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Turkish Maroon berets - (beat Delta force aswell)

Targon is just talking , if a bullet passed next to him he would start crying.

Because they're the only full time soldiers in the world ? I repeated many times there is pretty much no real reason to put them among the best, depends on what we can do that ? only a real war situation will show how good they're.

Who said their the best? it just shows they have won a contest and they did good operations and if you research better you can see even what other countries soldiers who met them got to say .
Because they're the only full time soldiers in the world ? I repeated many times there is pretty much no real reason to put them among the best, depends on what we can do that ? only a real war situation will show how good they're.

Show me a military and their military personel who have Been fighting a small scale war on a mountainous terrain for 30 years. Show a military that is prepared for snowy terrain.

Choppers wont do a damn thing. Tanks wont do a damn thing. You need Foot soldiers to go in and clean. Some Greek here wrote: " first thing they taught us is respect the enemy". In Turkish army the phrase: "you Will get killed, nobody Will give a damn about."

The terrorists fear us. Those are well trained soldiers.
I guess nobody here is able to understand me, I'm saying depends on what are you claiming they're the best ? compared to who ? depends what achievement ?

Nationalistic obsess in my country killing me.

Surviving this long in this shithole aka middle east, surrounded by enemy states and backward regimes, with traitors crawling insde of our country, no need to mention 30 years of terrorism... But we managed to keep our integrity and our democracy, yeah it is not the best but it still a democracy, its just not working as it should be thanks to our current government. Our economy is also relatively good when you compared it to other countries in the region. And to whom we must be thankful?

Accomplishing these in this shithole, you need to have one of the best armies in the world. And TAF is one of them no doubt about that.

You may name it as "Nationalistic obsess" and keep trying to show yourself as different person than others, an intellectual...
What are they achieved in that 30 years old conflict ? we got 2 of the high ranking leaders, both them handed to us by foreigners, that was supposed to be job of these guys.

Don't kill me over this but I don't think we successed in the PKK conflict :) we were far more powerful, we had the advantage, but sometiems political mistakes, sometimes military mistakes, we couldn't not destroyed the PKK, you're seeing the news, every week, actually everyday we're seeing news about new strikes, more fallen, more wounded, PKK today is strong as they were in some 20 years ago.
What are they achieved in that 30 years old conflict ? we got 2 of the high ranking leaders, both them handed to us by foreigners, that was supposed to be job of these guys.

Don't kill me over this but I don't think we successed in the PKK conflict :) we were far more powerful, we had the advantage, but sometiems political mistakes, sometimes military mistakes, we couldn't not destroyed the PKK, you're seeing the news, every week, actually everyday we're seeing news about new strikes, more fallen, more wounded, PKK today is strong as they were in some 20 years ago.

Whose fault is that? The army's or the government's?
What are they achieved in that 30 years old conflict ? we got 2 of the high ranking leaders, both them handed to us by foreigners, that was supposed to be job of these guys.

Don't kill me over this but I don't think we successed in the PKK conflict :) we were far more powerful, we had the advantage, but sometiems political mistakes, sometimes military mistakes, we couldn't not destroyed the PKK, you're seeing the news, every week, actually everyday we're seeing news about new strikes, more fallen, more wounded, PKK today is strong as they were in some 20 years ago.

Solving the conflict is easy, if you have means. Killing flies wont bring positive results as long as swamp exists.

Besides means, outside powers dont want you to solve the problem. you cannot solve anything even if you want.
- we need a proffesional army

- generalizations and superlatives are problamatic but still I can not see a problem with such a statment '' Turkish army is among the best''

-we Turks (as an adjective without a possible racist connotation) are notorious for our cultural creatives, you know I mean... in the fields of for instance art, architecture, literature and lets add science as well... (sarcasm) most of the time Turkish history is just a military history... and for me there is nothing to be proud of or to be ashamed of....this is just a fact
What are they achieved in that 30 years old conflict ? we got 2 of the high ranking leaders, both them handed to us by foreigners, that was supposed to be job of these guys.

Don't kill me over this but I don't think we successed in the PKK conflict :) we were far more powerful, we had the advantage, but sometiems political mistakes, sometimes military mistakes, we couldn't not destroyed the PKK, you're seeing the news, every week, actually everyday we're seeing news about new strikes, more fallen, more wounded, PKK today is strong as they were in some 20 years ago.

Semdin sakik caught by bordo bereli .



His book


- we need a proffesional army

- I can not see a problem with such a statment '' Turkish army is among the best''

-we Turks (as an adjective without a possible racist connotation) are notorious for our cultural creatives, you know I mean... in the fields of for instance art, architecture, literature, science... (sarcasm) most of the time Turkish history is just a military history... and for me there is nothing to be proud of or to be ashamed of....this is just a fact

Thats why EVERY TURKS IS BORN A SOLDIER , i know no other race with similar military history , but lets leave history for knw.


