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Turkey Ready for War with Syria

Not only Middle East, M E militarily is a joke compared to Turkey!
Turkey should neither militarily support the Rebels, give them a political voice instead nor should it fall into the trap of attacking Syria.

These are detractors for Turkey's progress. Military action should be reserved for self-defence as was the case in the flotilla incident, where Turkey was on the right.
Turkey should neither militarily support the Rebels, give them a political voice instead nor should it fall into the trap of attacking Syria.

These are detractors for Turkey's progress. Military action should be reserved for self-defence as was the case in the flotilla incident, where Turkey was on the right.

Syrian dissidents to draft ‘road map’ in Istanbul

Thursday, September 29, 2011


ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News

Syrian dissidents from different groups are having several meetings in Istanbul this week to finalize a unified Syrian opposition road map for political groups about how to build a democratic Syria

To unite their efforts and ideas for the National Council of Syria, representatives from various Syrian opposition groups, still struggling to agree on a strategy for their bid to oust the Bashar al-Assad’s regime, are holding a series of meetings in Istanbul this week.

Details on opening a representation office in Turkey are also being discussed in the meetings, and they are planning to make a press statement on Friday if they manage to agree on a joint road map, a member of the Syrian opposition said.

“We are discussing draft papers on how to represent the council and Syrian opposition parties, a road map on political parties on how to achieve a democratic Syria, and other roles and responsibilities and documents for policies,” Molham Aldrobi, a senior Muslim Brotherhood activist involved in the talks, told the Hürriyet Daily News on Thursday.

“We have been holding meetings since Tuesday with major political parties from Syria to build a unified, united representation. Things are positive and we are moving forward,” he said.

PM backs oppening an opposition office in Turkey

The opening of an opposition office in Turkey, which Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said

Ankara would support, appears

to be pending on the outcome of the talks.

“Once this happens it will be easier to go forward in opening representation offices around the globe, including Turkey,” Aldrobi said.The meeting Wednesday was for the “representation of all the conferences that had taken place before,” Aldrobi said, adding that the meetings included the Damascus Declaration group, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Syrian National Council, whose members were announced in Istanbul on Sept. 15. The Syrian National Council is composed of 140 members, half living in Syria and the rest being exiled dissidents trying to lead the opposition.

Syrian dissidents have held several meetings in Istanbul and in Antalya in recent months as Assad’s regime stepped up its crackdown on protestors across the country. Several groups aiming to represent the Syrian opposition have emerged though with different political identities and approaches toward how to proceed with opposition activities. k HDN

Thursday, September 29, 2011
this is crazy. Turkey should not start a war with Syria it will be suicidal for both
Syrians should have a syrian revolution without interference of any other country

Assad don't be crazy and mess with a Nation - that knows how to play with death.

Alçak yerde yatma sel alır, yüksek yerde yatma yel alır.

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On second thoughts <just kidding> the Turks can always send Polat Alemdar and co, to sort out Assad, isn't Abdulhey Kurdish???

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Turkey better save their weapon for Israel.......

Turkey has better things to do rather than pander to Arab fantasies and hate. Right now they are having an issue with refugees flooding in. I can understand this as it is a stark reminder of our case 40 years ago. Turkey's economy is for Turks and legal expats, not for unlimited refugees that are flooding their land.
What actually Davutoglu said was Turkey is ready to respond all kinds of threats to its security. So unless Syrian Ba'ath regime doesn't do anything stupid I don't think our nation is gonna fire the first bullet.
this statement means only one thing: we must do something about it. main principals of this "something":

1. we can not let syrian sunni people died in syrian army hands.
2. we can not believe assad words anymore.
3. we can not let more iranian troops coming in syria.
4. we can not let more weapons and ammo coming in syria.
5. we warn you first with diplomatic ways. if assad no answering our calls this conflict going to be a local war. turkey is ready for this, are syria ready?
6. we can not forget your support pkk. if you give a little bit of more support, we fight against syria.
7. everybody knows we are almost begun military operations in &#305;raq this days. and this operation doesnt like before.
8. we know, you know, and everybody knows syrian administration is on the edge. and shadow is turkish military is enough to change syrian internal balance.
9. sooner or later asad will go. israel what kind of administration like in your north border? turkey has a big impact in syrian administration in near future.
10. we can not and wish not invade syria. syria must be a indipendence country in future.

step by step bros. this decleration only mean warning. nothing more...
Over few months ago, Turkey denied to invade Syria but now it is starting. What happen to Russia/China veto against Syria? Did they permit them? I am sick of Assad killing its own people :angry:

I think Pakistan troops should be sent along with Turkey. It should be strong enough to destory enemies.
Over few months ago, Turkey denied to invade Syria but now it is starting. What happen to Russia/China veto against Syria? Did they permit them? I am sick of Assad killing its own people :angry:

I think Pakistan troops should be sent along with Turkey. It should be strong enough to destory enemies.

no, we are not going to intervene. unlees the ba'ath army is stupid enough to fire at us, or do something that harms Turkey.

i to am sick of assad killing his own people, but right now. nothing can be done. Turkey has brought several different sanctions on Syria to show them that enough is enough!
We will invade it yes but will leave it once a new goverment is formed who truly represents the Syrian people, this automatically will be a pro-Turkish one. After that's done Turkish Army will leave the country!
We will invade it yes but will leave it once a new goverment is formed who truly represents the Syrian people, this automatically will be a pro-Turkish one. After that's done Turkish Army will leave the country!

The sad thing is the murderer Assad could have been a hero, if he accepted the peoples demand for free and fair elections, maybe he could have even won, by using the Armed Forces against civilians, he joins a long list of tyrants killing their own people.
Because he simply doesnt respect his people, he considers them as worthless sheeps who can be slaughtered anytime nothing more!
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