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Turkish Air Defence Programs


Turkey test-fires indigenous HİSAR-A missile
ANKARA - Anadolu Agency

Turkish defense companies successfully test-fired its domestically produced HİSAR-A missile on Feb. 1 in the Central Anatolian province of Aksaray.

The Turkish Defense Ministry said in a statement that the HİSAR missile project has been successfully continuing under the Defense Industry Undersecretariat (SSM) to address the needs of the Turkish Land Forces Command.

The low-altitude HİSAR-A missile system will play an important role in Turkey’s air defense, said the statement.

Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli attended the test launch, which was carried out by Turkey’s leading defense contractors Roketsan and Aselsan, it said.

During the test, the missile was successfully fired from the launch system and continued to fly with programmed maneuvers and completed the flight after the firing of the second pulse engine.

HİSAR missiles are defense weapons developed to protect military bases, ports, facilities and troops against air-based threats as well as to meet the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces for a low- and medium-altitude air defense security system.

In this context, HİSAR’s radar, command and control and fire control systems were developed by Aselsan, while Roketsan was responsible for the development of the missile system.

HİSAR systems are effective against aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and air-to-ground missiles.
Turkish 'Iron Dome'


Israel's "Iron Dome" -like air defense system against the increasing missile and rocket thread in the borders was acted. The system that will provide protection against rockets and mortar rounds was discussed at the meeting of the Defense Industry Executive Committee held under President Tayyip Erdoğan's presidency.

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Turkish 'Iron Dome'


Israel's "Iron Dome" -like air defense system against the increasing missile and rocket thread in the borders was acted. The system that will provide protection against rockets and mortar rounds was discussed at the meeting of the Defense Industry Executive Committee held under President Tayyip Erdoğan's presidency.


Aselsan C-RAM Missile
-C-RAM missile to be effective against mortars, artillery shells and artillery rockets to protect critical installations.
-Korkut twin barrel gun system will also be modified to provide similar missions along with domestic missile.

Source: Aselsan Magazine 02/2017
Turkish 'Iron Dome'


Israel's "Iron Dome" -like air defense system against the increasing missile and rocket thread in the borders was acted. The system that will provide protection against rockets and mortar rounds was discussed at the meeting of the Defense Industry Executive Committee held under President Tayyip Erdoğan's presidency.


as far as i know iron dome is more complicated system than other air defence systems. it will take at least 10 years
Countering mortar and artillary shells with missiles, could be quite costly. Unless of course we get to kill the culprits everytime they try. What's the range of the mortars the terrorists are using ?
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