Targon you know what PKK's say about Bordo Bereliler dont you?

Bu yazı Mağarada bulunmuştur;

*Eğer bi asker sizi gördüğü zaman durmadan ateş ediyorsa bilin ki ...o acemidir.
Kurşununun bitmesini bekleyin, bittiği zaman gidin kafasına sıkın...

...* Eğer sadece sizi gördüğü zaman ateş ediyor, saklandığınız zaman duruyorsa o bir komandodur.
Kaçın ve canınızı kurtarın...

* Eğer sizi gördüğü zaman ortadan kaybolmuşsa ve etraf sessizse bilinki o bordo berelidir.
Bişey yapmanıza gerek yok.O sizi bulur ve Öldürür..
I agree with Targon. Don't judge me but Turkey has not been in a "real" war since WW1 and the War of independence. On the other hand when you look at USA, Russia or Iran you see that they have experienced full scale war for a long time the last couple of decades. Be realistic, fighting against a couple of mountain monkeys does not count as real war.
We Turks as a history have been a war people, but that was ancient times, today we are children of peace. Is it good or bad? Well that is personal opinion.
- How do you understand whether you encountered a Turkish soldier?
- He empties his magazine firing towards us.
- How do you understand whether you encountered a commando?
- He fires half of the magazine.
- How do you understand whether you encountered Maroon Beret or not?
- ...
What are they achieved in that 30 years old conflict ? we got 2 of the high ranking leaders, both them handed to us by foreigners, that was supposed to be job of these guys.

Don't kill me over this but I don't think we successed in the PKK conflict :) we were far more powerful, we had the advantage, but sometiems political mistakes, sometimes military mistakes, we couldn't not destroyed the PKK, you're seeing the news, every week, actually everyday we're seeing news about new strikes, more fallen, more wounded, PKK today is strong as they were in some 20 years ago.

You should read some history man , in 1998 PKK was finished till 2003 after USA into iraq were they got breathing space again and AKP soft policies or PKK was finished . Russian army lost a WAR to chechens , they thought in a much easier terrain mostly jungles and trees , where anything can go , tanks , APC , jets anything , while you cant go with a tank onto the mountains , just look at other similar examples and you will see how we are succesfull.
I agree with Targon. Don't judge me but Turkey has not been in a "real" war since WW1 and the War of independence. On the other hand when you look at USA, Russia or Iran you see that they have experienced full scale war for a long time the last couple of decades. Be realistic, fighting against a couple of mountain monkeys does not count as real war.
We Turks as a history have been a war people, but that was ancient times, today we are children of peace. Is it good or bad? Well that is personal opinion.

Again another internet kid , just read korea war , we stood back a chinese force 3 times as ours and stopped a whole UN force getting encircled.

"The surprise of the Korean battles were not the Chinese but the Turks. It is impossible at this moment to find a word to describe the heroism which the Turks have shown in the battles." - Abent Post

"The Turks have shown in Kunuri a heroism worthy of their glorious history. The Turks have gained the admiration of the whole world through their glorious fighting in the battles." - Figaro

"The Turks who have been known throughout history by their courage and decency, have proved that they have kept these characteristics, in the war which the United Nations undertook in Korea." - Burner - U.S. Congressman

"I now understand that the vote I gave in favor of assistance to Turkey was the most fitting vote I gave in my life. Courage, bravery and heroism are the greatest virtues which will sooner or later conquer. In this matter, I know no nation superior to the Turks." - Rose - U.S. Senator

"The Turks are the hero of heroes. There is no impossibility for the Turkish Brigade." - General Douglas MacArthur - United Nations Forces Commander in Chief

"The heroic soldiers of a heroic nation, you have saved the Eighth Army and the IX'th Army Crops from encirclement and the 2nd Division from destruction. I came here today to thank you on behalf of the United Nations Army." - General Walton H. Walker, Commander, Eighth Army

"We owe the escape of thousands of United Nations troops out of a certain encirclement to the heroism of the Turkish soldiers. The Turkish soldiers in Korea have added a new and unforgettable page of honor to the customs and legends of heroism of the Turkish nation." - Emanuel Shinwell - U.K. Minister of Defense

The commander in chief of the United Nations Forces, General Matthew B. Ridgway, said, "I had heard of the fame of the Turkish soldiers before I came to Korea. The truth is I had not really believed what I had heard. But I now understand that in fact you are the best, and most trustworthy soldiers of the world" and thus explained the emotions he felt and the assessments he reached from the Teagyewonni Battle.
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