLAM-ER , HARM Missiles

Turkish Navy 16 Frigates armed with 672 SAMs ..
on the other hand 13 Greek Frigates armed with 208 SAMs
3 new FREMM Frigates armed with 48 SAMas and 4 MEKO-A200 Frigates armed with 128 SAMs

total of 208+48+128 = 384 SAMs for 20 Frigates

even I am not talking about 235 F-16s , 16 Frigates , 4 Corvettes , 12+6 Submarines , 22 FACs and dozens of unmanned Combat Vessels

Stop dreaming with pathetic FREMM and MEKO-A200 Frigates and old ELLI , HYDRA class Frigates

only 16 x SAMs ... to fire 32 x TRLG-230 supersonic missiles on FREMM Frigate and game over


even to fire 16 x SIMSEK kamikaze Drones with E/O camera to hit Radar of enemy Warship from 200 km away

even 10 AKINCI and AKSUNGUR UCAVs to carry 80 ALPAGUT kamikaze Drones with TV + IIR to hit Radar of enemy Warship from 60 km away

even Turkish F-16 Fighter Jets to carry HGK-82 guided Bombs with RF seeker to hit enemy Warships from 65 km away within hours

and so-called new FREMM and MEKO-A200 Frigates armed with 35 km ASTER-15 or 40 km VL-MICA SAMs which can never stop Turkish fire power

Stop dreaming with pathetic FREMM and MEKO-A200 Frigates and old ELLI , HYDRA class Frigates

I'll dream and talk about the Egyptian Navy that will swallow your pathetic Turkiyyyeee plywood mockups, so zip it and keep dreaming you're such a powerhouse.


even to fire 16 x SIMSEK kamikaze Drones with E/O camera to hit Radar of enemy Warship from 200 km away

even 10 AKINCI and AKSUNGUR UCAVs to carry 80 ALPAGUT kamikaze Drones with TV + IIR to hit Radar of enemy Warship from 60 km away

Nothing but a bunch of PATHETIC daydreaming plywood paper mâché makeup for dreamers like you. Enjoy. For me, the real thing in the water showing firepower like the Egyptian Navy where the TURKIIIYYYYEEEE navy doesn't dare set sail in with its cardboard mockups. Remind us all how many of those goofy birastakharra were shot down in Libya and the Ukraine? Their debris is literred all over the battlefield that now they're better off using store-bought drones droping mortars where Russians are catching them by hand and tossing them LOLOLO! I couldn't believe it when I saw that because Zelensky himself said the Biaraktkharra is worthless. Another public consumption.
That looks like some pretty serious plastic. How fast is that going to melt under the wings of an F-16? Right after takeoff? Spare me the BS and leave us alone, stop being so jealous that the Egyptian Navy is turning into a powerhouse in a couple of years and we're not even interested in your EEZ. We're teaming up with another powerhouse the Hellenic Navy to make sure YOU don't steal any of OUR EEZ. Got it? Good.
I'll dream and talk about the Egyptian Navy that will swallow your pathetic Turkiyyyeee plywood mockups, so zip it and keep dreaming you're such a powerhouse.

plywood mockups ? another liar with anti-Turkiye feelings

Pakistan,Indonesia,Ukraine,Qatar,Azerbaijan,Poland,Morocco,Algeria,Libya and dozens of Countries bought Warships , UCAVs , Ballistic Missiles , Cruise Missiles , Guided MLRS , medium and high altitude Air Defense Systems and many more from Turkiye

Keep dreaming with your Egypt which can not develop even Anti-Ship Missile

Turkiye is powerhouse in the region

-- Turkiye has bigger GDP than Egypt+Greece+$160 billion combined
-- Turkiye has $250+ billion export rate which is bigger than Egypt+Greece+Israel+$100 billion combined .... ( because Turkiye is only industrialized country in the region )

-- Turkish defense industry is bigger than Greece+Egypt+all Arab countries combined

-- No any Egyptian military base abroad
Turkish military bases in Iraq ,Syria,TRNC ,Azerbaijan,Albania,Qatar,Somalia and Libya

Only Turkish UCAVs , Kamikaze Drones and Missiles are enough to wipe out Egyptian Navy with in a day

SOM , ATMACA , TRLG-230 , KARGI , SIMSEK , TB-2 , ANKA , AKSUNGUR , AKINCI and now KIZILELMA are not plywood mockups

What about your new FREMM Frigate ? armed with only 16 x ASTER-15 SAMs ..so pathetic

even Turkish Navy armed with 672 SAMs , Hellenic+Egyptian Navies armed with 544 SAMs

Turkish TAYFUN Ballistic Missiles can hit even Naval Bases in Port Said and Alexandria

still dreaming about weak Egypt ...
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Nothing but a bunch of PATHETIC daydreaming plywood paper mâché makeup for dreamers like you. Enjoy. For me, the real thing in the water showing firepower like the Egyptian Navy where the TURKIIIYYYYEEEE navy doesn't dare set sail in with its cardboard mockups.

Typical silly posts as like Greek troll Foinikas
Send Egyptian Navy to the Aegean and Turkish EEZ , then everybody will see what will happen

Yes , Egyptian navy with pathetic fire power... only 16 x SAMs pathetic FREMM Frigates

even to fire 36 TRLG-230 supersonic Missiles ...and game over !

even AKINCI UCAV to carry 4 x TRLG-230 supersonic Missiles with range of 150 km


Egyptian Navy can not reach to Turkish Coastlines ... not even close

Thanks to 250 km ATMACA Coastal Defense Missile




Also Turkiye produce 495 SOM Cruise Missiles with anti-ship Capability


Even I am not talking about 500 HARPOON , SLAM-ER and HARM Missiles and hundreds of KGK-LR , TOLUN-IIR guided Bombs to turn Egyptian Navy into crap of metal

Egyptian Navy 3 FREMM and 4 MEKO-A200 Frigates armed with total of 176 SAMs

even Turkish TAYFUN Ballistic Missiles can hit Naval Bases in Port Said and Alexandria

still dreaming about weak Egypt ...


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That looks like some pretty serious plastic. How fast is that going to melt under the wings of an F-16? Right after takeoff? Spare me the BS and leave us alone, stop being so jealous that the Egyptian Navy is turning into a powerhouse in a couple of years and we're not even interested in your EEZ. We're teaming up with another powerhouse the Hellenic Navy to make sure YOU don't steal any of OUR EEZ. Got it? Good.

That looks like some pretty serious plastic ?

Turkish weapons will wake up all daydreamers when it explodes on their head

watch and see plastic or real

100+ km SDB

even AKINCI UCAV to carry TOLUN guided munition

100+ km TOLUN-IIR , ( IIR seeker variant of SDB to hit even moving Warships )

Also 180+ km KUZGUN-TJ Missile is coming to hit enemy Warships

110 km KUZGUN-SS
180+ km KUZGUN-TJ

10 AKINCI UCAVs to carry 80 KUZGUN missiles for swarm attack on enemy Frigate and game over !

keep dreaming with your pathetic FREMM Frigate which armed with only 16x SAMs

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